The evening of April 13 at Holland Park, Palm Coast City Council member Ed Danko’s husky mix dog Marshall was accused of biting another dog, a doberman pinscher named Anubis, according to a Flagler County Sheriff’s report and a Palm Coast Animal Control report. The doberman was injured–the bite or bites broke skin–but not severely.
Whether Marshall was the culprit isn’t certain from surveillance video: three other dogs were involved in the melee. The victim dog’s owner was several feet away from the dogs when the bite occurred. But he told animal control officers that he “clearly observed a husky mix type dog wht/blk in color with slight brown on its rear end” and bright white eyes” do the biting, according to animal control’s report. After some confusion when he initially spoke with a sheriff’s deputy at the scene, he pointed at “the one with the nice eyes” as the dog that bit. That would be Marshall.
Danko called law enforcement on the owner of the dog victim immediately after the incident when a verbal dispute arose. “He’s dropping F bombs like there’s no tomorrow,” Danko told a deputy. “You just don’t go up to people screaming and yelling. That’s when I called you guys. I didn’t know if he was going to get more violent or not. You got ladies here. Every other word out of his mouth starts with an F, so, what can I say?”
The dog owner, 35-year-old Robert Atiles, a resident of Palm Coast’s F-Section, told a sheriff’s deputy he was upset at Danko’s indifference and cussed at him but had more issues with Shirley Anderson, a retired sheriff’s deputy who he said got in his face, as surveillance video clearly shows she did.
“I’m screaming at the guy because he’s on his phone and nobody is helping me, I went right back and forth past him,” Atiles told a deputy, referring to Danko. “Next thing you know this lady is in my face, I’m not even worried about the guy, I’m trying to get my dog, I had to put my dog up out of the whole thing. Yeah, anybody’s going to be excited.”
Dog Park Surveillance Video of the Incident:
Surveillance video shows Atiles walking toward Danko when the dogs were roughing it up, before the bite, to try to catch his attention. Danko, on the phone, ignores him and at one point walks away, right before the bite occurs. Kobe Raisor, 23, who was across the pond, then runs toward the gazebo: “From across the pond I saw a husky bite the doberman’s back,” he wrote in a sworn statement, then I ran to help Robert separate the dogs because no one was helping.” Anderson was in Atiles’ face, Raisor wrote. “I stepped in to separate them. After that Robert was trying to leave and ‘Mr. Councilman’ was yelling at Robert and cussing at him saying he was going to call the cops.”
Atiles didn’t want to press charges against Anderson. Anderson was quick to point out to the deputy who responded to the call that she was “retired LEO,” and Danko himself at one point, prompted by someone else there, made clear to the deputy that he is a city council member.
It was an odd exchange. Sheriff’s deputy Benjamin Stamps asked him for his ID. Danko pulled out his driver’s license, then pulled his ID back as he asked, referring to Atiles: “Are you giving him our information?”
“I’m documenting everything, and then if it goes to court, then all that will be–” the deputy replied. Danko waved off the suggestion: “It ain’t going anywhere,” he said, handing over the ID. When his companion mentioned that he’s on the city council, Danko told the deputy: “I think you guys keep my name separate on things like this, right?”
“We’ll redact stuff or whatever,” the deputy said, as he wrote Danko’s information. There is nothing redactable from public record laws, whether Danko was a council member or not, except for Anderson’s home address, since she is a former law enforcement officer (but not her name).
Body Cam Video of Deputy Stamps’s Investigation:
“Yeah,” Danko tells the deputy, “make sure they know I’m a city councilman in Palm Coast.”
“Your name is probably flagged and all that good stuff,” the deputy says–again, incorrectly, though Danko’s address on the report is City Hall rather than his W-Section home address. Danko refused to provide a sworn, written statement to the sheriff’s deputy investigating the case, though that’s not an unusual occurrence for deputies at incident scenes.
While Danko accused Atiles of belligerence, animal control officers accused Danko of belligerence toward them the next day.
On April 14, the two animal control officers, Kasey Hagen and Heather Priestap, went to Danko’s W-Section home to speak to him about the incident. They saw him and a woman–his companion Renee Berry-Wickowki, who had been at the dog part the previous evening–“about to pull out of the driveway.” Hagan flagged him down, informed him of the purpose of the visit and asked him for his account of the incident, which he did.
