Gov. Ron DeSantis wants the Legislature to give him $8 million to ship asylum seekers transported by the Biden administration into Florida off to other states in an expanding initiative against what the governor calls President Joe Biden’s “open borders policy.”
“Its somewhat tongue-in-cheek but it is true: If you sent [them] to Delaware or Martha’s Vineyard or some of these places, that border would be secured the next day,” the governor said during a news conference at Jacksonville International Airport.
“But, instead, they’re imposing the results of their policies on states like Florida, who they love to hate, or whatever,” DeSantis said.
Additionally, the governor wants to:
- Bar any contractor involved in moving people into Florida from the border from doing business with state or local governments. The ban would apply to “buses, charter planes, what have you — any of those folks who are involved,” he said.
- Seek restitution from any such contractor for costs to the state — “whether they’re bringing, whether they’re harboring.”
- Extend the state’s “sanctuary city” ban to local governments that fail to cooperate with state immigration enforcement efforts. The law now applies to federal immigration enforcement.
- Give the state Department of Economic Opportunity authority to enforce the E-Verify system, which allows employers to confirm that prospective hires are entitled to work in the United States.
- Bar state agencies from issuing medical and child-services benefits to undocumented people. The agencies and hospitals would be required to report any such expenditures.
- Make criminal jurisdictions report convictions of undocumented persons to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for posting on a public website.
“If someone’s coming illegally and then they commit a serious criminal offense, that would not have happened had they enforced the law and secured the border. And so, it’s important to know how many of these crimes are easily preventable just by having enforcement of the law,” DeSantis said.
On orders from DeSantis, the Department of Children and Families now has issued a regulation denying licenses or renewals to organizations providing services to “unaccompanied alien children.” He said those kids are using resources he wants reserved for Florida children.
DeSantis, running for reelection next year and perhaps for president in 2024, has been criticizing Biden’s border policies for months, even shipping 50 state police officers to the Texas border town of Del Rio last month to help Gov. Greg Abbott patrol the U.S.-Mexico border.
He’s attacked Biden over mercy flights of undocumented unaccompanied minors to Florida for placement in children’s shelters or with sponsors, and the state has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to end the practice.
DeSantis and other Republican officials have alleged these flights occurred under cover of darkness and without notice to the state, although the feds insist that the state has been in the loop and that many flights landed during daytime, according to a report by CNN.
Administration sources told the news organization that such flights have long been routine, even occurring when Donald Trump, DeSantis’ political mentor, was president.
DeSantis and his allies point to the case of Yery Noel Medina Ulloa, a 24-year-old from Honduras who lied to border agents that he was a minor and was later accused of stabbing to death a benefactor in Jacksonville. Duval County Sheriff Mike Williams accompanied DeSantis to the news conference, as did Larry Keefe, the governor’s new “public safety czar,” and Jacksonville Mayor Lenny Curry.
The flights have stopped for now, DeSantis said.
No more cages
The Southern Poverty Law Center issued a written statement denouncing the governor’s “anti-immigrant and xenophobic agenda.”
“It is essential to protect all children, regardless of the color of their skin, the language they speak, their country of origin, or what situation they find themselves in. Eliminating licensed and child-centered housing harms all unaccompanied minors, including infants and young children, many of whom are escaping trauma, violence, and persecution,” SPLC attorney Anne Janet Hernandez Anderson said.
“Gov. DeSantis and the larger white supremacist and anti-immigrant movement, composed of a network of xenophobic legislators and organizations, seek to sanction the horror of exclusively placing unaccompanied children in [U.S. Customs and Border Protection] cages and mass federal shelters by eliminating licensed shelters.”
The governor conceded that the courts have consistently struck down states’ efforts to enforce immigration law as infringing on federal authority.
“Well, that would be fine if they were actually doing their job. But how is it their purview when then they don’t do the job? So, I think states should be able to step into that void, and so that’s what we’re looking to do,” DeSantis said.
