Last Updated: 4:11 p.m. with Trish Giaccone interview.
When Trish Giaccone walked up to the podium at Thursday evening’s Flagler Beach City Commission meeting, her expression and demeanor foretold the words she was about to speak: the executive director of the Family Life Center, Flagler County’s only shelter for abused persons, looked stern, almost incensed.
Giaccone’s statement that followed, a finger raised toward the commission at times was her first chance to counter a claim by Flagler Beach mayor Suzie Johnston in mid-July that Giaccone had “gone rogue” by being a guest on an incendiary radio infomercial paid for by County Commissioner Joe Mullins.
Mullins, who has called Flagler Beach commissioners corrupt and “cowards,” in July had used announcements for a segment on domestic violence to compare Flagler Beach Commission Chairman Eric Cooley to a sexual predator. (Cooley was charged with a misdemeanor domestic battery charge involving an ex-companion in 2018; the charge was dropped. The mayor has been his companion since.)
“The organizations that we support, they should not attack our city, or commission or any of our residents,” Johnston said from the dais in July, though while Mullins had done those things–repeatedly–Giaccone herself had not. She stuck to advocacy for the Family Life Center, as she does any chance she gets, ignoring or deflecting the one or two references to Cooley toward the end of the commercial. On the other hand, Giaccone had undeniably appeared on a platform Mullins often uses to demean opponents and misinform at a pace that would test the mettle of any fact-checker.
“I feel it’s incumbent upon me to make sure that I express my concern and clarify any unjustly made comments which may have negative consequences on victims we serve,” Giaccone said. Some of her staff members were present, as were supporters, as was the chairman of her board: Capt. Lance Blanchette, who happens to be the second in command at the Flagler Beach Police Department. She recapped Johnston’s words in July, noting that the mayor had mentioned twice contacting the Family Life Center without getting a response, and summarized the center’s mission and work since 1987.
“The mayor calling my behavior unethical or rogue is far from true,” Giaccone said. “Our agency participates in various community activities, events, public speaking engagements, always first and foremost to let victims know the services that we provide, and then to educate our community about the dynamics of domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, stalking, dating violence, and many other reasons. Mr. Mullins invited me onto his show to have that very conversation, he invited a representative of the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, as well as a local business owner, and we spoke about domestic violence. I never at any time disparage any member of this commission, the Flagler Beach community, or any community member throughout Flagler County, and you are welcome to review the tape.
“What I did talk about was how our system fails victims,” Giaccone continued. “I spoke about the importance of having victims’ voices in the criminal proceeding. I spoke about the importance of prosecuting perpetrators of violence.”
When Johnston called, Giaccone was on vacation. “I want everyone to know that the mayor has my personal cell phone number. It was part of her introduction packet that I sent to her on May 22 as a representative of this commission,” Giaccone said. “She also received my personal cell phone number again in April, neither of which she reached out to.”
Her three minutes were up at that point. She went on, speaking over Cooley’s attempt to stop her. “I want to make sure that the citizens are aware that our services will continue no matter what politicians say about the work we do,” she said, “because we do provide these services and we will continue to do so, to those residents in Flagler Beach, whether or not we have your stamp of approval.”
Giaccone spoke at the beginning of the meeting, which lasted over three hours. She stayed until the end. None of the commissioners or the mayor addressed her comments.
“I didn’t want to comment on it bec I felt at that point her presentation did more harm than good,” Johnston said Friday. “I saw she was taking a very hard stand, and the way she presented herself it came across as–it definitely wasn’t, ‘ hey, I’m looking to working together.'” Johnston pointed to Giaccone’s final words about continuing the center’s work with or without the commission’s stamp of approval as an example.
Johnston and Giaccone had spoken by phone after the July issue, when Johnston said as “CEO of an organization, everything you’re associated with, you’re held accountable, including impressions, that’s such an important thing. And I don’t know if the impression she gave last night was somebody looking to work with a municipality. I didn’t collect that from last night.” Johnston had represented the city on the board of the center. She said she has no intention of returning for now, nor have other commissioners shown an interest in doing so.
“I don’t object to anything she said at all, I have no issue with any of it,” Cooley said today. But he had other issues–namely, Giaccone continuing to speak after her time was up and the clapping that took place after her remarks, though Colley said the rules of the meeting had been laid out ahead of time. “As a chair of our meetings I take great offense to leaders of our community not following our rules of decorum,” he said. He was not inclined to restore the city’s connection with the Family Life Center that predated the July meeting.
“I did not pick up in any way shape or form that that was an olive branch, she had her folks there who were all cheering, they were videotaping,” Cooley said. “Based on conduct and what I picked up off that, it wouldn’t change anything on my end. It might with the other commissioners.”
“I spoke my piece yesterday,” Giaccone said this afternoon. “I think that was an important factor. My thought process is, I’ll clearly work with anyone in any city commission, that wants to help survivors. I hold no ill will with the commissioners.” Giaccone wanted to make clear that the work will continue, including for those in Flagler Beach who need the center’s services. She acknowledged going past her three minutes, but to say what had to be said. “I didn’t have an olive branch to offer because I didn’t do anything wrong. I was there for clarity, and I think I accomplished that.”
Passive aggressive much says
Probably unwise to be passive-aggressive with local leaders when representing a non-profit organization, to say nothing of her unprofessionalism.
