Daytona State College has not increased standard tuition and fees for 13 years as of fiscal year 2023-24. The College plans on making it 14 years in a row as there are no plans for a tuition and fees increase for 2024-25.
DSC was also the only public college in Florida to reduce tuition by two percent in 2015 and has maintained that reduction ever since.
As part of its regularly scheduled June 20 meeting, the Daytona State College District Board of Trustees will discuss three proposed direct cost pass through fee adjustments that would take place in Fall 2024: an Access Fee increase to $1.50 per credit hour, up from $1.28 per credit hour; a Graduation Fee increase to $30 for a degree, up from $25, and $20 for a certificate, up from $15; and an increase for Web Enhanced Lab Fee to $25 per course, up from $24 per course.
Tuition and fees are expended as authorized in Florida Statutes, including supporting the mission of the college and its operational needs. Other student user fees are reviewed annually and adjusted accordingly based on actual costs of providing the related services.
Classroom laboratory fees are reviewed annually and are adjusted to reflect the actual cost of classroom materials and services. Details by course on the recommended deletions, decreases, increases and new lab fees is available here.
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