Gov. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday gave his State of the State address to formally launch the 2022 legislative session. Here are his remarks, as prepared for delivery:
Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, members of the Legislature and fellow citizens:
Together we have made Florida the freest state in these United States.
While so many around the country have consigned the people’s rights to the graveyard, Florida has stood as freedom’s vanguard.
In Florida, we have protected the right of our citizens to earn a living, provided our businesses with the ability to prosper, fought back against unconstitutional federal mandates and ensured our kids have the opportunity to thrive.
Florida has become the escape hatch for those chafing under authoritarian, arbitrary and seemingly never-ending mandates and restrictions.
Even today, across the nation we see students denied an education due to reckless, politically-motivated school closures, workers denied employment due to heavy-handed mandates and Americans denied freedoms due to a coercive biomedical apparatus.
These unprecedented policies have been as ineffective as they have been destructive. They are grounded more in blind adherence to Faucian declarations than they are in the constitutional traditions that are the foundation of free nations.
Florida is a free state. We reject the biomedical security state that curtails liberty, ruins livelihoods and divides society. And we will protect the rights of individuals to live their lives free from the yolk of restrictions and mandates.
Florida has stood strong as the rock of freedom. And upon this rock we must build Florida’s future.
We will, fortunately, be able to confront our challenges with an incredibly favorable budget outlook and strong economic performance that has withstood unfavorable national headwinds:
My recommended budget of $99.7 billion has more than $15 billion in reserve — one of the largest surpluses in state history.
Florida’s revenues have exceeded estimates by billions of dollars over the past year.
December’s revenues came in at more than $500 million over the latest monthly estimate.
And this is all being done with no income tax and the lowest per capita tax burden in America.
Job creation in Florida is far exceeding the national average. And our labor force has increased six times faster than the nation’s.
Florida also leads the nation in business formations, which have increased by 61% since I took office in 2019. In 2021, Florida saw 114,000 more new businesses than second place California — even though California has a population that is 40% larger.
Freedom works. Our economy is the envy of the nation. And the state is well-prepared to withstand future economic turmoil.
Our nation is, though, facing economic problems stemming from reckless federal policies, especially the most sustained Inflation our country has witnessed in decades. The federal government has borrowed and printed unprecedented sums of money, and the bill is coming due.
Inflation is an invisible tax. It represents a pay cut for individuals and families alike. And one of the ways families have felt the pinch has been in significantly higher gas prices.
To help alleviate this burden for Florida families, I am proposing a $1 billion gas tax holiday to help reduce prices at the pump. If Washington, D.C., won’t change course, then we have a responsibility to step up on behalf of Floridians.
Education represents a major pillar of Florida’s future. I’m happy to note that Florida is again ranked number three for K-12 achievement in the latest Education Week Quality Counts rankings. We have worked hard to keep schools open, increase teacher compensation, promote workforce education and protect the rights of parents.
In pockets across America, schools are closing once again. These closures are enormously destructive and will not be tolerated in the state of Florida.
Florida has led the way in putting our kids first. In the summer of 2020, when it wasn’t fashionable, we made clear that kids needed to be in school. We faced opposition — from hysterical media, from unions and the politicians they control. We even faced lawsuits aiming to close the schools, but we wouldn’t allow fear or politics to harm our kids. We were right and they were wrong. And millions of families in Florida are better for it.
While it is important to embrace high academic standards and to measure student achievement, the FSA test is not the best way to do it. I am proposing the elimination of the FSA and replacing it with periodic progress monitoring. This will lead to meaningful feedback for parents and teachers and will reduce the amount of time dedicated to testing, leaving more time for learning. This reform will be better for students, teachers and parents, and it will help Florida remain a leader in education reform.
Over the past two years, we have increased the average minimum salary for teachers by more than $6,000. And last year, we provided $1,000 bonuses to every public school teacher and principal in the state.
Brittany Duquaine is a teacher at Lakewood Elementary School in Pinellas County. She has benefitted from the bonuses and salary increases and the experience at Lakewood shows why this is important, as Brittany and her colleagues took the school from an F grade in 2019 to an A grade in 2021.
Let’s continue this progress by further increasing teacher pay and by approving $1,000 bonuses for a second year in a row.
Florida has enacted a Parents’ Bill of Rights and we reject the notion that parents shouldn’t have a say in what their kids learn in school. Indeed, Florida law should provide parents with the right to review the curriculum used in their children’s schools. We should provide parents with recourse so that state standards are enforced, such as Florida’s prohibition on infusing subjects with critical race theory in our classrooms.
