By Michael Scott Bryant
Of all the questions confronting voters in the 2024 U.S. presidential election, few are as puzzling as the seemingly unwavering support for a political candidate deeply mired in embarrassing sex scandals and criminal business practices.
Such is the case with Donald Trump, whose behavior would have sunk the campaigns of most U.S. presidential candidates.
In the 1980s, for example, Democrat Gary Hart’s presidential ambitions went to ground over allegations of extramarital affairs on a boat aptly named “Monkey Business.” Over the past 20 years, two New York governors, Andrew Cuomo and Eliot Spitzer, both Democrats, resigned over charges of sexual misconduct. Democrat Al Franken’s career in the Senate was scuttled over charges of indiscretions during a USO tour.
But Trump’s convictions of financial fraud and being found culpable for sexual misconduct have not dampened the enthusiasm of supporters of Trump and his “Make America Great Again” movement.
Part of the reason may be explained by Max Weber, an early 20th century German sociologist and social theorist. At the center of Weber’s thinking about political authority was the word “charisma.”
In today’s street lingo, charisma has been shortened to “rizz” and defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “style, charm or attractiveness, and the ability to attract a romantic or sexual partner.”
Nothing could be further from Weber’s understanding of charisma.
The religious roots of charisma
In his “Theory of Social and Economic Organization,” Weber goes back to the Christian roots of the word charisma to describe how social and political power achieved legitimacy within a society.
According to the Greek Bible, Jesus’ followers received spiritual gifts from God. Much later, derived from the Greek word “charis” – meaning “grace, kindness, favor – the word was brought over to English and referred to the gifts of healing, prophecy and other endowments of the Holy Spirit.

Mondadori via Getty Images
For Weber, what makes people charismatic is the possession of such gifts, through which they become mediators between God and their communities.
These gifts of the spirit transform the believer into a prophet.
Weber made a crucial distinction between a priest and a prophet. The priest acquires power through official credentialing and the routine performance of functions such as liturgies and rituals prescribed by the religion.
In contrast with the priest, the prophet derives authority not from official mechanisms but directly from God. The prophet thus stands outside the framework of the official religion – and even beyond society and a political state.
What characterizes the modern-day prophet is his defiance of the regimented order of society and his call to heed a higher calling. The prophet is inherently subversive.
While not religious, as historian Lawrence Rees has pointed out, the political prophet is “quasi-religious,” and the followers of such a person “are looking for more than just lower taxes or better health care, but seek broader, almost spiritual, goals of redemption and salvation.”
‘A call to arms’
Throughout modern history, charismatic leaders have shown their extraordinary ability to elicit devotion to themselves and their causes.
Some have been great spiritual leaders – Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, Indian independence leader Mahatma Gandhi, Civil Rights Movement leader Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and South African freedom fighter Nelson Mandela among them.

Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images
Others have been a scourge to humans – including Russian leader Josef Stalin, German dictator Adolf Hitler, Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong and cult leader Jim Jones.
Of those charismatic “prophets,” none may have possessed more charisma than Hitler. He was the prototype of a charismatic leader, according to Weber’s definition.
Like the prophets of old, Hitler was an outsider who possessed remarkable gifts of oratory and uncanny good luck. Of his charismatic traits, none was more important than his ability to persuade. One early follower, Kurt Lüdecke, highlighted the power of a Hitler speech in 1922:
“When he spoke of Germany’s disgrace I felt ready to spring on an enemy. His appeal to German manhood was like a call to arms, the gospel he preached a sacred truth. He seemed another (Martin) Luther. I forgot everything but the man. Glancing around, I saw that his magnetism was holding these thousands as one.”
In his “Inside the Third Reich,” Albert Speer confessed that his decision to join Hitler’s movement was emotional rather than intellectual: “In retrospect, I often have the feeling that something swooped me up off the ground at the time, wrenched me from all my roots, and beamed a host of alien forces upon me.”
Speer was later convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Trump’s charisma
Weber’s concept of charisma helps us understand Trump’s appeal to his Christian followers.
Trump portrays himself as an outsider who will attack the decadent mainstream system – and his followers are willing to fight and die for him.
Indeed, the Jan. 6, 2021, rioters risked their freedom, their careers and, in at least one case, their lives for their leader. One of them, Ashli Babbitt, was fatally shot climbing through a shattered glass door inside the U.S. Capitol.
The list of lives and careers who were imprisoned as a result of service to Trump includes former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, ex-Trump “fixer” Michael Cohen and former Trump adviser Steve Bannon, among others.
Meanwhile, several ex-Trump lawyers have suffered or are facing disbarment and, in some cases, criminal charges related to their work for the Trump administration.
