Kim Carney, who fell less than 500 votes short of defeating Dave Sullivan four years ago in the Republican primary for County Commission, will run again in the 2024 election, this time for an open seat: two-term Commissioner Sullivan, who would be 83 at the beginning of a third term, is not going to defend his seat.
She joins a growing field for the District 3 seat that so far includes two other Flagler Beach residents, Bill Clark and Tom Hutson, and does not yet formally include the race’s heavy-hitter: Nick Klufas, the two-term Palm Coast City Council member. Klufas, 35, a software engineer, said today he has secured the paperwork and was intending to file in the near future. He’ll be the third contestant in the Republican primary.
Fellow-Palm Coast City Council member Ed Danko is also making a bid for a County Commission seat–the District 1 seat held by Donald O’Brien, who’s running for a state House seat. Danko, 69, is so far facing one opponent in the Republican primary, Victor Barbosa, his former colleague on the Palm Coast City Council. The two had not exactly been a pair after they were elected in 2020. Barbosa, 43, resigned his seat in March 2022 after a tumultuous 16 months.
No one has yet declared for County Commission District 1, the seat held by Andy Dance. Dance resigned his seat on the school board in 2019, after 11 years, to run for the District 1 seat Charlie Ericksen–who just died–was leaving at the end of his term. In a battle that unfortunately paired two of the most centrist and astute candidates against each other–meaning that one had to be wasted–Dance, a Republican, defeated Corinne Hermle, one of the rare serious Democrats to attempt a run in recent years. Dance took 62 percent of the vote. (For the record: Dance said he is “definitely running for reelection” and will be filing this month.)
He had been uncontested in two of his four school board races, winning his other two by 16 and 20 points. It would be surprising if a candidate challenged him in 2024, the outcome being all but foretold, especially since Dance’s commission tenure has been the strongest on a board that had been stocked with weak, disengaged or tawdry officials until Leann Pennington’s arrival in late 2022.
Carney, 67, served three terms as a city commissioner in Flagler Beach. She was Sullivan’s only opponent four years ago, in what was an open primary–voters of all affiliations or non-affiliations could vote, because there was no declared Democratic or independent candidate, and there was no general election. Carney ran for Flagler Beach mayor in 2021, losing in a three-way race to Suzie Johnston in Johnston’s first bid (Johnston got 50 percent of the vote, Carney got 25 percent).
In her second County Commission race, Carney is facing one Republican in the primary (so far) in Clark, 62, a Flagler Beach resident since 2010 and an accountant who’s “run several large companies,” according to his webpage, and led a sales team. He’s focusing on environmental protection of the county’s landscape, trees and beaches, and “responsible growth.” (He did not return a call before this article initially published.)
Open seats tend to draw more candidates than undefended seats, so the field may yet grow. Democrats have not yet shown signs of life in any of the 2024 county races: all 12 candidates who have filed for seven races are either Republicans or independents, at least by official affiliation: Many candidates have realized that to get elected to any of the county’s 38 seats, running as a democrat for any office, other than mosquito control, is more of a sacrificial than realistic exercise: today, Registered Republicans make up 46 percent of the Flagler electorate. Democrats are at 26.6 percent, outnumbered by Independents and minor-party affiliates, who are at 27.5 percent.
The primary winner will face at least one opponent: Hutson, 78, also a Flagler Beach resident, who is running as an independent–a tall order: No independent has ever been elected to a commission seat, though a few have tried. Hutson, now retired, was a former road deputy and police chief, a probation manager, and manager of the DeLand office of the Department of Children and Families. As a commissioner, he would focus on budgeting, finance and contracts.
Unusually for a County Commission race, at least in Flagler County, the District 3 race is featuring three candidates with master’s degrees: Carney’s is in business administration, Clark’s is in accounting, and Hutson’s is in police administration. Klufas doesn’t have an MA, but he has built a reputation as one of the sharpest, quickest minds among the 38 elected officials in the county.
Sullivan has intentionally kept mum about candidates in the 2024 race, declining to give preference to one or another, at least so far. “I want to be very careful about what I say or do on that, I don’t know if I’ll be endorsing anyone,” Sullivan said previously. Klufas, he said, has talked to him about running. “He’s done a good job on the city. I don’t want to go in and say much more than that. He has one really big thing going for himself, he’s younger, and I like younger people getting involved and staying involved.”
Put another way, Sullivan was born when FDR was just starting his third of four terms (FDR died early in his fourth term). Klufas was born in th final months of the Reagan administration, which had tried hard, and failed, to dismantle the New Deal.
The primary appears a long way off: it’s in a little over a year, on Aug. 20, 2024. But the presidential primary is on March 19, in an election year expected to be as active and raucous as any in recent memory. All five constitutional offices are up, as are two school board seats, two Palm Coast City Council seats and the Palm Coast mayorship.
pinelakesnative says
This should be a non-partisan race. List them all alphabettically and the top 2 vote getters win!
Joe says
Why is it that those in city council positions think they are qualied to be commissioners for the county when they aren’t their jobs properly for the city?
