Palm Coast City Council members Theresa Pontieri and Nick Klufas, who were on the losing end of a 3-2 vote that fired City Manager Denise Bevan this morning, were sharply critical of Vice Mayor Ed Danko, who left the meeting immediately after the firing to campaign at the public library.
Both council members hinted that Danko had shown up to the meeting only to cast the firing vote, and that he therefore knew about the vote ahead of time–what would amount to a sunshine law violation. Mayor David Alfin and Council member Cathy Heighter were also in the majority. Danko said he had no knowledge of the vote. He’d shown up just for public comment, and was intending to leave after that regardless, until Alfin told him he was passing the gavel so the mayor could make the firing motion.
“This is going to be controversial but it is what it is,” Pontieri said at the tail end of a three and a half hour council meeting. “Our vice mayor decided to show up today to remove our city manager and then get up from the dais. I have it on very good authority that he is campaigning right now at the library and Facebook-living while doing it.”
Danko was, in fact, doing just that, and posting the video at his Facebook page. He is running for a County Commission seat. He pans the video to show one of the two tents he set up at 7 a.m., showing his own numerous campaign signs, a cut-out of Donald Trump wearing one of Danko’s campaign buttons, and his own exhortations to support Trump, “because you know they’re going to cheat. That’s what they do.”
“To me, this indicates two things,” Pontieri continued. “That there was a violation of sunshine that occurred before today’s vote, because he showed up to clearly take the gavel to support the motion, and then he left, which if there was something so pressing that he had, why even come to the meeting today. He clearly came to cast his vote for this motion. And now he’s campaigning from the library when we have a business meeting that requires voting on serious city matters. This person is running for a county position. And I take real issue with this. I know we don’t have the ability to censure up here. But this needs to be addressed. This is a problem.”
Klufas said it wasn’t the first time Danko had left a meeting to campaign. “It absolutely needs to be addressed,” he said. “I also think that it was not coincidental that he had people with him in the audience that had prepared statements for this type of thing.”
Seven people spoke during the public comment segment immediately before Alfin made his motion, one of them–Steve Carr–a frequent speaker on Florida Park Drive issues. He complained that nothing had been done there in 10 years, remarks Klufas would criticize as “disingenuous” later. After Alfin’s motion to fire Bevan, when the floor was open for public comment on that specific issue, Alan Lowe and Mike Norris, both candidates for mayor, spoke in support of the motion, as did a third speaker, a resident who called Bevan “in over her head.”
“Interesting that there were prepared comments from commenters who just spoke up,” Klufas said when the segment ended, before the vote. He would at the end of the meeting.
Danko said he did not see the vote coming. “I was caught off guard, I was only planning on staying through public comments and proclamations,” he said, speaking by phone from the library, where he said he’d planned to be for the entirety of Election Day. (The presidential primary election culminates today, though in effect Donald Trump has already clinched the nomination and Democrats were not on the ballot.) Danko said he let the mayor know that was his intention. “You don’t want to miss the meeting but I also felt it was kind of silly to schedule a meeting on Election Day.”
“I was stunned that Mayor Alfin did this,” he said. “Basically it was Mayor Alfin that pushed Denise into this position,” when Bevan was appointed b y unanimous vote. “I was not a big fan and I did turn to her an I said, are you sure you want this, and she said yes, so I went along to get along and voted yes.” Addressing the claim that the vote had been pre-arranged, Danko said: “Clearly, she’s wrong.”
At the library, Danko said he was campaigning both for himself–gathering petitions for his election run–and for Trump, though turnout was “very light.” He said he didn’t like leaving the meeting but that there are times when it’s necessary–and that Klufas had missed his share of meetings,”for vacation or whatever.”
At the end of the council meeting, Klufas was calling it “a sad day to be up here and it’s also very troubling.” Referring to the back of the room, where directors usually sit, he said, “I understand how everyone in the back can feel troubled right now and that’s an okay emotion to feel.”
