Gov. Ron DeSantis didn’t want Florida businesses to require customers to show proof of Covid-19 vaccinations to get served or to enter establishments, so he swayed lawmakers this spring to pass legislation banning “vaccine passports.”
Now, the governor says he also doesn’t support hospitals requiring their staff members to get vaccinated.
DeSantis would not say Thursday whether he would ban hospitals from requiring staff to get vaccinated but made clear he’s not a fan of the idea.
“It’s not something I support,” DeSantis said when asked about the issue during a news conference at Tampa General Hospital.
As the numbers of Covid-19 infections across the state spike and inpatient admissions soar, some hospitals are mandating vaccinations for staff members.
Jackson Health Chief Executive Officer Carlos Migoya announced at a news conference Thursday that the Miami hospital will require staff to be vaccinated or face restrictions, according to media reports. Migoya said staff who don’t have at least one vaccine dose by Aug. 23 will be required to wear N95 masks at all times. Migoya also said the hospital will give one-time $150 bonuses to workers who are completely vaccinated by Sept. 30.
Jackson Health’s announcement followed similar vaccination requirements from Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, Baptist Health Jacksonville and Ascension St. Vincent’s.
Also, the federal Department of Veterans Affairs is requiring most of its medical staff to get vaccinated.
DeSantis said front-line health care workers at Florida hospitals — as well as nursing homes — were among the first people who had access to shots after the federal government gave emergency-use authorization to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in December.
While DeSantis said between 80 percent and 90 percent of physicians got vaccinated, he said the uptake among nurses wasn’t as great.
Those comments were underscored by an AARP report last month that showed just 42 percent of Florida’s nursing-home workers were vaccinated. That was the second-lowest vaccination rate in the nation during a four-week review period and was significantly less than the 56 percent who were vaccinated nationwide.
“How that is implemented,” DeSantis said of vaccine mandates, “and how people respond to that, there will definitely be some reaction to that.”
DeSantis appeared at Tampa General as Florida’s Covid-19 death toll rises, infections spread and hospitalizations soar because of the highly transmissible delta variant of the coronavirus.
Florida reported an additional 20,133 new COVID-19 infections on Wednesday, making the state responsible for about 22 percent of the new cases reported nationwide for the day, according to data posted Thursday by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The state also reported 84 COVID-19 deaths Wednesday, accounting for nearly 17 percent of the reported deaths nationwide that day.
Meanwhile the numbers of people in Florida hospitals with COVID-19 reached 12,888, according to data maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Covid-19 patients are occupying 22 percent of the hospital beds in the state, the highest percentage in the nation, the data show. Florida also lags in vaccination rates, a factor that has contributed to the spike.
–Christine Sexton, News Service of Florida
Steve says
Next he will sponsor shots to inject C19 into people to get herd immunity. Don’t kbow what he’s thinking but I don’t agree with any of it. Won’t get my Vote again
Allison Elledge says
I keep trying to figure out what he gains by a higher death toll. Surely, it’s not votes.
A.j says
Health care workers not vaccinated surprised. Good job DeSantis, stand your ground,and oppose every shot mask and social distance. Do the state a favor and oppose him in the voting booth next year.A lot of power in #s. Vote his behind out of office,just like we did Trump. We can do it, will we?
Sherry says
“I” personally will not be allowing any un-vaccinated person near me. . . ESPECIALLY medical staff!
Why is it that so many Republican leaders like De Santis and Cruz have such a twisted point of view? When a “Democrat” wants a rule or a law or a mandate, it’s called “Socialism”. But, when horrific De Santis passes (likely illegal) mandates stopping local governing bodies/private businesses from making public health decisions, his base doesn’t see that as completely WRONG or Socialistic and Dictatorial.
Take your brain back! Take your power back! Do your own research and find actual FACTS! Follow the science, not the politicians! Vote for the person, not the party! Truth Matters! FACTS Matter!
capt says
Same here, as a person out of radiation treatments, I know that my medical team has all been vaccinated and its on my chart, I will not see anyone that has not been vaccinated. And what is interesting, and I’m very supportive of this ruling by my hospital.. “”The Rochester, Minn.-based Mayo Clinic is requiring all of its employees, including those at its Jacksonville campus, to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 by Sept. 17.” And there is not one thing DeSantis can do about it. Agree, follow the science and get your face out of FB and your ears away from neighborhood conspiracy theorist, think for yourself, it could save your life. .
Kathy says
Do you ask everyone around you if they’re vaccinated? If they say yes, do you believe them? If they say no do you tell them to get away from you? I simply wear a mask wherever I go because I don’t believe anyone! Common sense to protect yourself if you’re not comfortable with your surroundings. This back and forth is going to go on for years and both sides will be blamed over and over again.
You say De Santis mandates are “likely illegal”. Did you do your research, fact finding, etc. before making that statement?
Maggie says
How many of those admissions are discharged without death? How many of those deaths are bona-fide COVID-related? I know you must not know, or you would tell us. Maybe you could find out?
And don’t tell me I don’t need to know–YOU report the facts and I will apply them accordingly.
Mod says
Our governor just like trump is punting
Leaving it up to someone else to decide
Trump left it up to the states. When I guess he didn’t know we are the United States
Desantis is leaving it up to family to make their decision weather to wear a mask
Again punting
This virus is never going away unless everyone take part in killing it
Which means we all must do the same thing and the same time
United we stand …. Or fall
Ted Underhill says
Maybe it’s a matter of reverse psychology. He rejects all sensible recommendations brought to him by medical professionals because they are not his ideas. He is such a narcissist, maybe we should treat him like a three year old and convince him that he came up with the idea to wear masks and get vaccinated so he gets behind it. Ronnie you are such a silly man. Acceptable losses are not a part of modern medicine. Please don’t gamble with your constituents lives.
