Last Saturday (March 3) my almost 20-year-old son got into an accident on Old Kings Road in Palm Coast, a few miles north of State Road 100. He was riding his little Yamaha 49 cc scooter on to go see a friend, and hit a wild boar that was laying in the middle of the road. It was about 8 p.m. This particular road happens to be a few miles of dark and winding terrain, with woods on both sides. The kiddo was thrown going roughly 40 mph and landed in the middle of the road. Before anyone freaks out, he is ok, or I wouldn’t be writing this.
But I am writing about it because something in this experience made me lose what faith I had in the inherent goodness of man.
So back to a kid, who got very obviously thrown off his motorbike, laying in the middle of this two lane road, the scooter a few meters away from him and still running. There was an SUV a few hundred or so yards behind my son. Whoever was driving it didn’t so much as slow down or swerve, coming within inches from hitting my kid, who was as yet unable to move. As my son was crawling to the side of the road, doing his best to get away from lights of other cars behind him, two more cars zoomed past him without giving any of this a second thought.
For the next 20 or so minutes, he crouched in a painful ball on the side of the road, trying to flag down a car with the one hand that wasn’t completely scraped and bloody, so that someone could make a call and get help. It took that long until finally somebody stopped.
I know it’s dark there, and probably scary. I guess I can even almost understand the apprehension that we may feel if we are out driving, especially if we are by ourselves, about pulling over in cases like these. But I can’t for the life of me fathom not slowing down and at the very least calling 911. That doesn’t even require getting out of the car.
So this weekend my son lay helpless on the side of the road. My son, who may have seemed like some punk to some of you, who blew past him without so much as slowing down; just some teenage kid who doesn’t merit your consideration. Maybe pulling over would have made you late for that dinner date or getting home to your family. Maybe you were racing to an emergency that just couldn’t wait… Maybe. But some of you almost killed my son, and some of you just didn’t care enough to dial a phone number. You are my neighbors. Some of you have kids or grandkids or nephews or nieces. Some of you have probably been in an accident before, and felt scared, and hoped that someone would pull over.
The kid you left there is enrolled in music production at DBS. He plays jazz piano at local gigs. He writes music and poetry. He dreams. He still hugs his parents. His 11 year old brother thinks the world of him. He is also a kid who would stop for anyone in trouble. He’d have stopped for you…
He learned his lessons: not riding at night on a dark road being one of them, and that he must wear gloves when riding, even if it’s really warm out. He also learned a few things I wish he didn’t have to. The scars on his hands and knees will heal in due time. He’ll ride again. He’ll play jazz. He’s happy he is alive and knows how lucky he is. But above all, he is heartbroken at the callousness of people who went on their way, as if he wasn’t there… There is no Band-Aid or pill to heal those.
I hope that the people who read this, should they ever find themselves driving by an accident of any kind, consider this. I hope that we still have it in us to do the right thing. It could be someone you know and love in that ditch some day, but when not, it is always somebody who is loved and someone who will be missed.
Thank you so very much to Richard Barnes who not only stopped but stayed with my son until the paramedics got there, and talked him through his fears. Thank you to the other two people who pulled over and whose names, sadly, I don’t know, and thank you to the EMTs who were called to the scene for being so very human to my son and for keeping his spirits up.
Inna Hardison is co-owner of Ha Media Group, a Palm Coast marketing firm. Reach her by email here.
Darla Marie Beck via Facebook says
How horrible! I am so glad her son is ok and some kind people did end up stopping to help him. What is wrong with some people that they wouldn’t at least call for help?!
Marion Blohm via Facebook says
I would have at least called for help..but it is too dangerous to stop with the way things are nowadays unfortunatley.. you never know what people will do to make you stop..this poor kid though did need someone to stop.. glad someone did.
Thelma says
Glad your son is OK. Can you please tell us if the 49cc little scooter was street legal. Can you please tell us if it had lights on it. Can you please tell us why you 20 year son was not wearing proper motorcycle equipment. Can you please tell us why YOU let him drive that little bicycle with a lawnmower engine on a public road at night . Can you please tell us if your son took the motorcycle preparedness class at the High School before driving on a public road with a little bicycle with a lawnmower engine. Hopefully not only your lucky son but other young adults will realize driving alone at night on a lawnmower bicycle is NOT the proper way to drive on a public road .