Quisha King is a mother from Duval County who has joined moms all across Florida and America to speak out against divisive ideologies like CRT.
These moms are standing up for a principle that is the policy of the state of Florida: Our tax dollars should not be used to teach our kids to hate our country or to hate each other.
Florida’s public college and university system is ranked number one in the nation yet again. Higher education must remain affordable for Florida families. I will not support any tuition increases at Florida’s colleges and universities and I oppose cutting Bright Futures scholarships, which have benefited many Florida families.
As proud as we are of the quality and affordability of Florida’s university system, a four-year education at a traditional brick-and-ivy school isn’t the only pathway to success. Over the past three years, Florida has added more than 50 new apprenticeship programs. The credentials earned through our workforce initiatives have paved the way for employment in a variety of fields like aviation, logistics and welding. These are as valuable and as honorable endeavors as attending august universities, and they deserve our support.
Florida’s dedicated focus on the skilled trades will help expand the state’s manufacturing footprint. We have already seen businesses move here from other states and we should also be actively encouraging businesses to repatriate production back to America from foreign countries. Do we really want our supply chains to be captive to the whims of a country such as Communist China?
Florida’s economic security is also linked to the stewardship of our natural resources.
We Floridians are heirs to a unique environment that makes our state the envy of the nation for fishing, boating and other outdoor activities. Three years ago, we promised bold action to safeguard Florida’s natural resources, improve water quality and restore the Everglades. With the support of the Legislature, especially Speaker Chris Sprowls and President Wilton Simpson, we have secured historic funding to support these efforts.
Since January 2019, 42 Everglades restoration projects have broken ground, hit a major milestone or finished construction, record funding has gone to conduct research and secure technologies to mitigate blue-green algae and red tide, and the state now has dedicated streams of revenue to promote coastal resiliency and water quality improvements.
We have even made enormous strides in removing invasive Burmese pythons from the Everglades. In the gallery today is the reigning python king, Charlie Dachton, who caught a whopping 41 pythons in our 2021 statewide contest.
We resolved to leave our unique natural inheritance to God better than we found it, and we are fulfilling that pledge.
We also will continue to honor our commitment to safe communities.
Florida is a law and order state.
We will not allow law enforcement to be defunded, bail to be eliminated, criminals to be prematurely released from prison or prosecutors to ignore the law.
These soft-on-crime policies have been tried in communities throughout the country to disastrous results: crime has skyrocketed, morale for police officers has plummeted and quality of life has been destroyed.
We have stood by the men and women of law enforcement. Not only do we reject defunding law enforcement — we enacted $1,000 bonuses for all police, fire and EMTs in Florida. I’m asking the Legislature to re-up these bonuses for another year. They deserve it.
Serving in law enforcement is a noble calling and we will not allow our officers to be smeared by reckless politicians and corporate media. My proposals to increase pay for state law enforcement by up to 25% and to provide $5,000 signing bonuses to law enforcement personnel who either transfer to or begin their careers in Florida will spark a tidal wave of qualified professionals seeking employment at agencies throughout the state.
I’m happy to be joined by Officer Yehuda Topper from the North Miami Beach Police Department, who moved from NYC and is the state’s first orthodox Jewish police officer.
Let there be no doubt to those who wear the uniform: the state of Florida stands with you!
Law and order requires strong borders. The crisis at the US-Mexico border over the past year has witnessed staggering illegal migration and a massive influx of narcotics like fentanyl. Rather than defend our sovereignty and enforce the border, the federal government has released hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to communities across the U.S., shipping them to Florida at alarming rates, including by sending clandestine flights in the dark of night.
As a state, we cannot be a party to what is effectively a massive human smuggling operation run by the federal government. Companies who are facilitating the movement of illegal aliens from the southern border to Florida should be held accountable, including by paying restitution to the state for all the costs they are imposing on our communities. I am also requesting funds so that when the feds dump illegal aliens in Florida, the state can re-route them to states that have sanctuary policies.
Florida should not be made to bear the burden of our federal government’s lawless open border policies.
The rule of law also means that our citizens have the ability to participate in elections that are secure and transparent.
It is Orwellian doublespeak to invoke the concept of “voting rights” to mean ballot harvesting, prohibiting voter ID and taxpayer funding of elections. Those are political concepts that erode the integrity of our elections.
