By Diane Roberts
In a recent CNN interview (and on many previous occasions), Alabama U.S. Sen. Tommy Tuberville insisted that the phrase a “white nationalist” simply meant someone who’s “a good American.”
When reporter Kaitlan Collins explained — slowly — that “a white nationalist is someone who believes that the white race is superior to other races,” Tuberville huffed, “Well, that’s some people’s opinion.”
Some people like, say, Tommy Tuberville? Or Ron DeSantis? Moms for Liberty? The congressional Freedom Caucus? The right-wing Supreme Court majority? All those angry (yet terrified) Caucasians watching what they always assumed was “their” country become more brown and less Christian?
Tuberville later retreated a bit from what sounded like something Foghorn Leghorn would say at the monthly klavern barbecue, but no matter what language he and his fellow knuckle-draggers use, he’s another example of how the Republican brand is no longer bigger business and smaller government.
It’s white supremacy. Their platform? White supremacy. Their political and social goals? White supremacy.
The U.S. Supreme Court seems to share the Republicans’ obsession with making America white again. Gutting the Voting Rights Act in 2013 and striking down affirmative action in university admissions dismisses the institutional racism of centuries of oppression, favoring instead the pale and the privileged.
And speaking of pale and privileged, declaring opposition to “multiculturalism” and pledging to “support Christian Nationalism across the country,” the College Republicans — the future of the party! — have invited Nick Fuentes, the out and proud anti-Semite and racist who boasts he’s “just like Hitler,” to this year’s national convention on July 30.
Fuentes, whose pals include neo-Confederates and Klan-adjacent types, is popular with certain congressional Republicans. Reps. Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene made an appearance at his America First shindig last year.
‘Relentlessly attack’
A few alleged grown folks in the Republican Party actually condemned Gosar and Greene, shocked! shocked! that they would associate with anti-Semites (they weren’t so bothered about the racism).
Surely not that nice Paul Gosar, the one who posted a cheery video about murdering Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and employed an aide with ties to neo-Nazis?
Or the lovely and talented MTG, she of the Jewish space lasers? She said she didn’t even know who Fuentes was, or if she did, well, what matters is those “Pharisees” trying to destroy Jesus’ America: “We’re not going to be deterred by journalists and Washington insiders who fear the name of our Lord,” she proclaimed, “and relentlessly attack those of us who proclaim his name.”
Greene was famously shunned by the “insiders” of her own party for a while, but she’s now at the heart of congressional power, a close ally of Kevin McCarthy in a legislative body reluctant to condemn white supremacy and paranoid about an “immigrant invasion” designed to destroy American culture, engineered by nefarious non-Christian, un-American, crypto-Marxists from George Soros to Hillary Clinton to the Pentagon.
Not joking: Republicans have turned on the United States military.
Members of Congress who keep forgetting to get their rabies shots have worked themselves into a froth over gay soldiers, trans soldiers, diverse soldiers, and soldiers reading critical race theory.
You may recall that time in 2021 when U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, Florida’s Most Punchable person, tried to challenge the military’s diversity reading matter and Gen. Mark Milley took him down: “I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin,” Milley said. “That doesn’t make me a communist. So, what is wrong with understanding — having some situational understanding about the country we are here to defend?”
Military promotions
Now the Republican House wants the Pentagon to ban critical race theory as well as drag shows and women controlling their own reproduction. Oh, and do something about China, too, if there’s time after trying to make the services whiter, maler, and straighter.
Tommy Tuberville’s single-handedly holding up 265 promotions: Officers and their families have no idea where they’ll be stationed or when, because ol’ Tommy objects to funding military womenfolk to get access to abortions.
Ain’t like there’s any trouble brewing in Foreign Parts.
Not to be outdone, Florida’s tantrum-prone governor’s hollering about “wokeness,” vowing that when he’s in the White House, “On Day 1, we’re ripping out all the Obama-Biden policies to woke-ify the military.”