It’s my belief that Trump is not just an ordinary politician – people think he is a spiritual leader offering to bring them to the promised land.

Justin Merriman/Getty Images
Right-wing evangelicals such as Paula White, Tony Perkins and Hank Kunneman praise him as a man fulfilling God’s will through his actions.
Social media is filled with images of Trump being supported by Jesus, or even of Trump being crucified like Jesus.
And Trump himself has said that divine intervention saved him from an assassin’s bullets.
“And I’d like to think that God thinks that I’m going to straighten out our country,” Trump told Fox News host Mark Levin in September 2024. “Our country is so sick, and it’s so broken. Our country is just broken.”
A critical flaw
But the Achilles’ heel of the charismatic leader is lack of success.
In the case of Hitler, his battlefield failures in Dunkirk and Stalingrad during World War II punctured the charismatic balloon. But rebellions against his authority were fruitless, and Hitler was able to command obedience until his suicide in April 1945.
The need for continuous success is a cautionary tale for Trump, whose charisma appears to be ebbing.
Trump’s reputation as a winner took a blow with his loss to Joe Biden in the 2020 election. With Biden’s decision to drop out of the race, Vice President Kamala Harris has made the 2024 presidential campaign a much closer race.
If the erosion continues, Trump will likely confront the fates of all failed prophets – to be barred access to the levers of power they crave.
Michael Scott Bryant, Professor of History and Legal Studies, Bryant University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
Michael Scott Bryant is Professor of History and Legal Studies at Bryant University.

Smeyr says
Everything has to be analyzed to the hilt. Maybe the guy just really loves his country. Every politician has ther faults but, none more then what’s leading this country . I don’t need this ridiculous article to make me feel about a person that really cares about country and people. If any sane person has looked at what’s going on and the persecution they have put this man through since 2016. Ther is nothing but hatred from the left an they will stop at nothing to continue to hold power while reducing our morals and quality of life. Unlike the left I don’t hate them or ther beliefs. I feel sorry for them
joe says
“If any sane person has looked at what’s going on and the persecution they have put this man through since 2016. ”
Clearly, you are completely ignorant of the facts laid out in the numerous indictments, court filings, Senate Intelligence Committee Reports, etc that detail Trump’s malfeasance. NO ONE has “put him through” persecution – he’s merely facing the consequences of his actions.
Jim says
How anyone could possibly draw the conclusion that “…Maybe the guy just really loves his country…” is absolutely beyond my comprehension. You think he cares about you (or any of us?)? Really? He disrespects the military, he makes fun of the handicapped, he shills garbage to all his MAGA followers, he stole top secret documents and wouldn’t return them, attempted to overthrow the 2020 election, failed miserably at leading the country through a pandemic for gosh sakes. And for a guy who “loves America”, he sure got cozy with almost every dictator in the world during his term while pushing our reliable allies away. How that shows “love”, I just can’t fathom. He lowers taxes on the rich. He is both for and against abortion (just pick a day). He has less loyalty to anyone than I’ve ever seen in my life while claiming that loyalty is the most important thing (which it is as long as we’re talking about him). Forty of 44 cabinet level officials in his administration say he’s not fit for office. And, remember, he picked “nothing but the best and finest people”. And you apparently think Trump is leading the way to improving our morals as well. Well, nothing like a rapist, porn-star banging, cheatin’ on his wife(s), lying Orange huckster to lead us back to God, right!!!???
And, speaking of hate, do you ever listen to what Trump says? If he doesn’t spew hatred 24/7, I don’t know who does.
I’ll stop there because I just get tired of thinking about what a piece of garbage Trump is.
So, go buy some Trump NFT’s. I hear he has some new ones out. I think you’re the kind of person who would be proud to tell the world you own Trump NFT’s! And wallow in your private little world where Trump is Godlike and those who don’t like or trust him are all filled with hate and low morals. Your world is so far from reality and I can not relate and won’t even try.
John Stove says
Please turn off Fox News, Newsmax and go outside for some fresh air…..yes the sunlight will hurt your eyes for a few moments but when you can focus again, take off your tin foil hat.
Trumpo and his Ilk are nothing more than a crew of Imbecilic morons who couldn’t run a food truck let alone a country. Do you want to know why everything is analyzed?….because Trumpo is the biggest pathological liar this country has ever seen and FACTS DO MATTER.
So as the Republicans who support Trumpo and Trumpo himself circle the drain with their weird obsession with everything BUT how to make the average Americans life better…..perhaps just perhaps you will see the writing on the wall (and the history books) that Trumpo was the worst president EVER and that his “brand” will forever be remembered as a grifting, lying, sexual abusing traitor.
