Florida’s economy added just 23,000 jobs in September for a total of 92,400 jobs in the last nine months, barely making a dent against the 838,100 jobs lost in the state since the beginning of the recession, and with few signs that a stronger recovery is ahead. The state’s unemployment rate dipped a decimal point in September, to 10.6 percent, while Flagler’s dipped to 14.6 percent, in the same range where the numbers have hovered since last February.
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There are still about 1 million Floridians unemployed, at least officially. That number does not reflect the workers who have quit looking for work, or who are working part-time because they can’t find work.
The effective unemployment and under-employment rate for Florida, as reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, is just under 20 percent. In other words, one out of five Floridian is out of work or under-employed. A large number of Floridians are quitting the job search because of new stringent regulations from the labor department that must be met to qualify for an unemployment check.
Flagler County remains the second-worst hit county in the state in unemployment, behind Hendry’s 17.6 percent rate.
Still, Gov. Rick Scott, speaking from Brazil, where is is traveling with 180 politicians, aides and business interests, touted today’s figures as an indication that Florida is recovering.
The largest job gains took place in educational services, which added 5,800 jobs, a month-over-month increase of 3.9 percent. Arts, entertainment and recreation were second-best, with a 1.6 percent increase, or 3,000 jobs, and food services adding 7,500 jobs. Otherwise, all other industries’ gains were either below 1 percent or in negative territory. Construction added 1,800 jobs, retail added 5,700, and transportation and warehousing added 2,200. In the loss column, manufacturing dropped 1,200 jobs, wholesale trade dropped 3,300, and government, a perennial job-loser month after month, lost another 1,000 jobs.
Florida’s department of labor was not quite on the job: until today, it released the monthly unemployment numbers almost on the dot at 10 a.m. Not today. The numbers were held back until after Scott held a conference call with media to announce them in a brief speech touting his trip to Brazil. He did not take questions. The numbers were released 22 minutes late.
The jobs picture isn’t changing much in Florida. But the department of labor underwent yet another cosmetic change. It called itself the “Agency for Workforce Innovation” until last month. This month, its new name is the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity.
The full unemployment release is below.
steve says
Why is the labor force numbers lower for most counties over last year? Has the labor force declined, or are the numbers being manipulated to make the unemployment number to look a little better?
Deborah Curbow-Valente says
I find it totally amazing that the politicians feel that the state of Florida is RECOVERING !!!!! I would love to know what they consider recovery and where the hell are these jobs they have offered???? Anybody around here seen any lately???? Two members of my family have been unemployed here in Flagler County – one since Sept. of 2010 and the other since April 2011… Anybody else in the same situation??? How are we supposed to pay bills???? Gotta love Florida !!!!! I know as soon as I can I am getting the HELL out of dodge before I am out on the streets and not able to pay anything at all…..If this is what they call recovery, I would love to see what they call recession/depression…..Oh and by the way, while most of us sturggle, the politicians (governor) and their friends are on vacation in Brazil….They even make sure the numbers lie….What are they gonna do next????? I for one am OVER IT !!!!!
Christie 2012 says
Welcome to Obamanation. It’s not just Florida with the problem.
Morpheus says
Get that LOSER governor back from Brazil. Demand he start creating jobs as he promised when he was running for governor. I’m so sick & disgusted with politicians and state, county goverment cronies. Impeach this worthless governor and his staff.
palmcoaster says
Where is the Tea Party complaining about all these bozos vacationing in Brazil with excuses and in our drained tax payers pockets? Pathetic hypocrisy…
palmcoaster says
Oil Barons hiring and paying high in ND but you have to bring your own (heated as winters are harsh) RV or tent along.
Kendall says
How much did it cost the taxpayers of Florida to bring 180 people to Brazil for a vacation??
I did a quick search online-
Airfare from Orlando to Rio de Janeiro with 60 day advance purchase is over $1500 pp for coach.
The Sheraton Rio de Janeiro starts at $300 per night. The JW Marriott starts at over $500 per night. So assuming the lower price, let’s say lodging is costing $1500 pp + taxes so estimate $1750.
Meals- assume these people are not eating off the dollar menu. Conservatively I would guess Breakfast of $10 pp, Lunch of $25 pp, Dinner $40pp. So $75 per day pp for meals X 5 days = $375
So airfare, lodging and meals for 5 days is $3625 per person on the low side. Multiply that by 180 people and so far this is costing us at least $650K.
How about transportation in Brazil? If we are to believe these people are riding buses, again we will be conservative and assume that three typical coach buses would be needed to accommodate 180 people- and assume a price of $300 per day per bus- $4500 for that.
By my relatively conservative estimates this trip has cost the state of Florida at minimum TEN TEACHERS Annual Salaries.
Christie 2012 says
Funny how everyone on here can bitch about Scott being in Brazil. A developing nation that would be a good trade partner with the Florida.(Tampa,Miami and Jacksonville ports). Why is no one pissing and moaning about prezbo’s magical bus tour last week. Talk about a waste of money! Taxpayers paying for a bus tour with numb nuts trying to promote a jobs bill his own party controlled senate voted down. How about his wife and kids flying around the world for vacations. Maybe you should “Occupy Washington” the real problem with this country!!!!!
Kendall says
Obama isn’t laying off teachers and pulling money out of public schools.
Rick Scott is.
Kevin says
Before some of you continue to bitch about Scott being in Brazil and tax dollars being wasted, learn first exactly how much is being spent by tax payers for the trip and second (and more importantly), what is the purpose of the trip and his need for the staff and other executive level people. Try to at least pretend to be objective and fair-minded.
Kendall…try digging deeper into why he is laying off the teachers, (and what types of teachers are being laid off as you claim—a lionk of the facts would be nice so everyone can learn of these layoffs). You’ll find it isn’t for nefarious reasons or to line his pocket with money. I don’t like the guy either but I give him more benefit of a doubt than I do the Obomination, mostly because Obama just freaking says whatever he wants, true or false, without any concern about lying because the press doesn’t report him.
Don’t hate on me for my comments please:o) Kevin