Less than two years ago, Keymarion Hall, 15 at the time, was shot and wounded at a large outdoors party hosted by The Palace Bar in Bunnell. He survived and returned to school, where he was known as a strong athlete and a member of the school’s basketball team.
Late Tuesday night, Hall was shot and killed in Bunnell. The circumstances appear similar to those that ended the life of 16-year-old Noah Smith, also an FPC student, in a shooting just last January. No one is in custody at this point.
Another person, 24-year-old Nysean Giddens was shot and wounded. (Giddens was charged with manslaughter last August and is out on $25,000 bond.)
Hall’s is the fourth homicide by gun in Bunnell or Palm Coast since the end of December. All four victims were young Black males.
Tuesday’s shooting took place in the area of East Booe Street in Bunnell shortly after 10 p.m. in what was reported to authorities as an incident involving more than a dozen shots fired in what may have been a drive-by shooting. Hall was transported to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach.
A vehicle fled from the scene recklessly, and was quickly stopped by authorities near the RaceTrac gas station by Seminole Woods and State Road 100 in Bunnell, where Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies deployed a K-9 unit. Giddens was bleeding from gunshot wounds. The number of people in the vehicle has not been determined, but none fled on foot. “The second victim did not have life-threatening injuries and was treated and released,” a sheriff’s release stated.
Giddens, of 502 South Cherry Street in Bunnell, was charged with second degree felony manslaughter last August in the drug-overdose death of Shaun Callahan. That case is scheduled for a September trial docket.
“This appears to be a focused incident,” Sheriff Rick Staly said in the release. “Our investigators have worked throughout the night and I ask anyone with information to call us.”
“We don’t have anybody in custody but it’s not like the community at large needs to be concerned,” Staly said in an interview later this morning. “Technically there’s a killer running around but it’s not like he’s an active killer looking for random victims.”
Meanwhile faculty and other employees at Flagler Palm Coast High School this morning were cancelling meetings and expected to prepare for the grim routine that has followed every shooting death of a student at the school since that of Curtis Gray in April 2019, with counselors from the district office converging on the school and preparing to meet with any student and staff who would request it.
The district, however, did not get confirmation of Hall’s death from the Sheriff’s Office until 8:30 a.m.
Hall, 16, was part of the Class of 2024.
“Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt joins the members of the School Board in mourning the loss of another young life to violence,” a district spokesperson said in a statement. “Flagler Schools asks anyone with information about last night’s homicide to please cooperate with law enforcement as they investigate the case. We do have additional counselors at our schools to assist students, faculty, and staff in processing the emotions they are now experiencing.”

The Bunnell Police Department responded to the shooting initially and wrote the initial report, Staly said, but the Sheriff’s Office is handling the investigation in keeping with the relatively new agreement between the Sheriff’s Office and Bunnell, ceding all major crime investigations in the city to the sheriff. “We are taking it from here, and we were there throughout the night,” Staly said. (See: “Recognizing Limited Capabilities, Bunnell Outsources Violent Crimes Investigations to Sheriff for $120,000.”)
“We’ll continue to work with the Sheriff’s Office to produce leads on the investigation and help to resolve this as quickly as possible,” Bunnell Police Chief Dave Brannon said. Asked if there were leads, he said: “Yes there are.”
Staly said he met with State Attorney R.J. Larizza just yesterday to discuss “teenagers and young adults with guns and the violence that’s being seen throughout the seventh circuit,” he said, referring to the judicial circuit that includes Volusia, Flagler, St. Johns and Putnam counties. Larizza, Staly said, intends to “clamp down on the prosecutions of youthful offenders.”
The sheriff’s release notes that it’s an ongoing investigation. If you have any information about this incident, please contact the FCSO by calling 386-313-4911, email [email protected], or call CrimeStoppers at 1-888-277-TIPS, where you could be eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.
Great pitch @Keymarion202 pic.twitter.com/0OQSmohJa0
— Rya’sir jefferson (@rya_sir) December 6, 2021
[This is a developing story.]