Sherry says
What an excellent comment! Thank you John Stove!
How tragic that so many of our fellow citizens exist in the FOX “alternate reality” where they are bombarded with conspiracy theories regarding the “persecution” of trump. Where they are fed lies and right winged propaganda 24/7. . . causing them to lose their independent thinking ability along with their moral compass.
30 years ago, they would have not been so easily fooled by such corrupt charlatans.
Joe D says
For Smeyr:
A man who “loves his country”…REALLY!?! The only things Trump LOVES: himself, his money, his public image, his personal power, and of course…the POWER being President gives him! He is just seething to wield that power AGAIN after he got the FIRST taste during his prior term as President.
There is something to be said about Trump’s “Charisma.” I remember (almost fondly, I’m sad to admit),his TV show, the Apprentice. It certainly was entertaining at the time!
To think TRUMP CARES about the AVERAGE person, is a JOKE given his prior behavior and treatment of “non-Rich”/non-influencial celebrities/politicians/businessmen/foreign dictators.
The Middle Class and the lower income class got “pennies” in Trump’s tax cuts, compared with the MAJOR tax cuts for Corporations, and the top 3% of incomes. Most of his legislation during his presidency ONLY benefited the PRIVILEGED CLASS.
Now as his second attempt to be the American Dictator, there is nothing he won’t SAY, LIE, or PROMISE to get the votes of the “sheeple” who will believe ANYTHING he says (without checking), no matter how INCREDIBLE his comments are.
This article is right on the MONEY ( no pun intended)! Some individuals can use their skills of Charisma to SWAY their followers to believe and support them…REGARDLESS of the FACTS.
How incredibly SAD for the American people (AND the WORLD).
Sherry says
Thank you Joe D! All excellent points!
Deborah Coffey says
The only thing Trump loves is himself. He’s playing you.
Sherry says
@ smeyr. . .
Are you in touch with fact based reality at all? Please let us all precisely how trump has demonstrated, “by his actions”, that he loves our country.
Right winged media outlets like FOX and Newsmax will tell you that trump is completely “innocent” of absolutely everything for which he has been found guilty in Congress during his TWO impeachments, and in our “Courts of Law”. FOX will tell you that the poor “billionaire” has been persecuted. They will tell you that anyone who is concerned about the “FACT” that trump is a “Convicted Felon” has “trump derangement syndrome”. That “there is nothing but hatred from the left” . . . blah! blah! blah!
Do you not understand that you are being completely manipulated by those media outlets to throw the facts of “Trials” and “Law and Order” out the window regarding trump’s multiple guilty verdicts? Manipulated to throw your morals out the window by supporting a person found guilty of “sexual assault”. . . as well as the fact that he committed adultery. Manipulated to just forget about the insurrection trump incited on Jan. 6th, for which he was “Impeached”. Manipulated to just erase from your mind “Abuse of Power and Obstruction” for which trump was “Impeached” the first time.
Those of us who are forced to remind trump supporters again and again that he is unfit for office because of his criminal actions, his corruption and his immorality don’t just point out these “facts” out of hatred. I don’t know the man. I don’t “hate” him personally. But, I sure as hell do not think such a person should be the President of our country. Such a person should actually be held accountable and possibly even be in jail.
smeyr. . . you claim that the politicians leading this country have “more” faults than those I just outlined in trump. And, that “the left will stop at nothing to hold power while reducing our morals and quality of life”. Please post “credentialled facts” backing up your claim that essentially says the left and the Biden/Harris administration is more criminally corrupt and morally bankrupt than trump and his cohorts. . . some of whom have now served jail time for their crimes.
“Law and Order” Matters! “Accountability” Matters! “Character” Matters! “Facts” Matter! “Truth” Matters!
I’ll wait to read your response, with those credentialled facts, smeyr. . . but, I’ll not hold my breath. Wishing for you that there will be a time when you regain your independent thinking and reasoning ability. PBS/BBC/AP News has truthful information waiting for you.
Wallingford says
The charismatic one gains attention no matter where he or his words go. A lawsuit has been initiated in a French Court by an Algerian Boxer, Imane Khelif, against Donald trump, Elon Musk, and JK Rowling for felony aggravated harassment for their baseless claims that she was a male fighting in a women’s venue. Trump can’t help himself and Musk claims that his Trans child is Dead from Woke disease. And we want the latter advising the former?
