The southern end of Roberts Road just north of State Road 100 and Wadsworth Park is turning into one of the most rapidly and intensely developing zones in the county, with 569 single-family homes or apartments to be built there soon, with implications for traffic on the two-lane road, and capacity at nearby Old Kings Elementary, projected to be at 116 percent capacity in five years (it’s at 76 percent now).
Flagler Beach government approved 240 apartments and 112 single-family homes on two separate tracts for two developers in July.
Next Wednesday, the Palm Coast Planning Board will consider a rezoning and Future Land Use Map amendment for a third tract to be slated for an additional 217 single-family homes on land called Grand Reserve East. The name is no relation to Grand Reserve, the large development in Bunnell.
Palm Coast annexed that 142-acre tract in August, since it’s in Palm Coast’s water and sewer service area. It was previously county land. The tract is the largest of the three slated for development. It starts a little over half a mile north of State Road 100 all the way to the property line of Sea Ray Boats–now the reopened Boston Whaler plant–to the north, and parallels more than three dozen properties on Lambert Avenue to the east. But according to the site plan, no homes in the new development will be near the Lambert properties. Rather, the development projects vast swaths of conservation land, wetlands and other open spaces between the last row of homes (in a north-south line) and Lambert Avenue property lines. (See the site plan here.) The acreage includes 109 acres of uplands, all covered in pine and hardwoods, and 33 acres of wetlands.
The acreage is currently owned by Daryl Carter of Orlando, who is represented by Palm Coast attorney Jay Livingtson. It would be developed by the same developer of Beach Park Village, the 112-home development, essentially creating a continuous line of single-family residences from the Sea Ray plant down to Wadsworth park, at least on the east side of Roberts Road.
Some 128 acres are currently zoned residential low density and 13 acres are zoned conservation, but under county designation. The rezoning would bring the land under Palm Coast land designations of residential and conservation, thus lowering the allowable homes that could be built from 300 to 217.
A neighborhood meeting, hosted by Livingston and required by Palm Coast regulations ahead of such rezoning hearings, is scheduled for Monday, Oct. 18, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Palm Coast.
Once the Planning Board and the Palm Coast City Council clear the land use changes–with the reading of an ordinance at two council hearings in November and December–the developer will move for site-plan approval, though that plan is ready, suggesting eagerness on the developer’s part to start building. “The plan is to move fast, yes,”: Livingston said today.” “There’s still some engineering work to be done,” but it’s proceeding.
T says
Just stop palm coast is to crappy for all new people it’s clustered now no good jobs and I understand more people meets there agendas for profit
More Homes??? NO! says
We need more jobs with a starting salary at $45,000 not more homes. Soon even stall worth Palm Coast Data will be gone, at least a majority of employees…only a matter of time. Where will those people go? Many of them make anywhere from $35,000 on up. Where will they slide in without training and education? There is nothing here but homes, retail jobs and doctor’s offices. Try attracting some good paying jobs and then your citizens won’t have to travel over an hour north or south to find a decent job.
Jimbo99 says
Rezoning ?
Who is going to want to purchase their residential home next to a boat factory ? The toxic nature of that type of manufacturing industry, the traffic & noise, living near a fiberglass & resin facility ? There is at least a buffer zone area between the Edgewater plant facility & any residential in Volusia county. Well, I guess it’s far enough away that many of the citizens would have to deal with it as an eyesore ? But still doesn’t make it right for those who’s health is more directly impacted there ? I get the expansion though, Flagler Beach instead of Flagler county, city & county taxes combined for those homeowners is more money for Flagler Beach.
E, ROBOT says
Flagler Beach tax payers are paying the price for this, not the other way around.
Joe says
I will vote against any elected officials that keep voting for residential rezonings.
The County needs to up the percentage of Commercial ratio to Residential. Rezoning for residential lowers that ratio.
Dennis says
Stop all the developments. Too many and you are ruining the quality of life. When is enough, enough?
Let's make Flagler look like Daytona! says
That come to 569 new homes along Roberts Rd.
How many are being planned along John Anderson Rd?
My thinking on this issue is, how will Publix (and Winn-Dixie up the road), handle this number of people moving in? Same question as to traffic on SR 100, Roberts Rd, Colbert and John Anderson? Nearby Flagler Beach will also become extreamly over crowed. The 2 lane roads (even 4 lane SR 100) can not, in anyway handle that much traffic, same for the schools.
But, we local residents are very lucky that the very wise county commissioner’s made sure we have all those gas stations along the 2 mile streach of SR 100! We are so fortunate for their futurestic planning! I am more than 100% sure that these wise commissioner’s will make sure that 3 new Dollar Tree’s will also soon dot our once beautiful landscape in that area for all our weary eyes to drop a few more tears thinking about the beauty of the way is used to be.
jim lang says
Great more people, more traffic, more noise, more angry people who have no patience. I moved here in 2007. Loved living here but now can’t stand all the new building. People aren’t friendly anymore everyone’s in hurry to get now were. Its all about money so sad. Of course you going to get people saying quick your bitching but folks we need to stand up and smell the roses. Its just going to get worst and worst. I got three more years before I can retire and I’m out of here. Can’t get here quick enough….
