Gov. Ron DeSantis today announced that Florida was now in Phase 3 reopening of its economy, lifting all restrictions on businesses, including all seating restrictions on restaurants, and forbidding local governments from imposing restrictions absent state approval. The move returns the state to an all-but-normal status that relegates coronavirus concerns and precautions to a deep background, moving business concerns to the forefront.
“We’re not closing anything going forward,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis made his announcement in St. Petersburg at midday, as the Florida Health Department was announcing 120 covid-related deaths confirmed in the previous 24 hours, for a total of just under 14,000, and nearly 3,000 new coronavirus infections, for a total of just under 700,000, third-most in the nation. The governor did not offer new resources to public health agencies.
The state’s positivity rate was at 12 percent in the past two weeks, seven points above what the World Health Organization considers a safe level for safe reopenings. Flagler County has continued to see a local spike for the fourth week in a row, with 200 cases in the last two weeks alone and a positivity rate in the 10 percent range. The local health department just this week reported on a rare “superspreader” event at the Social Club of Palm Coast, where large gatherings and lax enforcement of masks and social distancing led to dozens of new infections at at least two deaths.
Florida’s daily case load has leveled in the 2,500 range in September, well above last spring’s numbers. Nationally, cases had fallen for much of August and the beginning of September, but the numbers have been rising against for the past two weeks. Covid-related deaths exceeded 200,000 this week.
While potentially beneficial to business, the Florida governor’s move still depends on consumer confidence, which remains tepid even as struggles to move from pandemic lows. In Florida, consumer confidence fell again in July and August, a reflection from the steep spike in covid-19 cases the state experienced in June and July, after DeSantis and local governments relaxed restrictions too rapidly in May.
“Most of the pessimism in August stems from Floridians’ views about their current economic conditions, particularly from opinions about their personal financial situation now compared with a year ago. Notably, this component of the index reached its lowest level since February 2014,” said Hector H. Sandoval, director of the Economic Analysis Program at UF’s Bureau of Economic and Business Research earlier this month. “The decline in consumer sentiment, particularly in Floridians’ views about their personal finances, comes as no surprise. The resulting loss of tourism business from the pandemic has continued to severely impact Florida’s economy. The state’s unemployment rate remained at historically high levels in July; coupled with the expiration of the weekly $600 in enhanced unemployment benefits from the federal government at the end of July, the economic situation deteriorated for those out of work.”
DeSantis today appeared to be aiming for a psychological stimulus, hoping that a broader reopening of restaurants would spur more out-of-home spending.
“We are today moving into what we initially called Phase 3, and what means for the restaurants is that there will not be limitations from the state of Florida, and in fact, we’re also cognisant about the need for business certainty. There have been some local closures, and other types of restrictions, and so the order that I’m signing today will guarantee restaurants to operate, will not allow closure, they can operate at a minimum of 50 percent regardless of local rules, and then if a local restricts between 50 and 100, they’ve got to provide the justification and they’ve got to identify what the costs involved with doing that are.”
DeSantis spoke of the previous attempts to “slow the spread” through restrictions but downplayed those effect’s usefulness, speaking doubtfully of contentions that restrictions should stay in place until a vaccine is found. Conflating unspecified claims attributed to “people” with his desired policy, he then referred dismissively to the contention that “now people are saying, hey, even if there’s a vaccine, it’s still going to take another year before you can operate appropriately.”
That is not what public health experts have been saying.
“If we can get everyone to pull together and realize we all want to open up the economy, we all want to get people back to work, we all want to get a degree of normality, the best way to do that, as I said many times before and I’ll say it again, is to get that level of infection in the community down,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said in an interview this week, remarks he echoed in Senate testimony. “The easiest way to get your children back to school when you’re in a red zone is do everything you can to make sure the zone you are in changes from red to green. Then you can get the kids back to school.”
Fauci continued: “Let’s assume that we get a reasonably effective vaccine. Not measles vaccine where you have a 98 percent effective — I think that would be almost too much to ask for — but let’s talk about 75, 80 percent effective vaccine, which would be really good if we did that,” he said. “If we did that and we ultimately got everybody who should be and could be vaccinated, I would think that, together with not necessarily abruptly ending measures like masks and physical distancing, if we could get the majority of the community to adopt those health measures together with a reasonably effective vaccine, then we could get the level of infection down so low in the community that by the third quarter end of 2021 we could start thinking in terms of normal.”