Kendall says
Just a reminder that Kim Carney tried to ruin the life of a victim of a brutal rape. Story is here.
JimboXYZ says
Uggghhhh, reshuffling the same deck of cards ?
Klufus, approved the Splash Pad $ 5+ million. Raises for all in the middle of this inflationary recession, heavy hitter ?
Barbosa, the Wal-Mart skip scanner. Whatever became of the investigation of Barbosa for that international crime story ? Seemed when he resigned he dropped off the radar screen of any follow up reporting ?
Carney, well there was the article another commenter linked.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Kim Carney posted that I should withdraw from the county commission race last year. I would NEVER ever tell a candidate what to do – other than to say perhaps if I am not voting for them, She hurled several vicious nasty evil comments towards me. No way Jose Kim would you ever get my support ( and I am a returned Repub).
I hope Eric Cooley ponders entering the race – He is SIMPLY THE BEST in my opinion as a current public servant who devotes so much of his life to make this world a happier, more dog friendly , place to live.
He has a heart; knows how to control his words and loves people. Kim can’t hold a candle to Eric Cooley. I don’t think anyone can!
Klufus votes are lousy in my opinion and I don’t want him to be my commissioner either… Barosa -? Time for a glass of wine
I wouldn’t vote for anyone who is even remotely endorsed by Sullivan let alone
voting for Kuflas. Kuflas greatest accomplishments are his eyerolling when
citizens make public comment, voting on agendas in favor of irresponsible
overdevelopment and now I hear he adds motion gestures to his eyerolling.
Gina Weiss says
Joe, Spot on!
James says
Kim Carney? Uh, no. Keep the Flagler Beach crazies contained over there! Don’t let them cross the bridge! :)
palmcoaster says
Klufas legacy: Funded failed city own optic fiber cable, revenue now further out shinned even by Metronet. Harborside approval denying forever over 300 hospitality, restaurant and bar jobs and our resort destination to Palmcoasters for more multifamily violating our original 5.5 units per acre to 22 units per acre rezoning, while he prides to advocate for jobs. That huge Advent Health in the middle of the traffic crowded Parkway with no sufficient parking as is. His vote to approve multifamily units in ITT originally land zoned green acres in spite of over 50 affected concerned residents petitions signed in the south side of PC. Voting to install 150 feet tall 5 G towers 100 feet from our homes devaluating them and affecting our health 24-7 under them, to serve the dead zones, south of us in Grand Heaven off Colbert Lane. They need instead to locate it in Colbert Lane. He voted to kick off Waste Pro and is very much for the expansion out west in vacant lands off Rte 1 costing taxpayers 25 millions grant to be matched locally , other than asking for a grant to take care and preserve what we already have now . He enthusiastically approved every rezoning, spot zoning, special exception or amendment to the original ITT single family zoning that was presented to him by the city administrators and developers, based on skewed traffic counts and lack of proper other infrastructure in place. So we see the negative results today. Lately he is a fan of Wawa in the center of our already overcrowded Palm Coast Parkway! So lets see his vote on it too! Then we will vote him accordingly in 2024. We need more candidates running for Sullivan’s seat, not the same old same old.
Donald J says
I’ve called Joe Mullins and told him to run for County Commissioner again. I supported him last time, He supported me. I got the FBI to close their investigation and participation of him in the Insurrection that I was responsible for and led on January 06. If he runs and I know he will, I’ve promised him a weekend at Disney World with my Communist Escort.
James says
“I am a returned Rep”
So you were a “blocker” candidate after all. Well, at least you came clean about it.
James says
I just wanted to extend a heartfelt thank you to you Donald, for taking the time to comment here on Flagler Live. We all know how difficult it’s recently become for you to do so.
So thank you for choosing to share with us some of those (perhaps last) precious moments of your freedom with us… it is truly an honor and a privilege Mr. President.
“Sharing is caring.” And your kind, caring, words are indeed appreciated.
blerbfamilyfive says
Am I mistaken but I thought George Hanns was running against Danko. Did I miss something?
Dennis C Rathsam says
The more I read….the more I know Flagler County, & the city of P/C are destined to fail.We have no one with a working brain. Between the hate, lies, & truths what are we to become? Why cant we all pull togeather to pull our once great city, out of the sewer? Too many mistakes were made, too much money lost, yet they continue on this path of self destruction. Its time to stop all new construction until a real plan is made! We cant keep adding more & more housing, until we fix the traffic problem. Sadly, not one candidate has opened thier mouth about this, yet produce a plan how they can help, the residence of P/C.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Not true Sir. I only returned to the Republican party so that I can vote in primaries. My heart and mind are still NON PARTY because NO local issue in Flagler County is a party issue. Kim Carney blasted me for being a non party so you must be a friend of hers. Nothing dirty about me sir.
FlaglerLive says
Hanns has repeatedly said that he is running for that seat. He has not filed.
David Schaefer says
Totally agree. With the clown realtor mayor things will never change. The city has no money to fix the roads or the swales they could care less about us what a friggen joke.
James says
I’m nobody’s friend. Just a fool who voted for you.
But that was yesterday, and yesterday ‘s gone.