Note: this is one of two related articles. See: “Palm Coast Reopens Door to EV Charging Stations, But Only as Conduit to Private Business.”
Palm Coast City Council member Ed Danko verbally attacked and disparaged the city’s resiliency and sustainability officer in a public meeting on Tuesday, baselessly calling her presentation “propaganda,” questioning why she had a job, and sparring with Mayor David Alfin, who brought him under control.
It was the latest in a history of public outbursts for Danko, who has used his position to fabricate lies about a former mayor and have shouting matches with fellow council members, and who previously violated council rules to the point that the mayor threatened to have him removed from the chamber. Danko was also the subject of several complaints by employees. (Tuesday’s outburst was first reported by WNZF’s Rich Carol.)
Maeven Rogers, the chief sustainability and resiliency officer, was appearing before the council to provide an update on potentially upgrading the city’s electric vehicle charging station infrastructure from its lone station at City Hall, and to get guidance on whether and how much to charge at that station.
It was a follow-up from a June meeting where the council rejected–but did not close the door on–bidding for federal grants that could underwrite such an upgrade. All but one member of the council are loath to build EV charging stations that would compete with the private sector. That has not changed. But there is some possibility of inviting private companies to lease public land for such stations.
“I hope that you are ready this morning to be electrified by today’s discussion,” the naturally ebullient Rogers started. The presentation was data-heavy on electrification, the advantages of electric vehicles, the diminishing fossil-fuel)and particularly coal) sector in favor of cleaner energy. She spoke of the “many benefits to alternative energy and mobility,” including reduced pollution and greenhouse gases, the advantages of less reliability on volatile oil markets, the sharp growth in EV sales.
A few statistical inconsistencies and minor errors aside, the presentation was on the whole solidly documented and reflected standard research and technological developments in the field.
Danko first interrupted her about 12 minutes into her presentation when Rogers cited figures projecting a less “clear vision” of exploitable fossil fuels after 2050. “That is just absolutely absurd. That’s nothing but somebody’s propaganda,” Danko said. “We have more oil in this country than you can even imagine,” he said. (Danko was closer to propaganda than Rogers: while peak oil predictions have often faltered, the general consensus is that the point will be reached more than a decade before the middle of the century.)
“We’re net exporters,” Council member Nick Klufas said.
“We were, until Biden became president.” Danko was inaccurate: the United States again became a net exporter of oil in 2020, and has been for three years running, according to the Energy Information Administration, with imports peaking in the middle of the last Bush administration. (An earlier version of this story incorrectly transcribed Klufas saying “we’re not exporters.”)
Danko repeatedly called the presentation “absurd” and claimed he’d seen it. The mayor reminded Danko he was not a council of one: “All of the rest of us would like to see the presentation,” Alfin said.
Rogers continued. Toward the end of the presentation, Danko derisively asked Rogers if she was an electrical engineer–she is not–by way of questioning her experience with the low maintenance needs of EV stations.
“Unless they are hit with a vehicle or actually damaged by another human I don’t see a lot of our EV charging infrastructure being upkeep or cleaned or anything like that,” Rogers said. Rogers was basing her claim on eight years’ experience in the field, and the deployment of 100 EV chargers in Orlando, where she worked previously. “We have not seen any type of maintenance in that time.”
Evidence appears not to impress Danko, who was chomping at the bit by the presentation’s end.
“I have a lot of questions,” he said when she was done.
“Let me help you with that,” the mayor said.
“I don’t need your help. They’re my questions.”
Alfin wanted to provide some direction to Rogers first–leasing land to companies that might be interested in locating charging stations on public land, and possibly levying permit fees, all without interfering with private business.
Danko said the same thing about not interfering with private business, if more hectoringly so, then inexplicably lashed into Rogers herself: “I gotta be honest with you. I’m not impressed with you,” he told her. “When you came in here the first time and you said wouldn’t it be wonderful if our citizens spent their money at our local businesses rather than the gas stations. Well, I got news for you. Those gas stations are part of our local business. You just can’t blow them off like that. And that’s very, very concerning to me and the facts that you’re presenting, quite frankly, they’re just based on AOC Green New Deal, Joe Biden.”
