By Monte F. Bourjaily IV
Fights over public education in Virginia and other states that propose to divert resources from public schools or limit the ideas students can explore threaten democracy at its roots. I am a Fairfax County, Va., public school teacher and a parent. I teach courses on government, American history, and law in society. As such, I am a civics teacher and I take seriously my job to teach young people how to engage effectively as citizens in our democracy.
Attacks on public education that seek to defund and muzzle it divert our attention away from the civic ideas on which the United States was founded: equality, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness within the rule of law. Public school is the forum for teaching young people how to engage with the contentious ideas that sustain our democracy. That training is necessary for democratic self-rule, and public school ensures the access promised by the Declaration of Independence.
Parental voice and local decision making are essential elements of American education. Parents don’t just want an adequate education for their children; most want one that is excellent and prepares their children to thrive as adults. They want teachers who care about their children, make the classroom a safe place, and who nourish their children intellectually and emotionally. This is a challenge that we teachers accept every day. We teach content, but we also monitor and mentor our students. The content we teach is based on standards and curriculum set by the state, local school boards, and other entities like the College Board.
As teachers, our responsibility is to develop lessons that engage students and encourage them to learn. Each day, I reflect as I teach, asking myself if my students are learning what I am teaching. The materials I use are calculated to meet curricular expectations and what I judge to be my students’ abilities, skills, needs, and interests. My goal is to ensure learning through engagement.
What I seek to cultivate is a habit of learning that will last a lifetime. My content is a perfect tool for teaching students skills of rigorous inquiry using methods like close reading and the Socratic Method to refine their capacity to think critically. As a teacher of American history and government, I am charged with teaching students how to evaluate and understand for themselves what it means to be American, including how our democracy developed from its colonial roots to the Constitutional system Americans have refined over the last 250 years.
I take seriously the question Alexander Hamilton posed in Federalist 1 when he asked whether Americans, as a model to the world, “are really capable or not of establishing good government by reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend for their political constitutions on accident and force.” I embrace James Madison’s assertion in Federalist 10 that suppressing disagreeable ideas is worse than the discord of contention from the competition of ideas. The solution Hamilton, Madison, and the Antifederalists pointed to is the rule of law framework of the Constitution and Bill of Rights that “we the people” ratified and live within today.
‘Reflection and choice’
Public school social studies and literature classrooms are constructed and controlled spaces for developing students’ capacities of “reflection and choice” through the study and examination of human nature, the actual behaviors of real people, the interpretations of those telling stories to make sense of the world and the systems and structures that emerge as a consequence of human action. What all of the Founders understood was that human behavior was messy and self-interested. They had the wisdom to see self-interest as a virtue, not a vice, and harness it as energy to drive forward the American experiment.
This is what I teach my students; or rather, it is what I hope they will discover and appreciate as a result of our study. To understand why the contentiousness of America’s politics is generally healthy but repellent to authoritarian regimes that claim to be democracies, students must study the very issues that cause Americans to disagree with one another and learn healthy methods of civic engagement. Banning materials and the study of concepts because they make some uncomfortable or are labeled “divisive” undermines the very purpose of education for democracy. For our government to impose these restrictions is to do what the Chinese Communist Party did as part of the crackdown in Hong Kong when it eliminated Liberal Studies classes.
Restricting materials and ideas chills teachers and effective teaching. Worse, it denies students the access to ideas and their First Amendment right to know. This is an insidious form of government control called a memory law and is reminiscent of George Orwell’s “1984.”
Practical considerations
This is not just a Constitutional issue – it is practical. It is reasonable and expected to ask, “what is developmentally appropriate for students?” I ask myself this question when I choose readings and set expectations as I plan lessons. If government, however, bans students’ access to developmentally appropriate ideas or materials out of fear of what students will think or learn, it disarms young learners, leaving them vulnerable in the future to an adult with a competing interest and willingness to exploit your son or daughter’s ignorance.
See the public school classroom for what it is: the academic equivalent of the athletic field, auditorium stage, or wrestling room. Rather than reduce our support for public schools and the teachers who work to nurture our children, we should work together – teachers, parents, administrators, and politicians – to ensure that public school classrooms are and remain intentionally constructed spaces equipped as the training ground for contentious, democratic self-rule.
