The previous crime report is available here.
Violence at Ralph Carter Park
At about 7:35 p.m. on Nov. 20, a deputy was dispatched to Ralph Carter Park along Rymfire Drive in Palm Coast in reference to a fight. Sheriff’s dispatch, according to the police report, reported “that approximately 50 black males were physically fighting a single individual.” The fight had broken up when the deputy arrived. The victim was a 16-year-old white boy, who’d called 911 to say he’d just beaten up by a group of people. The deputy located the victim near the skateboard park. The victim, according to the report, “had a bloody face and appeared to have a swollen eye and nose.” An ambulance was called. The 16 year old told the cop that about two months earlier, a couple of juveniles had stolen his bike from his residence. His father was able to locate the bike at another location. A 10-year-old then came to his house and began calling the boy’s mother inappropriate names. The incident on Nov. 20 was triggered when the victim returned to the park “with a group of friends to end the situation,” the report states. Juveniles blocked the roadway and he had to drive around the juveniles as they refused to move from the road. During the altercation 30 to 40 people who;’d been playing basketball approached. A witness reported seeing a group of juveniles run towards the victim and begin fighting him. The victim was taken to the hospital by his mother. Injuries were superficial. He had bruising on his face, and a footprint on the left side of his face.
Car Stolen at Target–Then Crashed
A 2006 Volkswagen Passat was reported stolen on Nov. 19 at 6:47 p.m., from the Target parking lot in Palm Coast. The vehicle was possibly left unlocked, according to a sheriff’s report. Soon after the car was reported stolen, a crash was reported involving the same Volkswagen. The vehicle was unoccupied when cops arrived. Deputies attempted to locate a white male wearing a black trench coat that was seen in the area after the crash. The search was unsuccessful. The vehicle was located in a canal, submerged in approximately one foot of water, by the intersection of Canal Avenue and Coconut Blvd. in Bunnell, with heavy front end damage and moderate damage to the passenger side of the vehicle; damage is estimated at $5,000.
An Odd Incident on Parkview Drive in Palm Coast
On On Nov. 21 at 6:41 p.m., a deputy responded to 319 Parkview Drive in Palm Coast, where dispatch told him two men were talking about narcotics and a firearm. The deputy reports: “Upon arrival, I observed a white male standing in the driveway. He approached me and identified himself as Henry Campora, who resides at 319 Parkview Drive. Henry stated that his roommate, Konstantin Shurgigin, requested money to purchase synthetic marijuana. Henry refused to give the money, an argument ensued and Konstantin threw a chair through the back window of Henry’s motor vehicle, a 1986 white Volvo. Henry then advised that I need to Baker Act Konstantin and/or take him to jail for vandalizing his Volvo. Henry then stated that Konstantin was in possession of a firearm and it was unknown if he was still inside the residence or if he exited through the rear. Deputy Moore maintained a visual on the front of the residence, while I approached the rear. I observed Konstantin sitting in a chair on the Patio. I identified myself and requested that he show me his hands. Konstantin complied and advised he was not in possession of a firearm. A pat down of Konstantin revealed no firearm and I advised Konstantin of my investigation. Konstantin advised that he did have an argument with Henry but denied attempting to obtain money for narcotics use. Konstantin continued to advise that he only smokes legal stuff, such as incense. Konstantin then advised that he attempted to get away from Henry, by exiting the residence through the front door. Henry following Konstantin and continued to argue, resulting in Konstantin throwing a chair threw the back window of the Volvo. Konstantin stated that he and Henry argue all the time and he would pay for the damages to the window. During my investigation with Konstantin, I determined that he did not meet criteria for a Law Enforcement Baker Act. I made further contact with Henry and ascertained if he wished to complete a voluntary statement form and pursue criminal mischief charges against Konstantin. Henry advised that if I make Konstantin leave the residence, he would not pursue charges. I advised Henry that Konstantin is the homeowner; therefore I could not make him leave. I further advised Henry of his options and he did not wish to pursue the incident and requested to leave for the evening.The firearm in question, is registered to Henry, was never used against either individual and was located in a bedroom. Henry secured his firearm and left the residence.”