Pierre Tristam says
Thelma, I think you’re missing the point. I don’t care if the kid was hitchhiking upside down in the middle of the road facing the wrong way: the questions you raise may—and may very well not—be valid in their proper context, but the point here is that for 20 minutes people in Palm Coast acted the way people in Queens did in 1964 when 38 witnesses to the murder of Catherine Genovese didn’t so much as call the cops when they saw and heard her scream of her (literal) bloody murder. Much graver case, but same DNA of indifference. Given Palm Coast’s wealth of migrants from New York, maybe some of those people who lived in Kew Gardens back then are retired here now, and drove by Inna’s son that evening. Two years ago, again in Queens, 25 people walked by a homeless man who lay dying after he’d gone to the rescue of a woman being attacked by a man with a knife. The homeless man got stabbed instead, and died. People walked on. This in the age of cell and smart phones growing like sixth fingers on every hand. Your taking Inna’s kid to task, besides missing the point of the astounding and inexcusable indifference people showed him after the accident in our lovely little friendly town (“Find Your Florida” my ass), is like blaming the homeless man for being homeless and dumb enough to go after a knife-wielding attacker. We have a serious problem in this town if people aren’t going to so much as place a call to alert 911 of a man in trouble, especially when the road in question isn’t exactly urban fright material.
elaygee says
Some of the most selfish, mean spirited heartless old people live in your town. All they care about is their social security check arriving on time so they can go to a Walmart and buy their pink goop meat and if they have to run over a body or leave one in the street, well too bad, they need their stuff.
Sandra Sites says
Are you kidding me? Where the heck did that come from?? How did you come to the conclusion that a senior citizen was involved in any way? Sounds like you had an unfortunate encounter with a Walmart greeter that you need to get over…
Inna Hardison says
Thelma, by your rationale unless one is driving a tank and is wearing full body armor, one will always be inadequately prepared for the roads. A Yamaha Vino is indeed street legal, and rather popular with college students. It does great on gas and can barely break 40. It’s not, contrary to your nifty description, a “bicycle with a loan mower engine”, but even if it were indeed one of those contraptions or just a bicycle or a flipping skateboard – what difference would it have made to the people zooming past an accident?
He could have been driving a Hummer and it wouldn’t have changed this post one iota, Thelma, but I do find it all the more appalling that your first thought is to assign blame to the person in trouble. I hope that should you ever find yourself in a precarious situation, people help you before they pass judgement on you, or better yet, instead of.
Cinnamon Basement via Facebook says
People are too afraid of being sued for somehow being involved. Blame our litigious society, not the individuals.
Angela Smith via Facebook says
What is WRONG with people today????
Melvina Rushnock via Facebook says
I’m so sorry about your son. A week or so ago, my 90 year old aunt was crossing a five lane highway (with the light) in Bellview with the light. A car was focused on the right hand green and came within four inches of hitting her, only missing because he veered the car the last minute. She was knocked off her feet on her very tiny fanny. She said not one person slowed or stopped or even yelled out the window to see if she was ok. What is this world coming to?
Donna Heiss says
Inna, I am soooo glad he is ok! I can’t imagine someone didn’t stop. That is horrible. I don’t understand it. I would have stopped in a heartbeat. I wouldn’t have even given it a second thought.
Be well and my best to you and your family.
FlaglerNative says
He’ll ride again. He’ll play jazz. He’s happy he is alive and knows how lucky he is.
WHY would you stand behind him riding again??? It almost cost him his life. My stepfather was killed just a few years back riding a motorcycle going 35mph. Consider this a wakeup call…BUY A Vehicle of some sort for goodness sake. Accidents will happen but why put yourself in that position.
I’m glad your son’s ok..and I wouldv’e stopped had I been there and had I seen him. As you said that is a very dark road at night even at dusk, and honestly for you to have said that youv’e lost faith in the goodness of man is a little harsh. Your’e ASSUMING that everyone who bypassed him saw him. Maybe they didn’t…my gosh give the good people of Palm Coast a chance before you pass undo judgement on them….and remember ……..your’e human to, how many hurt people or animals have you bypassed and not realized it???
Inna Hardison says
FlaglerNative – I am only going to address your last question – zero. I don’t think I have ever bypassed a hurt person or animal that I am aware of. The rest of your advice/comment, if in your world the mode of transport changes how people respond to an accident, you are welcome to it.
Anonymous says
That may be the answer to all or most all who passed your son BUT look again at his question. “how many hurt people or animals have you bypassed and not realized it??? ”
When people are driveng at night they are focused on the road in front of them not what may be on the side of the road. Also with a animal in the road their full attention is focused on not hitting it and not who or what may be on the side of the road. Glad to hear he is well though.