Concerned Mama says
Keep running the wildlife out of their home’s ! Where do you think they’ll go ? It’s sad to think that their food source is drying up, no where for them to bed down for the nights, and then you have people complaining about these animals invading their garbage and gardens etc.
And as others have said, job’s ??, Where are these people going to work or are they retired ?? Our infrastructure needs updating !! No street lights or sidewalks in our neighborhoods that are needed so badly. Street lights will make a difference in the crimes being committed, { darkness hides those with ill intent } making streets safer to walk for our kids and elders, those who walk their dogs, it’s going to be getting dark sooner now with the changing of the clocks, so an increase in accidents and crimes will be committed due to the dark streets ! Why do you insist on building when you need to take care of what’s already here. I guess it’s all about the $$$$ !! Hell, you can’t even keep fire flight in the sky when it’s needed for emergency’s !! Our hospital only has so much room and then what, go 40 minutes north or south, time that you may not have, if you have to go elsewhere ? You can’t even have a baby here at Advent ! I could go on and on, but you get the idea. I don’t think adding new home’s for new people is a wise idea, until we take care of those who are already here. And quit taking land from our wildlife in addition !!
This area, Flagler County, could be so much more, if only the right people were running it. It’s a beautiful area, but keep tearing the trees down, diigging up what land there is, and sooner or later you’ll have a big as they say ” Take paradise and put up a parking lot”!
Timothy Patrick Welch says
The property referenced as Sea Ray is now Boston Whaler ( The Brunswick Corporation), and has plans to hire hundreds. The growth and buildout of Florida continues, have faith in our elected officials to properly manage the buildout of Flagler County, or become involved as an active participate, let your voice be heard. We can only hope the mistakes of past growth will not be repeated. Many of Americas beautiful places are gone, its what I call “paradise lost”…
Shark says
You keep electing republicrumbs and this is what you get !!!!!
Dimi says
Now we have the town fool talking nonsense.
Shark says
You only have republicans in office that are responsible.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Palm Coast used to be a great place to live….USED TO BE!!!!!! When I moved here many years ago, this place was like the song says FIND YOUR FLORIDA….Well I found it, and now the morons in town hall have destroyed it! Whats wrong with a quiet sleepy town? Sleep hell no, all you hear is hammers, trees being slaughtered, diesel motors smelling up the streets,with polution, and that constant beep beep beep…..Some one is profiting from all this building crap, and I hope their happy…90% of residents have had enough, they dont want more people here…Theres enough of a traffic problem here now, yet the mayor and city council keep rubber stamping every building project that comes thier way….But yet have not giving 1 thought to our constant traffic, or how to fix it! Heavy duty dump trucks,speed up and down are streets all day…from 7am til? The weight of these trucks are killing all the roads in town, they are caving in, and cracking. The old streets have seen better days…Whos gonna pay to have them fixed? Dont tax me!!!! This city has no plan…this city has no direction, This is a modern day SHIP OF FOOLS!!!!!!
A.j says
We were just talking about the streets bring littered and possibly charging $1000.00 against the litters. As I said before will the cops hsve time to write a litter ticket. You got to catch them first. In my opinion the cops will not have time to do that. What about the animals they are loosing their habitat all over Vol. & Flagler Counties. Crime will increase, more traffic, more noise. People will be stealing money to pay the high rent.
Fla. is growing we need to get ready another Orlando, Miami, Atlanta, right in our back yard. Will Young families have enough money to pay the high rent? Di we have enough schools,jobs,hospitals, etc. We will see what happens.
Deliverance here I come says
Its OVER…….. Flagler Beach is soon to be a memory . Well, I had a blast the past 30 years. Now I’m just going to sell my house to some New York Dem for a million dollars and head up towards the Appalachian mountains and live out what’s left of my life in RURAL SOLITUDE . I can hear the banjos now.
Bob A says
You can’t do any better than “Grand Reserve East”? How confusing with the existing “Grand Reserve” , “Grand Haven” etc
FlaglerLive says
The name is a long-ago holdover that actually predates Bunnell’s Grand Reserve.
Concerned Citizen says
All this talk about building.
Not much talk about updating/grading our infra structure. How are they planning on supporting all this new development with existing utilities? What we have now is collapsing roadways and breaking mains.
Our existing utilities were designed to support a finite number of residents. I believe we have long surpassed that. Gotta make sure you can support it before you build.
Sarah White says
Every place in Florida is getting crowded, not just Flagler Beach and Palm Coast. I think everyone in this state feels the same way. Its’ TOO crowded. And of course people want to move to Flagler Beach and Palm Coast, because it’s a beautiful area and a little less expensive than other cities. Land developers are always looking for new pieces of property to develop and will never stop. There are around 1200 people a “day” moving into Florida. Just because you like the way your city is now does not stop new development and new people moving in. It’s Florida and everybody will keep moving here!