Flagler County Elections Supervisor Kaiti Lenhart wants to know why you love voting–assuming you do.
The supervisor is asking voters to fill out a brief five-question online survey, with an additional open-ended entry asking if “you have anything else to share which may inspire others to vote.” The survey, however, does not ask any questions of those who choose not to vote or why they choose not to vote.
The survey, called “Why do you love voting?” was timed for Valentine’s Day, but is running through the weekend, as it had generated only 40 responses by Thursday. The idea is “to get information from the community which might help inspire others to be more involved, especially in local elections,” Lenhart said. “We just came through a very active mid-term, and I hope that even with our upcoming municipal elections, that we see some higher turnouts.”
Bunnell, Flagler Beach and Beverly Beach all have active elections on the same day in March, the first time in 10 years that’s happened. “Some of these cities have a history of lower turnouts,” Lenhart said. Turnout in the last general election was 64.5 percent in Flagler, the highest mid-term since 2002.
The information from the survey will be used “to create and develop more targeted voter outreach,” Lenhart said, “sharing the statement made by people like–why is voting important to you? Some of the responses we’ve gotten back are really quite interesting and might be inspiring for someone else. We’ll be sharing that soon.”
The survey is multiple choice. For example, the question about why one loves to vote offers such possible answers as “Voting is a civic responsibility,” “I vote to make an impact for future generations,” “I want to take an active role in choosing my representatives in government,” or “If I don’t vote, I can’t complain!.” There’s an option for “other,” but no option for “all of the above,” though for many voters all the answers apply.
Other than why you like voting, other questions include: Why is voting important to you? How do you prefer to vote: By mail? During early voting? At your precinct on Election Day? Why do you have a favorite? Do you feel that local elections are important? Why?
You can take the survey by clicking here.
Dave says
Voting is not something one loves, it is something one must do to try and keep the evil at bay, unfortunately in this country voters are being suppressed and gerrymandered lines skew the votes in the favor of one party. Voting has become a chore and a burden. The county should seriously look into making voting day a holiday to give everyone a fair chance to make it to the polls. Some are trying to even make it to where you would need an i.d. to vote!? This is just another tactic to skew and suppress the votes of the people, and is very unamerican! When 3/4 of the country vote for one candidate, yet the other wins, that’s a serious problem.
tulip says
DAVE. you are exactly right! Now it’s even worse, because a lot of our Senators and Congresspeople have sold their soles and credibility for the purpose of maintaining there jobs and have become wimpy, pawns.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Until outside contribution dollar amounts are limited to a greater extent than now ( or restricted to public funding) , until signs are prohibited ( other than hand holding), and until all the media (including radio and local tv) required to give at least a fixed amount free air time – or debate – we will hardly ever see balanced or equal opportunity elections.
Playing fields are currently controlled mostly by money – yes there are exceptions but few and far between ( like in NY with Ocasio).
Sherry says
Right On Dave! Our voting process is completely corrupt!
tulip says
I also agree with Jane Youd. When I hear of the extravagant ways politicians on the national level spend their contributions and the obscene amounts of huge donations they receive, as well as favors, I get mad. A lot of that money is spent of 5 star hotels, high end restaurants, entertainment, including paying off women to keep quiet, and who knows what else.
Local candidates also waste contributor”s money on things that have nothing to do with campaigning. Perhaps candidates should be allowed a certain amount of money to spend on campaigning and level the playing field. However, that will never happen. Too many big contributors want favors and too many candidates want money to throw around and feel powerful.
Sherry says
Tulip and Jane. . . great points. . . we are experiencing the “too much of a good thing” side of Capitalism. One where even government/political power is controlled by MONEY and corporate GREED is ruining the middle class. MONEY POWER and its corruption is completely destroying our Democracy!
As Jane says, until complete campaign finance and media access reform is fully enacted. . . the shifting of political/government power to the wealthy will continue unabated. These current federal and state administrations are empowering the wealthy even faster. The Supreme court’s decision on “Citizens United” even made this kind of corruption legal!
Our citizens must wake up and do everything in their power to regain the true and EQUAL power of the vote.
Richard says
Dave, maybe YOU should refresh you memory in regards to what and how the Electoral College is and why we have it in this country. Well unless of course you want all of the snowflakes living in California & New York controlling our country. I don’t and I want MY vote to count for something!
Kaiti Lenhart says
Interested persons are welcomed to review the survey results here: https://www.flaglerelections.com/news/ArtMID/26232/ArticleID/1591/Community-Survey-Why-Do-You-Love-Voting
Thank you to those who participated!