By Diane Roberts
Welcome to the Science-Free State of Florida, where facts are dismissed, obvious truths denied, and thinking discouraged.
Failed presidential candidate and professional pouter Ronbo DeSantis recently had references to climate change removed from state statutes.
Now his Department of (Mis)Education wants the phrase “climate change” excised from Florida school textbooks on the ground that it’s “ideology” or “indoctrination.”
Indoctrination? We’ve got your indoctrination: Last year, Ronbo and his DO(Mis)E goons approved the use of inaccurate, indeed dangerous, (but cute and cartoony) videos from Prager University (which is not a university) in Florida classrooms.
These little gems parrot oil and gas industry talking points, claiming green energy is a lie, and comparing climate change activists to Nazis.
Florida’s current regime (motto: “Ignorance is Strength”) operates on the theory that if you refuse to utter certain words — ”racism,” for example, “Covid,” or “climate crisis” — and pretend with all your might that what you see in front of you isn’t real, then the problem disappears.
There’s two feet of water in your living room, it’s over 100 degrees outside, the beaches are festooned with dead fish, and the coral reefs are dying, but hey, that’s just summer in the Sunshine State!
Ronbo, who isn’t even good at gaslighting, wants you to believe this is all perfectly normal.
Christina Pushaw, longtime DeSantis aide, blows it all off: “Welcome to the rainy season.”
Pushaw, who must be a great disappointment to her former teachers, says, “Do not fall for the propaganda that it’s a new danger or we can stop hurricanes by eating bugs, banning cars, mandating lab grown meat etc.” Bless her heart.
Taking it out on Florida
Ronbo’s still hopping mad about how non-Florida America took one look at him last year and went, “Oh, HELL no!”
So he’s taking it out on Florida, vetoing stormwater mitigation programs and a bill, passed unanimously in the Legislature, requiring the Department of Health to close dangerously polluted beaches — what’s a little fecal coliform between friends?
He’s also chosen to torture agricultural and construction workers, signing a law forbidding cities and counties to institute protections for the 2 million Floridians who build the condos and pick the tomatoes in the increasingly monstrous heat.
No required water breaks. No required shade breaks.
Planetary warming is fake, right?
Skin cancer? Heat stroke? Whatever.
It’s more important to keep the campaign donors from Big Ag and Big Development happy.
And while we’re in banning mode, let’s take a sharpie to any book in any school library and black out the words “gender,” “gay,” “race,” “slavery,” “Big Bang,” “evolution,” “ocean acidification,” and “Gaza.”
Speaking of children, the state has also rejected woke federal money to help feed poor kids over the summer.
Food only encourages them.
Anyway, if the kids survive the heat and the hunger and make it back to school in the fall, their souls will be nourished by those PragerU videos, not only the climate denial epics, but the ones in which an animated Christopher Columbus tells two white kids slavery was better than being killed and Frederick Douglass says slavery was “a compromise to achieve something great: the making of the United States.”
I don’t know about you, but I’m beginning to suspect Ronbo and those chuckleheads at DO(Mis)E don’t really believe in learning.
Not the reality-based kind.
Less Pride, more Prejudice
I mean, (Mis)Ed Commissioner Manny Díaz Jr. put out a reading list for American Pride Month (not the rainbow kind, the USA! USA! kind) which includes Jane Austen’s great novel “Pride and Prejudice.”
Poor bugger. Did no one tell him 1. Jane Austen was not American; 2. The novel has nothing to do with America; and 3. The novel satirizes rich, self-righteous, ignorant conservatives?
Ronbo should read it. Maybe Casey can find him an abridged edition.
But he’s too busy bragging about how U.S. News and World Report ranks Florida “number one” in education.
Thing is, the ranking is based on factors like cheap college tuition and low rates of student debt.
Not actual education as in critical thinking, exposure to ideas your parents hate, learning the actual history of this country, the inspiring as well as the hideous parts, and understanding that science is evidence-based and employs what those elite expert types like to call “data.”
Universities — the decent ones — don’t want to admit students from schools forced to lie about what’s happening to the earth.
See, science doesn’t care what you believe.
You can believe the sun revolves around the earth, the Bible is the literal Word of God, and gravity is merely a theory, but that doesn’t make it accurate.
Try this experiment: Take a step off a second-story balcony. See what happens.
Or maybe refuse to get your child vaccinated against measles and stick her in a classroom with a measles-infected child.
See what happens.
Who cares?
You might remember earlier this year we had a rather scary measles outbreak here in the science-free state of Florida.
Our chief health officer, Quack General Joseph Ladapo, leapt into action with a shrug, telling parents to go ahead and expose unvaccinated kids to the disease.
The tough ones will probably survive.
Doctors in the reality-based community have responded to Ladapo with a mix of horror, embarrassment, and ridicule pointing out the Quack relies on studies that haven’t been peer-reviewed or vetted, with results that can’t be replicated.