Inna Hardison says
Anonymous – it’s hard to miss a person in the middle of your lane and a running scooter, unmanned, no? We are not talking about some huge stretch of an 8 lane highway that people drive on at a 100mph. Just two lanes of Old Kings. I think myopia in this case was a choice.
meh says
this is the only near 20 something year old kid on the planet with no cell phone
Inna Hardison says
meh – he did have his cell phone on him, but whether because he was too shaken or hurt, he didn’t use it… He didn’t remember that he even had it on him.
Palm Coast Mom says
Glad he’s okay and so sad to hear what our community has become. There are some good people out there, unfortunately not that many. Tell him to keep making beautiful music. Best to you and your son.
JL says
Thelma, I think you’re probably one of those who wouldn’t stop. Hopefully, if you ever have an accident, people won’t first ask a dozen rediculous questions first. People are rude and ignorant. Even if you’re too afraid to stop, fearing it was a trap like you would see on Criminal Minds, there is no reason you can’t call 911. NO reason at all. It is sad that there are people out there like that. And if those people are in Palm Coast, I wish they’d leave the state. They give Floridians a bad name. I’d expect that reaction up north. I’m glad your son is ok. And hopefully he knows that not all people are that ignorant.
sad says
That is just wrong not stoping. those people need some jail time.
goalie says
Glad he is ok. People around here don’t care. I was almost hit by a head on car passing on Pine Lakes, with my 1 and half year old son in the car with me. People drive too fast and drive too irrational around here. We don’t’ care about the person in the other cars or who is in that cat with them. The police need to step up and start pulling people over. We have all of these Sheriff’s deputies and yet I never see a person pulled over for speeding or reckless driving. We need to care about each other because I would be as livid as the author if that was my son.
Anonymous says
Don’t bring the Sheriff Deputies into this. They work there butts of every day!!!!!!!!!!!
Jon Hardison says
Thelma: If you’d like us to work up that full questionnaire you seem to require before placing a simple phone call, let us know. Anything we can do to get you to do the right thing… We’d be glad to help. It was street legal, had lights (which you can’t turn off on a street legal scooter), was wearing a helmet… WTF else do you need to know before you’ll place a simple phone call? Hmmm?
FlaglerNative: I don’t think anyone is making a blanket statement about Coasters or Flaggots (as I’ve taken to calling them). It’s about those that did pass him buy, initially swerving to avoid him (so they saw him) and NOT stopping. Fact is, this happens all over the place. That’s the problem. It wasn’t safe to stop. SO DON’T! But do make a call. DO SOMETHING. Too many didn’t. That’s wrong. It’s that simple.
Now, if you’re looking for a reason why this needs to be said, refer to Thelma’s comments above. People actually think in those terms, and no. It’s not okay!
Pierre: If you’re looking for a good argument against free speech… Man! Who would have thought? Honestly, this post has landed in a lot of places and received a lot of comments. I could count on one finger how many people came out of their faces with something stupid. I guess it only took it landing here at home to really open up those numbers. Uggg. Perhaps Thelma wouldn’t mind heading up a volunteer group that glues reflectors to all Flagler’s pigs. I wouldn’t doubt it would be a much better use of her time than sitting on here spouting from the wrong sphincter.
Lori says
People in this town should be ashamed of themselves! In January, I was flagged down as soon as I turned a corner by a woman who was beaten in her car after she offered to give a friend of her son’s a ride home. He even took her cellphone so she couldn’t call for help. This was at Bird of Paradise and Belle Terre! How many houses are there?! People turned off their lights and ignored her banging on doors and ignored her screams for help. Really? If someone was banging on my door screaming, I’d be on the phone to the police so fast it would make your head spin. Instead, they chose to ignored this bruised and battered woman. Yes, I stopped. Yes, I called the police and yes, I stayed with her until the ambulance left with her. Shame on you, Palm Coasters. Thelma, I truly hope you never need help, because Karma will ensure you NEVER get it.
roco says
Glad he’s OK.. I agree, someone should have stopped.. The world today is so worried about helping people because of law suits and having to defend yourself for being helpfull to another person. Maybe a cell phone would have been useful..
David says
About 20 years ago, my brother and I were driving down Roberts Road when we saw a car on the side of the road. We stopped and got out of my truck. We went up to the car and saw an elderly woman. I tapped on her window, and could tell she looked scared. She was alright and said she hit something. Their was damaged to the front of her car. A few feet from the car laying on the ground was a dead wild pig. I called 911. Within a few minutes a FPL trooper who I know came. We also called her husband who she spoke to. He also was on his way. The lady was fine just a little shaken, and her husband took her home. I asked my trooper friend if I could have the wild pig. My brother and I put it in the back of my truck, and we took it to a friend of ours who was a butcher. We got some real nice meat out that pig. SO by stopping and helping that elderly lady turned out to be a good thing..