“I informed Danko that I had obtained all of the evidence from [the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office] to include body worn camera footage, as well as the police report” Hagan’s report reads, “and was able to review surveillance footage which clearly depicts the incident unfold. Danko was extremely uncooperative when I was explaining the ten day quarantine protocol and stated he is not signing anything and will fight this because his dog did not bite anyone.”

Priestap told him the incident had already been discussed with Code Enforcement Manager Barbara Grossman and Development Director Jason DeLorenzo “on how this case would be handled” as she provided him the required form to complete.
“At which point Danko stated he had to leave for a podcast and became more hostile and attempted to drive off almost running over my foot,” Hagan reported. Danko quickly stopped and tried to argue that I was now claiming he ran over my foot, to which I replied I did not state that, however, he would have, had he not stopped from trying drive off in an aggressive/agitated manner.” (Similar allegations often result in aggravated assault charges against individuals who do the same toward law enforcement officers, even when the vehicle is a few feet away). “After Danko left the scene I contacted Barbara Grossman and notified her of what took place. At this time Danko has not signed a quarantine agreement nor has he provided any proof of vaccination history for his animal/animals and no animals are licensed with the city at his residence.”
Danko in an interview today described matters differently. He was driving off in an SUV with Berry-Wickowki–both adopted Marshall five months ago as a rescue; the dog is originally from Marshall, Texas–for an appointment when the animal control officers flagged them down. Utility workers were laying down broadband fiber cables. The workers had the cables “spread across the driveway, held it up over the vehicle,” he said. “At that point the animal control showed up. We’re stopped in my driveway and these workers are holding the cable up over my vehicle.”
Danko told the officers he was “running a bit late” and asked what he could do for them, challenging the claim that his dog was the culprit. “The video doesn’t show anything except several dogs running around and yapping at each other and the dogs being split up, so there’s no proof that my dog bit this other dog,” he said. He told the officers he would speak with city staff and said goodbye. He dismissed the claim that he’d risked running over the officer. “Really, seriously, you’re standing three feet from my car?”
Danko said he met with DeLorenzo and Denise Bevan, the city manager, who he said told him his dog was not being accused of biting the other dog–in other words, that it would not be counted as a strike against him, in the graduated approach to the determination of a dangerous dog–because the evidence wasn’t clear, but that his dog had to quarantine, otherwise all the dogs at the park would have to quarantine.
The meeting took place on April 18, five days after the incident, though that included Good Friday and that weekend, city offices were closed all three days. DeLorenzo confirmed almost everything Danko stated, with one nuance: Bevan and DeLorenzo did not make any determination about whether Danko’s dog bit the other dog or not since it wasn’t their place to do so.
“We don’t make that determination,” DeLorenzo said. “There was witnesses, you have that video and the testimony of those witnesses. The only thing we relied on is witness testimony, and the witness to a police officer obviously is a sworn statement.” In other words, the administration is standing by the animal control report, which concludes that Marshall bit Anubis, the doberman.
But Danko is correct: the bite does not count against Marshall, as determined by Grossman. “It has to do with the severity of the bite–it wasn’t severe,” DeLorenzo said.
Danko had also had an issue with the animal control officers showing up unannounced–as did the administration. “That seemed terribly inefficient to me,” DeLorenzo said. “We got lucky this time, both people were available, but it seems we should make contact first, and for a time that is convenient for the other party.”
DeLorenzo said the April 18 meeting was conversational and cooperative. Danko has, in fact, projected a more collegial and engaged personality for the past few months, in contrast with his first year on the council, when he was more bluster, fury and accusations.
Danko still maintains that there’s no proof his dog did the biting, and that he only agreed to sign the required papers to avoid all other dogs at the park getting quarantined as a result. “I said no no no, I’ll take the bullet on this one, and we did,” he said.
Danko signed the required papers that day and quarantined the dog and provided the dog’s medical history, which was in order. The dog’s quarantine is dated from the time of the bite, not the time when the papers are signed, because it’s directly related to a public health issue, not a punishing matter. It’s all about rabies. The dog that does the actual biting is quarantined to ensure that it’s not carrying rabies. If it were just a carrier, it could show no symptoms–until it bites another creature. When it does, it’s the animal that bites–not the bitten animal–that shows symptoms first, usually within a few days.
