Flagler County Sheriff’s detectives are on the look-out for a black Ford Expedition and two young occupants–a woman who appears to be in her mid-20s to mid-30s and a younger, lanky man or older teen who were caught on a surveillance video system at a house at 105 Covington Lane in Palm Coast around the time of a brazen daytime burglary there on Oct. 5.
That afternoon, Thomas Kane, the 71-year-old homeowner, was resting in his bedroom. His wife, 69-year-old Rita Kane, was swimming in her pool. She got out when she saw lightning. She went into the guest bathroom in her house to change. There, she noticed that the bottom part of the window had been pushed in, and was in the tub. She thought her husband might have been cleaning it and had left it there.
She then left the bathroom and noticed that the door to one of the bedrooms in the house was closed. She tried to open it. She couldn’t. It was locked from the inside. Rita woke up her husband, sensing something was wrong. Thomas woke up and forced his way into the locked bedroom. The window was open, the screen was broken out–from the inside. Thomas checked the rest of the house. There was no one else there.
He checked his surveillance camera footage. (See below.) He saw what looked like a late 1990s model Ford Expedition with chrome mirrors drive by his house, turn around and park in front of the property at about 3:15 p.m. that day. A white woman, about 5’7” and 140 pounds with dark hair, in a ponytail, wearing a brown tank top and blue jeans, gets out of the SUV from the passenger side and walks up to the front door of the house. She does so unhurriedly. The camera angle doesn’t show her at the door proper, so she disappears from view. Some 40 seconds later, she reappears, walking away from the entrance, at the same, unhurried pace.
She walks to the driver’s side of the SUV and disappears from the camera angle. Moments later, the lanky man in a beige “Famous” t-shirt and beige shorts walks from the direction of the driver’s side, onto the lawn of the property, alongside its driveway, tipping a Romney-Ryan yard sign as he goes, and walks to the back of the house, where another camera catches him. He has gloves on and possibly a crow bar in his hands. It’s about that time that he’s believed to have entered the bathroom through the window.
Four minutes later, he reappears, carrying a black box. He runs past the Romney-Ryan sign, jumps across the swale, and walks to the SUV.
Thomas Kane told deputies that the black box was taken away from his kitchen counter. It contained a Citizen Eco Drive watch, a black Bulova watch, cash (the amount was not disclosed), a PNC checkbook, a U.S. passport, and a key fob to a 2011 Chevy Corvette. Thomas’s wallet was also stolen, along with his driver’s license, concealed weapon permit, pilot license, and several credit cards, including a Barnes & Noble card.
Anyone who has information on this incident or who can identify the man or the vehicle in the video below is asked to contact Crimestoppers at 1/888-277-8477. You may remain anonymous and you could be eligible for a reward of up $1,000.
Surveillance Video from 105 Covington Lane[media id=302 width=500 height=400]
Anonymous says
They will be recognized. Very good video equipment, these days it’s unfortunatly necessary. Very sorry for this invasion/burglary, but at least the homeowners are safe. We have glass break detectors on all our windows and door, for just such an occassion as this. That way you can set the “stay” function on the system and still walk around in your home without the motion detectors being activated. But in this case I think their video evidence will prove more useful than even fingerprints!
Geezer says
The burglars were drawn to the home due to the Romney-Ryan sign on the lawn.
They figured that this home belongs to affluent white people, with lots of goodies within.
You can prevent this from happening to you.
McGruff Crime Dog says: “PUT UP OBAMA-BIDEN SIGNS!”
Seriously, I am glad that nothing irreplaceable was stolen.
I don’t wish this on anyone–not even Willard Romney and Eddie Munster supporters.
Biker says
Wow Geezer that last post comes across a little strange. It could actually be taken as an anti Obama statement as well. By placing the Obama sign on the lawn you are basically saying. “there is nothing left to steal here” ( lets see if the moderator posts this one)
Geezer says
Keen observation, Biker.
I used to read your posts in the “Backtalk” section of the News-Urinal.
Are you the same “Biker”?
The intent of my remark is to (in a humorous vein) discourage R/R signs.
Tell me: Doesn’t Ryan look like Eddie Munster? Alfred E. Newman?
Thanks for your comment!