Jojo says
@JL I take offense to that ignorant slang because I am from NYC. But, let me tell you back in the early 90’s I stopped for a woman who was flagging me down more towards the Southern most part of Old Kings closer to Moody Blvd. Back then there was less cars that traveled that isolated route at night. I immediately pulled over and got out of my car. This woman literally attacked me screaming and grabbing me to help her daughter. There was a profuse odor of alcohol from this attractive middle aged woman. I went to the car and saw her young daughter sitting there with her head hanging down. I observed blood coming from her ear. The Mother was hysterical and went around to the other side of the car and began to move her. I shouted at the Mother to leave her be and had to drag the Mother from the car. I was trying to flag a car down while the Mother was pounding my chest. It’s been over 20 years but a couple of cars passed without stopping. Finally a man and his wife stopped and I asked him to call Police and that a girl in the car was seriously hurt. This was before the era of cell phone madness.
The Sherrif arrived within 15 minutes along with an ambulance and I left. The Mother said she was avoiding a deer and lost control hitting a tree broadside where her little daughter was sitting. I believe a helicopter was brought him to transport her to the hospita. I learned the daughter passed away months later. So now, every time I take that route I say a prayer for the little girl that left us that lonely night.
tony1420 says
i was going south on old kings rd last night a car passed on old kings cutting off 3 cars running them into the grass i called 911 was told there was no cars in the area to respond driving by staples i saw 3 deputies cars sitting in the parking lot i told them what happened and that the car involved was at the shell station 200 feet from these 3 deputies.they told me to file an online complaint i told them they needed to do thier job the response was if you dont like the way we do our job move outta flagler……………………i think they are right time to move
Diana says
Not to make light of your comment, but, was that the Shell station with the adjoining Dunkin’ Donuts? Although I understand your irritation, I have called 911 in response to a speeding/reckless driver and witnessed an imediate response from an officer. For myself, I choose to do the right thing, take precautions for safety, and attempt to balance out the growing sense of apathy in the community by focusing on the positive attributes of it’s citizens.
Jim N says
I can not for the life of me imagine not stopping!
QUOTE: “People are too afraid of being sued for somehow being involved. Blame our litigious society, not the individuals.”
We would be smart in the long run to “OUTLAW” Lawyers!
palmcoaster says
Sorry Inna but if I driven there and saw your son I would have stop and help!
20 years ago in the same road I saved the lives of a woman and a teenager girl whose Montecarlo was hit head on by another smaller car driven by a drunk suicidal woman that died on the crash. She was coming from the former “Meeting Place bar in Palm Harbor” going south on Old Kings road.
I was driving my then new Bronco full size SUV coming back from Flagler Beach on Old Kings Road going North. Being a newcomer from the cold Northeast I was enjoying the beautiful early evening with my windows down, when I saw coming from the opposite lane some lights at high speed and swinging from left to right, like an out of control vehicle. When it got close to me try to hit me head on and I avoided it by steering my Bronco into the shoulder ditch. I was shocked and the first thing I thought was that these crazy nuts probably will do the same to whatever vehicle was way on back of me, as I saw the lights on the distance. So I made a u turn to follow the out of control vehicle and see if once we got to Rte 100 maybe I could see cops and alert them. Soon after, I heard a loud noise of a crash. My heart stopped and I cried Oh God, they (whoever was) crashed in some poor innocent driver.
I proceed driving south and slow in the darkness and came to a terrible site where a white Montecarlo was across the middle of the road with no front wheels or lights to be seeing, the pavement strewn with things and personal items. I parked my full size Bronco with the flashers on and the high beams on too, in front of the Montecarlo because was in the middle of the road and some steam/smoke was coming out of the engine. I got off and run to see its driver. I found the driver a lady and her teenager companion were both unconscious. The lady driver had her head resting on her window and blood was poring from her forehead. I was trembling…and as I saw cars approaching I started waving the to stop and help. I forgot my (huge back then Blaukpunt) cell phone charging in my house, as was a new gadget and forgot it. Another driver stopped and as he had a cell called for help. The other car was nowhere to be seeing. The troopers arrived along with the ambulance…I was very shaky and they told me that I saved those two ladies lives as their car, being in that curve and with no lights left, would have been crashed again by the incoming traffic creating even more victims. They also told me they found the other smaller car…probably they said, the one that I avoided, in the woods along the shoulder and the only driver a lady, was dead on it. The troopers secured the site and had me move my truck to the shoulder and told me to seat and relax in my car so didn’t have to see the grim work of the emergency service. They told me also that the two ladies in the Montecarlo were expected to recuperate.The teen was in less critical condition than the lady driver. The Florida State Troopers treated me cordial, took my declaration and told me that probably will have to see me once more for some more details on the incoming investigation.