He seems to think the COVID vaccine can get into your DNA and do something sinister to you.
That ain’t how it works. As one immunologist said, “You have better chance of becoming Spider-Man than being harmed by DNA from the COVID vaccines.”
As of June, 2024, 2,740 Floridians had died of Covid.
Dying of COVID is preventable.
Climate change cannot be halted in its humid tracks, but we can tackle the emissions that cause it.
Ronbo simply doesn’t want to. He’s a wholly owned subsidiary of Big Energy.
Who knows how many Floridians will die of heat-related illnesses?
Who knows how many houses will be destroyed and lives ruined in a hurricane super-sized by the increasingly warm waters of the Gulf and the Atlantic?
Who knows how many towns will wash away in Florida’s unprecedented rainfall.
Ronbo’s answer: Who cares?
Diane Roberts is an 8th-generation Floridian, born and bred in Tallahassee. Educated at Florida State University and Oxford University in England, she has been writing for newspapers since 1983, when she began producing columns on the legislature for the Florida Flambeau. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, the Times of London, the Guardian, the Washington Post, the Oxford American, and Flamingo. She has been a member of the Editorial Board of the St. Petersburg Times–back when that was the Tampa Bay Times’s name–and a long-time columnist for the paper in both its iterations. She was a commentator on NPR for 22 years and continues to contribute radio essays and opinion pieces to the BBC. Roberts is also the author of four books.
Jim says
I think the article summed the situation up when it stated:
“Florida’s current regime (motto: “Ignorance is Strength”) operates on the theory that if you refuse to utter certain words — “racism,” for example, “Covid,” or “climate crisis” — and pretend with all your might that what you see in front of you isn’t real, then the problem disappears.”
When you can not make valid arguments based on data, the only solution is to refuse to discuss the subject at all! And that’s what Florida is doing on a whole host of fronts.
There will be the usual comments on this article trying to justify what is happening but I have this to say to everyone: If you have children or grandchildren or are going to have them, this refusal to discuss problems is only going to make their lives harder and shorten their lifespans. That’s just a cold hard fact and if you got your facts from legitimate sources (which do not include Joseph Ladapo nor Ron DeSantis), you’d be concerned about the legacy we are leaving our future generations. Truthfully, I think a lot of the “ignore it and it’ll go away” crowd figure they’ll be dead before the worst of it kicks in so why not enjoy “normality” as long as possible?
Florida has a long list of issues with quality of life and the government’s solution is to just ignore it and definitely not talk about it. True, we don’t have income tax but look at the cost of home and car insurance, property taxes, gas taxes and every other tax those in power are constantly trying to push on us. If you think it’s cheaper in Florida than elsewhere, you really should do some investigating – something I know is against your nature…..
Andy Montgomery says
How to make America Great again.
FlaglerLive says
Thank you for this, it’ll be featured in an upcoming Briefing with hat tip to you.
Shark says
And in the meantime 24% of drivers in Florida are uninsured and Florida ranks second in the nation for drive by shootings !!! And the leadership is worried about Disney. It if wasn’t for the theme parks Florida would just be the swamp that it is now but much worse!!
Joe D says
This article wouldn’t be believed if it were a movie SCRIPT….how terrible that it presents the TRUTH! How SAD for Floridians!
I made the decision to retire to Flagler Beach 25 years ago: Gorgeous Beaches/Incredible Wildlife/ Travel and Entertainment options/quick “hop off” travel to the Caribbean/No State Income taxes/ REASONABLE cost of living.
Now the toxic POLITICAL atmosphere has destroyed those plans! Rapid Tax increases, overcrowding, oppressive and inhumane State government policies, car insurance rates, home property insurance rates ( at Least I was smart enough to INSIST on an elevated/poured reinforced concrete townhome with concrete slab floors and roofs, so the likelihood of SERIOUS hurricane damage is reduced…as were my insurance discounts…short of direct hit), Florida is fast becoming too expensive to STAY on a retirement income ( thinking about that has made me incredibly SAD)…and more than a bit ANGRY!
However in the past 8 -10 years. Floridians keep re-electing the same group of politicians, who CERTAINLY aren’t serving the voters who put them in office.
Al says
Wow a lot of unhappy people. The author of this hit piece said it all, she worked at NPR for 23 years. Are liberals ever happy, I think not. All the complaints stated have been addressed in California, how is that working out.
I’ll stay in Florida and you can move somewhere that will make you happy. I don’t think that the liberals can ever find happiness. Try as hard as you can but I refuse to be miserable.
Tony says
Enjoy it. I’ll be thinking about your ignorance as your house is eighter sinking or floating away!!