Mike Thompson says
Love Desantis!
Something to think about.. says
The question here is.. Does HE love YOU as well??
Will HE be there for you or your family at their or your hospital bedside? Will HE be there to comfort your family? Will HE be there and find it in HIS heart, in the event that GOD FORBID you or your loved ones loose their battle against this horrible virus? Will HE use HIS personal money and time, to help pick up the broken pieces of your broken family that will NEVER EVER be complete again?
I don’t know about you or others alike, who pledge their love to this individual so much, but maybe it’s something you might want to ask yourselves..
Mike Thompson says
I love the man because I was still able to run my business and take care of my family when the shutdown came. Unlike my family in Jersey who lost everything they owned. No matter what, people still have bills to pay.
marlee says
Mike Thompson
I hope you don’t have an UN-vaccinated healthcare worker breathing in your face if you need their help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you have any idea how many facilities had to ban visitors to patients because the healthcare workers are not vaccinated and are spreading Covid?
Stephen Smith says
Just what is going on in this mans head? What is his endgame here? Is it to cement his billing as the new Trump? I just don’t get this man. He is the governor of the state. As such it is his duty to protect the citizens of Florida. You can’t fulfill this duty by placing your citizens in danger. I truly believe that if DeSantis had fully embraced vaccinations and masks Florida would not be in this terrible mess it is in today. We do not need another Florida meme as the Covid 19 capital of the US. He needs to go.
Guido says
I just can’t believe how so many people want their government to tell them what to do. Freedom was fought for. Men and women died to give us freedoms. Think for yourself and do what is right for you and leave the government out of it. Be an adult!
Pierre Tristam says
Priceless juxtaposition.
“I just can’t believe how so many people want their government to tell them what to do.”
“Freedom was fought for.”
Who the hell do you think organized, drafted, ordered and conducted those campaigns? IBM? Your HOA? Your weekend milita buddies? Who but government? And who else but government can address a cataclysmic pandemic?
mark101 says
His endgame is only one thing. To get elected President. That’s it. He’s following the Trump plan and going after those 72 million voters that stood with Trump.
Attorney DeSantis thinks only Democrat voters die of COVID.
What in the crazy fascist leader? says
Something needs to be done about this man using his power and position to cause harm to the people of this state. He appears unhinged. Would you want to be in the hospital with say, gall bladder and your nurse has not been vaccinated? They’d be risking infecting you and all the patients they see in that shift. Covid is airborne and can be spread from patient to patient and nurse to patient. Doubtful you’d want yourself or your loved one being purposely exposed to a dangerous contagious virus. Why is the health dept, public school system and possibly now hospitals caving to this fascist dictator. He needs to be removed from office. He is unfit.
Sherry says
@ kathy. . . . please note that I said “likely”. Of course I did my research. . . in places other than FOX and social media. The judges will decide, but there are experts who are developing lawsuits right now. Here is an example of just one of many of the lawsuits brewing over the dictatorial DeSantis mandates:
Sherry says
@ Maggie. . . this is NOT a “zero sum game”, it’s not just about the numbers dying.
“Think” this through. . . thousands of people being “un-necessarily” hospitalized is not only heart breaking when we consider the terrible pain and suffering, the ripple effect includes the time off work, and lost wages in addition to those medical bills. “Think” of the direct financial impact on the immediate family. “Think” of the long termed health effects that could come back a a health problem in the future.
Beyond, the sick person and their family, “think” of the impact that hospital stay has on our society with insurance premiums rising, with our loss of that person in the work force, etc.
“Think” about how our entire society not being able to safely return to normal simply because so many have turn away from being guided by medical and scientific experts. Do not rely simply on Flaglerlive, or FOX, or CNN. or certainly any politician to tell you how to live a healthy happy life. Each of us needs to conduct our own search for “credibly factual information” from the experts in different fields to create a trusted composite of the truth that will be our guiding light.
Remember, the decisions you make regarding how you will conduct yourself in dealing with this terrible and tragic pandemic has ripple effects that reach each one of us. Not only are we connected by our common humanity, but how we act and react in these extremely challenging times.
Joy! Peace! and Love!
Sherry says
Kathy. . . Yes, I do ask all those around me if they have been vaccinated. Yes, I believe my friends. I don’t hang out with those I do not trust. I’m also smart enough not to be in large crowds during a pandemic. Life may not be normal, but it is certainly good!
Sherry says
Dear Capt.
So glad to hear that you had a good experience at Mayo. You have my very best wishes for your complete and speedy recovery. Sending a virtual hug!
I can’t honestly say that my experience at Advent has been that stellar, but I’m making sure to actively participate in my treatment to make sure it stays at a high level, and that includes keeping all un-vaccinated people away. My best advice to anyone under medical treatment. . . do not just assume those treating you are using “best practices” by being vaccinated. ASK!
jake says
Good for DeSantis. For those of you that disagree, please, do back to where you came from, you won’t be missed.
Steve says
Spoken like a true blue cracker who couldn’t find back where ya done come from with a map. Go back to your corner and wave a flag
marlee says
Sherry says
@ Mike Thompson. . . So, you put money over people’s lives, how very terrible for you!
The epitome of the “dark side of capitalism”. Hoping that financial legacy is a great comfort to the future generations of your family after risking “our” connected lives for you to provide it.
Sherry says
@ Jake. . . thanks so much for reminding us that we still have a lot of work to do in order to put that lid tightly back on the putrid cesspool of humanity.
Sherry says
@Kathy. . . Here is just the first of the DeSantis mandates to be found “ILLEGAL”:
Just as I said. . . Awwwww!
My new tee shirt from Amazon says . . . Don’t DeSantis My Florida! To the intelligent reasonable non-cult members. . .let’s all buy them and wear them! YES!