Last Updated: 3:29 p.m.
Confirmed Florida cases of coronavirus rise to 155, according to figures released by the Florida Department of Health shortly after noon Monday, with Flagler continuing to show no confirmed cases nor an uptick in unusual activity among first responders. But Palm Coast was taking a more aggressive approach to prevention of gatherings of more than 50 people by cancelling all city-run activities through the end of April.
The Bunnell and Flagler Beach City Commissions have scheduled special meetings Wednesday at 8 a.m. and Thursday at 5:30 p.m. for each city to formalize its own emergency declaration. Palm Coast did so over the weekend. The county Commission is doing so this evening at 5.
The measures are intended to give the governments broader latitude with contracting and certain decisions as communities seek to stay ahead of a potential increase in coronavirus cases. For now, that overt evidence remains at bay.
“No firefighters have been quarantined for any reason and nobody is on self-isolation,” Flagler County Fire Chief Don Petito said of his 93 firefighters. “We have not seen an uptick in calls at this time, and we haven’t seen an uptick in that particular type of call, so we haven’t changed anything whatsoever.” Regular schedules apply. No leaves or vacations have been cancelled or shifts altered.
The department has sufficient protective gear, including latex cloves, N95 face masks, required eye protection and splash proof gowns. “In fact we ordered those N-95 masks probably two months ago before we even started getting cases in the U.S. I saw it coming,” Petito said.
Flagler County Emergency Management Chief Jonathan Lord says he’s “behaving as if it is out there in the community,” meaning that coronavirus cases will be detected before long as testing ramps up. He said should widespread testing be enacted in the community, he would recommend going a different route than that suggested by the president. Rather than provide testing in the parking lot of Target or Walmart. Lord said, testing would be provided at select locations just as hurricane emergency supplies would be during those emergencies, away from stores. “We would work very hard to find other locations here locally. To my mind it doesn’t make sense to do testing out in a store parking lot and then have a person walk into a store.”
Lord and Flagler Health Department Chief Bob Snyder will present a brief update on local measures to the County Commission at the Government Services Building at 5 this evening. But no significantly new information is expected, other than the increasingly stringent recommendations for social distancing.
“The biggest thing that matters to us the most is the fact that the mass gathering guidance continues to shrink,” Lord said. The guidance is issued by the Centers for Disease Control. Merely a week ago, the guidance was for limiting gatherings of 1,000 people or more. The guidance fell to 250 late last week. It is now at 50, though it does not apply to schools and businesses. “It’s more aimed to the general public as an audience versus schools,” Lord said.
Palm Coast had previously cancelled many activities but opted to keep the Palm Coast Tennis Center and Palm Harbor Golf Course open. That’s no longer the case. And all activities at the Palm Coast Community Center, aside from Election Day Tuesday, have been scrapped at least until May. All non-essential meetings are also cancelled. The Palm Coast Aquatics Center is also closed. But city parks and trails will remain open for now. (The city is encouraging residents to keep up with coronavirus-related issues through palmcoastconnect.com.)
This afternoon, the Flagler Auditorium announced it was suspending all events at least through April 4. “Most of our shows have been postponed for next season. We are monitoring the situation to determine the rest of the season and we will keep you informed,” the auditorium said in a statement. The auditorium was giving patrons the choice of refunds or credit for future shows, with all queries answered through calls or email (386-437-7547 or [email protected]).
The Department of Health on Monday unveiled a new website that tracks confirmed cases nationally, in the state and by county. Broward is leading the state with 38 cases, followed by Dade with 23, Palm Beach with 8, and Volusia with 6. The national figure, at 4,138 as of 2:30 p.m. Monday, was being updated almost in real time.
But there is a caveat: the numbers reflect only those of actual Florida residents who have a confirmed diagnosis of Covid-19, the illness caused by coronavirus. It does not reflect the number of non-Florida residents who are in the state, or have been diagnosed in the state, with the illness. That’s creating some confusion. While the total number of cases affecting residents is 137, the total number of cases in Florida is 155.
An AdventHealth Palm Coast employee who asked not to be identified said a patient who tested positive for the virus was in the hospital’s intensive care unit, in an air-controlled room, and that the physician who tested him, along with three employees, were on quarantine. “We will not be providing confirmation of individual cases or potential cases at AdventHealth facilities,” an AdventHealth spokesperson said Friday. “Those inquiries should go to the Florida Department of Health.”
“We don’t have a confirmed Flagler County case,” a Flagler Department of Health spokesperson said today, while also noting–without confirming it–that the AdventHealth case “may not be a Florida resident.” Pressed for clarity, the spokesperson said: “I’m going to leave it at that.”
Petito said he’d “heard rumors” about the AdventHealth case. “Everybody is talking about it but nobody’s confirmed it.”
Nevertheless, it has been confirmed, through an email to local health officials and first responders, from the management company that runs AdventHealth’s emergency room, that the assistant medical director and several others, including hospital employees, were placed on quarantine over the weekend subsequent co contact with at least one potential case of coronavirus. Two sheriff’s deputies were placed on self-isolation following contact with a potential case in the Hammock.
“My concern is if there’d be somebody in the community,” Lord said, differing between potential cases in a hospital, where they would be isolated, as opposed to cases at large where continuing infection is possible.
On Sunday, the Department of Health issued new criteria for identifying people under investigation for Covid-19, as the coronavirus disease itself is known. “Several improvements have been made for it to be more useful to clinical staff,” Scott Pritchard, the Florida Health Department’s interim director of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Investigations Section, said.