They did, by having an officer meeting me for breakfast at Denny’s in order not to incommode me as a witness, that stopped on an accident site to save lives,as he said, not all do as often as needed. They also offered me anonymity which I accepted. In my case, I was not inconvenienced at all. So lets stop and help because we can save lives.
Inna, Old Kings Road south of PC Pkwy is a very dangerous winding and dark road at night…many residents have lost their lives in that road. I was targeted at random as well that night, but I was driving my tall large full size SUV and that saved me. I would never try that road in nothing less than a car. All my best wishes for your son’s recovery. Please do not ride his motorized bike in Old Kings Road as wild boards and deer etc. roam around those vacant parcels.
Pierre don’t be so upset…after all a good samaritan citizen stopped to help! Should not ever have taken 20 minutes!
Billybob says
Thelma, I don’t think you know what a scooter is. I think you think he was riding a moped. Scooters are 100% street legal in Florida and they do have lights and are more akin to a motorcycle than to a bicycle. Here’s a picture of a 49cc scooter:
Trying to blame the victim serves no purpose other than to prove the author’s point about people being awful to each other.
Jon Hardison says
Hi everyone. Thanx for all your comments, concern and well wishes. I’m Daniel’s (the accident victim’s) Father. I posted another commend earlier, but it probably won’t get approved cuz, well… I said exactly what was on my mind to Thelma. Might have been a bit over the top. :-)
Just to clarify: He was wearing his helmet, the bike was road legal and did, as such, have lights. He did have a cell phone but shock can be a funny thing. He never thought to use it. I don’t even know if he remembered he had it.
As I said in my earlier comment that you can’t see, this isn’t about Palm Coast or Flagler. It’s about all of us, as people. I’m a New Yorker, born and raised in the city and everything. I’ve NEVER not stopped! I know folks that were born here and have NEVER not stopped. I think it’s just about right and wrong. Good and evil. I can understand not stopping on that road. Heck, I was a little shocked that anyone pulled over given the environment, and I’ve talking to my boy about the mistake HE MADE being there, which of course he now knows.
Not making a call? How about stopping at a safe distance and turning on your blinkers so folks slow down? There are all sorts of things we can and should do. On that night the folks that went past didn’t. That’s not a shame for my son, Palm Coast, Flagler, etc. It’s a shame for all of us. I think we’re all better than that.
Now, just FYI: Everything I said in my past comment still stands. :-)
Anita says
Jon, Inna, I’m happy your son will be alright, but I’m not really surprised at the reaction of those who passed him. We are pretty much subjected to fright T.V. and radio, daily. Whether they’re labeled news or entertainment, we’re bombarded by “terrible-things-that -will-happen-to-you-if you-aren’t-careful” tales. I don’t know what impact this will have on your family when your collective pulses return to normal, but my adventures haven’t yet caused me to give up on humanity; I just don’t expect as much of people as I used to.
Regarding Mr. Barnes: Those of you who excused the execrable behavior of our fellow Palm Coasters, implying it was the victim’s fault and citing preoccupation with their own concerns as if that were reason enough to gun the motor, it might interest you to know that Richard lost his mother the previous week and had just held her memorial service the day before young Daniel’s accident. If anyone had something on his mind, it would have been Barnes. We could all learn a lesson from his compassion and willingness to get involved.
And, by the way, he IS from New York.
w.ryan says
I can’t get over some of these comments! Inna, I’m so happy that your son will be fine. You’re so proud of your son and when ever we speak and you mention him, you are so proud. It’s always a cruel way to learn by instances like this that humanity has its low points too. Obviously he has been around love so his expectations are high. The climate of meanness and a debilitating fog has swept over the America with positive thoughts and positive deeds. Over my experiences in the worst crime ridden, impoverish, and violent neighborhoods their is always someone who would do the right thing. Lets keep our heads up and one day Thelma and folks like her will see clear of this debilitating fog. We’d love to hear him play as soon as he recovers.
Kendall says
I can’t stop thinking about how Daniel was a sitting duck- laying in the middle of a road on which people travel at 45+ MPH and people actually swerved to avoid him and kept going. What they should have done was stopped and blocked other vehicles from hitting him.
I’m disgusted. Not only by what happened on Old Kings Road that night, but also by people like Thelma who are perfect examples of everything that is wrong with our world.