That’s just one component of DeSantis’ white supremacist agenda: He’s also trying to erase diversity as a goal in education and suppress learning about this country’s systemic racism. He wants to end birthright citizenship, too.
DeSantis conjures up images of “alien hordes” incentivized to get here by any means necessary so they can drop a baby on American soil and claim unearned American citizenship for that little freeloader.
He says he wants to defy the Fourteenth Amendment, which ensures that anyone born in the United States is entitled to equal protection under the law. It was passed right after the Civil War to give the formerly enslaved their rights — or, at least, try to.
DeSantis prefers to think the Fourteenth Amendment doesn’t actually say what it says.
Justice Clarence Thomas, his fellow irascible Ivy Leaguer, is also inclined to read the Fourteenth Amendment as somehow color-blind.
In Thomas’ concurring opinion in the court’s dismantling of affirmative action, he argues that the amendment doesn’t really have anything to do with race.
This might come as a surprise to descendants of slaves and veterans of the Civil Rights Movement.
America let her in
Perhaps even more surprising is the fact that white supremacists aren’t always white.
They are, however, always hypocrites. Ron DeSantis is the great-great-grandchild of Luigia Colluci, a woman who landed at Ellis Island on Feb. 21, 1917, with no visa, 16 days after Congress passed an immigration act designed to keep the likes of her out.
The law was aimed in particular at Asians, southern Europeans, and other “undesirables,” including “idiots, imbeciles, poor, beggars, criminals, polygamists, anarchists, people with physical and mental disabilities, the sick, prostitutes,” etc. — a population that would not help keep America a “white man’s country.”
Luigia Colluci was illiterate — technically a disqualifier — and pregnant with an anchor baby.
America let her in.
The rest — as we know to our sorrow — is history.
Diane Roberts is an 8th-generation Floridian, born and bred in Tallahassee. Educated at Florida State University and Oxford University in England, she has been writing for newspapers since 1983, when she began producing columns on the legislature for the Florida Flambeau. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, the Times of London, the Guardian, the Washington Post, the Oxford American, and Flamingo. She has been a member of the Editorial Board of the St. Petersburg Times–back when that was the Tampa Bay Times’s name–and a long-time columnist for the paper in both its iterations. She was a commentator on NPR for 22 years and continues to contribute radio essays and opinion pieces to the BBC. Roberts is also the author of four books.
PalmCoaster says
Scooby says
“The Social Construct of RACISM and Whiteness is a mental disease and control tactic.”
Kat says
Another spot on column, thank you!
Laurel says
Ah, the KKK…coneheads on parade (are they really from France?)! MTG, Gaetz, Bobart, McCarthy, DeSantis: America’s brain trust.
I say son, I say don’t mess with Foghorn Leghorn, he’s a lot more likable and smarter than the aforementioned five listed above.
I always wondered what the tiki boys were thinking when they chanted “The Jews will not replace us.” At what? The tiki parade? Lots of parades going on here, not much smarts.
Jackson1955 says
For practical purposes there is no Republican Party at the national level without Donald Trump. Republicans allowed Trump to destroy their party, but they’ve already gone all in on a losing hand, and they know it.
Republican’s panic and desperation, which we see and hear playing out in Congressional hearings on an almost daily basis, will only get worse as elections (not to mention, ahem, trial dates) draw closer. The GOP has no policies that help Americans.
Sherry says
@Jackson1955. . . You are Right On. . . Thanks so much!
Dennis C Rathsam says
Once again Ms Roberts gets another chance at democratic tomfoolery. I agree Tommy Tubberville is crazy, But so is the bartender from N.Y & her Squad. Sadly she has brought not 1 bill to be passed. Like Ms Roberts she is full of donkey dust too. We witness her foolish tantrums. Each party has thier share of assholes. But to single out republicans is the rant of a crazy lady. Once again I call for Ms Roberts, to exercise her big mouth and run for office. Obviously she knows everything.
