Josiah Aaron Feimster, a 19-year-old resident of 5 Price Lane in Palm Coast, was booked at the Flagler County jail Tuesday on four felony charges, including two counts of firing a gun from a vehicle, the result of an shooting spree in South Bunnell. Two parked and vacant vehicles were struck, including that of retired Flagler County Sheriff’s Sgt. Larry Jones, a two-time candidate for sheriff. Jones, a Palm Coast resident, was not in town at the time. He was not hurt.
“I wasn’t even there, I was in Daytona,” Jones said today. He had parked his white Chevrolet truck at 407 South Pine Street. “That’s my mom’s house, I park it at my mom’s.” His mother is deceased. There were no occupants in the house at the time of the shooting, which left a rear tire flat. There was also a bullet hole in the passenger side front fender. Jones doesn’t know why the individuals involved are. “I don’t have a clue who they are,” he said.
Feimster told authorities he was riding as a passenger in a Challenger driven by D.B.W., 17.
The incident took place in midafternoon Tuesday (Dec. 28). A caller to 911 said a blue Challenger sped off from the intersection of South Pine Street and Martin Luther King Jr. Avenue in Bunnell after five or six shots were fired. Sheriff’s deputies and Bunnell police officers responded, finding large groups of people in the area. Some of the people told law enforcement they’d heard the shots but not seen the shooter, or shooters. A Bunnell police officer positioned on North State Street and a sheriff’s deputies positioned at County Road 13 and North State Street saw the Charger, the latter clocking it going 80 in a 55.
The deputy pulled the car over after it turned onto Rickenbacker Drive, from Royal Palms Parkway, in Palm Coast. By then police at the scene of the shooting had found five 9mm Luger casings, starting from the intersection of South Pine Street and Martin Luther King to South Church Street and Martin Luther King. Jones’s truck had been hit, as had a gold Pontiac with no attached tag. Jones, who told deputies he’d parked the truck there around 3:30 p.m. that day, was contacted by phone and told deputies he wanted to pursue charges. The woman who owns the Pontiac arrived at the scene and said she wanted to do likewise.
A witness told authorities she knew the shooter. She was in another car, parked next to 402 South Pine, facing south, when she heard the multiple shots. She said she “could identify who the shooter was from the blue vehicle which was wearing a black jacket,” according to Feimster’s arrest report. She then stated while the shots were being fired in her direction, another male who she knows as Jebea who was in font of 403 S Pine St, began to shoot back at the car. The witness said she left the area immediately. “Jebea” was not located.
D.B.W., Feimster and the registered owner of the Charger were all at the location where the deputy had pulled the car over in Palm Coast’s R-Section. Feimster at first denied being in Bunnell, saying he’d been at his sister’s in Town Center, where D.B.W. picked him up. He said the pair drove to the R Section. As the officer continued to ask questions, Feimster said he had nothing else to say, and the interview had to cease. By then deputies had managed to open the glove box in the Charger (it had been locked), finding a Glock 19 firearm and “an attached see thru red extended magazine,” according to the arrest report. “Inside the magazine were 28, 9mm Luger rounds and an additional 9mm Luger round in the chamber of the Glock 19.” The firearm was legally owned. “A silver gun spring was also found in the front passenger side floorboard. The rounds were the same caliber as the 5 shell casings found on MLK Jr. Ave.”
Authorities contacted D.B.W.’s mother, who was then placed on speaker phone as her son was interviewed. He was more cooperative. He said he lives in the R-Section, though he did not tell authorities precisely where. He did pick up Feimster at the Town Center apartments, he said, at first stating the two returned to the R-Section, only to then say “he drove to the south end of Bunnell to drive around and show off.” (The arrest report attributes that statement to “S1,” which had been identified as Feimster, but that appears to be an error, as the narrative was reflecting the interview with the 17 year old.