Steve says
His troubles are over now RIP May your Family get closure and peace.
Mark1 says
“clamp down on the prosecutions of youthful offenders”
What a joke , this state is a prison for profit state and they use people’s fear against them to lock up our youth. Prisons get more money for younger prisoners. Stop the madness, and stop locking up our youth!!
A.j says
Sad, I hope the family will over come this. I hope the murderer will caught and serve time.
FlaglerLocal says
What a shame. But the truth is, these young people need to realize that if You live by the sword, You die by the sword. You can’t keep doing the same things and expect a different result. Be the change young people.
The Geode says
“We don’t have anybody in custody but it’s not like the community at large needs to be concerned,” – says the sheriff who can’t seem to solve any of the murders happening around here. I think we need to be VERY concerned…
Batman says
Unless you do dope and hang around people who habitually make poor decisions, then yes
someones mother says
I observed this young man for 2 hours last week riding his bike as a look out for the drug dealings going on at 306S Church street this house was supposably closed in a drug bust by the sheriffs office. Within days the known drug house was filled again.
Concerned Citizen says
The sheriff stated “Technically there’s a killer running around but it’s not like he’s an active killer looking for random victims.” Is that a responsible, accountable comment for the general public? What if the killer(s) are looking for specific hits, and drive-bys are their method of operation? Should any citizen feel safe out in public with a murderer(s) on the loose? Do the perpetrators care about collateral damage? Should citizens care?
Jimbo99 says
More BoB crime. These things eventually resolve themselves as an attrition of sorts. Just me, if I’m a parent my 15 yo child doesn’t hang out with a 24 yo bonded out on manslaughter charges. Protect your children from the big bad wolves in society.
Distance abounds says
The Sheriff says we don’t need to be concerned because he knows what the killer is thinking and how desperate he is?? As a retired LEO that statement by the Sheriff shows how overconfident he is and how clueless he is with the criminal element in Bunnell. After all he has gloated about locking up everyone he can and done nothing to build bridges with certain parts of our community. He bully pulpit is reaping what it sowed.
Portisha says
Please speak on what you KNOW! This was not a live by die by! This kid ate, slept and lived basketball! So let’s not make it something else!
Nikki says
How was he living by the sword? He was a highschool athlete w a promising future… caught in a drive by wrong place at the wrong time or around the wrong person/family member… where do you see he lived by the sword? Y’all come on here with no facts and just be sharing your opinions and false information about folks you don’t even know.
Jerry co says
Exactly!!! How can you say it was targeted attack when you don’t have a suspect.. so the victims obviously aren’t talking either.. How did he come to this conclusion: “Technically there’s a killer running around but it’s not like he’s an active killer looking for random victims.” ? Wtf Sheriff
R. S. says
Instead of making the open-carry of guns legal for all–as our governor wishes–we should get guns away from the public, except to properly licensed folk in the same way as we do not permit anyone to drive without a license. There is a reason for the statistics that places the US so high on the list of deaths by gun violence.
Steve says
What would concern me more are the Criminals being let out into the Community, under the guise they will adhere to the release Rules, to wait for Trial with a half dozen Felonies and all they do is wash rinse repeat Crime. Lock them up no Bond until Court date. IMO
unknown_22 says
But if that’s all they’re exposed to, how can they be able to do something different and see a different result?? And it’s not like the state is going to do anything different. They are only doing what they are used to seeing. So that statement isn’t quite valid in this situation.
unknown_22 says
I feel like that comment was geared more towards the white community if anything. ANYONE who KILLS anyone with the intent to end a life should be held responsible unless they were in legit danger. It should be a concern if they are out loose, regardless of the circumstances and where it took place. So far 2 shootings have happened in Bunnell and the police have yet to do anything about it. And that’s since I’ve lived out here and A C T U A L L Y paid attention to the Flagler County community. There have been 3 shootings – all including young black males – since the top of the year and the police have yet to do something to stop the apparent gun violence. Not to mention that it seems that the gun violence is very apparent in the black community. I’m ashamed of the Sheriff’s Department and even more ashamed of the community we live in.
unknown_22 says
this is irrelevant. a young man has lost his life and you’re concerned about what he may have been doing. why were you even “observing” him?? it seems more like your were stalking him. and whatever he did when he was alive does not justify his death. you should be ashamed of yourself.