Ray W. says
Can it be argued that, as an editorial columnist, Ms. Roberts is a member of what is often referred to as the 4th branch of government.
If yes, can it also be argued that Ms. Roberts, in this column, is acting as a check and balance against a political party that now wields some of the political power that was freely given to the three branches of government when the Constitution was ratified?
Isn’t her work exactly what the founding fathers of our liberal democratic Constitutional republic intended? If one of our two major political parties freely chooses to adopt a platform that has, as one of its planks, the political goals of the white supremacists among us, how can it be wrong for her to focus on that plank? Let others argue the opposite point of view.
All of us have read comments by several FlaglerLive commenters who defend that plank of the party platform. I don’t suppose the supporters of white supremacy will go away anytime soon.
Sherry says
Ray W. Right On! Unfortunately, your reasoned assessment of the great value of the Diane Roberts of this world is completely wasted on non-thinking cult members like dennis.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Sherry…Cult my ass! As a proud member of the GOP. I love my country,my bible, & my freedoms which democrats are trying to take away. The cover ups by the democrats is out there for the world to see. The fool in the Whitehouse is on the cusp of WW3. This is one of the many Americans left the democrat party. Family values are hidden under a rock in DC! Even your chosen leader, sucks as a grandfather. He doesnt even know how many grandchildren he has!
Denali says
Please enlighten us – just what freedoms are being taken from you? You tout family values and your hero is a rapist who cheats on his wife, pays off porn stars, lusts for his own daughter and lies about being a ‘christian’?
I have tried to understand some of your idiotic statements but have come to realize that you are nothing more than a moronic simpleton being led by the nose by people who could not care whether you live or die. Have you ever had an original thought?
Jp says
If you truly love your country, you’d realize bibles have no place in government. I think you love Christian nationalism which is the exact opposite of why this country was founded.
Angela says
I am a conservative, Christian, Democrat who values our nation. I am no different from the US. citizen who is a Republican extremist except I value the liberty of “united we stand” and the division of church and state which allows freedom to our citizens without fear. I love my neighbor because it is none of my business what my neighbor’s religious and political opinions are, the only thing that matters is to be a “good neighbor”.
I grew up in the 70s believing in united we stand for a new freedom. I lived in a bubble from most racism. Here our nation stands with “divided we fall” because of the same tool is being used since the beginning of time; control through religion. I am sad at how many people have turned away from religion because of the Republican extremist demands. Any person of faith wishes to grow the people of their belief. BTW I love LBGTQ people. They are citizens just like you and me.
Religious people sin all the time but the hypocritical Christian extremist talk mostly about the sins that either don’t apply to them or make them look better in some people’s eyes. Jesus loved and included everybody. The Christian Republican extremest must have missed that day of religion class.
Angela says
Would you please add an initial or something to your name? I don’t disagree with you, but I am not a Christian and I don’t want others who have read my posts to think I am you.
Sherry says
@ dennis. . . Thank you so very much for proving my point to Ray!
JEK says
Thank you Diane Roberts for always keeping it real!
Atwp says
They are not white, caucasions probably. Not supreme, at least not over my life. One good thing about caucasions is they have to die like the rest of us. Is that supreme? With all their advantages and money they can’t stop diseases from killing themselves, they can’t even stop caucasions from committing suicide, is supreme? Just asking.
Joann Soman says
Great article! Loved the part about Ron DeSaten’s great great grandmother!
Greg says
Total crap.
marlee says
Quote from The Tempest…..
“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”
Doug says
You liberal Democrats disgust most Americans with your failed ideologies and hypocrisy. You have NOTHING to offer our country but higher taxes, bigger government, and pushing us into socialism, to mention a few. And because most Americans try to push back on your control and ridiculous failed agendas, you offer more racism, division, and lies. You can say what you want about the Republican Party and your made-up narratives of the Trump administration, but America was much better off than it is now under your regime, by far. If you don’t love the country that has given you freedom and opportunities to prosper, stop complaining and leave while the border is open. That goes for the author of this article too.