The juvenile “continued to state when he was driving east on MLK Jr. Ave, he heard gun shots coming from S. Pine St.,” the report states. The youth was hesitant at first to answer a deputy’s question about who had possession of the Glock. Then he said Feimster did as they drove on Martin Luther King Boulevard and shots rang out. He said he did not see Feimster fire the gun. The report does not note whether he was asked if he heard the gun go off. But he did see Feimster put the handgun in the glove box. When asked if he knew who the shooter from South Pine Street was, “he stated he only knew him as J.B.”
The vehicle the youth and Feimster had been driving was turned over to its owner. Feimster was charged with two second-degree felony counts of discharging a firearm from a vehicle, and two third-degree felony counts of criminal mischief resulting in more than $1,000 in damage for each count. He remains at the jail on $35,000 bond. Though just 19, Feimster has already accumulated a significant criminal record, including a conviction on a violation of a pre-trial release agreement just last October, when he violated an injunction for protection against domestic violence.
Last year he was charged with theft and a misdemeanor drug charge and completed a diversionary program, enabling the charges to be dropped. In August he was charged with a felony count of battery by strangulation in an incident involving the mother of his child in Palm Coast’s P Section. The charge was dropped, but the injunction resulting from the altercation remained in effect. In September he was found guilty of shoplifting four bottles of Hennessy cognac at Nuggs N Mugs on Palm Coast Parkway, and sentenced to time he’d already served at the jail.
Jones, 61, retired from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office in 2014 after 30 years there and ran for sheriff in 2016 and 2020, winning the Democratic primary both times and both times losing the general election to Rick Staly.
A.j says
A lost of charges. Some dropped. The strangulation charge is a concern to me. Thank God no one was killed. Chance after chance. If he had been African American would he get that many chances, probably not. Probably would have been shot or tapered to death.
Jay says
He is African American; look up his mugshot, “Race: Black.”
Flagler Expatriate says
@AJ I’m pretty sure being tapered to death was outlawed by the Geneva convention! Also, either this guy is at least part African-American or he has a great base tan!
DNA says
Your probably right. You know those men and women that attend the law enforcement academy have to go through an awful lot of time, effort and expense just to get a license to shoot black people. Someone should tell them they can skip all that and just shoot them like they do in the inner cities. 791 people killed so far from gun violence in Chicago as of today. So much for that “brotherly” love. As long as there are people like you trying to justify the case of racism in every police shooting and the reluctance of anyone to ask/answer the question, “What could the person who was shot by the police have done to avoid this end result?”, nothing will ever change. I know you say you hate all white people. The level of malice you hold in your heart must be unbelievable. You should consider that some of your “brothers” that get killed by the police would have had no problem killing you without hesitation. The boogeyman comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Stop all the hate.
Mary Fusco says
A.J. Have you considered getting some help? You are like a broken record. According to the arrest record and mugshot, he is a black (African American) male.
Karen Buchanan says
He is African American and he is very proud of it. He continues to do this stuff and every time has gotten let off so now it has escalated to shooting off a gun. He is dangerous. He has no respect for any other person or authority figure. This article forgot to mention the red bandana he had (gang ties?). I sincerely hope they keep him for awhile but I really don’t think he is going to change. Next time someone will be dead.
ASF says
With that criminal history, how could he legally own a firearm?
Wow says
I’ve noticed the media has taken to calling gun violence a “spree”. Just a “shooting spree”. Something kind of light and fun like a shopping spree or a spree day at school. We won’t have “mass killings” or “murder” – – – just little sprees. How to normalize gun violence!
FlaglerLive says
That’s an interesting point. The use of the word here wasn’t intended to diminish the severity of the incident but to stress its extent, the connotation of the word “spree” seeming neutral, or simply descriptive of something considerably less than a rampage and more than a single shot in a single place. But the associations with the word, now that you point them out, can’t be ignored.
FlaglerLive says
He has only been convicted of misdemeanors. He may legally own guns.
Jimbo99 says
“If he had been African American would he get that many chances, probably not. Probably would have been shot or tapered to death.”
