A proposal to change the state’s Save Our Homes property-tax cap cleared its first legislative committee on Wednesday, despite concerns that it might force counties to cut services or shift the tax burden.
The Senate Community Affairs Committee voted 8-1 to approve a proposed constitutional amendment (SJR 122) that would provide bigger savings to homeowners. Currently, Save Our Homes places a 3 percent cap on annual increases in taxable values of homesteaded property. The proposal would lower that to 2 percent.
The Republican-controlled committee also voted 6-3 along party lines to approve an accompanying bill (SB 120) that would carry out the proposed constitutional amendment if it is approved by voters. The proposed amendment would go on the 2024 ballot.
Senators pointed to a rough estimate that the change could cut local-government revenues statewide by about $150 million a year, but a detailed projection has not been issued.
Sen. Bryan Avila, a Miami Springs Republican who is sponsoring the proposal, said efforts will be made to protect small rural counties that have relatively small tax bases and are at maximum tax rates. But he added that the change would require counties to “reassess” spending.
“There will be an impact,” Avila said. “But the other side of this is that the Florida Legislature has continuously made decisions in order to prioritize our residents and make sure that the cost of living is low.”
Voters approved the Save Our Homes measure in 1992. It allows taxable values to increase up to 3 percent a year or the change in the Consumer Price Index, whichever is lower.
While the Senate committee backed the changes Wednesday, concerns were raised that reductions in local revenues could require cuts in services or lead to more reliance on taxes from non-homesteaded properties.
Bob McKee, a Florida Association of Counties lobbyist, said the proposal would shift the tax burden further away from homesteaded properties.
“It used to be the principle of property tax (was) that I could walk out my front door and I can look across the street and I could say to myself, ‘If I have to pay the tax, at least the person across the street has to bear the same burden,’” McKee said. “That is no longer the case in Florida. And this bill moves further and further away from that. This bill is a tax shift because it shifts from those who receive the services to those who do not without regard to the millage rate.”
With housing costs increasing, Sen. Jason Pizzo, D-Hollywood, said lawmakers need to address other issues, such as spiraling insurance costs.
But Pizzo said he expects the proposal would pass if it goes on the ballot. It would require approval from at least 60 percent of voters.
“If we put on the ballot that we’re going to lower the cap on property taxes from 3 (percent) to 2 percent, you’re probably going to get a 72 percent ‘yes’ vote on the ballot because I don’t think people contemplate what they’re giving up,” Pizzo said.
In voting against both measures, Sen. Lori Berman, D-Boca Raton, said she was “shocked” a staff analysis lacked projections of the potential lost revenue.
“I really think we need to understand and know what the true fiscal (amount) is going to be because we’ve heard from the counties that they are going to be hurting if we do something like this,” Berman said.
A staff analysis said state economists determined the change would have an “indeterminate positive fiscal impact” on homesteaded property owners and “an indeterminate negative fiscal impact on local governments as their ability to raise assessments on homestead property will be reduced.”
The proposal has the backing of Miami-Dade County, where Avila said the impact could be $7 million in lost revenue. The county has a budget topping $11 billion.
The proposal is filed for consideration during the legislative session that will start March 7. Identical measures (HJR 469 and HB 471) have been filed in the House.
–Jim Turner, News Service of Florida
Dennis C Rathsam says
A deal should help seniors! Most retiree,s live on SS, maybe a pension, or a 401K! With the currant state of the Biden economy, we need any help we can get. Everythings gone south in just a few short years, Balloon Joe GOTTA GO!!!!!
Laurel says
Dennis: What they are proposing here has not one damned thing to do with Biden. You are obsessed, and it shows bigly.
blerbfamilyfive says
Well folks get ready to decide what services will be cut at local government levels, no cutting of grass, no fixing roads, no meals on wheels, or other senior services, no indigent health care assistance, or emergency services and of course there is always the possibility of lay offs but if there are no services guess the employees are not needed which will be interesting if we have another year of terrible storms because who do you think does the assessments and the clean up.
Laurel says
blerbfamily: I very much agree with you, and I think you are probably right. Cuts tend to hurt those who need help the most. So I wouldn’t go for that.
At the same time, according to National Geographic, 91% of plastic is not recycled. So, why am I paying for garbage and recycling too? Pretty sure the current waste company isn’t really recycling.
I’ve got an idea, it would be great if the burden would be put on short term rentals, the commercial, front desk-less, unmonitored motel units in single family residential zoned neighborhoods. Then I would go for it in a heartbeat.
Skibum says
Another warning needs to be repeated to be careful what you wish for! Yes, it always sounds irresistible to receive additional property tax cuts, but remember this is what funds our local government’s services we ALL expect and use to better our lives. When additional tax cuts reduce the revenue to Palm Coast and Flagler County, hard decisions must be made on what to cut out in order to balance their budgets. The most evil thing about this proposal is that it is very easy for Desantis and the GOP legislature to pass something like this that takes NO money from the state coffers, but forces only the local governments to take such a $$$ hit to their tax base. You can bet that if the money were coming out of the state’s budget, a much harder look would be taken instead of simply passing it and thumbing their noses at the local governments and the services we all depend on that may need to be cut back.
jake says
Local governmental bodies are idiots, will spend tons of money they don’t have, and over tax homesteaders. Time to make local governments accountable.