Darlene Shelley says
Disgraceful. Now the Mayor will appoint an “interim City Manager” that will cater to his and Danko’s (and apparently Heighter’s as well) agenda? Growth at Any Cost, Go West, Screw the residents! Who will it be? Delorenzo, who promotes every Special Exception, Zone Change, Land Swap, and Annexation as though hired by the developers themselves and not paid by our tax dollars? Shame on your Mr. Alfin, Mr. Danko, ans Ms. Heighter. You fired a hard working, ethical, long term City employee who stepped up for a position she initially did want nor was properly qualified for, at your request! Shameful, and a very sad day for the City of Palm Coast. I would not be surprised if this becomes a huge legal problem for the City, in the form of a lawsuit for wrongful termination by Ms. Bevin.
TR says
I have been told Florida is a right to work state. An employer can fire any employee because he/she doesn’t like your hair.
Feed Up in PC says
I have been told Trump is angry because Danko is giving him a bad name and does not want to be associated with him or his Rino what’s in it for me mentality.
John Q says
Correct the article, Mr. Norris wasn’t speaking in support of the motion, he was advising the council on how to proceed if they terminated Ms. Bevan. In an effort to prevent the next council from being hamstrung by a city manager hired by an outgoing majority of the council.
Justbob says
Danko…big mistake on so many levels.
JimboXYZ says
Well, it would appear they learned something from the county’s firing of the lawyer. This was a swift firing. Was it something that Bevin knew of in a more private series of meetings, or was she blindsided by those that masterminded it ? Alfin’s Grow Palm Coast has definitely been a rough ride for being underfunded, but that’s been the bigger Federal & State initiatives. Build Back Better, the border wall, really all fails for Biden. When I look back at the FlaglerLive article to see the list of 1/2 and completely unfunded items that the State funding was a record for Flagler County. I would’ve been more impressed with existing infrastructure to be restored to new, happier with the lower cost items being funded in their entirety for a lesser total amount than have the State award the $ 30 million for the West Flagler county development. I recall reading that the residential roads is going to cost $ 52 million or whatever that figure was. Think about Sate Government throwing $ 30 million at new roads to residential that hasn’t even been developed yet ? How Federal, State & Local Governments could be so disconnected with existing problems that creating new ones that won’t be any more funded by taxes in the future than they are today ?
It’s like they knew they created this with Covid 2020 & the Biden restart of 2021 was just an inflationary fraud to think that somehow, coming out of a pandemic economy and the money would somehow appear out of thin air. The inflation would’ve had to have been several times worse for Build Back Better to actually have a fighting chance to work. The border crisis is just sucking America dry. And it’s not a paper cut, it’s a gaping gash of funds. Biden wants to put a bandaid on a bleed out that requires a tourniquet to stop he bleeding.
Callmeishmael says
Danko is a political opportunist, a real snake in the grass. He leaves a mess wherever he goes. He’s rude, boorish, bigoted (I know from personal interactions with him.), and knows zero about smart growth and being a parliamentarian when on the Dias. He also is taking campaign donations from the former king of the snakes, Joe Mullins, in his bid for a county commission seat.
Here’s just a sample of the headlines he’s made elsewhere:
This person’s political ambitions must be stopped now! He will just make a mess and then leave it to someone else to clean it up like he’s done everywhere he’s been.
palmcoaster says
Yes agreed so lets vote for County Commission Pam Richardson then! She has our vote! Also Kim Carney and Fernando Melendez as we need change!
Leila says
Fernando Melendez is running against Andy Dance, a fantastic Commissioner. Melendez wants to develop the hell out of Flagler County, do you know that??? Dear God, please don’t support this man.
Concerned in Palm Coast says
Aren’t Melendez and Alfins like best buds and tied at the hip to develop PC and Flagler like never seen before?
Kendall says
Kim Carney tried to expose the name and smear the reputation of a rape victim here. Google her name and rape victim and you will see. She belongs nowhere near any elected office.
Peter Johnson says
Fernando ran alfins campaign
Jim says
Danko is disgusting.
What I think is worse, he was running in North Carolina for office in 2018 and he’s a City council member in Palm Coast which means he spent very little time here before we elected him to office.