Danko was twisting Rogers’s meaning. Just as she had on Tuesday, when she referred to spending money at Walmart as–accurately–sending money out of the community, she had said at the previous meeting: “If we provide the service for our residents, they can put money back into the local economy, not at the Shell gas station. So that’s a wonderful thing.” In other words, a gas corporation siphons money out of the community the way an actual local business does not.
But by then Alfin was trying to intervene, since Danko had directly attacked a staffer, as council members are not allowed to do by city procedures: staffers answer exclusively to the city manager.
“I think I think you’ve made your point,” Alfin told Danko.
“I’m not finished yet,” Danko yelled.
“Yes you are,” Alfin went on, telling him to address his remarks about staff to the city manager as Dank said he would speak “any way I want.”
“No, sorry, you will not,” Alfin told him.
“You do not control me,” Danko said, his voice rising further. “You’re elected, I’m elected.”
“You also need to understand the organization of the city,” Alfin said as Danko tried to speak over him. “If you have a question about the assignment, you should address it to the city manager. I will not, I will not tolerate your going after staff.”
“I don’t even know why this person has a job,” Danko said, by then repeatedly out of order.
“That’s a discussion that you can have with the city manager. And I am not going to allow your continued attack on staff.”
“Who do you think you are?” Danko went on.
“I am the mayor of this city and I control this meeting,” Alfin said, turning to Pontieri for her questions.
Danko was better behaved at the very end of the segment, when he joined the consensus for charging 18 cents a kilowatt hour, and asked for a report back in a year.
Rogers will, in fact, report back in six months, assuming she is willing to risk subjecting herself to more boorish behavior.
Charles says
How rude and unprofessional is that for Danko? When is this clown going to take a hiatus and go find another place to hang his hat.
There is never ever anything positive about this clown.
Carin says
It’s kinda how people act when others take a crap on your town for profit
Enough says
Haven’t the citizens of this city had enough of the Chump lover Danko?? He is always out of line, has a big mouth that spews stupidity, no facts, and quite seriously, exhibits his lack of professionalism for the role he was elected to. Gee, who else does that remind you of?? It really is time to clean house. We need experienced people that know how a city operates and listens to its employees assigned to do a job. This isn’t the 80’s anymore although Danko most likely wishes it was. As usual, a circus performance from the head clown!
Villein says
Any professionals out there want to work for the City of Palm Coast?
Yeah. I didn’t think so. Commissioner Danko represents the people of Palm Coast. He speaks for them. He’s indicative of the people who live here.
So why does the City have a sustainability and resilience officer if they clearly don’t value those concepts?
Mik Cocchiola ee Cocchiola says
Danko doesn’t speak for me or 10s of thousands of Palm Coasters. Only the local crazies pay attention to him.
Imagine what damage he would do if he wins (shudder!) a seat on the county commission.
TR says
You answered your own question to fast. I am a professional in Palm Coast for the past 34 yrs. and have seen council after council ruin this city that once was a pleasant place to live. However this council of today had done to most damage with allowing so many houses and apartments to be built and not following through with keeping up with the infrastructure that should go along with it. Maybe it’s time I try to step up to the plate and try to fix this mess. Unfortunately it will take at least 15 years to fix what these council morons have ruined. The other option for me would be to retire from my business and move out of PC. The biggest thing I see that the council is lacking IMO is common sense. It’s a shame to say the least.
Endless Dark money says
I agree, but common sense how about any sense. Florida elects republilcons that live in a totaly different reality, devoid of facts or science. Keep business as usual going as long as they can before the collapse. Their investors want to see a return.
TR says
Endless Dark money: This has nothing to do with party affiliation and I wish people would stop making every story about it. This is all about someones actions of their mind set Everyone is responsible (or should be) for their actions in what they think. There are good and bad on both sides. This is why no one can discuss politics or religion when the two are from opposite sides of the aisle. Beliefs and opinions are to each their own and they are not right or wrong. But if you want to believe is science, maybe look at the true numbers over the last 100 years and see what years were better. That should give you a better insight as to what party is really better. I always since I was able to vote ( over 45 years) have voted for the PERSON I thought was good for the position they were running for. This I have done at all levels of government.
Mark says
Please step up. the City needs you. I’m not joking either.
