By Julie Delegal
Florida’s approach to improving public education is getting serious scrutiny on several fronts.
Now is the time to take a good look at whether the changes we’ve endured — mass privatization, real-dollar funding decreases, high-stakes testing, and loss of local school board authority — gets us closer to carrying out our constitutional duty to our children.
A public-education-funding lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of 17 years of GOP-led school reforms ended in Leon County Circuit Court on April 8. Citizens for Strong Schools, Fund Education Now, and other plaintiffs have alleged that Florida is violating the State Constitution by failing to adequately fund a “high quality” public education for students.
Meanwhile, the Legislature has all but completed its power-grab from local school districts with a new, inter-district, open-enrollment scheme, and is sending public tax dollars to develop private real estate assets — in the form of charter schools.
These types of policies spurred a national, grassroots public school advocacy organization to give Florida an “F” in its 50-state report card in February. And this month, the Tampa Bay Times collected a Pulitzer Prize for its coverage of how one county abandoned efforts to desegregate its schools with disastrous consequences. Would that it were truly for only one county.
The prize-winning series is called “Failure Factories.”
Jeb-Bush-brand reformers and grassroots public education advocates alike, along with circuit court Judge George Reynolds, should pay close attention to the stories. The big takeaway is that simply because a court declares a school district “unitary” for purposes of desegregation, doesn’t mean the county won’t revert to its segregated, inequitable ways once court supervision is lifted.
A civil rights study (see below) performed in Florida just a few years after some counties were awarded “unitary status” by the courts reports a median statewide segregation index of 47. That number, the study explains, represents the percentage of students who would need to change schools to make those schools reflect the district’s black and white population ratios.
“The reality is that we are dancing dangerously close to resegregation,” activist Kathleen Oropeza said. She contends that Florida’s reform policies, especially the push for charter schools, have made things worse, not better, for school equity. School inequity, in many Florida cities, is still very closely related to racial segregation.
Oropeza, a plaintiff in the lawsuit and co-founder of Fund Education Now, testified earlier this month. Research backs her up.
Professors at Duke University released a study of North Carolina schools last year (see below) that concluded that the charter movement effectively re-segregated that state’s schools. Jeff Guo of the Washington Post reports that North Carolina’s charter schools tend to be overwhelmingly black or overwhelmingly white. That trend has been seen in Florida charter schools, and nationally.
“Charter schools are not required to take all students,” Oropeza says. “They can be selective in subtle ways. If you sign a contract and don’t pay through volunteer hours or financial donations, your contract might not get renewed.
“They’re creating separate, unequal seats for every child, hoping that the free market is somehow creating a solution.”
Free market solutions are not to be found in Jacksonville’s charter schools, which fared worse than Jacksonville’s public schools in an analysis of provisional 2016 grades. Charter schools, like public schools, run the gamut with school grades. The biggest correlate to academic performance remains, tragically, a student’s zip code.
“Charter schools were originally intended to be places of innovations, schools that bring something that the community doesn’t already have,” Oropeza said. “Instead of bringing innovation, they’re becoming factories of replication, draining billions of dollars away from district public school classrooms.
“When you read education reform legislation, at the heart of almost every bill there is a vendor built into the bill. It speaks volumes about what education legislation is really about in Florida.”
Meanwhile, public school inequities persist — and economic disparities still overlap race too much in our state. Jacksonville, for example, is home to several under-enrolled, underperforming public elementary schools in predominantly black neighborhoods. Superintendent Nikolai Vitti has proposed several boundary and program changes – including magnet programs — at some of these schools to keep them open. And that has neighborhood advocates and Congresswoman Corrine Brown understandably upset: magnet schools have failed miserably to produce school equity.
The civil rights report gives us a big clue as to what is really at the heart of our public school problems. It’s not teachers, or teacher unions. It’s not a question of whether privatization creates better outcomes for poor kids. We’ve seen that it doesn’t.
Pretending that the “market” will repair decades of entrenched socio-economic, geographic and demographic trends is naïve. The truth is, we’ve barely gone halfway to truly address the persistent inequities in our schools, despite the fact that we know money, well spent,makes a positive difference.
The “Failure Factories” article rightly credits Duval County with raising $50 million to improve teaching quality in our struggling schools.
Florida doesn’t know what it takes to cure its school inequity problem because we’ve never approached an education budget using a needs-based model. Judge Reynolds has the opportunity to change all of that with an order declaring the Legislature’s reform actions unconstitutional.
Julie Delegal, a University of Florida alumna, is a contributor for Folio Weekly, Jacksonville’s alternative weekly, and writes for the family business, Delegal Law Offices. She lives in Jacksonville.
The NEW JIM CROW LAWS! Very subtle and sophisticated segregation masked as “the magic of the market.” Another version of anti-social “trickle-down” economics applied to public vs. private education.
When are we going to learn??? Government isn’t the enemy; unregulated “laissez-faire” capitalism with a dash of Social Darwinism disguised as libertarian fascism is the enemy. Who is able to stand up to the beast with the blond hair? Your slavery is going to be wonderful.
PCer says
Keep voting for Republicans and you will keep getting crappy schools and below average students.
Knightwatch says
The Republican party and its most conservative proponents are systematically destroying public education. They are doing this on ideological grounds. They believe public education produces future progressive voters. They have a distinct distain for science, believing that science-based knowledge challenges their closely held religious beliefs. Knowledge to a Republican can be found in the bible or in the words of their second most revered deity, Ronald Reagan. If we give these no-nothings absolute power, you can count on this country reverting to the mid-20th century at best. You can count on the resurgence of segregation in our schools and cities, the imposition of Christian theology in our legal system and the further suppression of the poor, women, LGBTs and immigrants. And perhaps, worst of all, you can count on a belligerent and bellicose foreign policy that promotes international conflict.
Radical conservatism must be decisively rejected. Get out the rational and responsible vote!
Sherry says
Great article! It gives evidence to what is “really” happening in our school system. Moving school tax dollars into “for profit” schools is simply not going to create higher quality education. All that does is insert the “PROFIT” motive above the “BEST EDUCATION” motive!
Dave says
Its not just Fla lawmakers or the Republicans or Democratic party, this failure of educating is across the United States in our elementary , Jr High and High Schools.
Sherry says
WOW! Knightwatch you really put your finger on the root of the problem. . . well done! Big John and PCer your are certainly right on as well. We need to rise up and get out the vote to change the cancer of far right winged politics in our country and the world.
Let’s move away from using the “profit barometer” to measure the success of everything. Public and government services should NEVER be run like a “for profit” business. Do you really understand that Rick Scott and Travis Hutson? I thought not!
We need public/government entities to act in behalf of the “common good”. . . with goals that create EQUAL opportunity through EQUAL education for every citizen of the USA regardless of skin color, ethnic background, gender and sexual preference.
We need to use our minds and start believing the NASA scientists who have proven again and again how human’s pollution of the earth’s environment is contributing to a change in our climate that could be so extreme as to be completely disastrous to our species. Many, many jobs could be made available in the new industries of creating/mass producing/implementing clean, renewable, affordable energy. . . and in environmental conservation. Our future awaits. . . let’s not allow anyone to pull us back into the past!