Congress is a strange place these days. Rep. Louie Gohmert, the Texas Republican, is talking about caribou’s sex habits along the Alaska pipeline while the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee takes sexism to new lows by holding a hearing on contraception not only with a male-only panel, but with a majority of clerics on that panel. It’s only natural that the place is both magnet and maw for denominators commonly referred to as low, lower and lowest. To wit: Joe the Plumber. He’s back. The symbol of the McCain-Palin campaign’s arrested development never really went away, thanks to the running gag known as Fox News. It didn’t matter that he was a bogus plumber all that time, or that he’d evaded paying the very low taxes he was complaining about. McCain-Palin wanted their symbol, he’s the best they got. He’s still milking it.
From Politico: “One of the biggest — and most overlooked — surprises of Tuesday night was in a northeast Ohio Republican congressional primary. There, Samuel Wurzelbacher, who is better known from campaign 2008 as ‘Joe the Plumber,’ almost lost his House bid to an obscure auctioneer named Steve Kraus — when the dust settled, Wurzelbacher escaped with a narrow 51 to 48 percent victory. […] Wurzelbacher hasn’t exactly been embraced by the Republican establishment, largely because GOP officials regard the northeastern Ohio-based 9th District as tilting heavily Democratic and an unlikely November pickup. The National Republican Congressional Committee hasn’t bothered to add Wurzelbacher to its “Young Guns” program for top recruits. After Kaptur beat Kucinich, “Joe the Plumber” will now face the veteran Democrat in the fall. Still, Wurzelbacher’s candidacy has been greeted with enthusiasm by some conservatives. Late last month, Herman Cain came to Ohio to campaign for him.” Not that Cain has much else to do after his own caribou-courtship with Republicans’ infinite weirdness pipeline.
In the Democratic primary in Ohio’s same 9th congressional district, 15-term Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur defeated that other veteran, Rep. Dennis Kucinich. Wurzelbacher has no chance of beating Kaptur. From the Christian Science Monitor: “Kaptur’s seniority translates to power in Congress. She is next in line to be the top Democrat of the influential House Appropriations committee, which holds the federal government’s purse strings, after top Democrat Norm Dicks of Washington announced his retirement. In his election night victory party, Wurzelbacher promised a clean campaign. ‘Bottom line, I won’t run a character assassination type campaign. As an American I am tired and disgusted of seeing those kinds of ads going on radio or TV and I won’t practice in it. If anyone comes out on my side and tries to practice it, I will denounce it. I am going to run on facts.'” That, of course, would be a first.
B. Claire says
“Wurzelbacher has no chance of beating Kaptur. From the Christian Science Monitor: “Kaptur’s seniority translates to power in Congress.”
Noooo!!, say it ain’t so….we’ve lost Sarah Palin, Christine ‘I’m not a witch’ O’Donnell, Rick ‘Shoot ‘em up’ Perry, Michele Bachmann and other equally entertaining ‘candidates’. If we have to endure this never-ending political campaign…at least let us have a little fun. Herman Cain joining forces with JTP….priceless. Should help shore up our comedic losses.
Go Joe!!
jespo says
At least now I know where the government sends its genetic experiments gone bad….
palmcoaster says
Is Joe the plumer or his contender, going to fight like Bernie Sanders if elected?: http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/daily-ticker/oil-speculators-must-stopped-ctfc-needs-obey-law-182903332.html
Patricia Wilson says
How upsetting that people will actually vote for someone whose only claim to fame is that he lied to a presidential candidate who is now our President. The only reason anyone even knows his name is that an educated and articulate person tried to reach out to him, what a sad commentary on American politics.
forwardthinker says
this Joe the plumber character needs to slink back into oblivion. What a sad commentary when people waste their votes on the likes of nobodies like “Joe” who has created a cottage industry from being no one. Thanks to pinheads like Sarah Palin, the lying, cheating nobodies are able to weasel their way into the mainstream ….
some guy says
since when do Ds dislike “lying and cheating” people in government???
Prescient33 says
It’s not yet November. What will the left say if a non politician gets to Congress? As far as I recall, this man pointed out through a question to O the untouchable that the ultimate purpose of his economic policy is a radical redistribution of wealth, no matter what the consequences. I wish the questioner were a liar; it is far better than the bumbler running things today.
FlaglerGal says
Tax controversyABC News reported on October 16, 2008, that there was a judgment lien against Wurzelbacher for non-payment of $1,182 in owed Ohio state income taxes dating to January 2007, but “no action has been taken against him outside of filing the lien.” Barb Losie, deputy clerk of the Lucas County Court of Common Pleas, said that “there is a 99 percent chance [Wurzelbacher] doesn’t know about the lien, unless he did a credit report or was ready to pay his taxes.”[77] While on Hannity & Colmes, Wurzelbacher stated that he was unaware of the tax lien prior to it being reported in the press.[78] The taxes were paid on November