First, the news: a lot on Point Pleasant Drive in Palm Coast, as you approach Royal Palm Parkway, was just cleared of trees: yes, Virginia, they may be about to build a house there. These days in this city, that warrants a little celebration.
Maybe that’s what the firecracker was all about.
At about 3:15 this afternoon, the neighbor next to the lot heard a loud explosion. Looking outside, he saw smoke spewing out of the port-a-potty sitting at the edge of the lot, right next to his property. Smoke filled the air. It didn’t have a particular odor. But it was thick.
The explosive toilet was worrisome, even though the structure itself looked undamaged, and the neighbor was as calm as the breeze. He called 911. A Palm Coast Fire Department truck arrived. They investigated, meaning a fireman cautiously, and with a slight aversion of the head, opened the door to the wobbly potty while two colleagues stood back, one of them ever so discreetly covering his nose. There was paper all over the place, and perhaps a few debris of detail that needn’t be explained.
It looked like a firecracker had been thrown in there, one of the firemen said. He’d seen it done elsewhere. The neighbor waved it off. He’d seen two young men or boys on bicycles go by just before the explosion. Maybe they were having a little fun. Maybe it’s the new trend, a ritual commemoration of returning construction. The lot itself, busy with a few workers earlier today, was empty. No one was injured. No need to call the Department of Homeland Security, though a cop joined the scene soon enough to do his own investigation.
The incident, so-called, may yet be immortalized in a police report.
Liana G says
LOL….sorry folks but this is funny and I’m always game for laughs…
Winny says
That was a pretty crappy thing to do. He He!!!
joni fulford says
there is nothing funny about the kids in this town not respecting others or other peoples stuff. that unit was only there for one hour before this was done. Its hard enough for hard working people these days to make a living
Liana G says
Joni, the article does not mention that kids were responsible. Can you elaborate?
some guy says
Was it done by kids most likey,not respecting other peoples stuff yup, against the LAW yes funny HELL YES!
PCer says
Lighten up Joni. It is a story about exploding toilets. It is supposed to make us laugh. Now, back fo Fox News and worrying about when the apocolypse will come.
chyeaa says
joni, calm down, it was just a firecracker and no one was hurt. is it that big of a deal?