Monte F. Bourjaily IV is a lawyer who teaches AP US Government and Law & Society at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Technology in Fairfax County, Virginia. This article is republished from the Virginia Mercury, which, like the Phoenix, is a member of the nonprofit States Newsroom network.
JimboXYZ says
Democracy & it’s strife is being taught, apparently those willing to absorb & learn that come out of the K-12 system with Democracy. The problem is those students that never learn to read, write or math to their grade level. How does 70% of the student body fail themselves to accomplish what the other 30% accomplish in the same system ? FCOL, even if it wasn’t ever taught in K-12, it’s on the bleeping internet at the access & ease of a search engine web query. Read & learn it, take whatever is being relayed from that. Parents are going to have to teach their children that there are some things in this world that are learned thru other sources than a formal school classroom setting, whether it be something they learn & test for themselves for repeated validation & success. That’s the journey of life really. And some things in this world you do for free, because you have to, there is no paycheck, there is no standing ovation for doing what is expected and what accrues as a benefit for doing for themselves.
Teachers care says
Well written! I have been a teacher for many years in a variety of venues. I have seen many a student hurt due to their vulnerabilities from not having learned world issues in a safe space where they can experience alternative perspectives, discussion, and practice with thinking. The critical thinking that brings valid communication, historical perspective, and an educated decision maker. A person who becomes a citizen!
ban the GOP says
I dont think the war against education will stop until republicons are removed from office at every level. They need ignorant people as they are easily fooled by murdocks misinformation campaigns. When do they unban books, when will they figure how to proper fund schools after repubs defunded them. Facism takes hold during late stage capitalism, gop’ers love the platform of Adolf as they are doing the same things and turning up the hate. Cant debate with stupid. School of Nazis in Jax now recieve public tax dollars in which there are zero standards all while the actual public schools are getting funds taken as costs increase. But tell me more how you care about kids haha.
Joe D says
If we want informed citizens (and voters) “Civics” and the democratic (SMALL “D”) process need to be taught AND DISCUSSED in our schools.
Now maybe just a SIMPLIFIED /WATERED DOWN version in Elementary School ( everyone gets a vote/majority rules), but certainly OPEN DISCUSSION by Middle School. If you don’t want to create generations of “SHEEPLE” who blindly believe (follow) EVERYTHING they are told by the FORMAL MEDIA, by social social media, and by political influencers, then discussion of history/rights/ laws/ the court system, have to be Discussed…and yes QUESTIONED!
You need to know WHERE the information came from (accurate data, or someone’s OPINION), WHY that information is important, and can I BELIEVE what’s being said, without checking deeper for the TRUTH of the matter. And, lastly, is the status quo of how things have been done in the past RIGHT? FAIR? And ALLOWED to GO ON without CHANGE?
Many people in high powered business and political positions DON’T WANT EDUCATED citizens (voters), it’s much easier to MANIPULATE opinions, when NO ONE questions what’s being said.
One case occurred yesterday 10/17: the re was a bombing at a GAZA Hospital, which was IMMEDIATELY attributed to ISRAEL ( without being questioned). It caused an ARAB summit of numerous countries with President Biden ( in an effort to prevent the conflict getting MORE counties involved ) to be cancelled in outrage.
Now evidence is coming to light that it was most probably NOT caused by ISRAEL, but likely another Arab terrorist group in GAZA which had a misfired rocket intended for Israel, explode outside the hospital. New evidence (no exploding incoming rocket craters, no exterior hospital wall rocket holes from incoming Israeli rockets) is now appearing. The new evidence is being evaluated, but the WORLD immediately wanted to believe that ISRAEL would intentionally target a large hospital.
Of course all that take TIME! Just being satisfied with text SOUND BITES, social media banners, and even major new sources news CLIPS have become our FULL SOURCE of information (gone are the days where I remember my father sitting in the living room reading the DAILY newspaper AFTER the nightly TV news was over to read IN-DEPTH versions of the 30 second glimpse of the issue on the TV). Now newspapers are dying out.
If we don’t allow our children (especially High School and College level students) to QUESTION things, then we are going to have a small, and radical (both sides) group of people determining our future….how SAD for my children and GRANDCHILDREN!