The six-step screening criteria for testing calls for persons to be exhibiting symptoms of “acute lower respiratory illness” such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, and must meet one or more of the following criteria:
1. Persons who have had a close contact with a laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 case.
2. Persons hospitalized with acute lower respiratory illness of unknown origin.
3. History of travel to or from an affected geographic area with widespread community transmission.
4. History of international travel or a cruise.
5. Persons who are 65 or older, with chronic health conditions.
6. Persons who have a compromised immune system.
If an individual meets the criteria, the health care provider is responsible for collecting a specimen within guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control, processing the test either at the facility itself or shipping it to LabCorp, Quest Labs or a Florida Bureau of Public Health Laboratory (of which there are three, in Tampa, Miami and Jacksonville). The providers are required to notify the local Department of Health before shipping the sample.
Pritchard said non-priority specimens should be sent to the private labs, while priority specimens should be sent to the state’s labs.
On Sunday, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that there would be drive-through testing for coronavirus in Broward County, with further steps likely as the week wears on. Memorial Healthcare System in Broward County was to conduct the testing. DeSantis acknowledged that there could be more drive-through testing sites made available in the coming days and weeks as Florida fights what health-care experts now acknowledge is “community spread,” the News Service of Florida reports. The governor also announced that he would ask the U.S. Small Business Association to “turn on” loans for small businesses that are suffering.
JohnaBoy3181 says
“We don’t have a confirmed Flagler County case,” a Flagler Department of Health spokesperson said today, while also noting–without confirming it–that the AdventHealth case “may not be a Florida resident.” Pressed for clarity, the spokesperson said: “I’m going to leave it at that.”
So no confirmed cases in Flagler County and oh yes – let’s add to the panic – not the pandemic.
Surfer12467 says
I wonder if any of the St Patricks Day bar parties have been cancelled in Flagler Beach or Palm Coast ? Those are usually big gatherings .
Jimbo99 says
Odd, everyone I came into contact with today was relatively healthy. Obesity probably gets them before Coronavirus does.
Carlo says
Well, my stocks are down 9000 points in two weeks. Maybe I will just slash my wrist and sit in a nice warm bath tub and bleed out !
OnTheFront Line says
It doesn’t matter if Advent Health has a case or not – the virus is here in this state, likely in this city as well as others, and it is going to continue to spread, and spread quickly. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a resident or not either – thousands of vehicles and potentially infected persons get off of the Palm Coast exits for gas, food, and the like – it is here. Unfortunately, the recovery from this illness appears to be much slower than even the flu, and all to0 soon there will be more patients than beds – and that’s if the healthcare staff can stay healthy enough to staff those beds – and that’s unlikely…
This is, and is going to be a big, long, painful process. Please stay away from large gatherings, hunker down so you and yours stay healthy, and say a daily prayer for those who are sick and all your public servants who will tend to them.
Concerned says
Anyone working in hotels or anything in the travel industry could have been exposed to travelers carrying/ experiencing the virus. If someone has the symptoms, they should be able to be tested! There has been at least one person I know who experienced those exact symptoms weeks ago. They did not however meet the strict guidelines to be able to be tested and have now recovered . We will never know….
Donna M. Belk says
Obviously, the local authorities are not being forthecoming with the truth about this virus. I get that they don’t want to panic people, but nothing leads to an atmosphere of mistrust quicker than hiding the truth. Shame on them.
Well... says
If you don’t test you have no numbers to report, therefore life goes on and it doesn’t impact the bottom line. It’s republican math, the POTUS has been doing it from the beginning but is now caving into pressure from all the people around him that have intelligence.
Tanya says
So many people are not being tested at all, even with symptoms. So the numbers are not accurate at all. Just the symptoms alone should be enough to test for covid 19! You know how many infected people you come in contact with at Wal-Mart or a grocery store.
Truth Speaker says
Why is Flagler Live reporting on a rumor about Corona Virus in Flalgler. County. Please check with the Health Department before reporting!,,,
Tired says
“Just leave it at that?” So, the person in ICU at Advent Health Flagler just magically appeared there? Nope. He’s from out of the area? Ok, from where? I doubt he’d be life flighted to this hospital from anywhere else. So, he was in town. Driven or EVACED. With whom or what establishment was he staying? What restaurants did he/she frequent in Flagler County? Where did this person go while here? He had to go through the ED to get to ICU. Were the people he was hanging out with checked out? Did he shop at our stores? Since he was in our community, it’s very likely due to the highly contagious nature of Covid19, that he has exposed many others. We still aren’t testing everyone that should be tested, are we? Because, you guessed it, we don’t have enough, if any tests. Either that or they’re testing and not reporting results. Please don’t withhold information that should be shared. Panic occurs when you do that, as it did with the administrations initial claims that it was a hoax, and that anyone who wants to be tested can be, and that we are doing “tremendously” well…
Name (required) says
Don’t do that!! It’ll be worth double after the next cycle. Hang in for the long game. The rest of us gotta do it too, teamwork. Stick together but, lol keep physical (social distance) for now.. it’s weird times man!
karen says
Are you for real life is great money is not that important you can make more life is only one time .Take a look at your family how would they feel if you were not in there life’s anymore. I’m down 400,000.00
you came in the world with nothing don’t make money your GOD
things will change and you will be back to normal.
Bless you and kiss your loved one’s
OnTheFrontLine says
Trouble is, we’re all healthy, and potentially carrying and spreading this thing, until we’re not. That’s the big concern with this particular virus.
OnTheFrontLine says
Again, assume the virus is here – it doesn’t matter who the alleged hospitalized patient(s) is/are. Respect for privacy is still necessary. HIPAA doesn’t go away, just because inquiring minds want to know. If a potentially positive individual identifies you as a point of contact, you will be contacted by DOH pretty quickly.