If it weren’t for City Commissioner Rick Belhumeur’s rather sour, outlying evaluation, Larry Newsom would have had a comfortable “outstanding” combined score from the other commissioners and the mayor as he approaches the fourth anniversary of his tenure in Flagler Beach.
The mayor and three commissioners had Newsom in the outstanding category, with each of their average scores above 4.5 out of a possible 5. Commissioner Kim Carney, who is currently chairing the commission, gave him a 4, barely in the “exceeds job standards” category. Still, those five scores combined average out at 4.63.
“He takes his job very seriously and accomplishes as much as possible, given the staff and financial resources available,” Commissioner Jane Mealy wrote in her sum-up comments about him. Her evaluation was less than a decimal point short of a perfect 5. Her only 4’s were for his clarity, communications with commissioners and his grant-seeking. “He wants the City to be the best it can be and works hard toward that goal. I am pleased with his improved relationship with the County administrator and managers of the other Flagler cities, allowing for more to be accomplished at all levels.”
Commisssioners Marshall Shupe and Eric Cooley each gave Newsom a 4.85.
But Newsom’s bottom-line score is 4.38. It “exceeds job standards,” but it’s not “outstanding.” The cause is Belhumeur’s 3.12, which had a depressing effect on the overall result. Belhumeur gave the manager middling marks on Newsom’s relationship with the commission, on his public relations, on his leadership of staff, even on his personal traits such as initiative, fairness and openness (actually giving him a 2 on initiative: “needs improvement.”) Belhumeur also gave him a 2 on whether Newsom prepares a realistic, easy to understand annual budget, and a 2 on his written communications.
“It is my hope that the City Manager’s passion to manage our City will be enhanced by hiring an assistant that we, the Commission, have had in the budget for the better part of an entire year,” Belhumeur wrote in his summary evaluation. “Maybe he won’t feel quite so overwhelmed at times after handing over a lot of tasks to an assistant. The City needs his leadership to progress further into the 21st century, not spending so much of his time solving problems created in the 20th century.”
Commissioners will be discussing the evaluations at this evening’s commission meeting, which begins at 5:50 p.m. The meeting’s agenda and background materials, however, do not include the evaluations: only the summative scores. Links to the full evaluations are below.
Newsom’s communication skills are a recurring issue with commissioners. Carney, too, gave him 3’s in that category, but higher marks in all others. (Newsom can seem more gruff than he is, with a fondness for salty language that frames a self-assured candor and a bit of impatience with those who don’t keep up with him.)
“Larry has made good decisions on reorganizing staff,” Carney wrote of the manager. “He is on top of important city matters and is [conscientious] about where the city budget and resources stand. He realizes Rome was not built in a day. Larry worked steadfastly through a recent illness and staff was able to function without him. This is the sign of a good leader. He is prompt in returning my calls and deals with my questions and suggestions openly and honestly. That is important to me. His connections in Tallahassee and with with FDOT has earned him respect amongst his peers.” (FDOT is the acronym for the Florida Department of Transportation.)
Cooley was more detailed in his evaluation even as he gave high marks, his criticism often more biting than the scores show: “I would like to see more accountability of department heads,” he wrote in the leadership category of the evaluation. “I believe some departments are currently underperforming.” The next sentence, however, commends Newsom: “Great job overall with handling of staff and your relationship with them.” In the next category, he again questions department heads: “I would like you to challenge department heads more to be fiscally prudent and push back more on capital expenses that would be viewed as not necessary,” he wrote, addressing Newsom. Cooley did not give examples.
He also wants to hear from Newsom about pushing the city beyond day-to-day administration “into a more long-term vision and good planning.”
For Commissioner Marshall Shupe, Newsom “does a great job, and continues to bring the city out of the past with a positive approach to the future. Always with the citizens’ interests first.” And Linda Provencher, the mayor: “Larry listens to the needs of the commission. He is available 24-7.” She says he has the staff’s respect, and is “doing a great job. He has had to deal with two hurricanes since coming on board, and still has moved forward with projects.”
The full evaluations:
Mayor Linda Provencher (4.52)
Commissioner Rick Belhumeur (3.12)
Commissioner Eric Cooley (4.85)
Commissioner Kim Carney (4.00)
Commissioner Jane Mealy (4.91)
Commissioner Marshall Shupe (4.85)
Concerned Citizen says
Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.
From my interactions with the City Manager I have always had a favorable impression. He’s not perfect but who is? Certainly not Karney or Belhumeur. And Cooley has zero room to criticize. I suppose Newsom must have pissed off ome folks so they use his “evaluation” for a little get back.
Typical small town political shenannigans.
erobot says
He’s young yet. Perfection may still be attainable.
Beach Life says
He does an outstanding job as the City Manager. Everyone including each of the commissioners has something they could “work on”. We were not created perfect. He has Flagler Beach and its residents best interest in his heart and is always respectful and appreciative of his staff. Keep up the good work!