I think we need to do a much better job of vetting these “candidates” before voting for them. It’s our fault if we let them get this far.
Marie says
Palm coast is corrupt to the core. Build build build to take cash under table from developers
The Sour Kraut says
Can’t wait to vote against Danko. I don’t know who he is running against, but it hardly matters.
bill says
Siri administrators are in bed with the builders and the realtors over 20 years down here. This city has grown so quickly before infrastructure is able to handle all the traffic and residence.. i’ve been there 20 years plus and I’ve have seen titles for various departments get born overnight this is the baby swamp just like the mother swamp in Washington DC
Leila says
Sunshine law violation! Looks to me like Danko had advance notice and some had prepared statements. This is in violation of Florida laws.
There needs to be an investigation into this dirty trick. Danko showed up to take the gavel and then departed to campaign???
bill says
people tell me from the inside of the capital of the swamp City Hall that the mayor has already picked someone to be the new city manager so when he does not win in November, he will have a set of eyes to tell him what’s going on inside of the swamp
Stop RINO Dumko-NOW!!!! Stop the Corrupt Developers that are Supporting Dumko! Save Western Flagler from being Destroyed by RINO Dumko!
Denise Calderwood says
In the field of Public Administration, what happened to Denise Bevan is called “the Peter Principle” one rises to their level of incompetence. She should have never taken the job unless she wanted to retire with a golden parachute of the city manager’s position….what does her contract state ….how much do we give her, another unplanned expenditure…..and who did the council talk about as an interim? The same principle applies to Jason DeLorenzo and Lauren Johnson. Palm Coast needs to find a professional administrator and a leader! Change is desperately needed and using home grown is not the answer or keeping the status quo … just look at what is happening at the county level too…..same principle applies.
Willy Boy says
What a sneaky little s…! Danko is a true dirt bag and a low life. This whole deal of firing the city manager reeks of sunshine violations by all three of those turds. I would hope public outrage will demand an investigation by the State Attorney.
Wobie says
And still, those of us with the flooding issues still wait for some resolution while the council continues to embarrass the city and themselves with their incompetence and petty actions. Come November remember to VOTE!
this former Democrat is a horrible person.
Cheated on his wife, got tossed out of two Republican Executive Committees. O can say more but why!
It’s simple folks;
The Voice Of Reason says
This is what Florida is. Every part of the state over time has turned into an overcrowded craphole with deficient infrastructure. Over the years, Florida has been riding a downward slope of accelerating declining quality of life. I moved to Clearwater Beach while in high school in 1969, Cocoa Beach for Community College in Cocoa in 1974. Both places were FRIENDLY, affordable true paradises that produced endless good memories. The economy was in a bad way in 1979 so I moved to Southern California for 20 years. The late 90s became unaffordable in So Cal. Decided to return to Fl and resume life in a nice slower place. Since 2000 I’ve watched this area of Florida begin a fast trip swirling around the toilet bowl to the sewer. This place has gone to hell. An urban DUMP. So many mean, nasty, rude and ignorant people have moved here. I’ve seen it both ways. It’s sad and hopeless. My observation. PS, as a tourist California is a thousand times better than this rip off dump. And yes, I am planning to move out. Best of luck to the good people still living here.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
GOD help us all. Andy Dance has become one of the gang and has lost my total respect for his setting aside what he KNOWS is right and just going along to be a nice guy instead of a gutsy smart man he could be. His wife Luci is one of the best county employees and there exists no nepotism inferences in my comments about my disappointment in Andy.
Pam Richardson hates me personally ( she never told me why – she just grunts when I see her) but I will vote for her because I do not think she could steal a dime from a multi millionaire. I don’t personally like her but I have full confidence in her sincerity to bea fair elected official who will put her personal preferences aside when making decisions.
Denko – no way Jose
Andy – straighten up and get rid of the flight schools at the airport and get the POS Old Dixie Hotel demolished and you will deserve another term. Otherwise please go back to the school board.
Amen. Have a nice weekend everyone and prayers for Princess Kate..