Three men, none older than 20, and a 16 year old were arrested Sunday and charged in the armed burglary of a house at 24 Pine Brook Lane just 800 feet from one of the suspect’s home. The site of the burglary is in the heart of Palm Coast’s P-Section.
Tyrell Williams, 19, of 8 Pine Bush Lane in Palm Coast (he is originally from Palatka), Devon Burney, 20, of Edgewater, Tammarick Asbell, 20, of Palatka and a 16-year-old from Palm Coast were charged with armed burglary of a dwelling. Williams is being held on $100,000 bond at the Flagler County jail. Burney is being held without bond. He also faces a probation violation charge. Asbell’s bond was set at $50,000.
The arrests took place shortly after 2 p.m. Sunday.
According to their arrest reports, the suspects entered the house on Pine Brook Lane to take laptops, tablets cell phones, iPads, large amounts of cash and jewelry. The property had an estimated value of between $2,500 and $3,500. The suspects were allegedly armed with a KelTec 9 mm handgun, which cops located with a black backpack that the suspects tried to “discard and or conceal” as they were fleeing the scene and attempting to elude police.
A second, pink backpack was located in an area where witnesses identified two of the suspects, hiding under a vehicle. The pink backpack contained an X-Box 360, two controllers and the device’s power cord. The backpack was inscribed with the name of a juvenile who lives at the house that was burglarized.
The four suspects were positively identified by independent witnesses as the subjects in the area of the burglary and at the house itself, according to the police reports.
Each suspect’s arrest report also notes that each of the suspects “is also a known documented ‘Grove Street’ gang member, representing the gang by wearing camouflage clothing. Camouflage is also a known ‘Color’ of the Grove Street Gang. By wearing the colors and being known gang members it is believed the defendant’s actions were for the purpose of benefiting, promoting, or furthering the interests of a criminal street gang and should be enhanced under Florida statutes 874.03 and 874.04.” The laws refer to gang-related crimes.
A.S.F. says
LOL (not really)–They think wearing camouflage while committing offenses as part of a gang actually provides them with camouflage? Ah, the intelligence of the gang mentality! People with anti-social personalities always think they’re too smart to ever get caught, no matter how often they do. I wish so many young people weren’t so vulnerable to their influence! Please, parents, STEP UP!
just sayin says
They were not wearin camouflage only one guy had on camouflage. Who doesn’t wear it????? I wear camouflage and I’m not in a gang.Get your facts straight. The law will lie too just to make themselves look good. If you was to throw most of them in the city, they wouldn’t last.
working man says
Hey just sayin, Let them move to the city we don’t need them in our city! If these kids had some brains
or ambition they could get JOBS like the rest of us and not have to steal from there neighbors.
Florida Native. says
They’ll be out of jail before sundown.
Genie says
Palm Coast has a decision to make…grow and become a flourishing city or let these thugs take over and keep us moving in the direction of becoming a ghetto.
Good luck fixing this.
Anonymous says
its really not palm coast, this happens in all cities throughout this country. its the laws that let these punks off to continue to do ignorant stuff until someone is murdered. my vote for any criminal offense is 1 and done, period.
anoymous says
Get used to hearing THAT gangs name along with their rivals the Haitian Zoe Pound gang. Call them wannabes if you like. Doesn’t take a tough guy to pull a trigger. Thank goodness Manfre and his guys know who every single one of them are and monitor them like white on rice, unfortunately many are under age. But the new jail is coming soon.
Street gangs in Palm Coast….why did I leave NY?
rhweir says
Where is Grove Street? Better get a handle on this or this will be Holly Hill north.
Samantha Nieves says
“Grove street” is a gang in bunnell &/or in palm coast. I believe Tyrell Williams also had a baby smh what a dead beat trouble maker. I feel sorry for his child & the mother
Charles "Bub" Robson says
There has been 5-10 active local and national gangs in P.C. for a long time now, more then any of the surrounding counties, thanks for bringing them to Flagler County through the world wide ads promoting P.C.