Ban the GOP says
Really failed ideologies and hypocrisy hahaha that made me laugh as its pure deflection of the current gop platform! basically anyone thats not white and wealthy are not better off under republican rule. Trump gave tax breaks to the richest 1% of people and they ultimately paid for it by kicking people off food assistance go figure. That tax break for millionaires is 25 precent of the total national debt. Trump was the worst president in american history and should be in federal prison for domestic terrorism. Please tell me more how the left is being divisive or racist, sounds like your tv is stuck on propoganda network. Practically everything that a gop politician says is divisive, racist, and a straight up lie. By no measurement are americans better off under the racist gop rule. You are clearly an uneducated sheep with stupid statements like that. and check out live border footage guess what its not open just more repulican lies. Check out the detained kids with cuts from razor wire from the racist republican ideas. Hate breeds more hate.
Robjr says
” but America was much better off than it is now under your regime, by far”.
Ask the families of the 400,000 plus who died from the Covid Virus that agent Orange said he takes no responsibility for, what they think.
Or ask the people and families who were attacked at the US Capital on J 6th what they think.
Deborah Coffey says
EASY Googles on just some of Democrats’ successes under Joe Biden:
More people are working than any time in American history.
Wages are up.
The whole course of the pandemic was changed.
More “things” are being made in America…especially chips.
Our infrastructure is being rebuilt across the nation.
Veterans exposed to toxins received historic expansions of benefits and services.
The first meaningful gun violence reduction legislation was past in 30 years.
Joe Biden rallied the world (saving and strengthening NATO) in support of Ukraine.
Our failed approach to marijuana was ended.
Took key leaders of ISIS and Al Quaeda off the battlefield.
Morgan Stanley credits Bidenomics for ‘much stronger’ than expected GDP growth
And your guys are still discussing Hunter Biden’s laptop. Name 10 things Trump did to improve your life…if you can.
Ed says
Yep, believe everything on the internet. Don’t believe your lying eyes!
Before current admin.
Eggs-69 cents a dozen
Gas 1.99 gallon
No market adjustments for new cars
Little rocketman not testing icbms
China tariffs brought in billions
Putin didn’t expand past Crimea
Interest rates at historic lows
Covid vaccine-warp speed
Filet mignon 9.99 lb
We were energy independent and on the way to world energy dominance.
And I know that if Trump had cured cancer, most libs would be pissed that it took so long. I get it, he’s Satin/Hitler.
Even if you hate him. Didn’t you get tired of winning? (Sarcasm)
Steve says
Repeat after me INDICTED
Sherry says
@ed. . . WOW! You really must have scraped the bottom of the barrell to find ANYTHING better during the trump regime:
1. EGGS= Avian Flu! In January, egg prices rose 8.5% compared to the month before, according to inflation data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Tuesday. In the year through January, egg prices soared 70.1%.
A highly-contagious, deadly avian flu has wreaked havoc in the egg market, constraining the national egg supply. That, plus higher feed and transportation costs for producers, has raised prices. And some producers are also raising their own profits amidst the turmoil, causing some to demand a federal investigation into possible price gouging.
2. Inflation in general:
Three forces pushed inflation to a 40-year high in 2021. First, a series of fiscal support packages enabled consumer spending to exceed its pre-pandemic trend.[2] Second, many workers were either afraid to return to work or unable to do so because school or work closures forced them to stay at home. Third, spending shifted from in-person services to goods, exceeding the production capacity of the goods sector.
With the fiscal deficit shrinking dramatically, spending should gradually cool. The end of the Omicron wave should make employees more willing and able to return to work, boosting the economy’s production capacity. It should also spur a shift in demand away from goods back toward in-person services, which have unused capacity. A factor pushing in the other direction is continued strong demand for housing, which is likely to push up the housing component of inflation in the coming months. But the net effect of modest cooling in overall demand and rising supply will cause inflation to fall over the next two years.