Mary Fusco says
R.S. That is rather unrealistic. Street savvy people know where to get a gun the same way they know where to find their drugs. Last I heard, drugs were illegal and yet drug houses are busted continuously, overdoses happen daily and narcan is being distributed like insulin. How are we doing on that front? I don’t know anything about this kid. Did he deserve to die? Absolutely not. However, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A 15 YO on the streets at 10 at night with a 24 YO who has bonded out on manslaughter charges on a school night? I may be old fashioned but where are these childrens’ parents?
Cybercrimes says
As a former cop you know this was a targeted attack and if there are anymore incidents, those involved already are looking over their shoulder.
Sheriff’s office most likely have an idea, they won’t put that out there so early in the investigation though.
Cybercrimes says
The problem is people who leave their firearms in their unlocked vehicles.
Juveniles go car hopping in hopes to obtain firearms. They then gain street credit with their affiliations.
It’s extremely rare to take a vehicle burglary report where the suspects broke windows.
FlaglerLocal says
As I said….Live by the sword, die by the sword….thank you for making my point.
ASF says
Offering up defensive excuses for street violence out of political correctness and a refusal to take active responsibility is not helpful. Perhaps the communities these young people come from would be well-advised to concentrate more energy and focus on youth diversionary and safety programs–and not tolerating the sorts of activities that lead to these tragic violent deaths. This young man didn’t become involved in multiple similar scenarios because of sheer “bad luck.” People might not like looking at truths that feel offensive to them, but that doesn’t cancel out the fact they are truths.
Steve says
To be 15 and already shot and survived then killed by a drive by I would say perhaps He was hanging out with the wrong group. That’s unusual yes?
The Geode says
I am so TIRED of this “gun violence” garbage. I have several and one has yet to shoot me. I also have no desire to let my gun out of its cage, walk down the road and decide to shoot somebody. The gun by itself is HARMLESS. The people who own 80% of ALL GUNS seem to keep THEIR guns under control and don’t allow them to wander about. This last bit was sarcasm (in case I have to explain it). There is NO SUCH THING as “gun violence”. Call it what it is, CULTURE VIOLENCE. Stop trying to sugar-coat bullshit and deflect from the REAL issues
FlaglerBear says
So as not to enrage people here who apparently know this young man, and declared him to be a superstar future athlete who lived and breathed basketball let me just say this. Im not here to trash his memory. What’s the point? However, I won’t call this a “live by the sword, die by the sword” situation as characterized by one person. Rather, let’s tone it down and call it a “if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck”
situation. Look, (most) readers aren’t stupid. This article WAS written pretty clearly. Athletic superstar not withstanding, when you associate with violent criminals, especially those who already have a target on their backs, you become a target as well. Nuff said! Also, if you think the Sheriff is going to share his entire case file to date with the public, think again. Dream on!
unknown_22 says
you should feel ashamed of yourself
Cmon now says
Sounds like 2 outstanding citizens to me… one out on bond for manslaughter and another that was already shot when he was 14.5 at a Bunnell club.
Hmmm says
Getting hit with gunfire in 2 separate incidents in less then 2 yrs? That usually just doesnt happen to random people. Lifestyle usually plays a part. Its not like Bunnell is war torn, like so many big city neighborhoods.
Serve time? Nope. Same fate.
Pretty P says
The nerve of you to be so insensitive. This child lost his life in a driveby shooting, not a drug deal gone wrong. tf? The article mentions nothing about drugs. How do you know he was a lookout? Or was he just riding his bike speaking to people in his neighborhood? If you don’t know keep your comments to yourself.
someones mother says
you absolutely right no one deserves to die. I was not stalking. Just a mother spending hours each day looking for my child who is missing , falling into the hands of the wrong people in these drug houses. My apologies.