TR says
Thanks for your confidence. I would but the biggest problem I have is money, I don’t have any. It’s sad that every level of government has come down to the only people that can run are the people with money. I’m sure their are plenty of non wealthy people that are smart but just don’t have enough money to run for any office. Segregation at it’s best IMO
Carin says
Thank you for being the only cone to put some clarity to these tourists. I can care less what someone’s manners are, it’s the job they stand for and do.
The dude says
The lying little lawn troll Danko being obnoxious and wrong again. Actually, his orange hue and diminutive stature makes him more of an Oompa Loompa…
I guess next year he’ll no longer be Palm Coast’s problem?
Hopefully Flagler County at large has been paying attention.
Will he be bringing his Gilligan, Alan Lowe, to the Flagler County Commission as well? Or will Mr. Lowe just lose another Palm Coast race?
This place is so predictable it’s not even a challenge anymore.
Brian says
I guarantee if Danko addressed me like that I would not have put up with it. I would have told him to shut up or let’s take it outside. No one addresses me like that. I shut a state project down for a while as the contractor cussed me and my ancestors just because we asked him to do something our specs said we should do. My boss was freaking out as I packed up my equipment. I told him I would fight payment until I died or retired. Contractor came back with his tail between his legs and apologized profusely. Never spoke like that to me again.
The dude says
He won’t speak that way to any man over 5′-2″ tall, which is still pretty ballsy because at 5′-2″ you would literally tower over the danky, angry little orange fella.
Dave Camarca says
Bill Green says
Why tolerate this unprofessional, belligerent and insensitive antagonist? Why can’t he be suspended for his deficient protocol, demeaning words and attack-style behavior? The mayor was quite tolerant until Mr. Danko’s malicious personal attacks on her competency and integrity. I appreciate the mayor taking control of the meeting by putting this contentious bully in his place. I implore Palm Coast citizens to please remember these incidents at election time!
Judith Michaud says
This is the history of Mr. Danko’s behavior ! He is and has always been politically biased and rude to anyone who opposes any of his views ! He should be removed from his position ! i guess this should be no surprise as he has made it known numerous times he is a Trump supporter ! Funny how his verbiage is so similar !!!!
Robert Joseph Fortier says
I was the equivalent of what we call commissioners down here, up north we were called City or Town Councilors.
We had our own and differing visions for our community, but agreed on most realistic conversations and did not feel the need to vote by party, unless it also was viewed as being very wrong in some way.
I am embarrassed that we pick such radical and selfish place holders here in Flagler County.
When voting time comes around again, we need to do some research on the candidates and be honest about what we wish for the future of our County. I guess Mullins embarrassing time in office didn’t teach us much.
Duane says
I blame the city manager for not intervening to protect the employee from the abuse of the commission.
Palm Coast needs a professional manager.
Nancy N. says
Council meetings aren’t free-for-alls. They are governed by legal procedures and rules. The city manager, not being a member of the council, had no right to speak during the meeting unless granted permission to do so by the chair (Alfin) and could have been removed from the room (and possibly their job) for doing so without permission.
Bill C says
Another good reason to vote Democratic.
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
YES! The people of Palm Coast and Flagler County can and deserve so much more than the current crop of GQP imitators.
TR says
Yea like that will solve everything, NOT!
The dude says
No, of course not.
Just keep electing and reelecting the same set of GQP clowns repeatedly cycling between the city and county governments. Because next time it’s gonna work…
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Mullins name pop back up in the next set of local elections, it’s just that sad and predictable here.
You are why things are as they are here, you and your tribal travelers who repeatedly vote in the same useless clowns expecting different results… or maybe this clown car is actually the desired result for you MAGA.
I don’t know.
TR says
First you don’t know who I voted for so please don’t put me in a category of people who put these people on the council thank you very much. I an an INDEPENDENT and vote for the person I think is fit for the job. I have done it ever since I could vote and that’s over 45 years.
Mark says
You said you might step up so how about being the solution than being divisive like the current Council TR.
TR says
I’ll copy and past the response I gave to Endless Dark money above and hopefully it will pass moderation.