3. You are so wrong about North Korea: During Trump’s first year in office, Kim Jong-un tested his first intercontinental ballistic missiles, demonstrating the potential to reach the U.S. homeland for the first time, along with a slew of short and medium-range projectiles and what appeared to be his first hydrogen bomb.
4. Putin also didn’t invade the USA . . . So? LOL! LOL! LOL!
5. There is another side to trump’s China Tariffs: January 2021 study commissioned by the U.S.-China Business Council (USCBC) claims that former president Donald Trump’s trade policies cost the United States 245,000 jobs. As a Reuters news report put it, the USCBC claimed that “a gradual scaling back of tariffs” could help stop the bleeding, while also arguing that a failure to do so would lead to even greater job losses and more sluggish growth.
6. Yep. . . trump got the vaccine produced at warp speed. . . but , but, but, then many, many of his followers refused to be vaccinated= endangering us all! trump did very little to encourage people to be vaccinated. I won’t even get into the using “bleach” thing.
7. The other side to “low” interest rates is that money you may have in the bank is earning extremely little interest.
The question is why continue to support/vote for that twice impeached man who is currently under TWO “Criminal Indictments” (with possibly more to come)? Why? Why? Why? Does any “thinking” person feel he is worthy and fit to the the President of our country?
Here is the BOTTOM LINE:
If trump cured cancer, “I” would seriously consider voting for him. If trump (as he said) shot and murdered someone on 5th avenue, his rabid supporters would still vote for him. What does that say about many of our fellow American citizens?????
Ed says
Ms Sherry,
Economics and foreign policy are beyond both our scope of expertise. Nor are we virologists.
Your Trump derangement is obvious, but if you really think the country is on the right trajectory and we are all better off today then 4 years ago, there is nothing I can post that would change your mind.
It’s amazing that everything that goes wrong is due to a Republican and nothing is the fault of a democrat.
I was listing what changed since President Biden took office.
Since you are happy about getting 4.5-5.0 percent on your savings and you got a 8.3 percent increase in social security, who cares about 3.69 gas or a 6 percent charge on your electric bill, or increase in rubbish pick up, or storm water rate increases…we are all rolling in the dough. Right?
Sherry says
@ed. . .
Well actually, as a university educated gal retired from a career that included posts on boards of directors and making presentations to Congresspersons in Washington, and one who stays on top of current events, I’m familiar with economics and foreign policy. I absolutely prefer to ground my discussions in “credible facts”, while utilizing well reasoned analysis.
Regarding my financial portfolio, which I manage myself, with the Dow up almost 40% in the past 5 years. . . finally recovering from pandemic woes while nearly reaching “record highs”. I’m doing just fine, thank you.
Regarding the fitness of ANY “Criminally Indicted/Impeached” person to hold ANY public office in our country. . . my experienced opinion and best council would be an unequivocal “NO” “NEVER”! “Run Forrest Run”!!!
Ed. . . you have my due respect for your efforts, and my compassion for your having been duped. The power for you to return to “factual reality” is within your grasp. . . APNEWS/PBS/BBC/REUTERS/WASHINGTON POST. . . available at the library/internet/TV.
Joy! Peace! Love!
DMFinFlorida says
@ Sherry
I love your posts. It saves me time. LOL Keep up the good work.
Sherry says
Thanks so very much DMFinFlorida. . . I am truly honored! Each “thinking” person should do all they can to present credible facts to those who have lost their way.
Denali says
Too much here to pass up. If, as you say, “You liberal Democrats disgust most Americans with your failed ideologies and hypocrisy.”, why then did the Dems win the popular vote in the last four presidential elections? Seems like ;most Americans’ would disagree with your statement. As for lies? My God man, Donald Trump is the biggest liar we have ever seen in government. He continues daily by saying he won the 2020 election and claiming that the votes were ‘rigged’ (which is a contradiction to his first lie) even though he has lost 60-some claims in court for lack of evidence. ‘Nuff said for now . . .
