Update: Ormond Beach police reported Jason N. Minton turned himself in Friday night.
Just after 7 a.m. Wednesday morning (Feb. 19), Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies contacted the Ormond Beach Police Department to let them know of a case of kidnapping and rape they were investigating. The victim, a 23-year-old resident of Flagler Beach, was at AdventHealth Palm Coast. The assault had allegedly happened off U.S. 1 in Ormond Beach. The woman may have been drugged.
Her alleged attacker is seen in a surveillance video dragging her unconscious body in the parking lot of the River Grille restaurant. (See below.)
Authorities are looking for her alleged attacker, Jason N. Minton, 43, of 1155 Heidi Court in DeLand. He is a registered sex offender. Authorities are asking the public for help.
Three years ago Minton was arrested on two identical charges–kidnapping and rape, both first-degree felonies. Just before trial, he pleaded to simple battery, a misdemeanor, was fined $575 and soon after released.
His sex-offender status dates back to an arrest in 1998, following which he was convicted of committing a lewd act in the presence of a victim younger than 16 in 1998, when he was 21. He was sentenced to five years in prison for the second degree felony, served three and a half years, then served two more years when he failed to comply with the terms of his probation. He was last arrested in Volusia County two years ago on a drunk driving charge, and a few days after that on a battery charge.
Last Friday the alleged victim, was at work at a convenience store when Minton came into the business. The woman had recently moved from out of state to live with her mother in Flagler Beach, according to a Flagler County Sheriff’s incident report. She was telling someone else that she needed another job that paid better. Minton heard her and told him that his tree service company was looking for a secretary, and would pay $35 an hour. He was wearing a shirt bearing the company logo, so she believed him.
He and the woman exchanged phone numbers. She called the next day and set up an interview for Tuesday (Feb. 18). Minton told her they would interview at a restaurant over food and drink. He told her it would not be a “conventional” interview, according to his Ormond Beach police charging affidavit. The woman picked River Grille Restaurant off U.S. 1 in Ormond Beach.
Video released by Ormond Beach Police:
During the conversation setting up the interview Minton became very flirtatious. The woman didn’t think anything of it, according to the affidavit. At River Grille, both ordered a vodka cocktail. Minton then ordered three shots for himself and three for her, followed by wine. They had little food.
During the “interview,” the woman would later tell authorities, she remembered Minton saying he “lies for a living,” and had lied to his customer that day, so he could take the woman out to lunch. The River Grille manager and the server who served Minton told authorities that the woman was so visibly drunk that she drew staff’s attention as she and Minton were leaving the restaurant. Surveillance video shows the woman stumbling as Minton escorts her to his vehicle, a truck. He leaves her by the truck and returns to the restaurant to pay the bill. The woman falls to the ground meanwhile. The video shows Minton returning, then dragging the woman to his truck and shoving her in there. She appeared “unconscious,” “limp and unresponsive,” according to the affidavit.
After Minton forces the woman into the truck, he drives off. He returns 63 minutes later, pulling up next to the woman’s vehicle. He then transfers her from his pick-up to her car and leaves her there. She is later discovered by her mother.
Because the 23 year old had recently moved to the area and was unfamiliar with Flagler and Volusia, her mother had kept track of her daughter throughout. Mother and daughter are very close. Her mother has a tracking app on her phone, so she could see where her daughter was at all times. She had checked out the tree service company on the internet before the interview, and knew her daughter would be at River Grille. Her daughter texted her location shortly after noon, from River Grille. But when her mother texted her at 2 p.m, her daughter did not answer. She called three times between 3:45 and 4:15 p.m. and got no answer, according to the affidavit.
Between 3:30 and 5 p.m., her mother tracked her daughter’s phone location. The phone indicated it left River Grille on U.S. 1 and stopped in the 900 block, by the woods. At first her mother thought she was driving, but when the indicator showed the phone did not move for a long time, then returned to River Grille, she became concerned, so she and her husband drove to River Grille.
They got there at about 5 p.m. As they did so, they saw a “Tucker Tree Service” truck leave the scene, according to the sheriff’s incident report.
She found her daughter in her car, “slumped over in the front passenger seat,” according to the sheriff’s report. The driver’s seat had been pushed back as if a taller person had been driving. The keys were in the ignition. The 23-year-old woman was incoherent and disheveled. Her mother drove her home. Back at the house, the 23 year old fell as she stepped out of her car. It was then that her mother realized her daughter was not wearing her underwear. It was in the backseat area of the vehicle.