Sherry says
Well al. . . let me prove you wrong. This very happy “liberal” moved from the “toxic society” of Flagler Beach 2 years ago to wonderful Sausalito, California. We prefer to live in the “best” place instead of the “cheapest” place.
1. Fear and Hate > Peaceful, Kind, Helpful, Friendly, Open Minded, Educated, Well Traveled Neighbors
2. Terrible Weather 8 Months a Year> Wonderful Mild Weather Year Round
3. Blah Natural Beauty> Extraordinarily Beautiful Nature Surrounds Us
4. Fried/Fast Food Restaurants> World Class Cuisine
5. Art Scene Almost Zero> World Class Symphony/Ballet/Opera/Museums/Galleries/Theater
I could go on and on. . . but, I’m sure you prefer the Fox BS about California.
Shark says
You better go on and on when the next storm comes. First of all WHERES THE BEACH !!!!
Skibum says
Sherry, I envy you! I was born and raised in CA, and for the last 12 years that I have lived here in FL I have been scratching my head trying to figure out what exactly do people think is so special about the FL Atlantic coast and our local beaches. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING even comes close to the spectacular beauty of the Pacific coastal communities from CA all the way up to WA State! Enjoy, and live your life out there in wonderful, hurricane free Sausalito to the fullest!
Sherry says
@ Thank you so much, Skibum! Those who “bad mouth” wonderful California have no idea of the truly “Good Life”! I’m guessing that most people who have negative things to say about California haven’t even spent more than a week or two at most here. All they can do is post FOX BS talking points.
Sending Joy! Peace! and Love! from fabulous CA!!!!
Tired of it says
In the typical fashion of trumpers, when you can deny the facts, you talk around it and try to denigrate the author.
Atwp says
People vote Republicans this is what we get. They don’t care about the brown and poor people.
tony says
And if you are a Democrat just switch to Republican like Staly and Holland !!!
ken says
wow what a bunch of loony leftist on here you poor people are just miserable !!! just sayin !!
Billy B says
When you get a chance go to YouTube – Trump Mocks National Anthem – and you will see a real loony !!
John says
Thank you, well written, DeSantis wants to discriminate against everyone that isn’t rich. He wants to change the Dept of Ed to all his regulation of what to read and what not to read. He ignored the Covid virus like it was all fake and not dangerous. He is a failed want to be president, voters showed him how they felt about him. He doesn’t cate about polluted water ways, he ignores all the warnings about climate change. He picked a quack as surgeon general.
Turn on Wesh News and listen to all the shooting deaths in Florida, you never hear DeSantis speak about that. If tourists heard that daily they sure wouldn’t want to come here.
He claims to be a Christian when all he betrays is someone that has no compassion for humans unless they benefit him.
He will go down in history as the worst Governor Florida has ever day.
Jane K says
Great and brutally honest article as usual. Thank you for speaking the truth.
Brian says
I thought that the wanna-be comedian Diane Roberts had finally ridden off into the lefty-shill sunset. She’s going to need some new material, with the dead roof-topper ensuring Trumps’ November victory.
Laurel says
Brian: Please, do tell where the author is wrong, be specific and add facts.
I’ll wait.
Endless dark money says
Just because one dumb Maga shot another doesn’t mean my vote would change.
Gary says
Wow, the people that write these kind of articles are the real haters. Typical Democrats! Hate, hate, hate everything and praise. Praise praise yourself!
Tired of it says
Really? If you want to talk about hate just read trump’s posts or watch his rallies. A day doesn’ts go by that he doesn’t insult someone.
Kathy Duffy says
So when the next hurricane hits and it will with the ocean temps in June being what it usually takes until August to reach and it slams into Florida — will stated that it wasn’t climate change that it was …….. ??? I don’t know MAGIC maybe qualify us us for FEMA help?
Wallingford says
DeSantis can only do what his ego demands because of the overwhelming power the Republicans have in the Legislature; Democrats and Independents must unify in a concerted effort to change the political landscape. Desantis and his Posse have cost Floridians HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS by refusing funds from the Biden Administration. Funds that could be well spent
Laurel says
If the readers here would read Project 2025, they would see that DeSantis has already started that project here in Florida.
Hmmmm says
“Imagine the people who believe such things and who are not ashamed to ignore, totally, all the patient findings of thinking minds through all the centuries since the Bible was written. And it is these ignorant people, the most uneducated, the most unimaginative, the most unthinking among us, who would make themselves the guides and leaders of us all; who would force their feeble and childish beliefs on us; who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.”
― Isaac Asimov, The Roving Mind
John says
The Democratic party has always been the party of hate and racism it hasn’t changed they call it wokeism all the Democratic party does is spew hatred out of their mouths and that article sure proves it and the comments coming from the people on here about Republicans this is why our countries divided the hatred that you guys spew out of your mouth is disgusting if you don’t like it here in Florida move apparently the majority of Floridians love our governor