For the 2017-2018 academic year that begins in August, Daytona State College once again plans to hold the line on tuition, with a zero-tuition increase for its 27,000 students, if approved by the District Board of Trustees at its monthly meeting on June 15.
Tuition will remain flat even though the Florida Legislature slashed the budgets of public colleges across the state by $30 million in the session just ended. The cuts affected remedial education.
Daytona State, which has an important campus in Palm Coast, will raise a few fees where necessary due to costs associated with changes in curriculum, lab or clinical experience requirements for certain programs, pending board approval. For the 2017-18 academic year, the vast majority of fees would remain unchanged. Those fees that would increase affect less than 7 percent of all DSC classes with fees. The costs for consumable items and services for lab fees are itemized on the Lab Fee Approval Form, including the justification for the increased fees.
And some fees will actually decrease, in some cases from $8 to $145.
Three courses will see a $100-fee increase, the most such proposed increase–a course on interior design because of the cost of the graphic art supplies kit and printing materials, bringing the total fee for that course to $145, and the two Radiographic Procedure Lab courses, with those fees reflecting Halifax hospital actually imposing a higher usage fee for students to use its radiologic equipment. See the full lab fee list here.
Most other fee increases are more modest, and many of the increases are under $10.
The only non-course-based fee to increase would be the Assessment Fee which would go up $2 from $31 to $33, based on more vocational tests taken and an increase in the cost of the tests. This increase still puts it below where it has been historically.
Florida law grants authority to Florida College System institutional boards of trustees to establish laboratory fees that “shall not exceed the cost of services provided and shall only be charged to persons receiving the service.” Daytona State adheres to specific institutional policy and procedure governing the creation, review and adjustment of all fees.
The college’s proposed fee adjustments are a result of the analysis of annual expenditures and enrollment for the courses for each affected program. Students are only obligated for the cost associated with their specific courses. Fee adjustments typically occur due to revisions to curriculum and courses and changes in the cost of expenditures. All laboratory fees are used to purchase items or services that are specifically related to the student learning outcomes and objectives of the courses.
the District Board of Trustees meets June 15 at 2 p.m. in the fourth-floor boardroom of the Wetherell Building on the Daytona Beach Campus, 1200 W. International Speedway Blvd.