Republicans’ overall complaint vastly distorts Biden’s policy, according to an analysis published by the libertarian Cato Institute. “This criticism is not simply inaccurate: it is unhinged from reality in a way that distinguishes itself from normal political hyperbole,” the analysis says.
“Indeed, U.S. immigration policy is effectively closed borders, and Biden’s immigration policies and goals are largely the same as those of President Donald Trump.”
Biden had admitted fewer refugees through Oct. 31 than during the last full year of Trump’s term, according to the U.S. government’s Refugee Processing Center.
Furthermore, his hand forced by a federal judge, Biden has announced plans to revamp Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy for asylum seekers, although with greater humanitarian safeguards than Trump ordered.
Still, DeSantis played up the danger of allowing even minors into the country.
“When I was serving in Iraq, we considered, like, a 16- or 17-year-old Iraqi to be a military-age male. And so, they’re effectively minors in that respect, but you have people that are more, you know, advanced,” he said.
“You don’t know who any of these folks are. There’s no documentation. You don’t necessarily know what country. Now, sometimes, like, I was down in Del Rio, you can see, I mean, there’s obviously a difference between someone coming from Guatemala or someone coming from Haiti. You can kinda figure that out. But, at the end of the day, you don’t know,” DeSantis continued.
He highlighted the dangers these children face during their long treks.
“As a father of young kids, I don’t want my kids out of my sight. I would never allow something like that to happen. But you’ve got a lot of bad things going on. The cartels are taking advantage of it, there’s human smuggling, it’s just a really bad situation.
“So, for us to be, as a country, basically facilitating that, it’s really, really bad policy. It’s very hazardous to have somebody who’s that young being illegally crossing international borders, that is just not a policy that we should want to entertain at all.”
–Michael Moline, Florida Phoenix
Bailey’s Mom says
When will the people of Florida expect more from their elected officials? His antics, prejudice, and lies must stop.
It’s time for a new Governor in Florida.
Vote in November 2022!
jake says
Frankly, it appears he is doing exactly what the citizens of Florida expect him to do, his job.
Fletcher says
Gov. DeSantis 2022
Pres. DeSantis 2028
Deborah Coffey says
YES!!! Let’s get it done. Florida will not survive the daily LIES from pro-Covid, anti-people Ron DeSantis.
Jacqueline Gordon says
How would you like it if your family was hurt by people who are not supposed to be here? You say you’re a mom, do you know what these kids are going thru, subjected to rape, torture, sex slaves? We welcome migrants done legally it is a great system. I am not xenophobic, I’m American so yes Americans first, those are my tax dollars I deserve a say where they are spent. I see so many liberals saying they support Bidens policy yet I don’t see any of them opening their doors to welcome illegals in their homes. Well I feel the same, I don’t want anything illegal in my home either. Governor DeSantis is doing a great job of protecting me and Florida. You know what is a shame the hell you are putting these people through thinking you’re doing good, wake up and smell the coffee. You want to help spend YOUR money into teaching these folks how to organize and take their country back. Lock down the borders 100% if the cartels can’t get drugs thru it will cut off their money, then all you whiny liberals can spend YOUR money to help out.
DeSantis 2022!
Denali says
Oh Jacqueline, you are not the first to speak these words. After the Europeans invaded these shores the “First Americans” were slaughtered, raped, forced into slavery, cheated, corralled on reservations, marched thousands of miles, given cholera infected blankets, lied to in treaties and then minimized to the point of no longer being relevant in their own land. And all this was after they had offered to share their land and knowledge with the White invader.
Don’t protest with any of your BS about not being responsible for those atrocities, for you stand on the shoulders of all the White invaders, without whom you would not exist. Your continued arrogance and maltreatment of others is no longer tenable in this world. Your brand of xenophobia is a cancer which must be eradicated from our society.
As for DeSantis, if you think for one second that he cares about you, get past that idea. All he cares about is playing to the fears that he and other radical right wingers have sown into your soul. He is so far into your head that he owns you. He doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about you, your family or this country; all he wants is power and money.
