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In-depth Knowledge of Palm Coast Government:
As a Government Affairs Director for the Home Builder’s Association, my primary function is to analyze proposed legislative actions and determine the potential impact on the organization while directing policies and objectives involving local government.
Notice how that sounds a lot like what a City Council Member does.
Over the last four years I have had legislative language adopted, helped write the County’s Comprehensive Plan, participated in Planning Board workshops that shaped the Land Development Code, presented a water conservation plan to the Utility Advisory Committee, attended Code Enforcement Hearings, and spoken countless times at City Council Meetings.
My week to week immersion in Palm Coast gives me the in-depth knowledge to hit the ground running with full understanding of the issues facing our community.
Click here to continue reading about my local knowledge.
Elect Jason DeLorenzo for Palm Coast City Council District 3
Through my community involvement and work with local small businesses, I strive for positive change in Palm Coast everyday. My family and I now feel that the time has come for me to obtain a larger role in the community by running for elected office. I will to bring fresh ideas, positive solutions, and a cooperative approach to the Palm Coast City Council.
We are a community of neighborhoods, businesses, religious groups, organizations and an amazing cross-section of people. Together we are a community. Collectively we can assure a city that will last for generations to come, where our children and grandchildren work, play, live and gather with a priceless appreciation of their community.
Quality of Life
What a beautiful place we live; the jewel of north and central Florida. As we grow it will be important to maintain Palm Coast’s natural beauty. Quality of Life is more than just pleasant surroundings; it also includes good health, housing options, good local shops, and having a secure job.
We must build relationships within our city. To lessen the burden on residential property taxes we must diversify our economy and expand our job market. Providing the right mix of goods and services in our business districts allows our citizens to buy locally, spending less time on the road and more time with family and friends in our neighborhoods.
Visit Jason DeLorenzo’s website for more information:
Email Jason with your questions, concerns or comments: [email protected]
Jason can be reached by phone at 386-212-7810