In the latest of a string of successes for the Flagler County Airport’s economic zone, the Flagler County Commission Monday evening agreed to a five-year lease, potentially expandable to 30, with a Delaware-based aircraft certification company that will take possession of the old, 14,000-square-foot Ginn hangar and offices that had been costing the county considerably more money than it was bringing in for most of its existence.
The $10,500-a-month lease with New Castle, Del.-based Delta Engineering will end that bleeding for good. The county had built the structure for the now-defunct Ginn Corporation during the housing boom year, but was left holding a $2 million debt when Ginn went bankrupt. The lease to Delta Engineering means that every building at the county airport is now fully occupied and either paid for or paying for itself, a significant turn-around from a time just four years ago when the airport a small herd of white elephants. Just last summer, the National Guard announced that it was moving a large operation into another building with a troubled history at the airport.
The turn-around has largely been the result of the work of County Administrator Craig Coffey and Airport Director Roy Sieger, the latter being most instrumental in landing Delta Engineering after meetings with the company’s principals–a father and his adult two children.
Delta Engineering, according to a county news release, provides the aviation industry with certification, engineering and manufacturing services. Its projects range from small single engine aircraft to Boeing 747-400 and 777. The company provides FAA certification for aircraft modification and parts manufacturing, designs and manufactures the kits and parts for the aircraft modifications, engineers the avionics for specialized data acquisition system requirements and builds testing equipment load simulators.
Sieger announced the deal in the presence of one of the principals, Jonathan Moritz, at a county commission meeting Monday, shortly before the commission approved the lease. Delta Engineering isn’t abandoning Delaware so much as expanding in Flagler County, Moritz said.
“The reason why we’re leaving or expanding down here versus Delaware is a lot of pushback that we got from the county up in that area,” Moritz said. “So, hey, you’re going to push back, we’ll find another place, especially with being warmer in Florida. Why not?”
Moritz said the company has about 30 employees in Delaware. It expects to hire expects to hire 10 to 30 people in the next 24 months, with salaries ranging between $70,000 and $120,000. The move into the old Ginn building may be temporary. “This facility to begin with is just to get them started here,” Sieger said. “They do plan on building a bigger facility on the south side of the airport, much bigger than the current hangar they’ll be in right now.”
Significantly, the county’s economic development department was not mentioned in the announcement Monday, nor did the meetings leading up to the announcement involve it directly. Moritz explained that his family is a member of the Disney Vacation Club, had been in the area hopping from airport to airport, looking for a place to expand, and met Sieger after the older Moritz–John, who unsuccessfully ran for a state senate seat in Delaware in 2010–connected with him.
“We just came over, saw the hangar and said, it’s perfect. The county, Roy, Sally met with my father,” Moritz said, referring to Sally Sherman, the deputy county administrator, “very helpful, outgoing, and we said this is the place.”
The proposal was included on the commission’s consent agenda–the portion of the agenda that includes numerous items that are usually approved wholesale–until Commissioner Charlie Ericksen, who has always maintained close connections with the airport, pulled the item for discussion, and to give Sieger a chance to highlight the deal.
The proposal drew only one comment–from Alan Peterson, who was a county commissioner during the airport’s darkest days: he remembers being singed when the county got burned, and cautioned against a repeat of those days.
The lease, Coffey said, includes a sublet provision, “and the reality is if they brought a sub-supplier of theirs along and put them in that hangar we would work with them on that to expand jobs and opportunities here,” Coffey said. “I think we’ve got that addressed, I think it’s Ok, and they’ll still pay the rent at the end of the day, that would be great.”
All sub-leases have to come before the county commission for approval.
Citizen says
The county is still at a loss as they have not recovered the loss since the building was built and Ginn jumped ship. Just like the old courthouse, year after year our tax dollars keep getting poured into it with no plan. A good county administrator would have had a plan for the old courthouse before it was ever vacated. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probaby is… This group is in for a surprise coming to Flagler County. I bet their days here are limited.
Joe says
How many years have the tax payers been carrying this place ?
Anonymous says
confidential says
I can’t believe the head line of this editorial about “White Elephant No More” . Are you kidding us all the robbed taxpayers of this county..? Lease of $10,500/month for 60 months comes only to $630,000 total and if by a miracle, this Delaware company doesn’t vacate it earlier. Anyway we were paying over $20,000 or so for the 2 million mortgage on It correct? all wasted in an empty hangar for years passed. Yes we all the county taxpayers funds these frivolities for the wealthy broken promises and shameful contracts agreed by the county administrators past and present, not sustained by the airport enterprise as they want to shoved up into our brain washable minds.
Sorry Coffe that doesn’t cut it for us to justify your current pay to run the 20% of this county and much less the over 5% increase approved by your FCBOCC minions.
Anonymous says
~ Anyway we were paying over $20,000 or so for the 2 million mortgage on It correct? ~ well yes and no the yes is that the mortgage WAS 20K the no is that it had been re addressed and is not that any longer and it will not be a loss any longer. The airport is not run on our County Airport is NOT run on local tax dollars.
Schottey says
In before the negative nancies who will find a way to complain about any job additions in the county in their never-ending quest to never see anything positive about Palm Coast or offer any solutions to their many aired grievances…
steve miller says
They will find a way to make it cost the taxpayers money!