A possible coronavirus case was investigated late this morning in a female patient at the Cancer Center at AdventHealth Palm Coast, according to the county’s fire chief and the county health department chief. Within an anxious hour, however, the case was found not to warrant testing as it did not meet the criteria.
The case illustrated the heightened awareness–and fears–surrounding the outbreak, which has not yet spread to Florida with the exception of two cases in the Tampa area, and the knowledge gap that may be pushing some health workers too quickly to go on the alert.
An AdventHealth spokesperson toward the end of the business day said the patient was not in the Cancer Center but at a physician’s office–a practice that rents space in AdventHealth Palm Coast’s medical building.
“Our RN had been in contact with the director of infectious disease program at the hospital, so we are definitely in the loop, and I can share with you that unequivocally, the patient does not meet the criteria for testing,” Bob Snyder, who heads the Flagler Health Department, said. “We just need to do a better job in educating our primary care physicians and other stakeholders so we’re not necessarily, prematurely overreacting to things.”
The patient will not be quarantined–at least not in connection with anything to do with coronavirus.
For all the heightened anxieties and false alarms, the matter was resolved within a short period of time. “The cool thing about it is our epidemiologist was in touch with the infectious disease gentleman at the hospital and she confirmed with the regional epidemiologist so everybody got on the same page pretty quickly,” Gretchen Smith, the health department’s spokesperson, said. (Smith was referring to Rufus Dewanou, the hospital’s infection preventionist, as she specified later.)
Snyder said this morning’s case was the equivalent of a drill that may serve to temper reactions with more criteria-based analysis.
It had been a different story a little before 11 a.m. “It’s a potential, it’s all speculation right now,” said Fire Chief Don Petito at the beginning of the investigation of the woman who had gone in for treatment this morning at the center, “and supposedly, we’re not sure, but was in touch with somebody from Italy.”
Rescue 92 and Engine 92 were dispatched to the hospital, but upon hearing of the patient’s possible contact with someone from Italy, one of the four nations hardest-hit by coronavirus, “that’s why we didn’t make contact, that stopped everybody in their tracks. We’re standing by here at the hospital to make sure we’re not needed, then we’re going to go ahead and release.”
“I was hoping it was all wrong. Still hoping it’s all wrong. We have to assume the worst right now.”
Snyder is the point man on any protocols in these circumstances. He initially confirmed the investigation at the hospital. But he was also quick to outline the criteria that would warrant testing. As of today, Snyder said, three criteria would trigger Department of Health involvement and testing:
First, the patient must exhibit symptoms such as fever, lower respiratory issues, shortness of breath, coughing and flu-like symptoms, and the question is asked whether the person been been exposed to someone with a confirmed case of coronavirus in the last 14 days. Second, the person has clinical symptoms and has traveled to any of the four geographical high impact areas for the virus–China, Northern Italy, Iran, or South Korea. Third, the patient has the clinical symptoms, and all the other diagnoses such as the flu and pneumonia have been ruled out.
“Those are the three that right now today trigger us doing our investigation and arranging for the person to be tested,” Snyder said.
Not much before noon, the Department of Health in consultation with hospital personnel determined that those criteria had not been met in the patient.
Had matters gone in a different direction, testing would have been conducted and the test kit sent to a lab. Only three labs in the state have been authorized to do any testing–in Tampa, Miami and Jacksonville. Whatever testing takes place, “We would not know that immediately, it takes time to get the test results,” Snyder said.
“I was hoping it was all wrong. Still hoping it’s all wrong. We have to assume the worst right now,” Petito said at the beginning of the investigation. As it turned out, it was wrong. But days ago before the Flagler County Commission, Jonathan Lord, who briefed the commission with Snyder on the latest about the outbreak, said that it was likely a matter of time before cases would affect Flagler County.
Concerned Citizen says
An Engine and a Rescue were taken out of service and asked to standby at the hospital? For a “possible’ Corona case?