Outsider says
Well, you can also thank the probation system in Florida. The probation offices of other jurisdictions were LITERALLY pointing these guys towards Flagler County, educating them on the low cost of housing and neglecting to mention there were no jobs available to pay the rent. This was done apparently to get them out of their own jurisdictions. Don’t ask how I know this; I could tell you, but then I’d have to….well you know. ;)
justwondering says
Are any of these gentlemen receiving public assistance?
Outsider says
“Gentlemen?” Now you are really using the term loosely. I understand however, because now if you say “thug,” it’s a code word for something else.
wake up says
parents must be so proud of them…Get this trash out of OUR town!!
Anonymous says
lets forget about age and throw these clowns in prison. put them in the CHAIN GANG!!
Happy says
If they want to be called a “gang”, let them enjoy the extra charges that come along with it!
c'mon says
I’m so glad that Manfre is out there busting fictional gangs now, makes me feel good at night to know that our law enforcement is on the case. Maybe when they get done busting all the gangs from Grand Theft Auto, they can bring down Donkey Kong. Why haven’t they investigated all the property damage done by those angry birds?
Quit the grandstanding Manfre.
just sayin says
First of all they need to stop lying on two of the young men. They know they only got two suspects from that burglery. Thwy other two boys they got out of their beds. How can u burglerize when your sleep. I smell a setup
A.S.F. says
You want to get rid of the snake, you cut off its head. The tail may keep slithering but it will lose direction and eventually die. I hope the police are concentrating on locating the heads and smashing them before they give birth to many more little snakes.
A.S.F. says
…Oh, and once they do, don’t forget to make sure that the “smashed heads” aren’t still directing their troops from inside the prison walls. That happens all too often.
anonymous says
@ c’mon
Read up on Brandon Washington and the RICO case that was filed on gang members in palm coast about five years ago. Kids were dying then at the hands of a “fictional gang.” This new group of kids has been involved in roughly a dozen shooting incidents within palm coast in the last two years. Sounds like reality to me, but you can keep living in your fictional world if you so choose.
Native New Yorker says
Wow, I just read that article. I just moved to PC in Aug of last year. I thought this was a safe enough town to raise my teenage son. Wow.
ted bundy says
why don’t the courts enforce 10-20-life????????
Howard Duley says
Now we are importing the finest that Palatka has to offer. Must not be enough good stuff to steal over there.
psection home owner says
This “wanna be” gang is real… wanna be’s are the worst of the worse. They’re trying to prove themselves, acting dumb and reckless. Do a little gang research. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1d8ovI4GhK8
openminded says
I agree. Wanna be’s are dangerous because they let nothing go due to their desire to prove themselves.I am sorry for the good people of the P section.
Rufus McGravyboat III says
Grove Steet Gang? C’mon guys. Get a little more original with your names. “Hey guys! We should name outr gang after the one in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas! We’ll be just like CJ!” What ever happened to cool gang names like The Bloods and The Crips. Completely original and terrifying names. I was in a gang one time…well if you consider gang activities being you standing outside of a local convinence store drinking Pepsi and eating Reese’s Cups awhile your friend chain smokes a pack of stale Newports as you both sing “I Wonder” by Brenda Lee (on a side note, how good was Brenda Lee? Oh man. She was indeed a class act.) I’ve been down that way before, anything past the publix on Bell Terre looks like what you’d see in The Walking Dead (Not that I’ve seen the show, Well, I watched season one when it first came out, got hooked, and forgot it existed until a few months back, now I can’t watch it because everyone and their cousin posts
spoilers all over Facebook) Well, that’s all I got. I’m bored with this whole thing .
openminded says
I have been in Palm Coast since 1977. The P Section was so peaceful. New homeowners were so excited to live there. I know a few old timers who are still there. Such a shame that their dream has been trampled upon.