That’s the fuller context of the claim that normalcy may not be as sharply attainable as assumed. It’s not clear if that’s the context DeSantis had in mind today when he spoke of ending restrictions on restaurants: “I don’t think that’s viable, I don’t think that that is acceptable, and so I think that this will be very, very important to the industry.”
What appears clearer is that DeSantis was decoupling for good the connection between science and public health on one hand and the economy on the other, opting exclusively for a focus on business measures. Every business has the right to operate, he said. Local governments “can do reasonable regulations, but you can’t just say no, you can’t say no after six months and just have people twisting in the wind.”
As he has through his tenure through the pandemic, DeSantis spoke without public health, medical or scientific experts weighing in, and at one point showed a board listing “fatality rates” of coronavirus by age to argue that for all but the elderly, the disease’s fatality rate is negligible–a claim at variance with actual numbers that show that 2,500 of Florida’s 14,000 covid-related deaths so far, or 18 percent, were those of people under 65.
The fatality rate by age also neglects to take account of the infection rate, which is both more promiscuous and more universal: based on a consensus of the scientific literature so far, in all age groups but those under 10, infections spread equally. So while a 20-year-old person is very unlikely to die, that 20-year-old will infect a 65-year-old no less effectively than a 65-year-old will infect a person of the same age. Additionally, DeSantis’s figures mentioned neither hospitalization nor post-hospitalization recovery, which can be long and hard, or complications from mere infections.
He touted reopening’s broader numbers: Schools have opened. All the theme parks are open. More people have visited. And what has happened with hospitalizations? Covid-positive hospitalizations are down 76 percent since the July peak,” he said. He did not mention the daily death average: just over 100.
The Florida chapter of the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, a left-leaning group, issued a news release that said more testing is needed to bring the semblance of normalcy DeSantis craves.
“Some of the top economists across the country have told Gov. DeSantis in no uncertain terms that the economy will not recover until he gets the virus under control,” the group said. “Yet, the governor is preventing potentially life-saving restrictions while Covid-19 cases are still well above the levels that health professionals deem safe for reopening. Prohibiting restrictions, especially in high-risk settings for spreading the virus like indoor dining, will prolong economic damage and risk lives unnecessarily.”
Carol says
Thank God, that’s great news!
Vicki says
I Love our governor!!! Thank you Jesus!!
Disgusted says
Yes! If you have a death wish or do not regard the lives of senior citizens as having any value. Florida is still currently #3 (behind CA and TX) in terms of COVID cases and deaths. So this is Ron-the-Don De Santis’s strategy? Ignore and defeat? Yes, as Trump has said, again and again…someday it will just disappear. Well, some of us may disappear before that day. Rah-rah.
Disgusted says
Oh yes! Thank God! Our Ron-the-(Donald) De Santis has decided that, despite FLORIDA still ranking #3 nationwide for COVID cases, he will ignore the CDC and Fauci and virtually every public health specialist and start Phase 3! As a senior citizen, I will continue to self quarantine, and will leave this sorry state of affairs as soon as I vote for change.
Steve says
Dont worry no problem Dr. Atlas the new”Spin Doctor” Radiologist extraordinaire has come the forefront and given the all clear because Science doesnt know. Relax many will die but It Is What It Is, soon to disappear along with the culled herd. WTG
freeatlast says
Oh goodie! I guess that means as a COVID19 victim I can go shopping and to the restaurant and not have to wear a mask! Oh boy oh boy oh boy – FREE at last – to spread ‘freedom’ to everyone else! It’s my CONSTITUTIONAL right, correct, right wingers? Can’t wait!
M. A. Leschi says
This is insane!
It baffles me that many don’t understand the true severity of this killer virus.
He has a family and children. Does he not care? It’s homicidal at worst and sheer and utter incompetence at best.
And the Economy? How likely is the economy to grow as the number of sick and dying persist?
There will be no true Economic Recovery as long as this type of negligence persists in this state.
I am so disturbed and appalled by this.
How many more people have to die?