Biker says
Wrong Biker Geezer, but you bring up an interesting observation. Did you ever notice that when a candidate or their supporters have nothing of substance to offer, they revert to ridiculous name calling. This appears to be especially true when the candidate cannot defend his own record. Are we 2? This is a presidential election, is this all your candidate has to offer? Lol. Now thats a great platform to run on.
Geezer says
I don’t like your guy, Biker. I dislike the Republican Party, and all it stands for.
Why isn’t Mittens releasing his tax records for the last 11 years?
Name calling? Surely you jest!
I think that President Obama has performed admirably cleaning up
George Bush’s enormous mess. A president who has been resilient despite
presiding over a GOP majority, whose only goal was to make his tenure impossible.
The GOP, party of “no.” A bunch of ugly, arrogant, and stiff, stuffed shirts…
Just like Mr. Magic Pants. A guy that will gladly throw working-class Americans under
the bus to benefit his silver spoon buddies.
I will vote “no” for every Republican in the near future.
Screw the middle class, LOL, a great platform to run on.
Biker says
LOL!!. Thanks Geezer you just reminded me of another tactic used by candidates when they cannot defend their own failures. They balme everyone else for their own incompetence.Lol. Wait. Do you here that Geezer? It’s a little faint right now but is seems to be someone singing,and its getting louder by the minute. Lol
Geezer says
But what about Republicans blaming Obama for the shape we’re in?
You just reminded me of Romnesia!
That singing you hear is a Tinnitus. You get that from loud pipes.
Lonewolf says
Sure glad I live in a gated community with very observant neighbors
Jennifer says
It is clear the girl ran up and rang the doorbell or knocked. Then went back to the truck to give the all clear!
They look like teenagers to me!
sugarbear1217 says
they arent teenagers they are grown adults…the girl is in her late 20’s dnt worry i know who she is and she will be caught
Well... says
They knew where the bedroom was to enter with a crowbar and get what they wanted… do the resident’s have grandchildren or great grandchildren these people could be friends with and came over for a swim one day and cased the place? Well the people in my neighborhood already know, if you knock on my door or ring my doorbell, you are not invited and I will answer the door with my Katana sword at the ready. I have even stood inside the doorway, while someone rang my doorbell, a solicitor…I tapped the glass with the covered tip of my sword and shook my head. Yes, I’m that insane but it seems to work because people never know when I’m going to snap. I make sure to have enough public displays of insanity to keep tipping the balance of uncertainty in my favor. Anyway, carry on and have a nice day.
Meinl man says
Like I have previously stated before….we have caged animals living in this country now….please leave political slurs out….we have a problem with the way people behave in this country and i only see it getting worse if that is possible….YOUR FEDS took spanking and proper discipline out of the home and look what we have created. I think our problems are much bigger than the mess our government got us into….look around town these days at the way people behave? we also need to fix ourselves first and them maybe the people we elect for LIFE-TIME jobs will see and they MIGHT follow suit….I don’t think so, we passed the tipping point….good luck…P.S. I’ve never had a hand out….EVER
Bronx Guy says
Palm Coast is changing and soon the entire city will be gated. Remember there is an election coming soon.
glad fly says
my security company is mr. smith and mr. wesson.
just me says
But what if your not home,who is gonna take out Mr.Smith and Mr.Wesson??
Billybob says
Seems from both the story and video like they targeted that black box… Somebody knew what was inside it.
Too bad the video player hides the frame when you press pause. The woman looks like my ex, only not quite as fat. :p
BeachGuy says
….all for drug money.
@ Lonewolf. Hope you really don’t think we all believe the gated community you live in is a impregnable fortress. Just ask the residents of Grand Haven, they had a crime ring of young men who lived in the neighborhood ripping them off. Inside job! I thinks those gates are to keep you in not keep the rest of us out. Put in a grocery store and gas station and whatever else you need to survive and don’t come out if your gates are the answer. Not saying you are, but well off people are some of the biggest thieves there are. Instead of gloves and a ski mask they use a corporation and loopholes and sign it off as just doing business, gates or no gates thieves are everywhere.
Outsider says
At my house, protection services are provided by H&K, Smith & Wesson, Remington, and Kalishnokov, among others. Pick your (lead) poison……
Mike hull says
They stomped on the romney sign??? How dare they!!!!!!!!!!
Jacob says
In the future, you will find that Mr. Kane had the woman over at one point when his wife was not at home. That’s how she knew what was in the box that he had in his kitchen and the location of his wallet. You shouldn’t let strangers into your house!