An era of explosively creative art shows and cutting edge theater is nearing its end at City Marketplace in Palm Coast. The days of Hollingsworth Gallery’s location there are numbered, as gallery owner JJ Graham announced Friday he will not sign a lease with the new owner of City Marketplace, because the landlord’s demands are too steep.
That will put an end to almost six years of Second Saturday gallery openings that had livened up the otherwise moribund strip mall in conjunction with the Flagler County Art League’s monthly openings. The league, which has a long-term lease, will be staying out and continuing its shows. Graham will stage his gallery’s openings elsewhere.
Graham hopes to stay at City Marketplace several months longer as he prepares his move, possibly to a stately 6,000 square-foot brick building on the property of Nature Scapes, the nursery in Bunnell, just off of State Road 100.
“It’s almost a done deal. We’re ready to sign a lease, everything has been ironed out,” Nature Scapes owner Marylou Baiata said Friday. She and Graham have been working on a deal since April. “We both have the same vision. This is win-win for me, for the community and for the arts. We’re going to have education, we’re going to have lots of events. He’s going to do a residency program, and so it all fits in with my vision, and actually my husband’s vision, as he was an artist. So it’s kind of his legacy and mine.” (Richard Biata, a builder, died eight years ago.)
City Repertory Theatre’s Fate in the Air
Hollingsworth Gallery’s departure from City Marketplace removes an anchor that will drag out what had become another centerpiece of the art scene Hollingsworth spun off there for the past three years: City Repertory Theatre. Founded by John Sbordone three years ago, the company has since grown into a full-fledged non-profit with a board of directors and a company of actors who have been putting on a dizzying number of plays, from popular Broadway musicals to politically and socially challenging shows about sexuality, race, social status, death, art and the JFK assassination, among others. CRT’s home was one of Hollingsworth’s storefronts. But CRT will not be following Hollingsworth at its new destination, and Sbordone doesn’t yet have a new place in mind.
“We’re up in the air, up the creek, without a paddle,” Sbordone said Friday. “I was kind of anticipating that he’d be staying longer so we’re going to have to find another space or negotiate for space there, because we’ve never even talked to these people.”
A week ago, Sbordone said, Graham “he thought he’d be around until November, December.” Graham is talking more along the lines moving by September—if Graham is able to stretch his stay at City Marketplace, month to month. But he refuses to sign a new lease there.
“Currently, I do not have a lease agreement with city marketplace,” Graham said in a statement to FlaglerLive and the Palm Coast Observer Friday. “My hope is that they respect the fact that I’ve been an anchor here for six years, and allow me the time I need to respectfully withdraw from this facility. Regardless of whether or not I am here or at another location, the arts are an asset to this community as a whole, and will attract culturally minded people to this city. I will be sending them a rent check each month. My hope is that they cash it and I don’t receive an eviction notice on my door. I hope that we will be at the new location by late September, and I wish them no ill will in finding a new tenant who can afford to pay the rate of rent they desire.”
Characters In Search Of a Stage
CRT Board President Brett Cunningham has been on vacation until this weekend, and Sbordone has been busy with CRT’s summer workshop–“Inferno: a Long Way from Dante,” a play he wrote featuring 10 actors ages 15 to 22, with performances set for the last weekend in July—which has prevented much effort being devoted to finding a new home for the theater. Sbordone has looked around, but nothing solid has materialized.
And the new season is only a few weeks away—with “One Flew Over the Cucoo’s Nest” scheduled to open Sept. 12, followed by such plays as “Grace and Glorie,” “Venus in Fur” and an all-star musical revue in March. If CRT has a home.
“It all boils down to how much funds it’s going to require,” Sbordone said. “You say $2,000 a month rent, that’s $24,000 a year, that’s our operating budget, so we can’t do those things.” It is unlikely that City Marketplace will allow CRT to stay on terms anywhere near as generous as it’s been able to operate for the past three years.
City Marketplace’s Inexplicable End Game
Graham, like other tenants who have been faced with sudden and skyrocketing rent or CAM fee demands from the new landlord—Palm Beach gardens’ John C. Bill Properties—did not mince words about the new regime. “I will say that my heart goes out to my friends and fellow business owners, who have signed leases and suddenly find themselves facing a cam charge which is outside of their budget,” Graham said. (John C. Bills compelled some tenants to sign a lease at a reasonable rent, only to then send them a notice about Common Area Fees, which have increased from 200 to 300 percent.) “I hope that the new owners will not choose to hold them to a contract that is outside of their financial means. I’m an artist first and foremost above and beyond my role as a business owner, and I feel compelled to say that a 300 percent increase in cam charge, without allowing a tenant to exit the lease agreement if, they cannot afford it, is unjust, and places profit above good human conduct.”