Ormond Beach detectives “determined that the victim was removed from the River Grille Restaurant without knowledge or consent and taken to an unknown, remote location and sexually assaulted in the suspect’s vehicle,” an Ormond Beach police release states.
The woman would later remember waking up at her mother’s house, throwing up and in severe rectal pain. She told authorities that she’d never passed out before from drinking. She then thought she was “possibly drugged and sexually assaulted,” according to the sheriff’s report. She asked to be taken to AdventHealth to be screened for a sexual assault.
It’s not clear from the reports when she did so, but between the time she woke up and the time she was at the hospital, she got a call from Minton, on whom she hung up. He would call again later and get the woman’s mother on the phone, to whom he “profusely apologized” for leaving her daughter drunk, in the car. The alleged victim also discovered that her phone had been tampered with: all previous contacts with Minton, by calls or texts, had been removed.
She picked out Minton’s picture in a photo lineup with “complete certainty,” the Ormond Beach affidavit states.
palmcoaster says
He should rot in jail!
Poor girl looking for a better paid job…
Rather not say says
I would like to talk to someone about this guy a year ago he contacted me
Utterly disgusted says
So what will he get this time? A $600 fine? And 2 months?
Angry says
Why are these predators allowed to keep offending ? These judges need to stop slapping them on the wrist. It’s disgusting. Thank God she’s not in a ditch somewhere.
Captain says
Another good example of Plea Bargins!!!!!! Sorry to you young lady.Prayers for speedy mental& physical recovery.
Brian says
So, three years ago kidnapping and rape – 1st degree felonies – morph into a misdemeanor and $575 fine. How nice!
Richard says
So let me TRY and understand EXACTLY why this predator is walking the streets preying on woman. His sexual predator status dates back to 1998 BUT yet three years ago in 2017 he was arrested for TWO identical charges of kidnapping and RAPE which are FIRST DEGREE FELONIES but only fined $575 and released. WTF!!!! Anyone with even an ounce of commons sense would have to wonder what the HELL was the presiding judge thinking. My answer — they weren’t and should NOT be a judge!
When will the judicial system in this area WAKE UP from their deep liberal progressive stupidity and get a set of gonads to keep these criminals from destroying people’s lives and off the streets?
mark101 says
“”””When will the judicial system in this area WAKE UP from their deep liberal progressive stupidity and get a set of gonads to keep these criminals from destroying people’s lives and off the streets?””” Richard well said. They the legal system just keeps on letting these creeps out.
Jen says
Contact the sheriffs office
Catherine says
I believe everybody is entitled to a defense attorney, and it is that attorney’s job to try to get a smaller (or no) punishment for his/her client; however, this is why I could never be a defense attorney.
Anybody who helped keep this predator out of jail, out of any sort if even attempt at rehabilitation or actual punishment for his crimes against women is complicit in what happened to this poor young lady. It is so good that her mother was so involved and supportive. Imagine if she had woken up in that car alone, probably in the dark, very confused and in pain. It makes me wonder how many other times he has done this to women who did not come forward to report or who did not have such a good trail of evidence pointing to him.
Really says
Build as many Prisons as you need and lock POS like this up forever. Its better than watching you all( FCC) piss the money away and at least Society will be safer and have something to show for it.
Truepatriot says
Because the judges ARE NOT LIBERAL! They are REPUBLICANS who applaud this type of behavior, just like they applaud Trump raping a 14 year old and threatening her and her family with DEATH if she ever tried to come forward. Welcome to republicanland, where corruption, rape and bribery are the law.
a friend says
Sherriff Chitwood is asking for other victims to come forward. Minton is a predator. Please come forward and help keep this guy in jail for life! You can reach Chitwood by phone: 386-736-5961 or by email: [email protected]
The truth will set you free says
Let’s be honest if the guy was Hispanic or black he would have been put away already. The public would have crucified the judge if he let a person of color get away with the shit that this piece of shit got away with. Plea bargain my ass. It would have never been offered to a person of color. Gotta love good ol merica!
August says
Doubtful with Video. August
CB from PC says
That sounds more the style of Bill Clinton in the company of his buddy Jeffrey Epstein.
What was it, 27 times that Billy boy was on the Lolita Express? How many times was Trump?
Get a grip man.
Anon says
So what does this have to do with anything?
Wow says
Well I see the nuance may be complicated for you but it’s implying black/brown offenders are treated more harshly than white.