The State Attorney’s Office filed a third-degree felony child neglect charge against Amy M. Kemper, 32, of Richland Place in Palm Coast on Thursday. The charge is in connection with an incident at the Hammock Beach Resort on Sept. 9 involving drugs and group sex in the proximity of Kemper’s 11-year-old child, and that ended with the death of T.F., 60, according to her arrest report and the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office.
T.F. died of a medical episode Kemper referred to as a heart attack. She had first alerted Hammock resort security, but T.F.’s condition was not immediately addressed. It isn’t clear why 911 wasn’t contacted at that time. It was only hours later that 911 was called.
The child’s father on Wednesday filed an emergency motion for full custody of the child. Circuit Judge Chris France granted it that day.
Kemper was with several people, including T.F., J.D., 52, of Palm Coast, a man she referred to as Brian and an unidentified man. The night of Sept. 9 the group had gone to Finn’s bar in Flagler Beach, where it stayed until closing at 2 a.m. Kemper then picked up her 11-year-old son from his grandmother’s house in Palm Coast and drove back with the group to the Hammock resort before 3 a.m.
Kemper told Flagler County Sheriff’s deputies “they all smoked marijuana together while [her son] slept on a couch in a hotel room, located in front of the balcony doors in front of the bed.” Kemper said all five were using cocaine ostensibly kept out of view in the bathroom.
Along the way J.D. and the unnamed man left the room, she said, so she and the remaining two could have sex. “Prior to having group sex,” the report states, “Amy [said] they attempted to put the couch that [her son] was sleeping on in the narrow-closet and cover the closet doors with a sheet that if [the boy] woke up, he would not ‘see’ or ‘hear’ the sexual activities occurring.”
After the sex, Kemper was applying make-up and J.D. had walked out to the balcony to smoke pot when she noticed T.F. “having what she believed was a medical episode and called resort security for help,” the report states. “She reported hearing loud and unnatural snoring, and [T.F. ] was unresponsive.” Those involved gave conflicting times as to when T.F. was observed in difficulties. Kemper thought it was 5 a.m.
Kemper told J.D. she thought T.F. was having what she termed a “heart attack.”
It does not appear that anything was done to address the situation when Kemper first alerted security: “Shortly after, it was deemed that [T.F. ] was ‘sleeping,’ so she and [J.D.] left the hotel room so he could ‘sleep it off,'” according to the report.
J.D. drove Kemper to Daytona Beach to see another friend. She left her son alone in the room– “with the unresponsive [T.F.], drug paraphernalia, and sex items for numerous hours,” the report states, including sex toys and condom wrappers strewn around the bed.
J.D. corroborated the timeline and Kemper’s account, and said when he and she returned to the hotel room after Daytona Beach, they called 911, since T.F. was still unresponsive. It was only then that Flagler County Fire Rescue and the Sheriff’s Office responded to the scene.
Authorities pronounced T.F. deceased.
The boy would later tell authorities that he recalled watching television on the couch while the “adults” were hanging out, then hearing T.F. snoring very loudly. He was not aware of what was going on until he heard his mother call 911 much later that morning. The Department of Children and Families was alerted and was among the responders to the resort.
Kemper remains at the Flagler County jail on $15,000 bond. The court has imposed a no-contact order on Kemper regarding her son, pending the resolution of the case.
Steve says
Nominate her for Mother of the Year. Why wouldn’t you just leave your Minor Son at Grandma’s for the night. It’s 3am and coming home from a Bar. OMG Endangering your Son multiple times in one night
Land of no turn signals says says
The mother of the the year award goes to…………….
Disgusted says
There must be a ton of misspellings and typos in this article because I thought I read a mother was having sex with 2 men and doing cocaine while her 11 year old son was in the same room? And then left him with dead body?
Can’t be. Nope. Don’t believe it. No one is that despicable. I hope Dad, grandma and whoever is in this Child’s life get their heads out of their butts because Mom didn’t fall this low tonight. This was a long time coming.