Danko says he goes to the dog park around five days a week. Since the end of the quarantine, he said, he’s returned there with his dog muzzled, as he intends to from now on, so there’s never any possibility of a similar accusation in the future. He’s proposing to city staff to consider adopting that as a rule for all dogs at the dog park.
Atiles told animal control that Anubis’s wounds were treated at home by his partner, who is a veterinarian technician. Anubis, animal control found, was “extremely friendly and showed no sign of aggression.”

Sick of this says
Danko has cussed just about everyone out at the Trump Club, had aggressive behavior towards members, belittled the women in the club and is a piece of garbage. The President of the club protects him because he too is rude and arrogant. The club is fully of assholes including Lowe who is a disappointment. Now they are running Mullins campaign according to Danko? When is PC going to show these three the door?
Lisa Kopp says
I agree 100%
Chris Updegrave says
Dare County North Carolina ran him out on a rail after he was caught intimidating local shop owners on how to vote. Google it.
Tomo says
Why Google when I can link it for you.
If this is info you think folks need to know about Ed Danko, then it’s best to link it to comments with articles about him. It helps Google know it’s relevant information.
The dude says
While the little guy is many things… “intimidating” is not one of them.
RealpatriotUSA says
Danko run out of North Carolina, his buddy Mullins run out of Georgia for bulling and unethical behavior, Lowe refused to consider himself a U.S. Citizen and never voted before running in 2018, and tried swindling another country. This is the ‘type’ of politician the republican party backs and chooses!!! Kick him out (or RESIGN, Danko). Mullins too.
Nick says
Danko is a nasty little man who uses his title. Most people including myself has had run ins with him. Very bad temper and extremely rude especially to women. I would not tolerate any more incidents with this nasty man. He needs to get out of Flagler county he wore out his welcome long ago. He been kicked out of NC for his nasty behavior
Melanie says
The ethics coming from Danko in this situation disturbs me.. if you can’t follow simple rules and policies, why are you handling city affairs?
The dude says
The words “ethics” and “Danko” should never appear in the same sentence together. They are incongruent.
Concerned Citizen says
@ Ed Danko
You being a City Council Member doesn’t absolve you of any liability your dog may create.
You don’t get to claim special privilege. And refuse to cooperate with authorities. And when you do it surely makes you look suspicious. And that there is something to hide.
Also your actions towards Deputy Hagan are inexcusable. And you owe the Deputy an apology. I would hazard a guess that had it been I or anyone else involved in that scene we would have been arrested. And then presented with a front page article on this very same paper. I hope the City Council addresses this disrespectful incident and doesn’t let it slide.
Here lately when our local representatives end up in the media it’s never in a favorable light. And it grows tiresome.
Lisa Kopp says
I agree it is embarrassing and tiresome. Mayor Alfin should address this with councilman Danko. I also agree an apology is indeed required from Danko to the deputy and to the city. This is one of many incidences involving Danko and I think the community should ask for his resignation or removal.
Jimbo99 says
That’s big of Danko to take the quarantine to avoid other dogs being quarantined ? This is about a potential rabies & public health issue. All of the dog’s involved with the attack & bite, if they don’t know which dog did it, the whole bunch needs to be quarantined.
Really, who would take their dog to that park ? I get the smaller breeds can bite, but generally if the owner is paying attention they can break up rougher play among the pets. Large breed dogs, those should be leashed at all times really. If you want your dog to run free, fence in your own residential yard/property. Muzzling your dog actually puts it at risk with the other dogs, it won’t be able to protect itself in the event it is the victim of the aggression. Best solution is to just find another place to walk your dog.
This entire incident is just a Hail Mary of hope that dogs get along with each other. The owners astonish me really.
Anonymous says
Quarantining means he would be avoiding the dog park too and he’s certainly not doing that.. he was just there the other day with his dog with a muzzle on and it was consistently going after my dogs to the point where I got them together and left because his dog wouldn’t leave mine alone.
Jimbo99 says
What I found disturbing in the YouTube video is the denial that the Husky owners had about the other dog even being bitten. Both Husky owners weren’t concerned that another dog was attacked & bitten, even wielding their employment or recent former employment status as some sort of immunity for accountability & responsibility. I mean the Doberman’s owner not only identified the dog that he saw attack & bite, but even had a witness that filed a report, was sworn to that report’s testimony. Nobody cares how many Huskies the retired woman has ever owned, Whether the dog had ever attacked or bitten a human or another animal prior to the incident. The officer was investigating that dog biting incident. Danko at one point came out and said “so sue me”. Just me, but if your dog bites another animal and is clearly the alpha & aggressor as the Doberman was chased by multiple dogs in the park, at least own that much and offer to pay for the veterinarian bill(s). Dogs will be dogs, but owners also have to be owners for accountability & responsibility. Some dogs are human safe, but other pets they have aggressive tendencies towards.