Copied response: Thanks for your confidence. I would but the biggest problem I have is money, I don’t have any. It’s sad that every level of government has come down to the only people that can run are the people with money. I’m sure their are plenty of non wealthy people that are smart but just don’t have enough money to run for any office. Segregation at it’s best IMO
Michele says
Danko is such a p_____ (rhymes with male body part and is a synonym for same word)
Jim says
Danko doesn’t like electric vehicles because his party is anti-environmental protection, denies climate change and thinks there is a limitless amount of oil in the ground. He’s entitled to his opinion. However, he is not entitled to personally attack an employee of the city just because he doesn’t like the subject matter being presented. And for doing so, he is just a disgusting low life who never should have been elected to the council. This type of behavior has become all too common amongst so-called “elected officials” and has to stop. If you are an elected official and you cannot conduct yourself in a professional manner, you should resign your position and let someone with more maturity do the job.
I feel for Maeven Rogers after having to put up with that BS. She is doing her job and was there to make a presentation that I’m sure her management was aware and – hopefully- reviewed and approved prior to presentation. Danko didn’t like the information because it doesn’t fit his small-minded capabilities and acted like the child he is. Ms. Rogers (nor anyone else) deserves that. If Danko was a man, he would apologize for his terrible behavior but we all know he will not.
Danko is running for county commissioner. Partly, I suspect because he knows he’d never get reelected in Palm Coast. I hope everyone will remember this childish tantrum by Danko when it comes time to pick county commissioners. Danko definitely needs to be given a clear message that his lack of control and inability to listen to others when they don’t spout his version of the truth results in losing elections.
What a low life to have on our city council.
Cindy D says
He was elected and hopefully not again. He is rude and only cares about getting a republican back in the White House. He complains about Biden every time. This is a city meeting and not a big federal issue!! Work for this city and not your federal issues. People buy EVs. So what. Gas stations will survive…. Trust me! And that poor girl should file a defamation of character claim against him or at least an HR complaint. Horrible adulting!!
Celia M Pugliese says
Our public lands are too precious and valuable and not that abundant to dilapidate in leasing it for EV charging stations even if leased. Our parking areas are busy in some sections or when holding events are often insufficient. The current city management have added staff like in the case of Ms. Rogers researching for EV grants and many other high paid positions in the manager department, engineering, planning and HR while now making cuts to us the peoples services. Example closing our heavily used by families with children of the Frieda Zamba now Aquatic Center pool on Sundays. How they have the nerve while adding high paid payroll and raising staff pays not needed, costing us millions now? Provide the services that we pay for and just cut the departmental “wants” fat and stop enlarging the city bureaucracy. This time I agree with Danko. Do we forget that the county commissioners didn’t buy either Ms. Rogers sale? We are not against her goods, but not paid by the city residents, let private industry do it. Why Ms. Rogers does not investigate for grants to keep Frieda Zamba pool open on Sundays of these hot summers for families with kids instead? Well they do not own EV’s as can’t afford them right? Mayor Alfin also should make the same question if representing the people of Palm Coast.
Cindy D says
So yes our land is precious… so let’s build some more storage units and car wash locations rather than small EV units in current parking lots. And the main point here was how rude and obnoxious he was at a professional business meeting and verbally abused another city employee like a lunatic. You missed the big picture.
Celia M Pugliese says
Cindy storage units and car wash locations are built after approved in private owned lands. The EV offered are to be built and yes again in our precious, very valuable and scarce “public lands” and this is when I am not or Danko for it, neither the council majority in the first presentation. This is a waste of a high paid staff position and our hard earned taxes…searching for something that will benefit the affluent and no those kids and families shamefully prevented to enjoy and healthy exercise in our community pools on Sundays in this hit sweltering summers! That is were I want my taxes spent not in EV charging stations! So hope you can grasp my thoughts without distorting it!
The dude says
What exactly do you think is actually being discussed here?
Have you ever seen EV charging stations?
They usually go into a lightly used or unused corner of an existing parking lot.
Its not like bulldozers and backhoes show up to clear cut a lot when an EV charging station goes in.
They aren’t storage units or carwashes.
Nancy N. says
I highly doubt that funding the parks and rec department is within the purview of Ms Rogers’ job description. It is undoubtedly other peoples’ jobs to look for grants for that part of the city’s operations.
Edith Campins says
First of all, the pool issues and the EV charging stations have nothing to do with one another. Second, aside from the fact that Danko is factually incorrect in his statements, the issue is the lack of manners and civility he continues to demonstrate. We are better than this constant vulgar, clown show.