Ballot harvesting has no place in Florida and we need to increase the penalties for those who do it. We also need to ensure that supervisors clean the voter rolls, that only citizens are registered to vote and that mail ballots only go to those who actually request them before each individual election.
To ensure that elections are conducted in accordance with the rule of law, I have proposed an election integrity unit whose sole focus will be the enforcement of Florida’s election laws. This will facilitate the faithful enforcement of election laws and will provide Floridians with the confidence that their vote will count.
Our constitutional rights have been under assault on a number of fronts and Florida has stood tall in defending the rights of its people.
A free society requires the ability to have robust discussions about issues of public importance, yet today Big Tech companies have used their platforms to elevate preferred narratives and to stifle dissent, serving as a de facto council of censors. Florida was the first state to legislate protections for its citizens and we should build on this success.
These same companies make a fortune by selling user data. Floridians should not have their data utilized by Big Tech without providing affirmative consent and I urge the Legislature to enact protections for the data privacy of all Floridians.
I also recommend that the Legislature strengthen protections for Floridians’ 2nd Amendment rights. These important rights should not depend on the whims of politicians who reject the existence of those rights.
Finally, we have an opportunity to strengthen protections for the right to life, without which the other rights mean little.
Protecting life does not end with the unborn. It must also include continued efforts to promote adoption and foster care so that all Floridians have a fair chance in life. Florida has 4,000 more licensed caregivers than in 2019 and I am proposing additional funds for foster parents in next year’s budget.
Nobody has done more to support Florida’s children than our First Lady, whose Pathway to Prosperity program has served more than 17,000 families in need through a collaboration between DCF and the faith community.
On behalf of our family, I want to personally thank everyone who has sent prayers and well-wishes for her recovery from breast cancer. Casey is strong, resilient, and has a husband and three kids who love her dearly. 2022 is the year she will be cancer free!
Florida has understood how important it is to put our seniors first, and we have done that time and again over the past two years.
Most recently, we led the nation in raising awareness of and expanding access to monoclonal antibody treatments. This effort has kept thousands of seniors out of the hospital and has saved many lives.
Wally and Doris Cortese from Cape Coral are with us today. Wally is a WWII and Korean War veteran who has been married to Doris for 62 years. When they both contracted COVID-19, they utilized monoclonal treatments to make full recoveries. God bless you both.
On June 24, millions of Floridians were shocked to wake up the news of a catastrophic partial collapse at the Champlain Towers South condominium complex.
First responders rescued dozens of people from an adjoining tower and searched a massive pile of rubble for survivors for weeks.
Our first responders poured their heart and soul into the rescue efforts. Ray Jadallah is the assistant chief of Miami-Dade Fire Rescue who helped lead those efforts. We thank Ray and all the members of the Urban Search and Rescue Teams that worked tirelessly during those very difficult days.
The loss of the 98 victims who perished in the collapse has been devastating and incalculable.
One of the victims was 92-year-old Hilda Noriega, whose son, North Bay Village Chief of Police Carlos Noriega, and grandchildren are with us today. Hilda was the matriarch of an amazing family and is dearly missed by those who knew her.
The grief and anguish endured by the Noriega family and the other Surfside families has been overwhelming, and reminds us that:
“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he saves those whose spirits are crushed.”
Our state should provide support for an appropriate memorial so that future generations will never forget the legacies of the victims of that terrible event.
The Surfside tragedy reminds us that you never know what tomorrow will bring. Don’t take anything for granted and make the most out of each and every day.
We have 60 days to work together to build upon our rock of freedom. Lost time is never found again. Seize the moment. And be thankful that God has blessed us to live and serve in America’s liberty outpost, the free state of Florida!
Thank goodness for this governor, that I was able to work and continue to provide for my family.Actually financially thriving despite my run in with covid with a sore throat for 2 days and the only member of my household to display any symptoms even though we all tested positive in June 0f 2020.And although i realize most readers of this Flagler live opinionated politically left leaning entertainment tabloid type of online junk are leftist-please remind yourselves moving forward as you go to vote that the last democratic candidate that ran against him was found in a well known drug/prostitution motel methed out of his mind with a gay prostitute.That is a fact and imagine where we would be right now with that nonsense. Yours truly,NOT a democrat or republican but rather a proud self thinking non following independent
Bailey’s Mom says
Well it had it contained the Good, the Bas, and the Ugly just what you’d expect in The Twilight Zone.
The Free State of Florida, interesting and wonder if it only applies to the extreme 3% while the rest of us carry on.