If you aren’t watching your dog at the dog park, maintaining innocence is absurd and just because the surveillance video was inconclusive because the camera is simply too far away to capture anything but blurry images, there was still a witness to the incident that saw what the Doberman’s owner saw. Sometimes a video doesn’t capture a clear cut image or sequence of frames that is conclusive. That doesn’t mean the owner & witness fabricated their accounts in a separate report. If you weren’t watching your Husky, the best any report could say is you were too preoccupied to care to observe your own pet’s activities. It’s good he muzzles his dog. Since there is a pack of dogs, maybe just that pack of animals need to be muzzled. Usually when one dog is trying to get away from several, eventually it’s being forced to stand it’s ground and it will growl. I know this from 1st hand experience, my brother’s chocolate labs would harass my Dad’s Lhasa Apso like that. I had to protect the Lhasa as she was no match for either or both labs that each were easily 5+ times the size of an elderly & blind Lhasa (16+ yo).
The dude says
The video showed very clearly that little Ed was on his phone and not even watching his dog.
I don’t know FL laws, but where I moved from a 10 day quarantine was only required for an animal that didn’t have the required (by law) vaccinations.
Jimbo99 says
I won’t speculate whether Danko kept his dog out of the park for 10 days or whatever the quarantine period is. He seems to be proactive by muzzling his dog in the aftermath here. One thing about being a homeowner, most insurance policies have a dollar amount in the event something of personal liability is covered. Some breeds of dogs, the homeowner’s policy will not cover. It’s just a civil suit mess & the best policy is to avoid the whole mess. Dog parks are a novel concept, but posted signs stating that it’s “at your own risk” is almost comical to post a sign like that. This is a park where a splash pad to attract children, seniors has been built. What if a dog gets away from the owner & attacks a child or senior. I certainly hope the owner would own that. This event demonstrates that the owner is a hit & run-like mentality for accountability & responsibility. Rest assured any dog of mine even so much as is aggressive towards anything more than a criminal with intent of committing a crime, I will deal with that with full accountability & responsibility. Then again the Lhasa we had, the front door of the house never opened unless the dog was controlled & on a lead. The dog was only allowed to run unleashed outdoors when it was our own fenced in backyard.
When I lived in Miami, they have a pit bull ban there. I knew a woman that had a teacup Yorkie that was attacked, mauled & killed by a pit bull that was on leash and the Yorkie was in the owner’s lap when it happened. An attack can happen at any moment is what that taught me. Reality of larger dog breeds, they all nite and size matters. The dog breeds that are guilty of committing attacks & bites are everything from GSD, Labs, Huskies, pit bull breeds. As size matters, larger breed dogs are capable of inflicting the worst injuries, even kill. Dog attacks are a case by case thing, but when one’s preferred breed has the stats, they have a problem when the 1st & other incidents accumulate as a pattern of demeanor.
The dude says
Little Eddie Danko is just a shitty person.
And he represents Palm Coast.
Sad, but fairly accurate.
coyote says
@ The dude :
Short, concise, descriptive, and, unfortunately, very true.
Albert Petera says
NC tried to warn your leadership about him!
TheMick says
Believe me I am NO fan of Ed Danko,; but I have a problem when people describe other people pejoratively by their physical attributes. Most posts in this thread describe him first and foremost as Little Eddie, Short Ed Danko…etc etc. He may be a jerk, but it has nothing to do with his stature.
Its ignorant and disrespectful. Would you ever say “Fat So and So”, or “Black so and so” or “Ugly Mrs. so and so” Take a cue from these Flagler Live reporters. Be objective, be factual….but don’t be judgemental about a persons height, or weight, or skin color, etc….Keep it to yourself if you must. Everyone has a physical attribute or “flaw” that can be pointed out, so watch your glass houses……Just saying.