Graham had been in talks with the Flagler County School Board to take over adult education facilities in the Hammock, along State Road A1A. The board was interested in the partnership, as was Graham. But a couple of hitches developed, one having to do with the condition of the buildings Graham would occupy, which were in poorer condition than he’d expected, the other having to do with alcohol on school-owned properties. Graham, serves wine at gallery openings. School board policy forbids alcohol on board-owned grounds.
“The main reason that I backed away from the A1A center is that I would not be able to serve wine at my openings,” Graham said. “There are other reasons, but that alone is a bit of a deal-breaker. I will say that I have no hard feelings towards the school board, they were very kind in considering my proposal.”
But that only firmed up the Nature Scapes deal.
Twin Visions at Nature Scapes
The building there is not air conditioned. That’s been a concern for Graham, but only to the extent that it’s a challenge he must overcome—by lining up the fund-raisers and grants that will enable the installation of an air conditioning system. That, too, is in the works, Baiata said.
Graham’s vision statement for the new setting entails what he describes as a metamorphosis for his business, and a new name, too. “When the butterfly emerges,” he writes in his vision statement, “we will have a new name. The Salvo Art Project and the Neotheric School of Art.” Referring to his combined vision with Baiata’s, he said “we can create a magical experience that will not only enrich the lives of our fellow artists and nature enthusiasts, but also provide a cultural service to the community as a whole. Our goal is to play an important role alongside other community-based organizations in transforming Flagler County into a thriving artistic cultural destination. We would greatly appreciate and encourage the community as a whole to support us in this journey.”
For the past two years, she said, she’d been looking every day at a quote: “I’m on the verge of a really big dream come true.”
“Every day I look at that,” Baiata said. “And now it’s happening.”
El Geezer says
We lost our bookstore, and now the Hollingsworth Gallery.
Well there’s always St. Augustine…..
Palm Coast just got a little more sterile.
Anita says
As much as I hate to see JJ Graham leave, taking the Hollingsworth Gallery with him, It’s better than not having this wonderful art gallery in Flagler County at all. I had high hopes that between Hollingsworth, Flagler Art League, CRT and the dance studio, this would become the Art mecca of the county and I can’t help but wonder what the new owner’s vision is for the future of the mall.
Meanwhile, my heart goes out to Mr. Sbordone and the gutsy works he’s brought to his miniscule theater, virtually on a budget of practically zero money but suffused with imagination and passion. I hope to enjoy many a future evening marveling at our undiscovered talent and the genius that presents to us a entire world on the head of a pin.
Flatsflyer says
Just another reason the City should have bought the complex, headed for a real getto in the middle of the city, but what the hell, the crooked politicans will get their names on a plaque at the new City Hall in Town Center.
Genie says
I’m glad this works out for both Hollingsworth and Nature Scapes, my favorite secret garden.
Being at the mercy of major developers is ruining this town. There must be a huge tax break for empty shopping centers, a tax break I’d like to see ended. That tax break has caused some major damage to Palm Coast at several locations. You don’t build a community by specializing in empty shopping centers, you suck it dry.
Will says
Hey, Geezer, the gallery’s just moving down the road a few miles. Hardly a loss in a lovely location.
This should be terrific!
Perry Mitrano says
Congratulations JJ, can’t wait to see the new location!
Geezer Swatting Mud Daubers says
Not a done-deal. I hope they can work something out.
Unfortunately, the many negative happenings in PC have
effectively stomped out all of my optimism.
I now see this place as an “anything goes” setting much like the old Dodge City.
Fees, fines, traffic cameras, 7% sales tax, crime, and lots of assorted uglies.
My rose-colored glasses are on the floor cracked and mangled.
Nancy N. says
I don’t understand what this guy thinks he’s going to do with Marketplace after he empties it by driving out all the current tenants. It’s not like there is exactly a shortage of vacant retail space in this town…
Jon Hardison says
So is the Art League staying? What’s their deal?
w.ryan says
So just about all the arts is moving to Bunnell and Flagler Beach? Palm Coast, What’s Up! Art is important to any growing city! Just as well…support hasn’t been exactly spectacular. I just don’t know what is to become of all the other small businesses at CMP once they are forced out! That’s shameful!
Judie Dziak says
I truly believe it will be so wonderful and inspiring for all the Artist moving to the most beautiful setting to do their art. It is so beautiful and peaceful at Nature Scapes. I see a wonderful future, and a dream come true. Just wait until you see the finished project!
Yes empty shopping center are becoming a plague here, shame on the town fathers for letting this happen! You are supposed to make us prosper and grow.