Laurel says
Sweet people.
Okay, so let’s attract more people to Palm Coast, Flagler Beach and the Hammock. Never can have enough.
Poor kid. I’m glad his father got him out.
The Geode says
Living in a place where it’s commonplace to see pregnant 13 year olds – it’s hard for me to imagine that it’s “child neglect” to leave an 11 year old alone. Sure, it might be messed up to leave him with a dying man but say that instead of this abuse crap. Until society stops playing semantics according to “race” and starts jailing the (parent) of children that are truly “neglected” (hence the pregnant 13 year olds), we will never reach a consensus on race and society relations. Then again, some people are held to higher standards compared to the people considered to be on the lower end of the spectrum and just don’t know any better…
Pat Stote says
Your comment has nothing to do with this story. It’s not about 13-year-olds being pregnant and
it’s not a political story. It’s a sad story where a mother mother doesn’t care about her 11 year old son and puts her needs for drugs and sex her first priority
The Geode says
Whatever. This ties into the fact that some “abuse” is neglected while others are highlighted. Just like everything else, the race of the person determines which abuse is tolerated and which one is highlighted. How could it not be “political”? How could it not be “racial”? You talk this sad shit because an 11 year old boy was near his mom doing drugs. I talk this “sad shit” because OUR 11 year old boys and girls go through more egregious crap like this daily. I don’t see any stories about that. Why? Because it’s expected of us because of “the soft bigotry of low expectations” IE: we don’t know any better. You damn right it’s about race because I will take every opportunity to spotlight how OUR children are neglected and NOBODY is clamoring for THOSE children to be taken away to have a better shot at life like you dare doing for this “white kid” whose mom is on drugs and her crime is “leaving him alone by himself”.
MY point was about “abuse” (crime) and the media’s ability to pick-and-choose based on color. PERIOD!
Pat Stote says
This is one of the most horrible stories I’ve read in the long long time.
God bless her son and hopefully he has no memories of that night, which that seems impossible.
TR says
I hope this moron never gets to spend time with her son ever again. She also should not be allowed to have any more kids. So I say lock her up for the longest amount of time allowed for the charges she was arrested for with no early release. Then when she gets out if she want to see her kid, it has to be supervised, no exceptions ever.
Atwp says
Child will be traumatized for a long time I believe. Hammock Resort, I thought was this exclusive place for the rich and famous. Hope the child will get the psychiatric care he needs. Will she and the men go to jail? Time will tell.
Barney Fife says
This whole story sounds fishy from the start. I hope FCSO can figure this out maybe some others need to be charged.
Concerned Paramedic says
As one of the Paramedics involved. The So called security department there is entirely responsible for this incident. They allowed the activities to take place unchecked. Then failed to call 911. The entire security team should be investigated by FCSO. And everyone charged as an accomplice. Let the courts sort it out. But that “security team” is a danger to the resort and community. Hopefully FL continues to dig at this. None of those so called guards have a licnese. And are operating illegally. So that’s a charge there. And none are trained in first aid. They only care about trespassing folks from the pool. Don’t believe me? Ask FCSO what they think of this so called Hammock Beach Resort Security. Disgusted with all of it. Total ineptness. And now someone is dead.
Hannah says
All the so called good expansion of palm coast is so great!! Can wait till we have double the population in 2 years!
bill says
20 years plus here and this city turned to shit , traffic , crime, congestion , original plan was SD 900,000 for the state, not too late for me
Can't believe it says
It doesn’t seem to have all the information. WHO is the “unidentified man”?
Was 911 not called because it was someone of importance?
A Local politician/maybe a Commissioner?
A Law Enforcement Official?
A local big shot?
Real Estate Developer?
Real Estate Attorney?
Was there an autopsy?
Was the cause of death actually a heart attack, or was he murdered?
It happened on September 9th. It seems to be missing a lot of information. What are they trying to hide?
Were the perverts molesting the child?