Dennis C Rathsam says
So much drama!!!! This is one of the reasons I dont bring my dogs to any dog park! I wont subject my girls to all the crap on the ground, the mess of the land, & disease. Some folks think they can let their dog run wild, & hinder the fun of other dogs. Ive had dogs in my home since I was a child, not one ever went to a dog park. My girls are happy running around in my yard, where the grass is clean & neat. They dont get filthy dirty either. My truck stays clean, a little dog hair thats it.My girls are always with me when Im home…after all Im their DAD, & they love me 24/7!
Wow says
Belligerent, rude snd entitled. Yet he gets elected. How sad.
The dude says
Says something about those who would elect him to represent them.
Lisa Kopp says
Is it just me…or do chaos and drama happen to follow Danko everywhere and in everything he does!?
Mark1 says
Dog parks are disease infested danger zones for any dog and they should not be in our county. Dog parks are a thing of the past and any responsible dog owner would never allow thier dog at one of these parks. The Danko guy acted as if he is a privileged member of the community when he is anything but that , he is held to higher standards and should be made to wear a muzzle himself at the next meeting.
Mary Fusco says
What a lot of nonsense about nothing. I’ve had dogs all my life and never took them to a dog park. When we lived up North, we had our yard fenced for them to be able to run. When we moved to FL, the first thing we did was fence in our backyard. I’ve had multiple dogs in my home over the years. You never know what will set one of them off and a fight will ensue. That is what dogs do. However, when the owners have the same behavior pattern, there is a problem. And, when representatives of the citizens of this City act as they do and, he is not the only one, we have a bigger problem.
Mark says
Danko hiding behind his “Councilman” status, time to go – don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Chris Updegrave says
This Danko guy, how much money has he caused the tax payers of Palm Coast and the County with his constant shenanigans? Remember folks, Danko was run out of Dare County, North Carolina for intimidating local shop owners on how to vote. So, then he parachutes his way into Florida overcompensating for something to yell at everybody. Why does something tell me drives a gigantic truck as an overcompensation prop? Somebody please catch him doing something disgraceful and or illegal on video so he can go away overnight.
Joe Roy says
Danko has DESTROYED the Truman Club and working very hard to DESTROY Palm Coast! Ship this Communist to Cuba!
The dude says
The Trump club was always destined to implode from infighting due to inner pettiness, perceived grievances, and megalomania it’s the very nature of the thing.
MD says
DHS implements a “Board of Misinformation” and the newest article in Flagler Live is about a dog on dog fraccas in a dog park.
America is falling to pieces.
Dawn Smith says
Stay off your phones, and pay attention to your surroundings,. And nobody or animals get hurt.
Your future opponent 2024 says
Danko is an embarrassment to the city! License your damn dog like I had to for my indoor cats! How dare you be rude to the deputy and animal control for doing their jobs! How dare you think that you and your retired LE friend are above the law! You will not and should not receive any special treatment cause you’re a council member who’s an absolute disgrace to the citizens of the city! I can’t wait to take you down in 2024, better yet I can’t wait to run you out of town along with all your lackeys! Make Palm Coast beautiful again by cleaning out your swamp.
Tire of the mess says
PC has to rethink who is in office. How horrible to see representative throwing around their titles to get special treatment. He should resign.
Your future opponent 2024 says
Unfortunately many here don’t care who’s running as they vote straight party line and you know what party they are by the way they talk and act. Then there’s the other part of the city that’s too busy working to even deal with politics or who’s running the city. The best way to reach these people is knock on doors, meet them on their home turf and not always at events at the park. Find out what their issues are and address them. Win them over before the votes ever begin.
Carvalho says
The sad thing is that the morons in this town will re-elect him !!!!
Darlene L Shelley says
The citizens of Palm Coast needs to wake up and take action! We cannot sit back while Danko and his cronies ruin this community with their back door deals and and obvious disregard for the residents. These bullies must be stood up to, held accountable for their poor decision, and shown the door as soon as possible, before our town is destroyed by their corruption.
protonbeam says
And now we have is bestie the Three “L’s” running for office – Loser, Liar, Lowe
Anthony says
Can someone tell Danko he needs to start acting like an adult and cooperate with FCSO as well as PC Animal Control Officers that don’t have to announce when they are showing up to investigate a situation but to get answers.
This is another perfect example that the Council for the City of PC need to have a real face lift and replace these hot-headed individuals that feel they are above the laws. The Cult GOP party hasn’t learned that yet but they will sooner or later.
The Animal Control Officers by law can just take his dog and quarantine throw the courts since it is a State of Florida statue.
