George Zimmerman, the former neighborhood watch volunteer acquitted in mid-July in the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford a year and a half earlier, was back in custody Monday afternoon as part of an investigation involving domestic violence, the Orlando Sentinel is reporting.
Zimmerman is in the custody of the Lake Mary Police Department. The incident, involving Zimmerman’s wife and her father, took place on Sprucewood Road in Lake Mary. According to Lake Mary police spokesman Zach Hudson, there was a gun in the house, but it was not involved in the altercation. It isn’t clear whether anyone has or will be arrested.
“Anytime we have anybody suspected of doing anything, we place them in investigative detention until a complete investigation has been done,” Hudson said.
George and Shellie Zimemrman lived in that area of Lake Mary during the trial. Last week Shellie Zimmerman filed for divorce, a week after pleading guilty to perjury during her husband’s case. “I have supported him for so long, and neglected myself for too long, and I feel like I’m finally starting to feel empowered again,” she told ABC News.
She called 911 today.
Monday’s detention would be the third time that Zimmerman has drawn the attention of police in the two months since the end of the trial. He has twice been stopped for speeding, including a stop in Texas soon after the trial, where he got a warning. Zimmerman had a concealed weapon in his glove box. “Don;t play with your firearm,” the Texas Highway Patrol trooper told him during that stop. Zimmerman was nonplussed when the trooper told him he did not recognize his name.
Anonymous says
This guy is a walking time bomb…that’s already exploded once. Let’s hope something is done about this guy’s ability to carry a gun before anybody else ends up dead or seriously hurt (including himself.)
brian says
yo zim, smarten up, your making all of us look bad..
sengli01 says
George Zimmerman is haunted by his Demons. We all see him as a natural born killer.
HJ says
The writing is on the wall….. This guy is bad news …
It wasn’t enough that he got away with murder, I guess…..
anonymous says
He’s living The “G” life. Live by the sword die by the sword.
Zack says
This woman is a gold digger. If he was so bad why didn’t she divorce him befriend now, or leave him? She’s been hanging around or the pot of gold. This drama is being played out by her to help her with getting what she’s wanting in the divorce.
Pastor S,Jones says
I wonder what everyone who said that Zimmerman is a good guy is saying now. Look at the man that they supported.
chuck says
He hasn’t been found guilty of anything. Must be a reason his wife declined to press charges.
Rick says
What was he doing in Texas patrolling other neighborhoods out of state?
Wyatt says
Wifey wants her fame now. George, leave her and start a new life in the West !
Gia says
The man was not in custody not even arrested. He should keep very low profile.
Anonymous says
Neither one of these people seem to be the sharpest tools in the drawer. They have had their fifteen minutes of fame. Please, let them go away.
Geezer says
After the trial that Zimmerman went through, you’d have thought that he’d lay low afterwards.
He visits KelTec (manufacturer of cheap guns) and is photographed in a photo-op, is stopped
for speeding in Texas, and now he’s allegedly terrorizing his wife and father-in-law.
No common sense at all.
He’s a big schmuck and should drop out of sight.
We’re all sick of his sorry fat face.
I’m sick of the Kardashians too. Go away you eyesores.
blondee says
Sheesh! Who cares what these two nuts are doing?!?!
m&m says
If I were George I would try and get as far away as I could from that piece of work..
Irene says
Shellie is a known, proven liar. She used this opera unity as a tool to get him from the house where she could et what she wanted. She moved from the Ouse a month ago…being greedy, she came back for more. Why couldn’t she wait till the divorce settlement to split the goods like she should have? She was plain and simple looking for a way to get why she wanted, and lied about him threatening with a gun because she retracted her claim when she said she never seen a gun. She should be arrested for misuse of 911. Let George get on with his life without reporting his every move!
Anonymous says
@Irene says–I thought the house where this latest mess took place belongs to Shellie’s father. If this is the case, why shouldn’t she and her father feel entitled to protect what was their’s to begin with? George Zimmerman is a fool with a short fuse who thinks of himself as a vicitm and a hero, simultaneously. People need to stop enabling and making excuses for him.
Ron says
If you ask me, George and Shelly are BOTH idiots.
They deserve each other.
I hope that George Zimmerman moves to the Lone Star State. They deserve each other.
not Mother Teresa says
Just goes to show that abusive spouses come in all colors and ethnicities…. so do hateful spewing people like Pastor S, Jones. The reason I am an atheist.
JL says
She was getting ready to divorce him when he killed Trayvon. Why she didn’t, that’s her mistake. But they had an agreement that she would be at the house to get her stuff and he would not be around. He lied, of course. He had no business even being there. He is trouble, but we all know that. The man got away with murder.His wife shouldn’t trust him. She should have pressed charges. Hopefully, that’s not her Last mistake.