Drunk Driving, a Crash, Injuries, and an Arrest
Epic Disturbance
It was 11:36 p.m. on Nov. 18 when a deputy responded to the Epic Theater in Palm Coast’s Town Center, where several people were standing out front. The deputy reports: “I made contact with Shanica Harper (victim) on scene and she advised that she and her boyfriend, Shawn Pingshaw (other), were seeing a movie in the theater, when several juveniles began throwing ice at them. She stated that she exchanged some words with them at that time. She then stated that when she exited the theater, one female [deleted] began arguing with her trying to provoke a fight. Harper stated that she then said, ‘We can pop it off if
you want.’ She stated that [deleted] then began swinging at her. She further advised that several other unknown females began jumping on her as she fell to the ground and began kicking her. Harper stated that she had her purse with her during the course of the fighting and went to hand it to Pingshaw. She stated that she didn’t see anyone take the purse from her and that the purse went missing sometime during the altercation. It was later recovered on the other side of some parked vehicles parked directly in front of the theater, approximately 100 feet from where the altercation had occurred. The purse had its contents scattered about and was later reported missing Harper’s cell phone, bank debit card, and social security card. Harper advised that her bank is Bank of America and her cell phone is a Sprint Samsung Replenish. […] I also asked if Harper if she had any injuries and if she wanted medical attention. She advised that she did want medical attention, but I was unable to see any physical signs of injury on her person. Harper stated that she was in pain on her right side of her back and neck area. I then had dispatch send a medical unit to the scene. Pingshaw stated that Harper was being jumped on by several females and so he stepped in and pushed several of them off of her. He stated that he got hit on his forehead by an unknown person. He stated that most of the people involved had already fled the scene before law enforcement’s arrival. I observed a red bruise on Pingshaw’s forehead. […] Harper also stated that she did not wish to pursue charges against Ariana at that time.”
Other Burglaries and Larcenies And Losses
- Refrigerator, air conditioner, water heater, electric stove and a water pump all stolen from a residence at 2027 Laurel Avenue in Bunnell around Nov. 1.
- Registration decal stolen from a vehicle at 2 Ryker Lane in Palm Coast between Nov. 20 and 21.
- A rifle–a Marlin XL7 30-6 bolt action with a scope–stolen from the bed of a truck at 10:30 on Nov. 19 at 696 Country Road 80.
- Two bicycles stolen from a residence at 31 Emerson Drive in Palm Coast on Nov. 19.
- Deodorant and three packs of air freshener shoplifted at Walmart on Nov. 19, for a total value of $6.40, by 20-year-old Hosey Cue of Palm Coast. He was given a notice to appear in court.
- Dishes, tools, fishing poles, a 40-inch TV and a charcoal grill, among other items, reported stolen from a residence at 17 Sandpiper Ct. in Palm Coast. The house had previously been rented to people who’d left the house when the theft was discovered, on Nov. 16.
- Metro PCS cell phone reported stolen at Holland Park on Nov. 18. The phone belonged to a 14-year-old boy.
DUI Arrests
- Linda La Pierre, 50, of 29 Pinto Lane, Palm Coast, on Nov. 20.
mike d. says
isn’t this a fun place to live. deadbeats and drunks and methheads.
dave says
It is a beautiful place to live and I for one can not think of any place that’s any better, seems like only the bad things hit the news and only very few of the good things but I can assure everyone that Flagler County is the greatest place to live , people just seem to thrive on bad things for some reason, only we the people can make the difference in our little piece of heaven that we share. Smile and have a beautiful day. : )
FlaglerNative says
WOW, this was not considered a hate crime. A white boy gets attacked by a mob of black kids? If the shoe was on the other foot??? What happened to good ol’ Flagler county!!
John C says
mob of blacks beating a white kid?….not a hate crime? arrests?……