John Stove says
This guy and his party are a joke…..who in their right mind forces school districts to give back state funding if they enforce vaccines for staff?, hides and manipulates Covid data, lets 800,000 Covid test kits expire on his watch? on and on and on
Cant wait for him to be voted out of office just like Trump was.
Worst Governor ever (matched set with worst President ever-Trump)
Dennis C Rathsam says
Who,s gonna beat him? Speaking of a joke…Look at the moron running our country ! What a shit show!
Bailey’s Mom says
Imagine where we would be if the last guy won again…the lying, cheating, womanizing, sexual predator, rapist, and failed businessman! Thank goodness 81 million Americans said No the that shot show! Can’t wait to see him & his entourage in jail.
LetsBeReal says
Joe Biden lies, caught plagiarizing twice, Joe Biden and his wife Jill had an affair that broke up her first marriage, he always touching and sniffing little girls, Biden family is corrupt, etc.
Energy independence – failure
Border security – failure
Afghanistan – failure
Covid fix – Take the vaccine and you will not get covid. I will shut down the virus. failure
Supply chain – failure
How those high prices working for you?
If Hillary Clinton didn’t go to jail for producing the fake dossier what makes you think Donald Trump would go to jail?
I imagine Americans would be better off. Trump Administration Accomplishments https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/ Now show me Joe Biden accomplishments? HINT: Not too many but a lot of failures.
Steve says
Anyone but the orange stain cupcke. Many topics you hit were 45s doing. Lack of truth in C19 response ended it for him. PS Hows that Wall and Trade War with China doing. Talk about a Supply Chain disruption. You have no clue of what you try or attempt yo Speak of. Kerp drinking the orange koolaid
T says
Well I see you didn’t follow trumps shit show and more or just uneducated to political kids stay in school
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Wow — you sound really bitter, Mr. Stove. Would you have preferred the morally bankrupt alternative, Andrew Gillum? Just wondering, since he seems to have fizzled out like a dud firework after that adventure in Miami. You know the one.
John Stove says
Being a realist is not bitter….you would have to be an idiot to not see that Deathsantis merely cares about riding the coattails of their dear leader Trump so that he can tap in to their voter base in a republican leaning state such as Florida. You think he really cares about what is right and just? Bwaa…ha…ha too funny.
The most up-to-date figures from the state election agency show 5,120,076 registered Republicans and 5,095,008 Democrats so it wouldn’t take much for just a few republicans to realize this isnt the republican party that it used to be, vote Deathsantis out and finally get a good governor who actually cares about the residents of this state.
Democrat or Republican
Fredrick says
@John You do realize those kits expired because they were not needed right? And you do realize that a good thing….. Yet OUR President has done nothing to increase testing kit availability. He has even admitted that doing that has not gone well. Of course he says a lot of things because he is confused and apparently thinks Kamala is President since he says that over and over again. And let’s correct your post….. It is not “enforce” vaccines for staff…. it is FORCE vaccines ON staff. And manipulate data…. do you really want to go there? Are you aware of the latest CDC disclosure about numbers…. Give it a rest. OUR Governor is doing a great job of taking care of OUR state.
David Schaefer says
A free state my ass look at the people coming down with the virus . Go take care with your wife who has cancer instead of running your mouth.
Fredrick says
@David you should get out more…. This is a free state an OUR Governor has taken great care of our state. Our numbers are no worse than those of sates that have had stupid mandates and lock downs. Do you even wonder why people are flocking here in record numbers from blue states?
He has done what is right for Florida. Kept our economy running and growing. Prioritized taking care of those that are most vulnerable. Not putting those with the virus back into nursing homes killing thousands of the most vulnerable like a certain hero of the left.
Dennis C Rathsam says
The virus coroin dont last long, sort of like a mild cold, with the shits! Speaking of shits, U take the cake, only pond scum would bring my wife into this, U are an evil person. And my wife got the best care money could buy, I was at her side through it all. Thank god she is cancer free now. So go run your evil mouth FOOL
Wilma says
What we need is a good socialist governor like they have in California. So much wealth in this state that can be redistributed to blacks and browns and even to the tans community for their surgeries.
A.j says
Good comments against him. The ballot box will speak loud and clear if enough of us will vote against him.
Deborah Coffey says
“Together we have made Florida the freest state in these United States.” Right, while you want cameras in classrooms to spy on teachers and setting your vigilantes free upon those teachers. How about your new “election police” and your own militia? This governor is a fascist scumbag and as big a grifter as Donald J. Trump. We can beat him in November and we had better do it before he destroys Florida completely.