Engin Ruslpostur says
It is unbelievable to me that anyone could perceive Trump as charismatic. He is a career criminal, serial liar, sexual deviate and has repeatedly broken at least half of the commandments that religious people hold dear. His record speaks for itself complete with refusing to rent to non whites in his properties, cheating suppliers to his businesses and complete incompetence in leadership. A better question to ask is “ Why do people ignore these obvious reasons to dismiss trump ?”
jake says
Cry me a river, your TDS is evident, and it’s obvious you have never considered the fact he’s better qualified to run this country than the DEI joke you Dems have offered up.
Ray W. says
Hello FlaglerLive readers.
Yesterday, Jake accused Engin Ruslpostur of having TDS. He then proclaimed Trump as better suited to lead American than is Harris.
Yesterday, former Vice President Cheney stated:
“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. … He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again.”
Make of this what you will. Me? Can derangement be interpreted two ways. Can one person can be deranged for something, i.e., positive derangement), and another can be deranged against something, i.e., negative derangement? Either person might be thought insane, depending on the facts surrounding the assertion.
This is a thought exercise. Is it possible that Jake is deranged in favor of Trump and that Cheney is sane in his assessment of Trump? Would Jake’s form of derangement extend to his fooling himself into seeing Harris as a “DEI joke”? In other words, is Jake positively deranged and negatively deranged at the same time?
As I am fond of repeating, one of the most difficult things in life is to not fool oneself.
Joe D says
Better qualified…all I can say is HA, HA, HA!
Guess we’ll see how the AMERICAN people REALLY believe…in a few weeks
John Stove says
Ha….Ha….Ha get some new material Jake…!!
TDS?..more like people are seeing what a weird assortment of lying buffoon’s the Republicans are offering as their choice for 2024. Trump and Vance are the best the Republicans have for this country? Really?
The more they talk, the weirder they are and you cant fix stupid!
BillC says
Cry Me A River was written in 1953, was a hit in 1955. Those days are long gone. Not going back there with Englebert Trumperdinck.
JW says
Followers of politicians who are charismatic or quasi-religious are typically ignorant. They have never learned to think critically. Why? They did not learn much form their parents or in school (K-12). Unfortunately our school system is decaying with book banning, limiting teaching of (world) history, civics, the history of religion (all of them!) and science. Just carefully listen to the politicians you are following When you vote THINK, i.e use your brain not your gut
Debi says
Fascinating! Provides some clarity in trying to understand the appeal of Trump. THANK YOU!
Skibum says
Wait… his MAGA sheeple believe he has… charisma??? Well, he does seem to have an affinity for Hannibal Lecter, so there is that.
Sherman says
My parents didn’t raise a fool, I would never vote for someone that orchestrated a insurrectionist on their own government, has committed and charged with 34 felony counts, has raped women, who steals from charities. Hide and stoled classified government documents. I don’t care what party they are with if he was a Democrat, Independant and claims to be a Republican they would not get my vote.
He is out for himself and anyone that will give him money he will give them anything for the almighty buck.
Kennan says
BillC says
Trump’s “charisma” mostly appeals to a certain group – those seeking a return to the good ‘ol days. Trump’s 50’s hairdo and his Las Vegas lounge lizard act and game show host personality make them comfortable, safe in a world of nostalgia. No need to worry about your problems and troubles in an increasingly unfamiliar world. Trump takes them back to a place that no longer exists.
DaleL says
I pretty much agree with Professor Bryant. However, I have an issue concerning the Achilles’ heel.
“But the Achilles’ heel of the charismatic leader is lack of success.”
Authoritarian (charismatic leaders) leaders are not troubled by the truth. Mussolini is known for making the trains run on time. In truth it was a lie. Hitler’s battlefield “failures” never happened in Nazi propaganda. If there were failures, they were always made by someone else. Similarly, Trump has made no failures, no mistakes, or at least never, ever admitted any. In Trump’s world, as expressed by “Smeyr says”, Mr. Trump is the heroic victim of the hatred from the left. The facts don’t matter. It does not matter that except for a huge inheritance and the cash from The Apprentice, Trump would probably be a used car salesperson. It does not matter that he is an adulterer, a serial lair, convicted criminal, etc.
Finally, in the case of Hitler, Dunkirk was not a battlefield failure or necessarily a bad military decision. At the time of Dunkirk the panzer forces were exhausted. They had spent days without rest on their amphetamine drug induced rampage to the coast. Most of the French army was still intact. The British had not committed a single Spitfire to France. The Lufwaffe had not yet encountered an Allied fighter aircraft that could match the ME109.
Laurel says
Charisma? Oh, my gosh! I did always wonder how Hitler gained popularity. I wonder no more.