Ed says
Name one Politician that has not lied.
Sherry says
@ ed. . . Fact Checked trump told over THIRTY THOUSAND lies in 4 years as president! Why is that OK with you? Why are you continuing to passionately defend him when you know he is not worthy of your support?
Ed says
Which democratic politician did you vote for that never lied? Remember if you like your doctor?
A murderer is bad, a mass murderer is worse, both get the same sentence. Death.
So does a liar or a mass liar.They get re-elected. Who are you kidding?
Sherry says
@ed. . . “you” surely know the world is absolutely not that black and white. We all live lives of relative values. The human condition is that not one of us is perfect.
You also know that you are not even close to correct by saying that no matter how many people one murders the sentence is the same= Death. Really? Almost 50% of US states and over 100 countries do not have the death penalty at all. In addition, prison sentences vary widely regarding the number of people murdered.
For most thinking people, a person who tells the occasional lie . . . depending on the consequences/circumstances of those lies. . . may be merely ignorant, or of questionable moral character. On the other hand, a person who tells many thousand of lies. . . especially to take advantage of others/skirt the law. . . is a pathological liar who is completely morally corrupt and likely “criminally” so.
Ed, you still have not convinced me (or yourself?) that trump or desantis is worthy of your support.
Ban the GOP says
I know who holds the record for most lies, I bet you can guess…
Dumb question especially when a polical party swears the election was stolen, climate change isnt real, Desantis isnt racist , priest dont molest more children than (insert group).ect, ect. See the republican platform seems like its built on lies, hense the make people dumber (ban books, whitewash history, defund schools) so they dont know any better.
So if someone tells a couple lies and someone tells thousands they are equally as bad in your mind?
Seems to me like more gop whataboutisms.
Ed says
Honestly, yes. A liar is a liar. It’s like being deceased, you can’t be a little deceased. People don’t change long term, they simply display a fresh facade.
I have lived my entire life not speaking negatively about someone behind their back unless I am willing to confirm my words when confronted.
So, Ban the GOP, you are the king of whataboutisms as are many other liberal posters here who don’t address the issues but throw it back on the republicans and their predecessors.
Ready for lunch? Offer stands, I buy.
Sherry says
@doug. . . YOU do NOT speak for the majority of Americans! Keeping in mind that “most Americans” voted for a President from the Democratic party in the last FOUR elections. . . the liberal Democrats ARE in the majority! Right up there with countries like Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
BTW, doug, if you accept Social Security/Medicare . . . or, plan to. . . you are benefitting from a very successful “Socialist” ideology.
Regarding what you, and the FOX cult, claim is “made-up” about trump. . . just PROVE the following FACTS are wrong:
1. trump is currently under TWO “Criminal Indictments” by a “Grand Jury”. . . with possibly TWO more pending
2. trump is the only President to have been Impeached TWICE
3. trump told over 30,000 lies or misleading statements during the time he was President
Also. . . while you are at it. . . let’s see your “credible factual” evidence that ALL Americans were “better off” during the trump years than they are with President Biden in office.
Please, in the future, post using credible facts and reasonable analysis, instead of merely ranting from fear and hate. Thanks!
Tadpole says
I agree 100%
Stop putting people in groups.
We are all Americans.
We all have to do what’s right for all of us.
Democrats and republicans are both to blame for no action on the border.if half of the people coming to the border were required to serve in the military for 2 years how many would come?
Dennis C Rathsam says
Thank U!!!!! Im glad to see theres still some real Americans, with brains here in P/C. Democrats never tell the whole thruth about anything. Coverups, lies, & corruption are the democrats middle names. Just look at the mess America is in now thanks to Biden. His appruval rating is in the toilet, and most members of his party dont want him to run again. I wonder why??????
