Note: all meetings are open to the public. You’re welcome to send tips or suggestions to [email protected].
The Week’s Quick Links
- Election Day Tuesday
- The Arts: Galleries, Theaters, Performing Arts
- Flagler County Commission
- Palm Coast City Council
- Flagler Beach City Commission
- Bunnell City Commission
- Nate McLaughlin Town Hall
- Tommy Tant Memorial Classic
- In Tallahassee
- Last Week’s Edition
Tuesday is Election Day in Palm Coast only, for the Palm Coast City Council. Two seats are up: Incumbent Holsey Moorman is defending his District 1 seat against Bill McGuire. The District 3 seat is open, having been vacated by Mary DiStefano, who was term-limited. Dennis Cross and Jason DeLorenzo are contesting that one. All registered Palm Coast voters get to vote in both races regardless of district, party affiliation or precinct. There are, in fact, no precincts, but six universal voting locations on Tuesday. A sample ballot appears below.
Registered voters of either party and independents may cast a vote for any of the candidates at any of the following locations Tuesday:
Flagler County Public Library, 2500 Palm Coast Parkway N.W.
Palm Coast Community Center, 305 Palm Coast Parkway
Belle Terre Elementary School, 5545 Belle Terre Parkway
Wadsworth Elementary School, 4550 Belle Terre Parkway
Flagler County Schools Building, 5400 E. Highway 100
Matanzas High School, 3535 Old Kings Road N.
Click On:
- Bill McGuire: The Live Interview
- Holsey Moorman: The Live Interview
- Dennis Cross: The Live Interview
- Jason DeLorenzo: The Live Interview
Sample Ballot, Palm Coast City Council Election, Nov. 8, 2011
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world’s leading questionnaire tool.
The Arts This Week: Galleries, Theaters, Performing Arts
It’s time for the Second Saturday Gallery Openings at Palm Coast’s Hollingsworth Gallery and the Flagler County Art League, Saturday, Nov. 12, from 6 to 9 p.m. Hollingsworth Gallery is celebrating the 2011 Artist of the Year, Weldon Ryan, who’ll be exhibiting his works through the month. Ryan was named Artist of the Year by the Gargiulo Art Foundation. Hollingsworth Gallery is at City Market Place, 160 Cypress Point Parkway, behind Walmart (see map).
The Flagler County Art League’s new show is Saturday Afternoon With the Artist, when art lovers get to spend time with the artists at the gallery. The “Meet the Artists” portion of the opening is on Nov. 12 from 4 to 6 p.m. The free reception follows, from 6 to 9 p.m. The art league is at 160 Cypress Point Parkway, Suite 207C (2nd floor). Call 386/986-4668.
At the Flagler Playhouse, “Steel Magnolias,” which opened on Nov. 4, continues this weekend. Performances are scheduled for Friday, Nov. 11, and Saturday, Nov. 12 at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 13, at 2 p.m. with three more performances the following weekend. Click here for a detailed schedule and performance times. The play, written by Robert Harding, writes the Playhouse blurb, “is a funny and sweet look at the life of six southern women who were raised to be delicate flowers, but can handle anything with nerves of steel. Filled with hilarity and heartbreak, it is a story of trust, friendship, love and loss.” Artists’ works with a magnolia theme, painted by members of the Flagler County Art League, will be on display during all performances. A raffle will be conducted on the day of the final performance, November 20, with all proceeds going to the Flagler County Art League. The winner of the raffle will receive one of the paintings on display!
Tickets are $15 for adults, $15 for students with an ID. The Flagler Plahouse is at 301 E.Moody Blvd. (State Road 100) in Bunnell. Call 386/586-0773 for information and tickets, or visit the Playhouse website.
Click On:
- Flagler Playhouse Archives
- Hollingsworth Gallery Website
- The Art League Website
The county commission meets Monday, Nov. 7, at 9 a.m. for its regular meeting, at the Government Services Building in Bunnell. The commission will be discussing appointments to the economic development council. The commission will then meet in a workshop, immediately after the regular meeting, at the Emergency Operations Center, with discussions on social services operations, an extension of the county’s moratorium on pain management clinics and a discussion on speed zones in the Intracoastal Waterway.
