There was good news on the broader Covid front on Wednesday, and somewhat concerning indicators on the same front in Flagler County, where case counts are creeping up slowly but steadily, where covid hospitalizations have tripled in the last week, to 10–from a low of two or three patients at AdventHealth Palm Coast–and where a covid death was recorded for the first time in weeks, a 76-year-old man.
In Flagler, 277 people have died of the disease so far, with the first death reported in April 2020.
Confirmed Covid case counts bottomed out at 41 for the week ending Nov. 12, the lowest total since a June lull, when numbers were in the low 30s for a few weeks, but counts have risen every week since, and health officials expect them to again exceed 100 when the numbers are tallied Friday. “On Thursday, December 2, we had 21 cases of covid, the Delta variant strain, for the first time since October 1,” Bob Snyder, the director of the Flagler Health Department, said. The positivity rate has increased from around 3 percent back up to 5.3 percent on Dec. 6. “Our director of nurses reported that our case investigators are seeing 15 to 20 cases per day now.”
“Cases were increasing slightly but they seem to be increasing a little faster over the last week, week and a half,” Snyder said, “and we’re watching the hospitalizations increase more than they have in quite a while again.” In early November, the inpatient admissions for Covid-19 at the hospital was zero for several days.
Cases in Flagler County schools are still very low, with a dozen students testing positive in the 10 days from Nov. 21 to Dec. 1, and just one staffer doing so. Since then, through today, eight students have tested positive and three staffers have.
The Omicron factor does not appear to be a factor yet in Flagler, though it has been detected in Florida, along with 19 other states, which means it’s only a matter of time–and not much time–before it spreads in Flagler. A hospital in Tampa first reported an Omicron variant in a patient this week. Most of the people who are getting tested for Covid by the Health Department’s regular clinics are travelers, traveling–and tourism–being the principal mean of transmission of new variants. That’s then followed by community spread.
Dr. Stephen Bickel, the medical director at the Flagler Health Department, said much about Omicron is still in the analysis phase–whether it spreads more rapidly, whether it’s more or less severe and–he spoke of it on Monday, before today’s development on that score–to what extend vaccines may be effective against it.
That was the good news today: Pfizer-BioNTech announced that their booster shots provide significant protection. “Preliminary laboratory studies demonstrate that three doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine neutralize the Omicron variant … while two doses show significantly reduced neutralization titers.” The companies said a third dose increases protection 25-fold compared to two doses. Put another way, three doses provide as much protection against Omicron as two doses do against previous variants. The two companies are developing a “a variant-specific vaccine for Omicron and expect to have it available by March in the event that an adaption is needed to further increase the level and duration of protection,” according to a release issued today. That will not affect the companies’ plan to have 4 billion doses available in 2022. Moiderna is also developing an Omicron-related vaccine.
A caveat: the Pfizer-BioNTech announcement is based on laboratory findings, not in individuals at large, and it’s still unknown how the Omicron variant affects severe cases of covid. None of that is unusual with that type of viruses. Flu vaccines are calibrated every year to confront new strains.
For now, Florida, after weeks of being the nation’s epicenter of spread and covid deaths, has benefited from milder weather, when people congregate indoors less. The virus’ centers of gravity have migrated north and west, particularly the Midwest, with cases rising sharply nationally every day this month and hospitalizations again on the rise. The death rate is still. But as weather cools in Florida and holidays bring people together, health officials are re-issuing cautions.
“People travel to Florida to get out of the colder weather. So that is something that we just need to be very mindful of,” Snyder said. “People need to make their own personal decisions. But if we’re seeing an increase in cases it might be time right now for folks to reconsider their decisions about not wearing a mask when they’re out and about and congregate in indoor settings. ”
The health department and 17 local pharmacies continue to administer vaccines, of which there is an abundant supply. The Health Department’s testing clinics across from the Airport Professional Building (from 9 to 11 a.m. this morning) has been drawing a protest of one person brandishing a “don’t tread on me” flag and signs saying “stop medical tyranny.” Vaccination clinics are actually held at the department’s facility on Dr. Carter Boulevard. Most of the vaccines administered in the county are booster shots, Snyder said, with 67 percent of the eligible population in the county (those 5 years old and up) now vaccinated.
“This is a time to not only reconsider mitigation strategies, but also the main, main messages is, if you are older and if you’re immunocompromised, now is the time to get vaccinated,” Snyder said. “And if you have already been vaccinated, now’s the time to get your booster shot, especially with not knowing the impact of Omicron. So it’s just time to be increasing our vigilance and time to be more mindful. Covid is not over as evidenced by this new variant and the more people we have who are not vaccinated, the more likely that we’ll have increased variants because it gives the virus an opportunity to to mutate as long as Covid is spreading in our communities, and the truly only way to stop it once and for all is to get the vaccine.”