Denali says
Stop parroting your keeper’s mantras. An original thought would be nice. As for your constant line about Dem’s being liars, The list of Republican liars is just too long to name here. From Trump to Santos to McConnell, to MTG and the remaining 275 lost souls in Congress and the Senate the names just keep on coming. Oh and then there are the six worthless sacks of excrement sitting on the SCOTUS bench. As McCain said, basic differences in philosophy are one thing but the current rhetoric spewed by the R’s is going to tear this country apart. And he died before it got really bad.
Ban the GOP says
This is suprising to no one. repubs all claim they arent racist yet actively support a bunch of racists.
TR says
Oh and the Dems aren’t? The Dems are the main reason racism still exists in this country.
Every time there is talk about racism, a Democrat pushes the issue, or throws down the race card.
Denali says
Help me out here; a narrow-minded republican bigot makes some stupid ass racist statement about Jewish space lasers or how slavery was really on-the-job training and you criticize a Dem for pushing back and calling a racist a racist? Must make sense in some warped way that only you can justify.
Perhaps, if the R’s were not constantly making racist statements, the D’s would have nothing to call them out on. Or does that not fit with your narrative?
Dennis C Rathsam says
Speaking of racists…. Bidens mentor, Sen Byrd was a grand wizzard in the KKK. Look at all the racist things that came out of his mouth as a senator!
JimBob says
Actually, Byrd was merely an Exalted Cyclops in his local Klavern. He and Barry Goldwater vigorously opposed civil and voting rights for blacks, much like modern Republicans. In 1964 Goldwater personally turned the racist democrats of the South into the racist republicans of today. DeSantis could never have carried Goldwater’s jock.
Ray W. says
John Toland, a Pulitzer-prize winning historian, wrote in his work on Pearl Harbor, titled “Infamy”, that the Republican Party began courting the Dixiecrats in the mid-30’s. Sen. Byrd was one of those Dixiecrats. Yes, it was a long courtship, but the marriage, once consummated, has lasted some 60 years of so.
Ralph Clayton (we all called him Uncle Ralph, but he married my father’s 1st cousin, Clara Francis) was the first Republican in this area to be elected to Florida’s Senate since Reconstruction, in 1966. My father used to joke with him that he was such a fiscal conservative that he refused to vote for any corporate welfare bills, so the Republicans primaried him out of office after one term. I never heard Uncle Ralph deny my father’s joke. Uncle Ralph believed that business should carry its own weight.
Denali says
Yes, Byrd was one of the last remaining old time “solid-south” democrats who eventually found his way out of the wilderness. His place was taken by the Neo-Nazi, racist fascists that are now all that remains of a one time respected political party. Fact is the civil rights legislation that came out of the Johnson administration led to the Republicans, especially Nixon, being able to fill the hatred and white supremacy (the resurgence of the Klan in the 60’s) void in the south. Those good old boys did not give a fart about political parties – all they wanted was someone to stoke their fears of the Black Man and tell them they were his superior.
Ban the GOP says
Pure Deflection again. Well the gop right likes to make laws targeting groups of people see hispanics, lbgtq, african americans, ect ect so someone has to address the racist republicans as there are only two parties. One is full blown racist google republican ties to white supremecy (hell the GOP takes hate group leaders out for dinner)or did fox tell you that was woke? your saying republicans dont want jim crow 2.0 to make america great “again”? Name one rule democrats want that targets a group of people other than the ultra rich paying some sort of tax… Ill wait
So Yes we should all call out the Racist Republicans! while there certainly are racist democrats they are not pushing a racist agenda. Health care for people or better social safety nets benefit the whole community not just racist rons big donors. Go read a banned book TR!
Ed says
Deflection might also be calling people racist, bigoted, Nazis ,ect.
Jp says
Stop being racist, bigoted, homophobic and xenophobic. Problem solved.
Charles says
Right out of DeSantis playbook and a great reason not to vote him in any public office again.
Ken Carter says
Each day’s edition features anti-G.O.P. propaganda.
It is a shame that a useful local news source is so biased.