Paranoid at best laughable at worst. Advent is a hospital. They should have been prepeared to handle ALL infectious diseases. But then again they don’t even have a trauma center. They should also be prepared to handle any HAZMAT incidents and decontamination. I’m trying to wrap my head around what Fire Rescue was supposed to do if this an actual Corona case.
Well... says
Didn’t meet the criteria? This is insane. People not meeting criteria is what enabled community spread in Washington and California. I have zero sick time because it’s the beginning of the year and we earn time as we work, starting the year out at zero. Sometimes you need to err on the side of caution and test to protect the many. This is irresponsible at best. Wait for the cluster to emerge here soon. This will take hold of America because we have an inability to react and apparently have test kits. South Korea can use a US made test kit that diagnoses in 15 minutes yet we can’t because our FDA and CDC haven’t approved it. As if they have room to judge right now.
me too says
I wouldn’t think they would know the difference.
Mari Page says
The Target, Walgreens, Cvs, has no anti bacterial wipes at the door. What’s with that? All stores any public place should be providing anti bacterial wipes especially drugstores!
FlaglerBear says
Rescue would have put the patient in the ambulance, driven around the perimeter of the hospital , and dropped the patient off at the ER.
County employee says
Like it or not, the fire department routinely transfers patients from the doctors offices in the hospital to the ER even though it’s all in the same building. Except for the most critical patients, I never understood it either.
palmcoaster says
Sorry but by the way the county fails us all the time I do not have confidence on them. Woman with no symptoms to be tested (and who had the expertise to decide that?…and no quarantine after being in contact with someone arrived from Italy? Remember a woman was tested twice negative and at the 3rd try showed positive…out west. Meanwhile no quarantine and as soon as released after faulty second test she went to the mall. Jeez how many she got in contact with? https://therivardreport.com/north-star-mall-closes-temporarily-after-visit-from-coronavirus-patient/
Ben Dover says
They’ll have plenty of real cases very soon ,you bring over 100.000 bikers in from all over the country ,getting drunk in bars all day high fiving, hugging ,having sex ,going to spread that virus like peanut butter all over Volusia and Flagler counties, Ignorant rednecks running the local Government should be held accountable for any deaths resulting in the spread of this virus ,how stupid can you get
Cynthia says
It is my understanding that CDC has dropped the idea they a person doesn’t have to meet the previously designated criteria (having traveled to high risk area), to be tested. This person should’ve been tested. The problem is that the US lags behind other countries in testing because we do not have enough test kits. Our local government and health department are not prepared nor is the local hospital. There has been no statement of any sort other than an old article here, re preparations and guidance for Flagler county citizens. The emergency management website nor the Flagler Co. Health dept. have nothing on their sites even mentioning the coronavirus and their readiness to handle it.
Flying by the seat of their pants with an apparent staunch refusal to collaborate with each other on this issue. Honestly, this does not surprise me unfortunately.
They’ve allowed bike week to take place bringing untold numbers of
People into our communities from all over the nation. They’re staying at our hotels, shopping at our stores, eating in local restaurants. I foresee our first documented case of coronavirus, (if they tell the truth) to be announced some time during or after this period.
Flagler County has a large over 60 population and many have preexisting health conditions. Our only local hospital is not prepared and could not handle an outbreak.
We can’t just adopt a “wait and see” attitude. We need to see our local community leaders actually doing something yet there hasn’t even been a statement from any of them. Look on the local health dept site and Flagler emergency. Nothing. We are not prepared. There’s a difference between panic and preparedness. Let’s see some leadership!
Common Sense Isnt So Common says
I find Flagler County is not up to par when it comes to being prepared for any outbreaks. Too many in the leadership positions that havent got a clue as to any type of organization or preparedness. Wasting tax dollars and resources left and right on half ass backwards ways of doing things. Just look at the way transport is done for someone at a Drs office within the hospital, we waste an ambulance to load a patient up to drive them around the building and drop them off when they could simply put the patient in a wheelchair or gurney and walk them to the other side. That is just beyond ridiculous and makes you really question the CEO of the hospital and the supposed leaders in local government. Any way they can charge out the wazoo and pocket money they will do. The leadership in Flagler County is laughable at best and always has been. So many are corrupt yet continue to be allowed to work in their position or be promoted to higher positions because they buy/bribe their way up and dont even have the proper qualifications. Its a total mess and only getting worse by the year.