Recall him!!
Kat says
You called it correctly, a complete decoupling of public responsibility from science (Let alone common sense). How much more does it take for people to realize that today’s republican party puts money and power far above respect for life and morality? The same people that shake the Bible and like to scream that they are pro-life do not seem to care at all about the millions infected and the hundreds of thousands dead. What happened to love (and protect) thy neighbor? The same people who freak out about their “Right not to wear a mask” could care less about a woman’s reproductive rights or minorities rights to vote. What is the good in opening businesses without containment measures if it only makes more people sick and causes more deaths? Do sick and dead people spend money?
John F. Pollinger says
A few weeks ago, Publix removed the one way isles. Today I noticed they removed the markers for social distancing. Now Governor DeSantis has just told all Floridians…….Ok folks, you’re on your own.
jonesey says
I have heard from many, many affected long term care residents that they will not be voting for DeSantis or Trump because of what they allowed to happen to them in their facilities.
Steve says
I dont like it. Its reckless in the face of what is projected both Domestic and International. A National plan Months ago would have done the trick. No one cares what I think but this is to appease the followers and his Leader. He is not what he appears. A failure as a Governor. Not a Leader. A groveling yes man. I can only Hope Iam wrong and there isnt a massive price to pay. I will continue to do what makes me comfortable. Nothing he says will convince me otherwise. God Bless
wow says
Let’s see if I understand. A Republican governor made blanket (unneeded) regulations over-reaching local control. I thought the Republicans are always crying about government overstepping their bounds, about wanting “fewer regulations” and “small government.” But he is making a regulation that negates local ordinances. Is this “small government”? That local conditions and local boards don’t have the right to decide what makes sense in their own city? Local regulations already exist and it makes sense to keep it local. We don’t need a big brother law telling the towns what they “need”. Just another hypocrite Republican.
tulip says
I get the distinct feeling that we are being forced into a communal transmission of the virus or “herd immunity” as our cruel president puts it, and our ignorant governor also. Just remember that many many of you people who love being “freed” from constriction and following rules when we are 3rd highest for covid cases and rising are also going to be sickened and or die, as well as infecting your own families, children, friends etc. Think of what’s going to happen during holiday season with people blithely traveling and moving about without any serious thought about Covid, until it strikes them personally and then it’s too late.
Gov Santis has made a bad decision and is also not allowing cities and towns the right to close businesses who are not following rules and contributing to the spread of this disease.
Jason Barton says
I guess Death-Santis is following his orange master’s playbook. We know now what side believes in death panels. As for me, I’ve put aside some of my unemployment money, and I’m laying low for as long as possible … I’m planning on living long enough to vote that orange shitstain out.
Get Smart says
I get that businesses want to be fully open so they don’t lose money or end up having to close. I just can’t see how there’s not going to be a surge in cases. I wish I could say the governor’s decision was based in science but it is clearly political.
I am concerned about our healthcare professionals and other staff in Florida having to deal with a surge in cases we will surely see in the coming weeks and months.
If you think that “social club” experiment ended badly, wait until you see what happens when restaurants, bars etc have repeated crowed, loud gatherings etc.
Any business that does not enforce a mask mandate will not get my $$$. Either online or in person.
Condolences in advance to anyone who gets ill or dies or who’s loved ones do. Be smart. Use common sense. Be an adult. Be a decent person, if you have that capacity which means do not endanger the vulnerable.
foresee says
… and don’t forget that many other states (and countries) will institute travel bans against Florida which will further hurt the state’s economy. Bye bye snowbirds! Bye bye tourists!
mark101 says
Trump Jr at his best. I can’t wait for an increase in new cases and we go through all of the restrictions, again. And if the real scientist are right, the second wave of Covid 19 will occur in the fall and winter . And of course the “I don’t care crowd” and the I don’t care business will allow full anti CDC guideline modeling and we will again read about a large gathering with positives and a couple of deaths like what occurred late last month at the Social Club of Palm Coast on Old Kings Road ( 50 infected, 2 deaths) . We shall see.
Frederick Jr says
Stop watching the news. Have you been outside lately? It’s beautiful. Stop living in fear.
It’s not living fear. It’s understanding the problem and protecting the people of Fl. Our Gov will be voted out do to his uncaring leadership.