Bickel said the nearly two years of battling Covid have yielded numerous strategies to fight the disease. That has not necessarily translated in as effective a fight as there could have been.
“We’ve learned a lot but I don’t know that we can apply a lot of it, except the science part, the vaccine part,” Bickel said, “because we just can’t stop fighting about it, arguing about it.” As examples, he mentioned the availability but limited use of rapid testing, which was proposed to the school district and declined, even though it could have cut absenteeism by up to 80 percent, in Bickel’s estimation, and of course the easy measure of mask-wearing, which remains a flash point. “So it’s a question of can we apply the science?” The often negative answer has ensured that the pandemic is not lacking for more lives to damage or destroy.
Ron says
After receiving two vaccines would it not be prudent to have your blood tested for antibodies prior to receiving a booster prematurely?
Joy Chelminski says
Awesome question! I would really love to hear Flagler Live take on this.
Joy Chelminski says
Since Pfizer will not have a Omni Chron vaccine until March of 2022, then why get the booster now in December? That was mean the necessity receiving two separate vaccines. Therefore, even though I am a healthy senior, I feel that it is okay to wait until March of 2022 to get the booster instead of now to avoid to booster vaccines.
Mark says
You can get any booster you want not just Pfizer ,although I heard them come out and say their vaccine is good against omichron. Also the vaccine is only good for a few months regardless so you will be getting boosters every 4-6 months until enough of the dough dough birds that haven’t gotten it yet do go get it
Joy Chelminski says
Mark, thank you, I appreciate your response. I did not occur to me that there would be boosters every 6 months but totally makes sense so I won’t wait until March and get it now since it’s been eight months since my vaccines.
Karen Curry says
Yes Joyce, please get the booster as soon as you can! We haven’t gone through 18 months of stress, anxiety, sacrifice, grief, isolation & frustration to throw it all away now. 1 more shot or 12 more whether they’re boosters or new vaccines for the next variants-& there’s every indication from experts that there will be until antivaxers have an epiphany or die, are well worth it.
Stay safe, be well & hang in there, this too shall pass.
Mark says
Listen to the omen presented to us during the holiday parade and stop the nonsense, stay home these holidays , do not visit with people outside your home and get everyone including the kids vaccinated.
John says
Just remember DeathSantis has and will continue to hide the reports to the people living in Florida. He is another want to be dictator.
So please get your health information from other sources because DeathSantis won’t be telling you the truth. He is another one that tells lies for his own personal gain.
RC says
Why don’t we ever hear anything when the cases are essentially non-existent? Only when they are “on the rise.” Exactly why I don’t watch or listen to the news anymore.
FlaglerLive says
When they’re non-existent it’s not news, just as we do not report every day that the Atlantic is hurricane-free. When cases are on the rise it is news, given the renewed precautions the trend compels. Waiting until cases are in full surge would be irresponsible.
Mary Koonce says
I have had 3 vaccinations and care about others. This disease is not going away because of the cult followers so just let them be with only numbered days left to live and protect yourself. Less Republicans to vote will only be a plus next year.
Ld says
Testing is limited to hours that kids are in school and parents at work so most likely more cases are out there undetected infecting vulnerable people. Other countries are far more proactive in testing.
A.j says
Vote Repubs, you get sick duds
FlaPharmTech says
Just all of you, anti vaccination citizens alike, please please please get vaccinated. We are facing COVID; it is way smarter than we. It morphs into another replica of itself, cuz it wants/needs to survive. We need to create a human army to neutralize it. Why don’t the anti vaccine folks understand this simple science?! Get vaccinated!
LetsBeReal says
@FlaPharmTech – I want to know why there are some doctors and nurses refusing to get vaccinated. Got any answers?
Mark says
Because even people with formal education can still have sick and twisted ideology
beachlover says
Comment disallowed. Disinformation.
Sherry says
The un-vaccinated medical personnel I talked to during my cancer treatment said they are getting their information from friends on social media. I refused to let them near me.
There is no “credentialed” hidden scientific evidence that is contrary to what Dr. Fauci and other medical experts are telling us over and over and over again. No matter what the talking heads on FOX say! The vaccines have been extensively tested and used by millions. . . They Work!!! Get vaccinated!!!
BeachLover says
If Covid was a stock we would all be broke!