Sherry says
@realist (NOT!) . . . since you obviously do not care for this publication and have no problem bashing it, and trashing the educated and open minded people who are enlightened by its excellent investigative journalism, and FACT based articles . . . please do peddle your delusions of being neutral and your self aggrandizing tripe some place else.
Thanks so much! Joy! Peace! and Love!
Sherry says
OK. . . let’s do a little comparison of trump to President Biden:
1. Former President Donald Trump made over seven times as many “false and misleading” claims in his first 100 days in the White House than President Joe Biden, according to the Washington Post’s fact-checker. An analysis of every speech, statement, tweet and interview made by the two presidents found that Trump made 511 false or misleading claims in his first 100 days, while Biden has made 67 as of Monday, or Day 96.
2. At least 25 women have accused trump of sexual assault including RAPE. . . He also bragged about grabbing women by their privates . . . absolutely horrific!:
3. trump- The first president to ever be impeached TWICE!
A. The damage he has done to American democracy. The events of January 6, 2021, when a mob of Trump supporters besieged and occupied the US Capitol, were the culmination of the president’s efforts to demonize the media, violate established norms, promote lies, question the authority of the courts, and reject the results of a presidential election that passed every serious test of its legitimacy.
B. Trump’s first impeachment came after a formal House inquiry alleged that he had solicited foreign interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election to help his re-election bid, and then obstructed the inquiry itself by telling his administration officials to ignore subpoenas for documents and testimony. The inquiry reported that Trump withheld military aid[a] and an invitation to the White House to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky in order to influence Ukraine to announce an investigation into Trump’s political opponent Joe Biden and to promote a discredited conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, was behind interference in the 2016 presidential election. A phone call between Trump and Zelensky on July 25, 2019 was particularly important—whistleblower Alexander Vindman was a participant in the call, and later informed Congress.[4]
4. In the final year of Donald Trump’s presidency, more than 450,000 Americans died from COVID-19, and life expectancy fell by 1.13 years, the biggest decrease since World War II. Many of the deaths were avoidable; COVID-19 mortality in the U.S. was 40 percent higher than the average of the other wealthy nations in the Group of Seven (G7).
In a Lancet report by the Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era, released on February 20, we chronicled Trump’s effects on population health. His incompetent and malevolent response to the COVID-19 pandemic capped a presidency suffused with health-harming policies and actions.
I could go on and on posting page after page of evidence of trump’s horrific actions and failures. . . but, his brainwashed CULT members care nothing for facts .
VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! as if our Democracy depends on it. . . IT DOES!
LetsBeReal says
Sherry what you Trump haters and Joe Biden cult members don’t get is that Americans care about accomplishments. That is the bottom line. Now compare Trump’s four years of accomplishments to Biden’s over 40 years as a politician his accomplishments. Right now it does not look good for Democrats.
In the private sector would you hire somebody with accomplishments or somebody with failures?
Flashback: Biden suggested Trump’s coronavirus travel ban was ‘xenophobic’ https://news.yahoo.com/flashback-biden-suggested-trump-apos-203559997.html Joe Biden is a hypocrite.
More people will have died from COVID under Biden than Trump https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/more-people-will-have-died-from-covid-under-biden-than-trump/ar-AAPnEM6
I know I’m NOT voting for higher prices, leaving Americans and Allies behind in Afghanistan, illegal border crossings, an inflation rate of 7%, and destroying America!
Steve says
So why did 45lose the Election then DDUUHH
LetsBeReal says
I’m an Independent I could care less that Trump loss. What I do care about is how Joe Biden is destroying this country. It is in the news and in the media. WAKE UP! You must be part of the 33% that approve Joe Biden. LOL
Sherry says
@ Wilma. . . Could you please explain what the blacks and browns and tans are. Surely you are talking about something like bread and not referring to our dear fellow human beings in that ignorant derogatory way. . . or , are you?
Sherry says
OK. . . let’s actually be real about the FACTS.
The vast majority of those dying from Covid are “UNVACCINATED”:
While Forbes Reports:
The amount of Biden supporters who said they won’t get vaccinated was only 10%, among the lowest listings in the poll.
Nearly 35 million. That’s how many Trump voters wouldn’t get the vaccine if the polling turns out to be correct, representing almost 17% of the adult population.