Justin Case says
So Mark1, do you have a suggestion? What should be done with youthful offenders? If people under the age of 18 kill another person, should they not be locked up? I don’t think it is a joke at all – and neither do the families of people who were murdered by youthful offenders.
Justin Case says
Remember Rae Carruth? He ate/slept/lived football. Then he did 20 years. There have many pro athletes, and retired athletes that have committed felonies, even though they ate/slept/lived for sports. The shooter or shooters were looking for someone. That’s why FCSO said the public didn’t need to be concerned about the shooter. It’s not a random shooting.
MikeM says
And hung out with drug dealers and felons I presume? Why didn’t the people responsible for him not keep him away from this bad crowd since he was such a young age and so full of promise ? Too late now.
MikeM says
So then only bad people have guns ? Since they don’t care about the law ? How do th law abiding protect themselves ? The gang bangers would have a field day.
Crusta says
You can’t teach LOGIC to a Primitive brain.
Cynthia says
Don’t apologize to anyone. They speak their mind, you speak yours. THIS IS AMERICA !!!!
Cynthia says
Your should live by his words. OOPS !!!!
Pamela says
Sure, ok . He was just an innocent bystander . (sarc)
Cynthia says
Just wait until the NEW batch of drug hits the street. It’s Iso, nitazenes , ever heard of that ? Nitazene compounds can be anywhere from 1.5 to 40 times more potent than fentanyl.
unknown_22 says
I don’t appreciate that sarcasm, but maybe they tried. Let’s not forget that the police are yet to have done something about the crime in Bunnell. And considering it’s a mostly black community the police aren’t going to be willing to make a change in the community. So unless you’re going to step up and do something….please have several seats.
unknown_22 says
But there are the 20% that are still left uncharted. And within that 20% there are clearly some people who use guns for violence. And regardless, it is gun violence because the weapon used is a gun. Please do your research. Ignorance is so outdated.
unknown_22 says
You should be more than ashamed of yourself!!!! Someone has DIED!!! Regardless of what they’ve done. Nobody deserves to die prematurely. And that has nothing to do with them dying!!!
unknown_22 says
Regardless, this is someone that LOST HIS LIFE!!!! Why can’t people seem to understand that. Y’all are commenting about what he may have did and how it should have been expected – can we take a second to GRIEVE????? Can we be respectful please??? Have a heart, damn
unknown_22 says
Just because you’re responsible with your gun, doesn’t mean other people are responsible with theirs. And there is such thing as gun violence. Please go do your research and rethink this counterclaim. Ignorance is so outdated.
Oh, and that last bit was sarcasm, in case I had to explain it
unknown_22 says
Maybe the people responsible for him did the best they could. Maybe the community they live in has to strong an influence. But none of this has to do with the fact that he DIEDDD!!!! Y’all are focusing on the wrong things. And it’s not like y’all will want to have the conversation on how Bunnell is a significantly black community and how the police have yet to do something to change what’s clearly going on in said community. So unless you plan are doing something to change said “bad crowd”, I would suggest being quiet and having several seats. Let’s not even began on why these “bad crowds” are here in the first place. Whatever needs that they need and can’t afford because of the government. I really suggest you just have several seats.
Mark1 says
No one said to let the murderers go silly. Just stop the mind set that we need to lock up our youth. Jails and prison should be last resort ,not first, STOP FOR PROFIT PRISON
The Unvarnished Truth says
…shot at a rowdy street party in the middle of US1 when we were in a pandemic lock-down
MikeM says
This is to unknown-22. Remember “we are all judged by the company that we keep”.
Cmon now says
Open your eyes. If you want to blame the sheriff office etc on gun control, you are crazy. This has more to do with people knowing information and not saying anything than anything. South side Bunnell is not that big…
unknown_22 says
Regardless, he lost his life and y’all are being insensitive. You can’t justify someone dying.
Cornball says
“Have several seats” you’re so corny.