Debra N. says
I have told my kids all their lives that people would sooner run them over then stop for them. And that is why I have been so protective of where they go. BUT, I have also set the example of how they should behave; how many times we have stopped to help a turtle cross the road, help and elderly person who slipped, checked on a child who seemed lost etc. I will agree that I am not sure exactly HOW I would of handled the situation, on that dark road, but I KNOW I would have done something. Don’t worry Thelma I would do something to help you, because that’s the way it should be. Thank God Daniel will be able to continue making his beautiful music. I have heard he is actually quite talented!!
flagler beach native says
Don White says
Ina & Jon. So glad your son is OK. I understand better than most all that you and he went through. About 7 years ago, on a very cold Valentine’s night, my son, in his car, hit a deer (on South Old Kings) as he tried to veer right to miss it. It happened to be just before the old landfill and as he swerved to miss it, his car hit the edge of the guardrail, which funneled him into the sharply sloping concrete drain swale, and into the drainage ditch there. Because of the steep downward slope of the swale into the drainage ditch, the car hit the opposite embankment, which then flipped the car upside down, into the surprisingly deep water-about six feet!! He came to with the car upside down, his body and head underwater up to about his waste, suspended by the seat belt. After coming to, holding himself up and out of the water, he managed to kick out the passenger side window and escape. He was so in shock and disoriented, the only way he even knew what direction was up and out was because he realized the lights on the car radio were upside down, under water. Crawling out and over the bottom of the car (which was now the top of the car upside down in the ditch), he burned his arm on the catalytic converter. He lost his shoes, coat (remember…Feb 14th, about 11:30 P.M.) and yes, his cell phone, underwater in the ditch. He walked about 4 miles down Old Kings to our home…barefoot, bloodied and freezing. Sure…he looked a sight, even to us as he beat on the front door at 1:30 A.M. to wake us because he also lost his house keys, on the FOB still in the car, underwater somewhere. I suppose he would have frightened anyone by his appearance. And yes…even at that hour, a number of cars passed him…too.
My points to all are these: don’t judge a book by it’s cover. There may be very good reasons why someone looks a certain way, doesn’t have a cell phone, etc. That shouldn’t stop you from calling 911, no matter what. Not only is it the right thing to do…I think it’s probably the law, and at the very least, one’s civil obligation. Another point is to take care when driving at night on our rural and semi-rural roads. My wife and I now drive 45 mph at night on Old Kings for this very reason. People pass me, honking their horns, flashing their lights, probably cursing me….for driving too slowly. I think about my son as they do so and look for them further up the road…possibly off the road and into a tree or ditch….under water. I doubt that any of them ever consider a charging boar, or jumping deer and what an encounter with one could do to them. In fact, I did encounter a woman in a car off the road and into the scrub palmetto one night…in her car, dazed. Thank goodness for my pilot’s eye sight, some moonlight, and a good sense of right and wrong. BTW…my son hit another deer (in his new car) about six weeks later. Nowhere near as bad, fortunately for me as I’m sure the insurance would have gone out of sight at that point. And I myself hit a charging wild boar right in front of Old King’s Elementary about 7:30 one winter night. So my final point is this people….slow down….for your own sake and safety, as well as our wildlife. A drop in speed of 10 or 15 mph is totally insignificant compared to your safety and that of others.
[email protected] says
these same people would probably call code enforcement if you had your garbage containers in front of your garage door
Mary says
Hello Inna and Jon, First and foremost i want to say how glad I am that Daniel is ok! I am Daniel’s friend Marty’s mom. You have a wonderful son . He is such a fine young man, and i am so pleased he and Marty are friends.My son after seeing Daniel’s scooter also bought one as well as two other friends of theirs. They are all intelligent young men..they are in college..have jobs..they are good young men. Why is it when it is a young person they are instantly at fault!?? Please people, what kind of example are we showing our younger generation? Yes be cautious when stopping to help but “HELP” is the key word.Do something! How can anyone just do NOTHING. And Thelma to jump to the conclusion that Daniel was not wearing the proper attire is so wrong. actually these young men wear helmets ,when they are going only 40mph, when right now look out your door at all the “MATURE” bike weekers going upwards of 80mph with no helmet or as you say proper equipment. Lets stand behind our children for the good they do and not be so quick to judge . The issue is the ones who drove past him .Sometimes i am ashamed of my generation. I would and have stopped even turned around to help people or ask if they need me to call someone for them, they may be broke down or whatever. But my God how do you ignore a person lying in the road.God forgive you! So Daniel you get well and I thank God you were not more seriously hurt or killed. Keep your faith that there are still good people out there though far and few . you are in my prayers, Mrs.B.