A1A Dweller says
I know a lot of Flagler Beach residents that would like to grade Belhumeur. Watch out taxpayers, he loves the bait & switch maneuver. Says he’s watching out for the taxpayers, but he’s watching out for himself. Buying up and developing any and all the vacant land in Flagler Beach he can get a hold of. As for the rest of them, they need to be voted out and replaced with individuals that have the courage to make the hard cuts to the budget and reduce taxes. Just look at the budget and see there’s plenty of fat. The current commissioners are pushing the folks on fixed income right out of here. They are all rubbing their hands together for the Gardens development to go through.
tom dooley says
Hey Mr. A1A dweller will you please run against Mr. Belhumeur so the F.B. resident’s can vote for you? You say there is plenty of “fat”; prove it and run? Show me; I’m from Missouri! How about it A1A Dweller? Running or just complaining? The “know-it-all’s” and “arm chair qb’s” will reply next.I’m not complaining I don’t have a problem with the budget. I know the commissioners and have met Mr. Newsom and they are all doing a good job with the money they have. The employees I know love him. He is trying to get F.B. into the 21st century. Apparently you haven’t been here long. I have lived in this county 40 years. How long have you been here wanting to keep it a small town? Palm Coast WILL take this small town if the resident’s/voters aren’t careful. When I moved here I wanted to keep it a small town too; unfortunately we couldn’t build a wall and keep everybody else out. I’m sure the local Floridians will agree with me wanting to keep me out too. Talk to you later; wife is coming in now.
Chuck says
He’s doing the best he can with what he’s given to work with. I guess someone only sees what he wants to see.
Concerned Citizen says
@ Tom Dooley,
I’m not a know it all or an arm chair quarter back. I have been here a long time and have been active in the community.
Larry Newsome unfortunatley has to combat a Commission with less than a stellar background themselves. One is a documented woman beater who leaned on the victim and got her to drop charges. Due to his status the State got wishy washy and refused to press charges.I.E good ol boy system. Then another commisioner was sued because she blasted a rape victim all over the media. And finally you have a commisioner who runs around playing code enforcement on those he dislikes and gets away with putting signs everywhere and letting his rental properties look like whatever. Maybe you’re OK with all that but I’m not.
I served in the military then in Public Safety. Both Law Enforcement then retired out of Fire Rescue. Every job I ever had required an oath that I took serious. Elected officials should be no different. For some reason though we allow our BOCC’s around here to continue acting unethically and think it’s OK. It’s not. If a Commisioner acts unethically then out they go. Find someone who will do the job and represent their constituents. Not special interests.
Drastic changes are needed county wide. I will do my part at the polls in 2020. How about everyone else?
Rick Belhumeur says
@ Concerned Citizen
It’s easy to make unsubstantiated accusations when you’re hiding behind some fake name. What rentals are you speaking of, the one that the City Manager lives in? My rentals are well-maintained so I don’t know what you’re referring to. As far as making code enforcement complaints against people you claim that I dislike, I don’t pick and choose. Consistency is my goal, everyone should live by the same rules.
Concerned Citizen says
@ Rick Belheumer
We use “fake names” so that people can’t use official status to retaliate. And don’t say that you wouldn’t LOL. Why did you just feel you needed to bring up the city manager again? What’s your beef with him? We’d like to know. Is it personal or professional? Afraid of having someone competent in that office?
As far as consistency I call BS. We asked you to provide written approvals for all the properties you had election signs on last time. You had them all over vacant an occupied lots. You stated you had permission from every property owner to post them. Yet you dodged that question. Why? Then you had an issue with one of your opponents and used code enforcement to solve it. Shady at best.
And yes everyone should live by the same rules but none of you do. Half of your commision should not even be holding office.
Rick Belhumeur says
@ Concerned Citizen
Contrary to what you seem to believe, I like our City Manager and hope that he’s here for many years to come. In fact, I spent a lot of time and resources to renovate the house he’s living in so that he and his wife have a nice place to live. Then Irma came, flooded the house and I had to do it all over again. I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on that house and that’s why I used that as an example of one of the rentals you claim aren’t taken care of.
So what’s with the signs? I have no obligation to provide you with written approvals from the property owners. If you’re so worried about them, ask yourself.
As far as your claim that I had an issue with one of my opponents, get your facts straight. I submitted that complaint on behalf of another “concerned citizen”. The owner was not running for office at that time and since then we have become friends.
tom dooley says
Again; will you run “Concerned Citizen” so the fb residents can vote for you and “show them how it’s done” instead of just complaining? I was in the military too (used to pledge alliance to the flag every day at school too) and served over 20 years in our; “not-so-perfect gov’t”(see Bill and Hillary); so what’s your point? The past is over; time to move fwd. and make this country great again. I live outside the city limits now so no beef here. I wasn’t complaining about the budget or commissioners just the “know -it-all’s” that I always see here no matter the subject, telling us how it should/could be done; yet they dont’ run/and/or vote (must be kids?). I know the commissioners (with all their faults aren’t perfect like you but nobody runs so what the hell do you expect?) I do love the 2nd comment though “he’s young yet so perfection still might be attainable”; now thats funny I don’t care who you are; to borrow “from Larry the cable guy “pretty funny); nobody’s perfect except you “concerned citizen? That is why I wrote this; for the “arm chair qb’s” calling out the commissioners, etc. and you fell for it. So Please run and and “show the fine citizens of fb” how it’s done. Have a great day!