Bill says
When will the people of the US expect more from their elected officials? His antics, prejudice, and lies must stop!! It’s time for a new president in the US!
Vote in 2024!
The statement works best when pointed in the absolute right direction!
Republican says
I love Ron desantis and he is absolutely correct, this must stop, this administration is at fault for the danger these illegal immigrants are in. They are in danger before during and after crossing and what about the ones crossing not caught? There are people from approx 100 countries flooding in, what about homeland security? What’s the point of airport security when anyone can walk in. And why bother with vaccines if over a million people have illegally crossed with no testing or vaccine requirements. What about healthcare and housing for all these people? Do you honestly think it’s all free? If they weren’t encouraged to come here illegally by this democrat administration with promises of free everything they would not put themselves or children in this situation. I love Ron Desantis and this is not xenophobic or racist it is humane to stop this nonsense. Legal immigration is fine, we welcome anyone from anywhere but there are limits to our generosity. We cannot provide for the whole world it just isn’t possible. Yes the elections are coming so let’s keep Desantis right where he belongs.
cgm says
god bless desantis- greatest gov. ever
flatsflyer says
DeSantis is a real jerk, actually dumber than Trump. Needs mental health help, maybe a gallon of bleach injested every day would cue him.
JEK says
This governor is a dictator!!!
Florida Republican says
LOL Desantis a dictator? That is hilarious..what has he dictated? That you have to wear masks? That you have to be vaccinated? That you can’t have employees or customers unless they are vaccinated? He gave us the freedom to choose for ourselves..how is that bad? America is the land of the free and the home of the brave..if you don’t like it in Florida go to new York where your every move is dictated by
actual DICTATORS. Plus evidently there’s lots of real estate available judging by the new York tags I see everywhere.
Robjr says
Why doesn’t he just say ” if you DON’T LOOK LIKE ME then you have to go.”
Mark says
Because that is not what he is saying. You are implying because you can’t think.
Dennis says
I support DeSantis 100%. Illegals have no place in America. Come legally or don’t come at all. We have laws that Biden just looks the other way at. Biden will go down as the worst president in American history. The freebies need to stop. America can’t afford all the freebies and illegals.
Denali says
Yes, you are correct – illegals have no place in the Americas. I suggest set the example by packing your bags and heading back to wherever your family came from. The original inhabitants did not invite a single White Person to these shores. after they arrived, none were asked to stay. As a matter of fact when the original inhabitants of this country asked you to leave, you corralled them on reservations, took their land and slaughtered their people. Just saying that what’s good for one is good for all.
And please don’t give us any crap about how ‘I didn’t do that” or ‘My family had nothing to do with killing the native population’ – You and your family stand on the shoulders of every unwanted settler/rapist from Plymouth Rock to Jamestown. After all, were they not fleeing religious persecution?
Your double standard accepting the European pillage of the Americas yet denying entry to any person who does not look like you is nauseating.
Some Common Sense says
So according to your logic, every square foot of ground on Earth, from the beginning of time, we need to analyze and determine who was the first human to set foot on that ground, and only their direct descendants have claim to it…
Wars have been fought over land rights and resources since the beginning of time. There have always been winners and losers for every square foot of ground. Even the native people in the Americas did not consider themselves as one, but instead separate tribal nations, that often fought and took from each other, and they allied with Europeans to fight their neighbors. Europeans arrived, and with greater technology, eventually dominated the Americas. Native Americans often allied with different factions, to combat their own enemies. If you truly think that there was this unified nation of Native Americans, and Europeans just came over and wiped them off the map like that, you seriously need to read some history. Britain, France, Spain, and many, many tribes all formed alliances, clashed, and fought over land, over the course of a few hundred years.
Since then, we have formed a nation, the United States, with governing laws for all. That includes legal immigration laws. Laws must be followed.
Arguments like yours, trying to claim we are all rapists and none of us have any rights to anything is ridiculous. We don’t deny entry. We have laws governing entry. Laws are meant to be followed. Or maybe I should just walk into your house since you have no claim to that either by your logic? Were you the first to set foot on that land? Who did you buy it from? Did they have the rights to sell it to you? How many natives are you hosting for free in your home so as to alleviate yourself from your burden and guilt?