Travelerandnotafraid* says
Agreed. Live you life and stop being afraid of covid.. We traveled, two weeks ago, on 5 different flights that included Miami, Dallas, San Fran, Phoenix, Dallas and Tampa. Guess what, we’re still alive, breathing and living our lives. Folks need to stop watching the news 24/7 and get back to living!!!! Life is short enough folks, you’re just wasting your days~
TR says
I agree 1000%. A lot of people don’t understand the guide lines. If your outside and not near anyone you don’t need a mask. If your in your car by yourself you don’t need a mask. If your in a store and stay 6′ or more away from others you don’t need a mask. If your in a store and don’t stop to talk to anyone and have to pass someone going in the opposite direction and your not wearing a mask, just turn your head away from the other person until you pass them and you won’t need a mask. I refuse to live in fear for the rest of my life just because the Democrats want me to. I still have plenty of life to live and it won’t be inside of restricted. I have a right with freedoms. Oh yea, I forgot. If your in your car by yourself and your wearing a mask. You don’t need a bumper sticker on your car that says Biden/Harris. We all already know.
Surfgod says
Totally agree. Live your life. If you that worried, self-quarantining is still recommended. Otherwise, get on with living folks.
Resident says
I wasn’t sure about COVID until a friend of ours died two days after being diagnosed. And now another is very ill in the hospital with it. I’m a believer now.
Bob Ziolkowski says
WOO HOO, let’s eat (out)!
TeddyBallGame says
Due to our age my wife and I have been avoiding places where social distancing is not possible, ie: restaurants, bars, etc. And we miss that important social interaction. But we do not insist that others, far less vulnerable then we, unnecessarily restrict their lives just for us. That would be the outright selfish and immature.
Just be cognizant of your risk, act accordingly and you’ll be fine. And stop selfishly dictating to others.
Thanks Governor! says
Bunch of leftist babies in here. If you are scared because CNN told you to be, then quarantine and don’t go to restaurants. It’s past time to open back up. Wear your mask, stay home, do nothing, waste away in your home. The rest of us need to get things moving again. I’ll def be voting DeSantis again. Idiots thinking we can just stay locked down forever for a virus with such a low death rate. No one is forcing you to go out.
Kamamani says
Travelerandnotafraid* says
Ditto me too! We never did stop eating out, shopping, going to the beaches if the places were open. We never stopped living during covid, it did slow us down a bit, but it didn’t stop us. Live your life and I’ll be voting for DeSantis again too!
David S. says
People are still dying and getting sick everyday. There are over 3,000 people who are getting the virus daily. This guy makes no sense at all he listens to trump daily its going to get much worse before it gets better…..
TR says
and there are more people getting cancer every day as well. I wonder if the left will make such a big deal about how many people will die from the flue this season? Or will they be hush, hush about it? They say that not one person should have died because of Covid 19, but yet tons of people die every year because of the flu.
Arl says
TR, Cancer is not a choice, reckless behavior is a choice. Obviously, you only think of yourself.
Eugene Hartke says
So, in response to a super-spreader event at a local club that did not abide to the Covid-19 restrictions, DeSantis will remove all Covid-19 restrictions.
Jeff Sica says
All is well, claims the Governor who couldn’t figure out how to put on a simple ear-loop medical mask and prefers one glove to two, ala Micheal Jackson. I wonder if he wears both gloves when he climbs back in Trump’s derriere. These are questions that need to be asked…
Someone get DeSantis a reservation for the next karaoke night at The Social Club!
CJ says
Right on the heels of Trump coming to Florida – How MUCH more are we going to take? This IS insane. He will stop at NOTHING in his efforts to suck up to his leader, even if it is to the detriment, perhaps death of everyone else. He is not only turning a blind eye to what is going on in Florida – he is sacrificing all the residents. I cannot help but wonder, what pie in the sky promise was made to him for such a flawed at best, ultimately deadly (criminal) deal? And how foolish are we to continue to allow this to go on?
Only Me says
Flagler County has continued to see a local spike for the fourth week in a row, with 200 cases in the last two weeks alone and a positivity rate in the 10 percent range. The local health department just this week reported on a rare “superspreader” event at the Social Club of Palm Coast, where large gatherings and lax enforcement of masks and social distancing led to dozens of new infections at at least two deaths.