Mullins is a divisive figure and Giaccone did not need to perpetuate the argument with her comments and behavior towards the representatives of flagler beach.
76 says
Make no mistake nothing about her speech was passive aggressive. She was attacked unjustly last meeting without the right to defend herself or her agency. Your political views are your own to have. Each person has the right to defend themselves against unwarranted attacks. Next time you write a comment look yourself in the mirror what are you doing to help this non profit organization? If the answer is nothing then you are the one that needs to stop being passive aggressive and hiding behind a message board
Karen Curry says
Right, biting the hand that feeds her might not have been good decision making, neither is jumping on the band wagon of right wing nut jobs. You lie down with dirty dogs you get up with ticks, fleas and a badly damaged reputation.
Mark says
She can’t play both sides. Either you support the destruction of our Country or you don’t and she clearly is feeding money into the traitors by paying for ad space during their show.
FlaglerLive says
She is not. Ms. Giaccone paid no money to be on the commercial. The $200 a week cost of the commercial is paid by Mullins alone to WNZF.
Joy A Mullins says
Way to go Ms. Trish!!! I will continue on supporting your organization in any way I can. Shady politicians should not throw stones when living in glass houses or houses of other commisioners or mayors homes.
RoseKaye says
Mr. Cooley spreads his shade and nothing is done. Not the nice guy the mayor paints him to be. They should interview the young people who worked for him prior to the ‘dismissed’ domestic violence allegations.
76 says
Destruction of our country??? Slow down mark this is lowly ole Flagler beach we are talking about. These “politicians” referred to are part time. Get off your high horse if you think what happens here goes to the destruction of our country. Lol what does go to the destruction of our country is people not supporting the family life center and it’s mission over political non sense garbage. Earth to mark come on buddy get in the game, start looking at what really matters. It isn’t a part time commission Board.
Flagler County Resident says
Angry Much? Ms.Trish seems to have an attitude. She should have known that going on a radio show of Flagler County’s most hated commissioner AND taking a check from him would create controversy. She needs a lesson is how to act like a REAL volunteer group manager.
Gina says
FLAGLER COUNTY RESIDENT: Your talk is CHEAP! Ms Giaccone DEFENDED herself you know the American concept of INNOCENT until proven guilty, and where was it said that she received a check, according to you a family crisis center should suffer consequences due to deflated egos.
Gina says
Good for you Trish Giacoone! You spoke your piece and stood up for yourself something that Cooley and his gal and the rest of the cancel culture on here do not like, and for all of you meanies on here talking BS about her and her dedication and hard work for this life saving family crisis center go try talking your BS to the victims of abuse and their families and stop politicizing such a dire needed center in our community, furthermore she does not need to extend any olive branches to anyone as she has done more good for abused victims than there are hairs on your heads, she doesn’t need to kiss any butts!
Amada says
Ms. Giaconne seemed really pissed when she was at the podium. I understand that she was upset but it’s always good to say positive things instead of starting with attacks. I am sure she felt she was right, but her negative speech and the way she called out our Mayor and her complacent tone with the City of Flagler Beach who has supported their mission was not appropriate at a public forum.
Gina says
Amada: did you ever feel so strongly about something that you spent most of your entire hardworking career on enduring and witnessing the pain of victims of domestic abuse, battered people, adults and children and then untruths are said about you, so she is passionate at the podium about the work she does. and the ugly reality that she faces daily and then funding is taken away as a punishment. It takes a special kind of person to perform her job. The job of these commissioners and this mayor is a piece of cake compared to what Ms.Giaconne does for people and our community. Yeah, they all think their jobs are important but they are nothing in the big scheme of things with their self serving pompous attitudes along with their minions who sit next to them and just agree to fit in. So let them take their money and spend it on their New Year’s Eve fireworks.
David Clark says
I question if this is Ms.Giaconne’s first job in this type of position. It seems her first mistake was participating in a show with Mr.Mullins who clearly has issues with Flagler Beach. Her 2nd mistake was her presentation at the podium. I would hope people watching take note that this is the type of behavior that is not encouraged. I would send warning to any other organizations doing business with Ms.Giaconne and her way of communication thru outburst. My other concern is for Victims who have to deal with someone who presents themselves in the community like this. This type of role takes compassion and communication, something Ms.Giaconne clearly lacks. You ask yourself after watching the meeting, what was the reason for the anger? What was the reason for her comment? Where was the communication?
Ray says
I want to make readers aware of something. I had called the family life center on 4 occasions offering to volunteer for them and I was told that they are not interested in me volunteering for them. Want to hear their reasons? 1, because I am a man which I was told every time I called and 2, they don’t want a man volunteering there. I told them that I volunteered at a battered women and children’s center up north and also told them that I have 5 older sisters. I explained that I felt bad that any woman would go through something like this. I was also told on the phone that they only allow women to work or volunteer there. In the end, I was punished for being a man and all I wanted to do was help. I have worked at homeless shelters also and after the 4th time of offering to help, the message was clear. Keep in mind that I spaced these calls so this was within a 3 year span. I gave up trying to help out.
palmcoaster says
Her arrogance while addressing elected FB officials totally out of line with a non profit organization that needs the help and support of those officials she was critical off. No room in a non for profit organization for a director to become a political pundit. We had very controversial FLC directors before if the current one agrees to recall an elected official past issue then got to be careful with past incidents in the FLC as well: https://www.palmcoastobserver.com/article/former-flc-director-arrested-fraud