Pogo says
9mm Luger? It’s .356 caliber, aka, 9mm ACP.
Just saying…
Blane says
The Flagler judges will release him in 24 hours
A.j says
Stand corrected, thank you.
ASF says
That’s alarming, considering that some of his past charges have stemmed from acts of Domestic Violence.
And people wonder why women don’t report their abusers or feel safe pursuing those charges in court!
A.j says
Got all yall talking. Thanks for the correction. I never said I hate all white people. Thanks for paying me your undivided attention. Perhaps I can can start teaching.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
The only thing that matters , in my mind and in my opinion, is what is wrong with our society that allows these scum bags – no matter if they white, pink, yellow, brown, black, to GET THEIR HANDS ON GUNS!!!!!
Guns everywhere is what infuriates as well as scares the hell out of me ; the race issues yes exist but hate can only kill with weapons – and guns are about the easiest weapons used to kill a God created human being.
Florida Girl says
Wow with these comments. To racist people, everything is about race. Deflect the fact this young man is running around with a gun, shooting it. Unbelievable.
FlaglerLive says
Judges abide by the bond schedule.
Another one lost says
Not sure if I follow. Who’s to blame here, the scumbags or the guns?
DNA says
You most certainly did say you hate all white men at the end of one of your previous posts…the one where you were bashing white women and the fact that black men should not trust them. You cant teach anything to anyone. You can be a valuable lesson on how not to think or behave in our society.
Randy says
Please stop with the race crap, whether he is black or white he should go to jail for shooting a gun in a residential neighborhood. He obvious was shooting someone or something to cause harm.
The judges in Flagler County need to start being a little more stricker and stop lowering charges and letting these people off easy, they will continue and continue to break the law and the judges need to start realizing that or is it just they don’t care?
Maybe it is time for voters to start voting in different judges when the ones in Flagler County are up for re-election.
Sherry says
Thanks Jane and ASF . . . couldn’t have said it better myself!
jnlocal says
Good take, DNA. Your question to the “victims” is well-put. It is regrettable that a few rotten apples ruin the barrel, but the enforcers of law are getting a bad deal in the press.
A.j says
There is a difference between saying hate all white men and saying hate all white people, please don’t start mis information about me. I never said I hate all white people.Probsbly said I don’t like white people but not hate.
A.j says
You tickle me, I didn’t say I hate all white men. Which is it all white people or all white men, get your story straight. I can teach, white people can’t tell us what to do anymore. I am a good citizen, I have you to know. Never been to jail. That is great for a Black Man in this country. I just taught you something.
Whathehck? says
Blame the scumbags with guns.
Concerned Citizen says
Speaking for myself I don’t need teaching.
I’m not sure how old you are but by your behavior towards other races you’re in no position to teach. Racism flows both ways and you exhibit plenty of it.
I’ve been in an inter-racial relationship nearly 20 years married to a beautiful African Amercian woman who is winding down a successful 30 year medical career. From the time we both got out of the service to her graduating with a BSN I’ve watched and stood by and up for her when it comes to racism and discrimination. I don’t tolerate it in any form or fashion. And because we are an inter-racial couple I’ve seen my share from African Americans that don’t like it. But you know what? At the end of the day it’s about being with the one you love.And as an adult I don’t need or want anyones approval to dictate who I am with
So before you presume to teach anyone anything reflect on your own behavior. If you feel your life isn’t where it needs to be at the moment take the opportunity to change it. My wife did. Nothing was handed to her. She did what she needed to do to reach her goals and will retire in 3 years as an accomplished Physicans Assistant. Was it hard yes. We made sacrifices when needed. I watched her struggle in school and a hectic work environment. And could not be more proud.
Discrimination and racism has zero businiess in today’s society. There is too much anger and hate. And not enough tolerance. We need to spend more time caring for others. Because none of us are guarenteed another second on this planet.
BeachLover says
He will get more jail time for being un-vaxed vs shooting up the place.
Brent says
Amen to than 🙏