As for this virus its not much different than the flu. The flu will effect those that are immunocompromised much differently than it does a healthy individual. As long as people take the normal precautions which they should be doing daily regardless (makes you really question how many gross people are out there that dont wash their hands regularly but apparently there are more than initially suspected) if your ill stay home, stay away from people and pets. It really isnt that hard to do. If you are ill and need things from the stores.. they have delivery services available or you can order online. If you need prescriptions.. they can be delivered. There is no reason to be out other than being ignorant. Which also brings the next point, if you have children and they are ill.. KEEP THEM HOME! Too many parents send their kids off to school knowing they are ill and dont follow the schools policy which allows illness to spread rapidly through the schools and community all because the parent is ignorant. Also if they are ill dont allow your kids to be going out with their friends or out to public places. They should be kept home, in their rooms until they are better and show no signs of illness. Then their room and home needs to be disinfected. No different than if they had the flu, cold etc. Dont take your childs temp with your hand… that is not accurate nor can it possibly tell if your child has a fever. They have these things called thermometers that are fairly cheap and sold almost everywhere so you can take your childs actual temp and treat accordingly. Pretty sad that has to be explained however not many parents in the community actually take their childs temp properly and think feeling their head with their hand is appropriate. Also DO NOT give your child antibiotics that you may have in your home, again sad that needs to be explained however a lot of parents make the mistake of giving their child antibiotics without a proper diagnosis. Doing so causes more harm than good. The child may not need the antibiotic or may require a different antibiotic. A parent giving a child an antibiotic not prescribed will cause the child to build a tolerance to the antibiotic and further complicate future treatments because that antibiotic may no longer be effective for the child.
Again if your ill avoid public places, wash hands frequently and regularly. If you are immunocompromised make sure to take extra precaution such as be aware of the people in your surroundings, avoid touching surfaces that havent been sanitized, and if possible limit your outings to protect yourself. Carry sanitizer with you, all people should be doing so anyway, they have small ones that attach to a purse or can be put in a pocket.
The funny part of all this is those that are panicking, all the stores are selling out of toilet paper, hand sanitizer, milk, bread etc yet all the shelves are stocked plentiful with dish soap, laundry soap, household cleaners, body soap and shampoo so I suppose as long as yall that are panicking have enough tp for your bunghole, hand sanitizer and food yall are good and wont catch the Corona right, lol. As long as you wash your hands its not just as important to wash your clothes that carry more germs than you realize, your dishes, or your body and hair, no need to do all that as long as your hands are clean, lmao. The stores are making a fortune off people panicking over something similar to the flu. No one stocks up and panicks during flu season yet they are for a similar virus. Maybe the CDC should rename the flu so people start taking it more serious. Oh wait maybe thats all this Corona is, its a new name given to the flu because people werent taking it serious. Hmm makes you wonder doesnt it? People stop panicking and rather than wait for the leadership to actually be leaders take the initiative and practice good hygiene and precautions. You shouldnt need any of the jokes in Flagler government to tell you how or what to do to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy.
Concerned Citizen says
I’m retired Fire Rescue. Not from this area. And I currently volunteer in the emergency services field so I understand how it works.
I still think it was a waste of resources for 2 units to be kept on “stand by” for a “possible” Corona case. Has Flagler County recieved special training in handling Corona? If so we haven’t been told about it. So that being said we now end up contaminating both crews and apparatus. Taking them out of service.
I was not aware that Fire Rescue resources are being wasted to transport patients in house. Maybe Flagler Live should look into what kind of billing arrangement is going on. More of our tax money being wasted.
Back home hospitals hired EMT’s and had transporters to handle in house stuff. I guess it’s more lucrative for the county to waste resources needed elsewhere to roll someone down the hall way.