Who are these fine outstanding citizens that have been identified? Where are they from, what do they do, what businesses do they have? Why were they not arrested?
They all knew there was a child present, and continued to carry on with their illegal drugs?
What does our fine District Attorney have to say?
They are going to let this one person take the rap for everyone?
You claim to be a reporter, do a little reporting. Awful damn vague!
It’s got cover up written all over?
Sure seems like a lot of smoke here.
Please don’t tell me this is all there is to the Sheriff’s Office investigation and all the charges.
Mary Fusco says
Can’t, whoever was in that room is insignificant. Pigs live amongst us. The issue was that there was a mother who brought her 11 year old child into her sick world.
Pat Stote says
You bring up a real good point about “one unidentified man”. He absolutely should be identified along with the three or four of these creeps.
I no longer live in the area but I know for sure Hammock Dunes Resort is very expensive. Someone paid for this party.
Also a good point about the 11 year old boy.
Much more to this story.
Mary Fusco says
Wow. This story is horrific. Anyone who thinks this child did not see and hear what was going on is delusional. Wonder how many other times he went to “work” with mom. Hopefully his father will be able to get him the help he will need. Children do not deserve this lifestyle.
Florida Girl says
Atrocious is the word that comes to mind for every adult that took part in this. That poor child living under the directive of all of them there brings a terrifying feeling within me, and that’s just me reading it. I can’t fathom walking it as an adult let alone an eleven-year-old boy! I’m so grateful there wasn’t a fire with that baby in the closet and their inability to call 911. I do wonder where the biological father was this whole time because mom didn’t get this way overnight. How long has he left that child with this woman – I refuse to call her a mother. Hopefully dad is not in the same frequency as the woman he chose to birth and leave his child with.
Praying for that boy…
Concerned Paramedic says
Thank the so called security team. They allow it to happen. I wouldn’t trust that group of holster sniffing wash outs to guard an empty parking lot.
Hunting the Hunter says
Where was Hunter Biden during this Date and Time ?
scooter says
He was home watching January 6th footage of all the fake patriots assaulting police and destroying government property and taking names of the delusional Trump followers who continue to obsess and believe riding his coat tails will somehow make them extra racist and super rich. You are a pawn.
Ralph myers says
Probably joe Mullins or when of staly’s friends like celico… funny how they decide what they when say and who they want to expose in the mean time during this investigation Flagler county arrest 3 people for possessing under 20 grams of pot what a joke !!!!
The dude says
Spare us all the MAGA crocodile tears for this boy.
You all don’t want to spend a penny for his schools or on anything that could eventually lift him out of whatever horrible situation awaits him. (mowing grass or baking pizzas for a living if he’s lucky, picking Palm berries if he’s not)
Yet you’ll spend every penny it takes to remove him from his family and put him in the system for life.
Wow says
Yes and it’s important he never sees anyone wearing drag. That might hurt him. Nor should he read any forbidden books. Ok now he’s safe.
Concerned Citize says
Holy cow, this is an abject mess of a story. First, please please please terminate that woman’s parental rights. I’m so disgusted and saddened for this boy and I hope the state gives his dad (who’s hopefully a good parent) full custody. Also, I find it curious there’s an “unidentified man” in this mess…inquiring minds want to know who the local councilmember, business leader, titan of industry was having drugged up group six in a tony hotel room! How is it that not a single adult declined those activities with a child present?!?! Sooo much wrong with this story; praying for that child and I don’t even pray.
Mary Jane says
Glad the courts awarded the Father. The Mother sure never should have had children since her personal life doesn’t seem to reward the Mother of Year award.
Barney Fife says
Hammock Beach Resort needs to be cleaned up does the mgt company really care I doubt it…..
BeachGuy says
Left Finn’s and went to Hammock at 3am, partied and had group sex, and THEN decided to go see a friend in Daytona? For what, drugs and more sex? Is she a prostitute?
Pat Stote says
Sure sounds that way