Elana Lee says
Mr. and Mrs. Hardison: I am very thankful that your son is going to be ok. I know exactly how you feel. It hasn’t been that long ago that I, too, had a 20 year old son lying on the side of the road, just off of Palm Coast Parkway, beaten and bleeding, left for dead. Only his was not an accident, this was done to him intentionally. His perpetrators stated that they were going to throw him into the trunk of the black on black cadillac and “finish him off” elsewhere, but fortunately an off-duty officer spotted individuals apparently attacking another individual in the middle of PC Pkwy, did a u-turn, and that’s when they left my son bleeding on the pavement and fled. I will be forever grateful to the officer who, though off duty and on his way home to his family, made that u-turn and came back. However, the part I will never really be able to grasp is that even though his attackers were positively identified, the main one weilding the weapon, Martin John OBrien, was never even questioned in regards to this incident, let alone arrested. Rich Abbas, driver of the black cadillac, was at least questioned, and later I learned he went to jail/prison on unrelated charges. But OBrien and all the others are free to roam our streets.
And yes, people always love to find ways to blame the victim.
I love your idea of putting reflectors on the wild boars! But on a serious note, what a blessing to have your son alive and recovering! It’s like receiving a gift all over again. That indeed is a blessing.
Anonymous says
This isn’t just PC. I was involve in a car accident in 2005. Van driver wasn’t paying attention and rear ended me at a stop light. It was around 4pm and tons of car were around. The back half of my car was demolished and not a single person called 911…not even the idiot that rear ended me. I had to because quite frankly, we live in a self-serving society. That and all the frivolous lawsuits out there these days.
marlee says
I’m thinking that people did not see him?
My husband was thrown off his motorcycle a couple of years ago (mid-day) on John Anderson Rd..off Rt. 100 and a truck driver stopped and made him wait in his truck and let him use his cell phone to call me.
We never did get his name because of the emergency..
But, keep in mind…someone did stop.
Perry Mitrano via Facebook says
It makes you sick to know that people don’t care. I hope he is feeling better!
PJ says
If someone is laying on the ground you stop call 911, stay in your car for safety sake until you are convinced it is safe to get out and be of help.
Just for the record this is a simple common sense way to do it and be safe.
Thelma; you make a few key point about motorcycle safety, the riding course and wearing good gear but no matter what the point is why would people not stop.
There is only one good reason and that would be you did not see him and no other………………………
Loriel says
I am so sorry to read this story. I can’t imagine the worry you felt for your son and the anger and people passing him by; especially when he was crawling out of the middle of the road for God’s sake! My friend and I were driving home from St. Augustine that night and I saw a scooter parked upright on the side of the road. We both commented on how strange it was. I slowed down and looked in the rear view mirror but we did not see anyone standing there. I did see a dead boar on the side of the road also. We would have definitely stopped. We even said that we hoped the “person” was okay. I feel so guilty now thinking that I missed seeing your son. I am wondering if some people did not see him there waving; particularly if he was sitting on the ground because we did not. I am very glad that he is okay and it is terrible when your faith in humankind is damaged.
Inna Hardison says
Loriel – I would very much like to see that none of the people that drove past him saw him, only I highly doubt one can miss a still running yet unmanned scooter setting up clouds of dirt and dust and a kid a few meters away, not even if they were speeding. If you saw the scooter just standing there on the side of Old Kings, that would have been after the EMTs took our son to the hospital. We had to rescue the scooter much later in the night. So don’t feel bad.
JL says
People shouldn’t have to worry about being sued for giving aid – there is the good samaritan law – but I truly believe those idiots didn’t stop because they just didn’t care. And that is sad. There are a lot of good people in this world. I would like to believe that there are more good people in this world than the other “idiot, non-caring” type.
FlaglerNative says
@Flagler Beach Native..why would you take up for a family (regardless or not of the accident) that comes on this story, comments,and then proceeds to name call. Calling Flagler’s great people as he said “Flaggots.”…..”Jon Hardison……I don’t think anyone is making a blanket statement about Coasters or Flaggots (as I’ve taken to calling them)”.
Emile says
This entire article and the comments below it depress me. Sad that this youngster was so defenseless on his little scooter, sad for his frightened and anxious parents, and sad that the comments gave rise to name calling and castigation.
I would hope that this would be a wake-up call to all of us in our town, and a wake-up call for young people who drive on this dangerous roadway after dark regardless of the vehicle they use. As young men, we, too, felt we were immortal, and never gave a thought to how dangerous the roads could be. And we hope it will be a wake-up call to those who passed by so casually, never noticing an injured child on the side of the road. And while I’m on it, isn’t this section of roadway inside the Palm Coast city limits? It would be nice to take some of those redundant streetlights that are being removed, and put a few on Old Kings.