Therefore. . . Biden is not to blame for the “trump CULT” idiots who still refuse to get vaccinated. . . Those who put us all at much higher risk of serious illness and possibly even death of the completely innocent young children who have no vaccine.
As usual, trump is NOT “leading” at all. He is just now encouraging people to get vaccinated. . . even with the vaccine program he initiated. Way “TOO LITTLE TOO LATE”. . . over 800,000 lives lost too late!
LetsBeReal says
POLITIFACT – Joe Biden wrongly claims Trump could’ve prevented every COVID-19 death https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/sep/18/joe-biden/joe-biden-wrongly-claims-trump-couldve-prevented-e/
Biden is slapped down by Nancy Pelosi for ‘outrageous’ claim Trump to blame for ALL covid deaths in the US https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12712683/biden-nancy-pelosi-outrageous-trump-blame-covid-deaths-us/
RealClear Politics – 6 Biden Lies About Trump’s COVID Response https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2020/04/10/6_biden_lies_about_trumps_covid_response.html#!
Sherry if you need to find fault the one’s who are at fault is China. ‘The Wuhan Files’: Leaked Documents Show China Lied About Covid-19, Mishandled The Pandemic
Stop making excuses for Joe Biden.
Steve says
The orange stain pollutes your simple mingle. He lost get over it move on. He won’t run because 45cannot stomach losing. His loser EGO won’t allow it.
LetsBeReal says
We don’t know if Trump will run but the Democrats don’t want Sleepy Joe to run. What most Democrats are afraid of is the House and Senate will be taken over by the Republicans. There will be a red wave in 2020.
Sherry says
This headline says it all. . . and, the article is certainly worth reading:
LetsBeReal says
MSM News says:
According to Johns Hopkins University’s data on COVID-19 deaths, since Jan. 1, there have been approximately 353,000 deaths from the pandemic. This is about a thousand more COVID-19 deaths than in all of 2020. Trump lacked the benefit of vaccinations until the last month of his presidency, whereas Biden had them from day one.
Biden said “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit and you’re not going to die.” And then, shortly after those comments, Biden contradicted himself and added that even if vaccinated people do “catch the virus,” they are “not likely to get sick.”
Further, when discussing the delta variant, Biden stated that vaccines “cover” the delta variant insofar as people will not contract the virus if vaccinated. “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” Biden said.
So because there are more Republicans not vaccinated then Democrats we are going blame Trump? LOL. OK, if it makes you feel better Sherry.
Sherry says
While President Biden is certainly wrong if he said trump could have prevented “ALL” the Covid deaths. However, many in the medical profession agree that trump could have prevented over 130,000 deaths with MUCH BETTER federal safety regulations.
Your link to the Real Clear Politics article is a joke, right? Considering the source of the article from a right winged extremist, I certainly wouldn’t call it credible: Kayla Gowdy is the social media and rapid response director for America First Action PAC.
The link to the article regarding China isn’t even viable. . . calling that one pure conspiracy theory.
While President Biden is imperfect for sure. . . he is a decent human being who is trying his best, NOT for himself but for the American people. Meanwhile, trump is nothing short of a completely immoral con artist who seems hell bent on bilking those who blindly follow him into his fear and hate alternate reality. . . at the risk of their own lives.
LetsBeReal says
Should of, could of, would of. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo sent 9,000 covid patients to nursing homes could of prevented killing 15,000 + Seniors if he didn’t send them there. Cuomo also came under fire at the time because President Donald Trump had provided a hospital ship meant to take on COVID patients so they would not be placed elsewhere and to help lessen the burden on hospitals. Cuomo never used it.
Always making excuses when the facts hit you in the face. You think RealClear Politics and China lied about Covid-19 are the only articles about the subject on the Internet? I could just as well said that your links are left wing and not reliable.
Joe Biden a decent human being? Which one of the many racist comments he has made is good for the American people? “put y’all back in chains”, “Poor kids” just as bright as “white kids”, “Some Black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf”, “I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece Dr. Alveda King said Biden is ‘very adept at race-baiting’. OMG! He left Americans, allies, and our military equipment in Afghanistan. Talk about immoral? And 13 U.S. service members killed and a family of 10 including children killed by a U.S. drone strike.
Joe Biden said he was going to shut down the virus, you’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations, we have higher gas prices, higher food prices, empty shelves in places, highest inflation in over 40 years, and you say Trump is a con artist? LOL
Joe Biden promised to unify us, and he has. Most voters agree that they don’t like him.
Biden’s Con against America
alltheprices says
alltheprices you can compare prices.