Jeff says
It’s interesting that the Florida Department of Health site indicates a roughly 4.5 percent positive rate for the state yesterday. It is the 43 day below 10%, hospitalizations are down 70% from the spike in July, and the average deaths decline by 74%. Relevant facts omitted from this article.
tulip says
To those who only pay attention to the death rate from this disease: Obviously everyone who gets it does not die BUT many many survivors will be left with long term, if not lifetime, health issues, such as heart, lungs, brain. Sometimes these symptoms don’t show up until later on. Maybe you potential super spreaders should google the subject.
Jeff says
Seriously I was not going to respond to this but my comment never mentioned the death rate…..so people of this political view say focus on the science, and in response to your comments I say focus on the statistics, I am sorry that they don’t support your narrative
Jeff Sica says
The Florida DOH site is as manipulated as DeSantis’ brain is by president Moron. That’s why these irrelevant facts are omitted. And if you don’t believe that, why does DeSantis’ administration refuse to reveal public schools’ testing results? They fear transparency as much as they fear the truth, from Tallahassee to the White House. That’s as fact!!!
brian says
wonderful! I can make my own decision as to where and when I can go out. thanks I don’t need a politician telling me how to run my life which apparently many poster here need that helping hand- no thanks I will make my own decisions. for those that are upset thinking many will die here is simple advice – STAY HOME!
Fransisco says
Whew! Just in time for Biketoberfest.
Ron says
Just because Florida is open to indoor Dinning does not mean you personally have to eat indoors. Use your common sense. If you really want to risk your health to enjoy a meal inside a restaurant go ahead. Great weather is heading our way. I will continue to eat outdoors away from the crowds. Eating off hours is the best way to avoid crowds. It’s not rocket science. I will wait for a vaccine before returning to indoor Dinning.
ASF says
He shall now forever be known as Governor Death-Santis.
deb says
This NEW phase 3, is nothing more than greed above life. Looks like some world wide plan to harvest a lot of people to remove a count from the masses and blame it on a virus. Hell who knows.
Sad Times says
Well, well….if my memory serves me correctly…the Republicans are Pro-life…supposedly.
Evidently, our governor is no longer a Republican…as his penchant for being willing to allow the COVID-19 virus the opportunity to kill….is working overtime.
I guess I missed it…The Trump party must no longer be Republican… since they are now willing to kill citizens….OR….the Republicans no longer believe in pro-life.
This needs clearing up!
Shark says
It’s what you get when you vote for a t-rump lackey !!!!!
Concerned Citizen says
Just how long are we supposed to stay quarantined and locked down?
If any of you have paid attention to trends and patterns these viruses come and go. They get heavily politicized because it’s an election year. The major “news/drama networks” need ratings. So they lean heavily on death tolls instead of reporting how people are recovering Notice there’s hardly any mention of recovery rates?
I have family who are RN’s and Nurse Practioners with backgrounds in infectious diseases. Yes it is a bad one. Yes you can get sick and die. But you can get sick and die from ther stuff as well. Yet we didn’t shut down and lock ourselves up. And we didn’t become so divided and hostile against each other that people will fight someone over no mask in wide open spaces.
I’m not downplaying Covid-19 at all. But I have to wonder just how bad it would have been if not in an election year.
Trump/Covid 2020 says
It’s a pure political move to boost the economy because Trump is losing in the polls in Florida. Florida goes for Biden and it’s game over. As for the stop living in fear/scared comments. I’m living in neither, I don’t need to eat out or go to bars to make my life whole. I never did much of either before Covid. I’m sure there are many who valued their “freedom” to do so who now regret their decision. Kind of ironic that republicans are now concerned about low wage workers but when it comes to raising minimum wage-go F yourself…get a better job. Murica!
Pons Asinorum says
So we know what will happen from our own experience locally – you can die from going to Karaoke night. Eating in a restaurant with no social distancing will not be significantly different from that situation.
I hear arguments about different statistics, but the situation will continue to be in flux as the population begins to fatigue from restrictions and mandatory restrictions are phased out against all available evidence.