I have found great kindness in this town, and will never stop believing in the goodness of my fellow citizens.
Rain says
Maybe someone can confirm this, isn’t there a good Samaritan law active in the state of Florida. Which means if you stop to help someone and you can not be held liable for any additional injuries that might happen due to your help.
Let’s say you see a car head off the road, you see smoke and figure you need to get that person out of the car, you call 911 then see if you can get the person out. Once out the person tells you they can’t feel their legs. You can not be sued because you helped them out of the car and subsequently because you moved them from a smoking car it was determined they are now paralyzed.
If people could sue the people that tried to help no one would ever help and what kind of society would that be.
flaglermomofone says
I remember driving down A1A by the condos just before Marineland and as my friend and I drove past one of the entrances, there were 2 cars on the side of the road. We had just come from a concert in St. Aug and were honking happily as we passed. But as I looked in the rearview mirror, something felt off. I turned the car around and drove up to the 2 cars on the side of the road. They just had a pretty bad accident and there was a little 8 yr boy bleeding from the back of his head. My friend and I immediatly asked if anyone called 911 (there were 5 people involved), none of them had. The shock of the accident literally paralized their thinking. As my friend called 911 I grabbed a sweater out of the back of my car and placed it on the back of the little boy’s head to help stop the bleeding. Everyone was hysterical and the little boy was crying and shaking but my friend and I kept telling them everything would be ok. I just kept asking the boy questions like his name, where he lives, his favorite cartoons, things like that and he calmed down enough be still while we waited for the ambulance. He turned out ok along with the others involved.
My point in this story is that I had no idea what was going on with the 2 cars but something told me to stop. We were already past the scene of the accident, but we turned around and went back just in case there was something wrong. For people to just drive on by and not even slow down is sad to me. How could not? I mean, we all slow down as we’re passing horrible accident scenes and crane our necks out to get a good look hoping for some gore, why would we not stop for someone who clearly needs help and cleary help hadn’t arrived yet. Not seeing him is just not an excuse.
Rachel Simmons says
I once stopped to help a kid who was injured while riding his bike on the side of the road. I thought this was the right thing to do. The child was seriously injured, I called 911 and began cpr. The paramedics came and took him to the hospital, he was put on life support and subsequently died a week later. The kids family wrote piece in the paper accusing me of causing her son undo pain and suffering by not letting him die when he was in such bad shape. Things got so bad for my family I had to move my family out of the town I had lived in my whole life. Was this a rare occurance, probably, but I would never again become involved in a situation like this again, not even a phone call. I would never chance putting my family through that again.
some guy says
I see a lot of missplaced emotion inn all of this. First all im happy that all is well for him. all should be glad that someone did see him and stop to give help. That should be the main point over that MAYBE some other did not stop to help and noone knows if they saw the “kid” or his scooter off the road? As the story gos the kid did not see the boar in the road and hit it is it not just as posible that the others who passed by just did not see him?
David says
Sorry to hear this. I would have stopped. I was raised and taught to help those in need. I also was raised in a very small town here in Florida, and our town was very respectful to one another. The editor pointed out that a lot of Palm Coasters come from major metropolitan cities from up north where the crime is high. It’s unfortunate that they still have this self center attitude. But I guess when you were raised in that kind of environment it hard to adjust. down here.
w.ryan says
Point taken Emile. Fact is Thelma’s statement was hair raising in that compassion was void from her comment. Fortunately the pile on wasn’t intended except to raise her consciousness and to have her think. Daniel is blessed to have such caring parents.
Skwow says
Several years ago I was doing some yard work for a woman in the Mondex. A freak accident left me with a severe gash on my forehead which began gushing blood. Due to the rural location, I had no cell service. With blood pouring down my face, I rang her bell and knocked on her door in an attempt to get some help. She simply refused to come to the door. So I took a towel I had in my truck and ice from my cooler and managed to get the bleeding under control. Then I tried again to get her to answer her door but she still ignored me. So I drove off slowly until I was in an area with cell service and summoned help. What a heartless person! I very well could have died that day right on her front steps if I didn’t get the bleeding to stop.
Lynn says
After reading this article I was so shocked and appalled by the actions of our fellow Palm Coasters that I bypassed all the comments just to make my own comment. How horrible! What’s wrong with people anymore? I’m sorry I wasn’t driving by because, in short…i wouldn’t be driving by, I’d be stopping, calling 911, calling his parents, doing whatever it took to help this kid! I would want that if (God forbid) it was one of my boys! Everyone, these days, are so quick to assume the worst of others! Stop! Help your fellow man, if more of us do that, this world would be a better place!