In the first six months of 2018, violent crime is down 37.5 percent compared to a year ago, property crimes are down 14 percent and the overall crime rate is down 18 percent, according to Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly.
He provided the number at a Chamber of Commerce breakfast this morning featuring Staly and Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney. The breakfast, part of the chamber’s Common Ground series, was focused on law enforcement. Bunnell’s Tom Foster would have normally appeared alongside his colleagues, but Foster these days is the city’s acting manager rather than its police chief, pending Bunnell finding a new manager.
The first of a half dozen questions from the audience was about the troubled Sheriff’s Operations Center, evacuated in June because of employees’ health concerns over its interior air. “I don’t have any long-term answers yet on the building, we’re kind of in a holding pattern,” the sheriff said, with the Centers for Disease Control possibly looking at the issue. “I don’t think this will be a quick solution.”
Up to the question-and-answer period the sheriff had spent several minutes outlining the agency’s direction in the last 18 months. “I lead an amazing team of men and women that serve this community with dedication, 303 employees,” he said, “Thanks to the Board of County Commissioners and the City of Palm Coast we had an infusion of new staff this year that’s allowing us to do new things, a total of 21 new positions this fiscal year.” County funding added 10 deputies, city funding added five, the latter assigned to doubling the agency’s traffic unit.
“Hopefully you’ve seen the new five-person traffic unit, but you haven’t seen them with the blue lights behind you,” the sheriff said, referring to a “herd of mustangs” (as the News-Journal referred to them in a recent headline) now supplementing five motorcycle units on traffic duty. The Mustangs are not equipped with overhead lights, nor are their front ends painted in police colors, so drivers being followed by them will not know that a cop is behind them–possibly until it’s too late and embedded lights are flashing. Whether there’s a connection or not, traffic fatalities so far this year in Flagler are at seven, compared to 37 for 2017.
The sheriff also discussed the implementation of a district-type policing approach, which broke up the county into three districts to more effectively address each district’s needs, rehabilitative programs at the county jail, which has increased its census from 130 when the sheriff took over to an average of 230 inmates today, the development of a four-deputy unit that will target designated areas of crime, the return of the sheriff’s marine unit, which had been scrubbed in the past decade because of budget cuts, and an update on the agency’s focus on domestic violence.
Most of these initiatives have been discussed at length previously. One had not: the sheriff’s new “S.W.E.A.T.” program, an acronym for Sheriff’s Work Ethic and Training, for a program for juvenile offenders or for youths whose parents believe need a little behavioral adjustments. Courts may assign youths to the program. Or parents may enroll their children voluntarily. Either way, youths then take part in mentoring discussions and civically useful activities, including such things as beach clean-ups, to develop a sense of responsibility and get a clearer understanding of what the alternative to a responsibly led life may be: they get to see the jail and experience what it’s like to have limited contact with family or the outside world.
Staly also talked about social media’s effects on improving the agency’s PR push, and how he became a convert of those lip-sync videos making the rounds of police departments across the state. “I will confess that I was hesitant to participate and when the staff first came to me and asked me to do that, I said this is the stupidest thing that law enforcement has ever done,” Staly said of producing a video in-house. Three weeks later he’d surrendered and starred alongside deputies in a rendition of Elvis’s “Jailhouse Rock.”
“I was wrong, it was not the stupidest thing,” Staly said, “in fact it’s probably some of the best public relations across America that law enforcement has ever done to show the human side of law enforcement.”
As Staly spoke one could sympathize with Doughney, the Flagler Beach chief, for seeming to be marginalized, as people who share the stage with Staly can be. But Doughney was aware of the dynamics: Chamber President Jorge Gutierrez had spent a good part of the morning reading the two men’s biographies, with Staly’s testing the bounds of eternity, so that by the time Soughney spoke, he too had a confession: “I realized two things,” Doughney said. “One, I need to work on my bio after hearing Rick’s, and two, to sit with someone like Rick Staly is like getting invited from the kiddy table up to the big table. Rick’s always been a mentor to me,a friend and a consummate professional, so to sit alongside him as a peer is incredible for me, it’s a thrill and an honor.” He had equally lavish compliments for his troops.
He spoke of the city’s prescription-drug drop-off point at the police station, which in April netted 263 pounds of pills that did not end up poisoning the aquifer or ending up in garbage heaps, and of the city’s issuance of warnings rather than traffic tickets, with the condition that the motorist must turn in a toy for the city’s Christmas toy drive for the needy, through Christmas Come True, the Flagler Beach non-profit.
The breakfast drew about 50 people–the usual mixture of government and business leaders augmented this time by an unusual number of candidates running for office, most of whom won’t reappear past the election in August.
palm coast resident says
this is the sheriff people voted for and want to see, not the one that is decorating the jail with green roof inn signs or calling people names first graders use. thanks to all the men and women that serve this great community!
Really says
Keep up the good work
Lt Frank says
Did someone bring the dump truck full of MANURE to this breakfast ? Crime down ? What country are these pretty uniformed geezers living in ?
KathieLee4 says
I’m glad I have brown eyes , because the …. is getting deep . What about all the crime we read about ever day . This is a joke isn’t it ?????
JohnDolan esq. says
Patent leatherd,fancy socked. Nothing like a pat on the back, and so special when it comes from yourself.
palmcoaster says
As far is in our neighborhood our Sheriff Staly, and his Undersheriff Mr. Bisland , Mr. Meehan. Mr, Woodward, and Mr. Artie Erlandson, Mr. Conway, Palm Coast Commader Mr. Gerard Ditolla, Community Neighborhood Watch Contact Mr. Lutz and many others that have helped us fight off a house of meth and prostitution in our block, they all sure deserve our sincere appreciation as looks like we finally will succeed on reading this vermin from our, otherwise, wonderful community! Thank you Sheriff for trying to stop or at least control this drug epidemic while risking your lives day in and day out to preserve ours.
John Kent says
They love PR events & putting all those ribbons & words & what’s not around while real crimes that cost our society hundreds of thousands of dollars are being shelved even if brought up inder their noses. Criminals thrive in our city/county, there is ZERO investigation. Personally know about few cases, nothing is moving there, very frustrating. All one hears about is how they do PR events & all that honey drivel.
But look, its much more fun to hunt non-existent prostitutes on tax payer’s dime, all that fun of dressing up & dirty jokes, instead of doing real work. Staly is a great disappointment!
Jackie says
I have lived here 2 1/2 years, I think Flagler Beach has its share of Crime…
I was going to the store the other night and in my alley was a young girl trying to figure out where she was/
very confused… This young lady reached for the handle of my car.. Never seen this lady before it is 9:30pm
at night. Very dark the young lady was trying to get in a locked fence area .. also.. called 911, they were
not able to locate her at all. Streets are very dark, Alleys are very dark… could use better lighting in the
town in flagler ….
I do not see crime down in the area at all… In fact, domestic violence, robberies, and theft, drugs are in
the paper often, How about the information that doesn’t hit the papers?
Anonymous says
You mean the LEO have cut back on the the crimes they created. Like arresting people for pissing at the side of the road and escalating a minor traffic stop. Then assaulting a sleeping impaired woman in the passanger seat. Then falsely claiming they were attacked and in fear of there life, calling fir backup by two other deputues who arrived because they have nithibg better to do than to intimidate, manipulate the seen with there body camerahs that was malfunctioning to cover up the crime they were committing. Good to know they are cutting back on the false crimes they report.