A proportion of people are willing to risk infection to eat a meal in a restaurant. They will, with high confidence, spread the virus by taking that risk. Normally, government acts to protect the people. We see this in traffic laws, health and safety rules, and even in things like social security and medicare.
I think if we’re going to have a “live at your own risk society” we should not indulge in half measures. Instead, lets repeal laws on drunk driving and requirements for licensure, and lets get rid of those communist programs like social security and medicare.
CJ says
Valid points…AND did it EVER occur to all of the “Social Media Doctors” making idiotic comments comparing this to the “Flu” that maybe it isn’t political after all…maybe – just maybe this is a horrific disease that not only KILLS people of ALL ages, the long-term ramifications, which the extent is still unknown IS actually a Pandemic! One that MOST foreign countries have responsibly eradicated. Furthermore, intelligent people are NOT “living in fear”. Maybe instead they would’ve rather had a government that would’ve dealt with this “unknown” from the BEGINNING – so that we, too can return to a New Normal life! Instead, we’re left with the same stupid rhetoric, “Masks don’t do anything, Reopen Florida, DeSantis is good, Trump is good, COVID is the Flu, Nobody really dies from it, Schools need to OPEN, Numbers are fake, It’s the Democrats, etc…” At what point did people that KNOW better ALLOW this to happen? Florida is ONE in THREE. Look at the size of California and Texas. Then look at Florida. You can drive straight across the State in an afternoon. And Congratulations to ALL you wanna-be doctors and scientists! We’re in the TOP Three…but it’s not a problem. Let’s OPEN EVERYTHING UP – Welcome in Phase 3.
Hippie Chick says
Desantis supported people to have freedom. That’s really the core here. Open your bar/business IF you want, dine inside IF you want, etc Nobody is forcing you change or do anymore than they did before, except saying you CAN. You might should not, but you CAN– and that is YOUR decision.
Big difference there. If you don’t feel comfortable going out to a restaurant or bar or social club don’t go– you- the people are in control with Desantis decision. You/We the people now again have power- not the mayor or county health director or your neighbor or on code enforcement.
Maybe that’s what you liberals are really crying scared of- fact this female has power restored by the governor per Constitution to think for herself, make her own health care decisions & evaluate her own risk factors. Sorry, not sorry.
tulip says
People that are now going to ignore all the safety rules are the ones that will be ripe to get Covid, or be a spreader and INFECT other people and children who obeyed the rules and will suffer the because of the uncaring ones. It seems like people are being forced into “herd immunity” or communal transmission without even realizing it.
So, those who choose to be careful, and I don’t mean isolate themselves, have NO choice but to be in the danger zone of others who are careless
CJ says
And then if and/or when you get an extremely contagious and deadly disease, remember it was your choice and stay out of the hospitals and doctor’s offices so you do NOT infect those who are trying to help others and do their jobs – because you think it’s YOUR constitutional right to do whatever you want – I suppose you adhere to the philosophy that ignorance is bliss. Do you think it’s other people’s constitutional right for YOU to make them sick or die?!
Disgusted says
Hey Hippie Chick, Maybe you forget how free love and freedom led to HIV and many deaths that need not have happened. There was no cure for HIV then, and even less treatment for COVID today. But HIV was far less contagious than COVID. You say you want your freedom of choice? Go ahead Lady, but stay the hell away from essential stores (grocery/pharmacy) that I HAVE to patronize. Keep your freedom germs to yourself and don’t be so damn selfish to contaminate us. Sorry, not sorry, you are a selfish, ignorant asshole.
Steve says
Control the transmission of the Virus we all get our lives back and the Economy will take care of itself. Pretty simple stuff. Dont overthink this. He obviously hasnt SMH
Ambushed says
DeSantis’ order has emboldened the non-maskers. I was in a small hardware store couple days ago and NONE of the employees had masks on. Customers did though. I guess they still don’t get the science. So obtuse. So, anyone high risk (me and many others) please just leave any business if they’re are a lot of ppl with no masks or certainly if the employees are making a statement that they do t care if you live. They will never get my business again. In-store or online. BTW, it was deceiving because the had a handwritten sign on the door “wear a mask” so I guess that’s to protect THEM since only they matter.