The Palm Coast City Council has cancelled its workshop to enable one of its members, Holsey Moorman, to focus on Election Day (Moorman is the only incumbent in the races for two council seats) and to bid farewell, in a reception, to Mary DiStefano, who ends eight years on the council. The reception is at the city’s offices at City Marketplace at 9 a.m. It’s open to the public.
The Flagler Beach City Commission meets on Thursday, Nov. 10, at 5:30 p.m. at the Flagler Beach City Hall. The commission will discuss a series of resolutions amending its just-approved budget, and it will take action on an extension of the pain management clinic moratorium that other local governments have adopted. The full agenda and background material is available here.
A workshop of the Bunnell City Commission, scheduled for Monday, Nov. 7, to discuss special events, was cancelled. The next meeting of the commission is scheduled for Nov. 14 at 7 p.m.
Flagler County Commissioner Nate McLaughlin Town Hall
Flagler County Commissioner Nate McLaughlin will conduct a town hall meeting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, at Hidden Trails Community Center, 6108 Mahogany Blvd. in Daytona North, also known as the Mondex. The meeting is open to the general public to discuss county issues. Commissioner McLaughlin is hosting the meeting to seek input from county residents on local government issues.
Tommy Tant Memorial Classic
The 12th Annual Tommy Tant Memorial Surf Classic is scheduled for Nov. 11-13 in Flagler Beach. Festivities begin with a kick-off concert and silent auction at 6:30 pm on Friday evening at the The Golden Lion Cafe in Flagler Beach, with musician Brad Corrigan and friends, with a silent auction of unique international travel packages and surf related items. There is a $5 suggested donation for this event. The surfing contest begins Saturday at 7:30 a.m. Check back here with more details, and see the Tommy Tant web page.
Click On:
- Tommy Tant Legacies: 3 Decades of Surfing Flagler Beach’s Sands, Surf and Streets
- Festival Filibuster: How Palm Coast Plays Hardball With Flagler Beach
- Tommy Tant Classic Surfing the Weekend As Palm Coast Crashes In With Its Own Festival
- Dueling Seafoods and Surfers: Video and Photo Gallery
[Many more items not listed here are in the community calendar.]
.In a holiday-shortened week in between two committee weeks, most of what little action there is in commissions and higher education. The week starts with Gov. Rick Scott’s public hospital group. A key study group also looks at assisted living facilities in a field hearing in Miami.
The highlight of the week is likely the Board of Governor’s meeting, also outside the capital. The BOG meets in Boca Raton and will have several high profile items, including dental school considerations and the University of South Florida Poly Tech issue.
MONDAY, NOV. 7, 2011
STATE EMPLOYEE OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD: The once-a-year-open enrollment period for state employees and retirees to make insurance benefit changes begins Monday. Participants have until Nov. 18 to make any changes. After Open Enrollment, employees and retirees can only change their enrollment or add or remove dependents with a qualifying event. (Monday)
PUBLIC HOSPITALS PROBED: The Commission on Review of Taxpayer Funded Hospital Districts will continue discussing whether changes should be made in Florida’s public hospitals. (Monday, 10 a.m., Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3, Tallahassee.)
ASSISTED LIVING PANEL TAKES UP REFORM MEASURES: Gov. Rick Scott’s Assisted Living Facilities Task Force will meet Monday and Tuesday in Miami to consider raising standards and toughening sanctions. Panel chairman Larry Polivka said he’s optimistic that some of the dozens of recommendations will be submitted to Scott and the Legislature. “We need to have folks who are better trained and better prepared,” he said. “We also need to look more closely at sanctions for facilities with chronic problems.” The state’s ALF population has doubled in the last 12 years, to more than 82,000 beds, and is expected to double again in the next ten years. The workgroup will take public input about state regulation and oversight of ALFs. (Monday, 1 p.m., Florida International University Stadium Club at Alfonso Field. 11200 S.W. 8th Street, Miami.)