Denali says
You have completely missed my point. Just because “Wars have been fought over land rights and resources since the beginning of time.” does not make them right.
The White European made claim to this continent and established his dominance over the native residents – after all, they were nothing but savages. Yes, the French enticed the ‘Indians’ to join them into war against the British with promises of returning them to their ancestral lands, which obviously never happened. Look at the situation in Oklahoma to see just how screwed up things are.
Just because you have ‘greater technology’ does it give you the right to wipe a race off the earth? Does it give you the right to push them off the land they have lived on for centuries? To force them to walk thousands of miles to a desert reservation when they have lived all their lives in a forested area where all their needs were met by nature?
The British, French and Spanish brought their European wars to this continent and chased each other in and out of parts of what are now Canada, Florida, Louisiana, California and more. All the while taking land from the natives, enslaving them and killing them. Because after all, they were the superior race, they had the greater technology.
Manifest Destiny; based on the special virtues of the American people and their institutions, a belief in the inherent superiority of white Americans, the mission of the United States to redeem and remake the west in the image of the agrarian East, and an irresistible destiny to accomplish this essential duty. Grand words that were used to start the war with Mexico, slaughter the First People and spread slavery; but all based on White Supremacy.
Say what you will but the simple fact is that the White European armed with the belief of his supremacy and his greater technology set out to conquer the world and to take its wealth for his personal use. It did not matter what the indigenous people wanted or needed, they were simply speed bumps in the path of White progress.
You think your laws are so virtuous, we have borders, build the wall . . . In the grand scheme, your laws mean nothing. If the Chinese with their superior numbers and technology wanted to take possession of this land we live on, nothing we have could stop them, heck, they already own most of the country. Hold up your book of laws and try to fend them off. But, according to your statements, this invasion would be acceptable/inevitable because of their ‘greater technology’.
The day will come that the Whites will have to reckon for their mistreatment of other races just as the day is approaching that we will all pay for our ignorance to climate change. I know, silly me, it doesn’t exist.
Flatsflyer says
I agree, but let’s start with Trump, his twice weekly golf outings, his wife’s breast surgery, his family corruption, his get out of jail cards for his political friends, bribes, high crimes including treason costs more than anything except for the out of control military budget.
Timothy Patrick Welch says
Why has Congress not passed a bill that enhances the path to legal citizenship?
Jonathan says
DeathSantis is now also attacking Dr. Fauci saying “Lock Him Up” if something violent happens to Dr. Fauci who saves lives I hope his family sues Ron DeathSantis for every penny his has. Not to mention presses criminal charges against him.
He fails to remember Trumps base is only 30 per cent and that didn’t get him reelected. So, DeathSantis should stop acting like little boy Trump and act like a mature adult if he expects logical people to vote for him.
Stephen Smith says
If Florida ships people to other states. What’s to stop them from shipping their unwanted to Florida. Homelessness bad. Ship em to Florida. Crime Bad. Ship em to Florida. Unemployment bad. Ship em to Florida. Florida can then try to ship them back. We can have a whole new group of people migrating back and forth.
This is just another stunt by De Santis to bolster his Image upon his supporters so he can run for President.
Michael Cocchiola says
DeSantis…prince of white supremacists, This disgusting individual feeds disgusting fear and hatred to disgusting people. He and they must be stopped in 2022.
Jp says
The Republican Party is the party of fear. Their entire campaign is based on it. Fear of migrants, minorities, women, non-Christians, science, medicine and so many other things. The propaganda networks take this fear and amplify it all over the television. Meanwhile they continue to vote against anything that would benefit the people. Then they take credit for the things they voted against. And people still buy into it! Amazing!
Mark says
A.j says
DeSantis will not get my vote next year.He is bad for Fla. and the country.
Mark says
If Ron Desantis could read, he would be very upset by this article.
LetsBeReal says
The haters are outnumbered by a lot!
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