Danko as we see is clueless what the laws are in a State he wants to get a big cheese. Please people when you go vote do your research before voting for these losers.
Cat Person says
Are we too busy incredulously laughing at the fact that Ed Danko, of all people, complained about someone using bad language in front of women, that we are ignoring the fact that his pet was not licensed? Why should anyone else in Palm Coast pay to license their pet when our own government officials don’t have to do it?
Land of no turn signals says says
Why should he? He is a councilman.
Linda Sloane says
As I read this article, I was simply amazed that throwing your professional status (Councilman & Retired Corrections Officer) around like it should really make a difference! Are you F’ing kidding me, this councilman is a DISGRACE. I was a Correction Officer for over 30 years in NY when I retired I chose Palm Coast as my choice for retirement. Boy it sure does seem like I should have done a little more homework! To Have a bully Councilman and a retired LEO throw their status around in a manner to EXPECT special treatment in this entire situation is DISGUSTING! they both better hope to never meet a woman like me because I would ruin you both by making sure every single resident in Palm Coast know that both of you despicable people not only think you are above the Law, but that they expect the little piss ons that they believe are beneath them should allow it! I see that little man Danko is proving that even Palm Coast has unsavory politicians
Darlene L Shelley says
Well said, Linda- I am so tired of these little men trying to bully their way to a “position of power”. It is pathetic, and we see through their lack of integrity, ethics, and regard for rule of law. They all need to go away. We need real community minded, civically concerned, and honest candidates to show these clowns the door. Palm Coast needs to wake up, show up, and VOTE this mayor and Council OUT.
citizen tracker says
Palm Coast HA! You picked the WRONG County! GOOD ole BOYS backwards ass corruption.
Land of no blinkers says
This is one of the council members that feel they need a raise, along with our Mayor!! We should vote all of these idiots out of office!! I had a personal run in with Danko at one of our local businesses and I will say he is the most obnoxious, rude human being and I am appalled that he represents our city.
Darlene L Shelley says
Well said, Linda- I am so tired of these little men trying to bully their way to a “position of power”. It is pathetic, and we see through their lack of integrity, ethics, and regard for rule of law. They all need to go away. We need real community minded, civically concerned, and honest candidates to show these clowns the door. Palm Coast needs to wake up, show up, and VOTE this mayor and Council OUT.
BadPeople says
Not the dog’s fault. It’s never the fault of the animal. It’s always people. No matter what. Always people.
Flagler Beach says
My main opposition to the video was the lack of courtesy afforded the man who’s dog was bitten. The officer didn’t turn his audio off for him when he gave his phone number!
Danko was given professional courtesy by officer by turning off the audio for entire personal info.
Fair, not so much.
FlaglerLive says
There is no such thing as “professional courtesy” by a law enforcement agency when dealing with public records. There’s legal and not legal. The body camera video is a public record. It may not be redacted under any circumstance except as provided by law, for example when the former law enforcement officer provided her home address. Nothing Danko or anyone else provided could be legally redacted or silenced.
Ed danko says
Thank you FlaglerLive, you are 100 percent correct. Nothing I said was redacted and no audio was removed.
Mythoughts says
Danko do us all a favor and get out of Flagler County and take little boy Mullin with you.
Morgan Monaco says
Danko, a yoyo, ignorant, the disgrace of Palm Coast but peolpe voted for him should put their underwear to cover their heads.
John says
I have a great idea lets turn Florida into a Blue State and vote these corrupt people out of office. Just think then Disney will be happy and there would be rent control, fair elections, no discrimination against people of color. The Red State politians don’t have one plan to improve our country or help its people only how they can make more money for their greedy selves.
Ld says
Certain breeds are a problem in an uncontrolled environment. Important article to show what happens sometimes.
bruces says
I have been a resident in palm Coast since 2012 we came here right after the depression Palm Coast
I have several complaints in what is going on with Palm Coast and the residents of this city deserves better.
while they are smart to keep the crime out of the news with the better areas C section and E naturally we read about the P R and s
but in truth that has been multipie crimes in the C, in 2019 The DEA did a rental home raid for distrubting drugs there have been other homes in the c section that has the same proble, The fact that the type of candidates running for office is a joke. Danko, Mullins and of all people Alan Lowe, the way we stop these corrput people is showing up at the pole.
at this point we would be better having the Gambios and Genevise family run the city