SUPPLEMENTAL POVERTY MEASURES: The U.S. Census Bureau on Monday will release research on a supplemental poverty measure that complements, but does not replace, the nation’s official poverty measure.
TUESDAY, NOV. 8, 2011
ALF REVIEW CONTINUES: The Assisted Living Workgroup will continue reviewing state regulation and oversight of ALFs. (Tuesday, 8:30 a.m., Florida International University Stadium Club at Alfonso Field. 11200 S.W. 8th Street, Miami.)
LIP GETS MORE TALK: The Low Income Pool Council will discuss the $1 billion program that funnels money to hospitals and other health providers that serve low-income and uninsured patients. (Tuesday, 10 a.m., Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Tallahassee.)
SUMMERBREAK SPOT: Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam will announce plans to expand marketing for summer nutrition programs like the SummerBreak Spot campaign. (Tuesday, 10:45 a.m., Hollywood Beach Culture and Community Center, 1301 S. Ocean Dr., Hollywood.)
BROGAN SPEAKS AT BIOTECH LUNCHEON: Frank Brogan, the chancellor for the State University System, will speak at a luncheon spotlighting the biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies that have landed in Palm Beach County since Scripps and the Max Planck Institute arrived. Hosted by the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County and the Coudert Institute, Brogan was president of FAU when the university established partnerships with Scripps and Max Planck. He is expected to discuss life science research and economic development statewide, as well as examine how the Legislature funds research and development compared to other states. (Tuesday, 11 a.m., Palm Beach County Convention Center, 650 Okeechobee Blvd., West Palm Beach.)
GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY TASK FORCE: The Government Efficiency Task Force holds a workgroup discussion of the Consultant’s Competitive Negotiation Act, the state’s public procurement law that’s supposed to prevent favoritism in contracting. (Tuesday, 11:15 a.m., 401 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
BOG CONSIDERS DENTAL SCHOOLS, USF POLY TECH: The State University System Board of Governors has a packed agenda for the first day of its two-day meeting at Florida Atlantic University. Several closely-watched proposals will be considered before Board of Governors committees, including pitches by the University of Central Florida, University of Florida and Florida A&M University on their plans to open or expand dental schools or dental programs. The University of South Florida Polytechnic will also pitch its business plan for becoming an independent university. Later, the full board will decide whether to approve USF Polytechnic’s plan or reject it. (Wednesday, 11 a.m., Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton.)
THURSDAY, NOV. 10, 2011
BOG VOTES ON DENTAL SCHOOL, MARKET RATE TUITION: The State University System Board of Governors begins the second day of its two-day meeting at Florida Atlantic University. The full board will meet to discuss whether to give the green light on any of the proposals to open or expand a dental school and will also hear updates on classroom construction funding, known as PECO, and vote on market rate tuition proposals for online and continuing education programs. (Thursday, 8:30 a.m., Florida Atlantic University, 777 Glades Road, Boca Raton.)
MEDICAID LONG-TERM CARE DISCUSSED: The Long-term Care Managed Care Technical Advisory Workgroup will discuss moving seniors into managed-care plans as part of the state’s Medicaid overhaul. (Thursday, 9 a.m., Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3, Tallahassee.)
SUPREME COURT OPINIONS: The Florida Supreme Court releases its regular opinions. (Thursday, 11 a.m.)
MEASURING THE IMPACTS: The Revenue Estimating Conference will hold a so-called Impact Conference to discuss the costs of legislation. (Thursday, 1:30 p.m., 117 Knott Building, the Capitol.)
BIDS DUE FOR PRISON PRIVATIZATION: Thursday is the deadline for bids to the Department of Corrections for plans to run prisons in the southern third of the state. State officials were blocked from the privatization move – mandated by lawmakers – by a court decision, have moved forward arguing that an appeal stays the lower court’s order.
FRIDAY, NOV. 11, 2011
–Tallahassee calendar Compiled by the News Service of Florida.
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