Laurel says
Ken: Should it be one sided like Fox Entertainment, OAN, Newsmax or MSNBC for that matter?
Laurel says
Ken: You gotta admit, the crazy shit is coming from the far right. If you don’t see that, well, can’t help you.
Sherry says
@ken. . . OK, then why don’t “you” please give us a nice long list of “credentialed facts” regarding all those wonderful things the GOP has done to benefit “ALL” Americans in the past 6 years. . . and, I mean “ALL” Americans equally, and not just the “wealthy” and “white” ones. I’ll wait. . .
Ed says
The left leaning views are the basis for their existence.
FlaglerLive says
The basis for our existence is evidence-based, well-written, informative and essential reporting and commentary. Roberts is unrivaled in those regards.
Ed says
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, unrivaled?
Deborah Coffey says
There is a difference between TRUTH and PROPAGANDA. Almost all news outlets now have a bias…mostly because the Republican god, Ronald Reagan, got rid of the “Fairness Doctrine.” What Ron DeSantis is putting into Florida’s history curriculum in schools is PROPAGANDA. Experts believe the GOP has fallen off the right hand cliff. It’s a dying political party because of its racist and extreme views and its failed economic policies. There’s nothing wrong with pointing that out.
Denali says
You have obviously never read a newspaper. They were/are all slanted with some political bias. If you do not like the way this one leans, read something else or start your own.
And for what it is worth, facts are not propaganda. I realize that your feelings may be hurt by the truth but that happens when all your beliefs are based upon lies.
Lance Carroll says
This article is another example of the divided society we all live in. It seems to me, the author has found a place at home with flaglerlive,com… May we all take a step back, a breath. Lets not continue to allow the extremists(0f all ends) to get under the skin of rational thinking and actions? It does not take a genius to recognize that this author has eased her way under the skin of many…..the posts within are, to a great degree, quite divided and exemplify extremism at its worst….or should I say finest?
Here’s an idea….everybody should go donate some blood……it’s all red but it ain’t the same….it’s all blue when it’s in the vein…upon our heads falls the same rain….
Pierre Tristam says
As opposed to Lance Carroll, who not only has a home at FlaglerLive, but a mansion adorned with balconies from which he freely and liberally pontificates far more often, and alas with far less wit, than Ms. Roberts?
Lance Carroll says
I do not recall authoring any publication on flaglerlive.com, whatsoever. I certainly do not live in a mansion with balconies, from where I pontificate. As one has stated, “in the eye of the beholder.”
Pierre Tristam says
You have written at least 235 comments to date on FlaglerLive, going back a few years, using a platform that commands a greater audience than the pope’s Wednesday gigs in St. Peter’s Square.
Ban the GOP says
Well thats part of it when one side just makes up their own facts. Scary how divided people are. I agree we need leaders to at least try to bring people together.
I used to till I realized they are selling it and charging people for your free donation.
My Take says
Lots of locust here in Palm Coast. You ruined NY, now you move here to do the same to Florida. Every local hates your guts.
Scooby says
Who is a local? Palm Coast was developed by a company based out of NY. It was called ITT, remember? You locals for the most part wouldn’t touch this swamp land, remember? If it wasn’t for NY this entire county would still be stuck in the stone ages just like Bunnell still is. Now wrap yourself in a rebel flag and go listen to some Skynard!
YankeeExPat says
I am assuming you speak of the currently indicted, former President Trump from 721 5th Ave. New York, N.Y. 10022.
born on June 14, 1946, at Jamaica Hospital in Queens, New York City,
Jp says
The locals, I’m being honest, didn’t receive the same education as people from New York, New Jersey, Maryland… it becomes obvious just how sheltered Floridians have been when I try to have conversations with “locals”. The schools here were already 20 years behind and it’s only going to get worse.
Sherry says
I especially like the new information about DeSantis’ ancestor coming to this country pregnant with an anchor baby. WOW! What a complete racist hypocrite!
Dave says
IS that DeathSantis in that picture in the back right :)