An attempted murder charge has been added to the robbery and probation violation charges Kenneth Peters faces following his encounter with John Dougherty, the 60-year-old who woke up in a pool of blood at his European Village apartment on Jan. 31.
Peters has been held without bond since his arrest on the robbery charge on Feb. 6. If convicted of the attempted murder charge, and depending on the severity of the sentencing, Peters would face anywhere from five to 30 years in prison.
Dougherty, was severely beaten and left unconscious, blood pouring from his bed. A younger man had been the alleged assailant, according to the description Dougherty gave Flagler County Sheriff’s Office deputies after the attack. But Dougherty only knew the man as Kenny.
Kenny had called Dougherty earlier that day, asked him if he wanted to hang out, and went to Dougherty’s apartment, where he allegedly struck him with a blunt object. When Dougherty regained consciousness, his Oxycodone medication was gone, as was his wallet. Oxycodone is a pain reliever popular with drug traffickers.
On Feb. 6, the sheriff’s office arrested Peters, a 20-year-old resident of Westchester Lane in Palm, Coast, and charged him with robbery in connection with the Jan. 31 attack. Peters was also charged with violating probation. He’s been jailed four times before in Flagler County, going back to December 20120, including for driving under the influence (and causing property damage) and domestic violence battery.
“This case is not closed. As the investigation continues, Mr. Peters can expect to face additional charges,” Flagler County Sheriff Don Fleming had said earlier this month.
A series of clues led to Peters’s arrest.
The afternoon of the attack, deputies were able to hear a message left on Dougherty’s answering machine from “Kenny,” who said he was on his way. The next day, a deputy, speaking with Dougherty, who was recovering at the hospital, learned that “Kenny” had called Dougherty’s cell phone the afternoon of the attack. “As search of the number through the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office record system identified 20-year-old Kenneth J. Peters,” according to the arrest report.
A deputy made contact with Peters on Feb. 3, who initially denied knowing Dougherty. As the interview with investigators continued, Peters provided different versions of the incident, but denied hitting Dougherty. Peters was then taken back to his home. Hours later, Peters himself called detectives and said he wanted to, acording to the arrest report, “come clean and tell the true story about what happened. No lies.”
Peters turned in a one-page narrative, printed on his computer, of the incident. He’d gone to Dougherty’s apartment to take narcotics “but charged his mind once inside,” he claimed, according to the police report. He had originally planned on having $400, but only had $10. When Peters tried leaving the apartment, Dougherty “touched his right shoulder and yelled profanities.” The rest of the police report is redacted.
Dougherty’s injuries required some 15 staples to the head and more than 55 stitches to his facial area. He has himself had two brief stints at the Flagler County jail. Last February he was arrested for driving on a suspended license with knowledge. He was arrested in August 2010 on a similar charge.
[An earlier version of this story appeared on Feb. 6.]
Talisha Anderson-Autry via Facebook says
glad thet caught that sorry sob!!!!
Talisha Anderson-Autry via Facebook says
they need to keep him locked up!!!!!
Doug Chozianin says
This character needs to be punished severely if found guilty of this crime and should be charged with attempted murder.
I suggest we bring back LOBOTOMIES for criminals prone to committing violent crimes and for anyone on their way to becoming a career criminal.
‘Kenny’ would make an excellent vegetable.
bmch4010 says
This area seems to be infected with undisciplined youth that are into drugs
NortonSmitty says
Doogie, if we shoved a gutter-spike through his forehead he would still write a better post than that.
Me, on absolutely no evidence whatsoever, I’d say this was a case of “I’ll let you blow me for some of those Loritabs” gone bad.
But then again, I’ve never been so highly educated on the over reaching value of punishment as you.
Ron Dimpflmaier via Facebook says
Sounds like a good plan.
FlaglerNative says
Everyone just calm down…this never would’ve happened if this young man had gone to a school that made them wear uniforms….LMAO…yeah right.
Sandra Reynolds via Facebook says
Seems like a lot of problems are due to drugs or alcohol…..when will people/abusers get it?
Outsider says
I was kind of thinking there was more to this story, kind of along the lines of what Smitty said.
roco says
Attempted murder should ALWAYS be the charges when these thugs assault someone. Our judical system is too leinent in cases like this and allow the perp to walk away after posting a $50.00 bond.
Jojo says
I bet his attorney will use that defense thanks to Smitty. He touched me in my private area and I was helplesss…. And, on and on ad nauseum.
Outsider says
Actually jojo, it’s kind of odd that a 20-year-old man goes to “hang out” with a 60-year-old man on a whim.