Celia M Pugliese says
I am fully aware that these EVE’s charging stations for the one’s that can afford them EVE’s, have nothing to do with the community pool closed on Sunday’s for children, parents and elderly, as are different departments and different funds and also if so different grants if available. But is Ms Rogers is directed to look for grants then she should be directed to look for Community Services and Health Activities Grants instead! The two EV stations in the city hall we were forced fund the free charge by the taxpayers, if still is free and how fair is that for those families that can’t use the pool on Sundays over my tax payers funds cuts? How much in fpl power are we paying a month for those two stations since quietly installed years ago under Holland, be free charge?
Justbob says
He remains annoying partisan and a discredit to the council with a mouth bigger than his brain.
Wow says
MAGA at it’s most ignorant and boorish. Rude, nasty, belligerent and uneducated people who have to appear powerful. It’s just so pathetic.
Robin says
Bravo to Ms. Rogers. Her mother has raised a dragonslayer in a time of many dragons.
18% of US new car sales were for EVs in 2022. The numbers are only going to increase.
And Mr. Danko wants to be a County Commissioner? I hope the voters in Flagler County decline his offer. They’ve suffered through one inept candidate. They do not need another, in my opinion.
Ed says
Small correction new ev car sales in US just under 6 percent in 2022.
Less than 1 percent of all vehicles on US roads are ev. ( April 2023 J.D.Powers)
Estimated that 80 percent of the 1 percent charge at home.
Mark says
Which equates to almost 172,000 New EV’s on the United States roads in 2022. Total EV’s (battery and plug-in hybrid) on United States roads currently equates to almost 2.5 Million as of July 2023. No I do not own one yet most likely will sometime in my life.
Steve says
Soap Opera level drama for such a small Town. Too bad that change can’t come about because of such Division and constant power plays by old washed up retreads clinging to their knees perceived brass rings. No offense that place is full of crazies
Commonsense says
A conservative trumper being stupid and mean, who’d have thought?
Nancy N says
Danko is nothing but a middle school bully. That has long been evident. Unfortunately, a certain set of Palm Coast voters seem to view that as a feature and not a bug in a politician, though. I hope they come to their senses next year and don’t elect him to the commission to spread his hate and anger there.
Never cease to amaze me says
The statements he made while campaigning were null once he was elected, same as every other elected official in the City and County who is now destroying the communities. Have had some very convincing liars out there and is it so unfortunate…..
Charles says
Resign Danko you are not well liked just read the posts.
bob says
pathetic, miserably inadequate; of very low standard: the dictionary is correct about danko
Protonbeamexposure says
Danko is a proven liar – that’s a fact
jeffery c. seib says
There was a time that the Palm Coast City Council observed a level of decorum and professionalism in their communication with each other, the public, and city staff. Sadly, we lost that and, it seems, any understanding of what this city is all about. Now, it’s pack em in, as fast as can be. But people should know that it doesn’t have to be this way. We the people deserve a city council that is open to something other than another new development asking for changes to pack in more homes or apartments, and the city council going along with it.
Barney Fife says
He had his MAGA hat on that’s for sure who does he think he is. Alfin is no better I would have kicked that little troll out of that meeting. Who voted for that clown anyway not me. The one time that I sat down to watch this meeting I had to see THIS vote them all out they have destroyed this city .
Jen says
I Find it strange that every development gets approved in palm coast . Whether it’s housing, roadways , commercial buildings everything is approved for a building in Palm Coast!, Wonder why $$$$
Villein says
Jen, you’re missing part of the story. The state legislature established laws forbidding local governments from denying development applications. Basically Renner, Hutson, Rick Scott abolished the department of community affairs which had powers to mitigate development. The corruption starts in Tallahassee, meanwhile citizens spin their wheels trying to make changes at the local level, which cannot be done. Machiavelli could write a chapter on it. You have to pay attention and vote, ask questions, read up on the subjects you’re concerned with. Corruption is rife in government, especially when the voters are on party line cruise control, and mostly new to the area. My estimate is that our town and this state cannot be saved. And that’s ok, it will be under water in a few decades anyway. So enjoy it while it lasts.
bill says
this used to be a nice area over 20 years ago now it went to shit little man like danko who comes here from some other misfit state and brings his cycle, personality and habits .Used to be a nice county. I’m out of here.