I sit and I listen to Trump speak. I have to close my mouth, repeatedly, as my jaw keeps dropping open at the ongoing babble, the nonsensical dribble, that pours out of his mouth, with him having no conscience of what he is doing to people, or our country. I have to keep unfurling my brow as I try to make sense of rambling, unfinished sentences, the “weave” diverting us in all different directions, such as the extensive, misdirection of a simple question about what he would do about childcare, ending with “Childcare is childcare”. He claims he is a genius, and we just don’t understand. He stands right in front of his supporters at rallies, and says to their faces “I love the uneducated” and they cheer.
Why do they buy it? It’s not believable, it’s nasty and divisive, it’s adolescent name calling with no detectable positive outcome, all coming from a man that has upended any sense of decency, and law and order. Why do they follow? Why are they now okay with Russia, North Korea, and China? Russia, North Korea, Iran, India, China and Saudi Arabia are actively spreading propaganda and misinformation with the intent to infect our voting outcome, and to send our country into the direction that suits them. Trump tells us “our country is sick” and threatens his opponents. He has ruined the careers of honest people.
Is there no analysis, or even intuition from the loyal?
Why do they believe him to be chosen by God, when he has been proven to call half of Americans the enemy, degraded women, mocked a man with a palsy, and called people who are trying to bring him to justice “deranged”? When shot at during a rally, he was supposedly spared by God, but the man who protected his family was not. That man was murdered.
This is “charisma”? No, something else is wrong here.
How is Trump different from being a devil, opposed to being a God? There are posters of him hanging from a cross, with not much push back from his fans. “White Christian Nationalism” will make everything better. So, where is Christ in all this? Is Christ divisive? Did he call people “vermin” or other derogatory names? Did Christ disparage women, or people who were somehow different? Would he have mocked a man with a palsy? Would he have sexually assaulted a woman? I see the people, on the right, pull their crosses out from their blouses and shirts, for all to see, yet their behavior, and their speech, is very different from being Christlike, by my understanding.
I think I finally understand.
Trump is that part of his followers that need absolution. If elected, he will pardon the insurrectionists. He has given his loyal permission to behave poorly in public, such as flying a “Fuck Biden” flag. He has given them permission to be offensive against those they fear, with name calling, and threats of violence. He has given them permission to be bigoted. But most of all, he has given them full permission to blame others for their lot in life. They can be as foul as they like, with no need to admit responsibility.
That’s it! I finally got it!
No responsibility for bad behavior. No responsibility for hate speech. No responsibility for bigotry. No responsibility for the mistreatment of others. And especially, no responsibility for personal misjudgment, financial or otherwise. Full permission to blame others. That’s where the victim-hood comes in. He looks down on us from his cross, the biggest victim the world has ever seen, and says it’s the fault of someone else!
Sherry says
Excellent comment. . . Thank you Laurel!
Please watch some eddie izzard says
If we could all just watch Eddie izzard comedy shows,- I’m sure we’d laugh ourselves to enlightenment. I know he’s no longer physically the same, but his comic reality is dead on! It’s not what you say, but how you say it that gains support…obviously with trump!
Ed P says
And after a dozen posts, not one policy issue mentioned. Leaves nothing to debate.
Each opinion is right, everyone’s perception is their own reality. Maybe it’s really the issues discussed around peoples’ kitchen tables. The deepening angst and despair of the working poor. Can’t make ends meet. The harder they tr, it seems the worse it gets. People are struggling. The pain is real. Consumer prices are up 20%, credit cards are maxed out. Who’s going to be best at delivering a life line? Maybe the reprobate? Maybe not, but status quo appears to be the problem and not the solution.
So what about some open, honest debate about crime, open borders, inflation/economy or most importantly all the “hot spots” around the world. We are truly in trouble.
Aren’t all these issues important?
DaleL says
Consider 1978 to 1982 in comparison. Inflation went up 48% and the economy was stagnant. From 2020 to 2024 the rate has been 21.5%. Are people really struggling with credit card debt? During the pandemic, both the Trump and Biden administrations gave away “free” money. Supply chain issues and travel restrictions reduced peoples ability to spend. More money chasing fewer goods caused the spike in inflation. It also allowed many people to pay down their credit card debt. Now people are spending again and their debt is going up.
A true comparison is the credit card debt compared with household disposable income. If one compares that ratio from just before the pandemic to today, it is the SAME! Yes, some people are struggling; some always are. The average person is not.
It is also important to distinguish between impossible lies and reasonable promises on policy. One candidate has proven himself over and over to be of poor moral character and a serial liar. Voting for a liar, because of their promises as to policy, is a fools errand. Simply put: Fool Me Once, Shame On You; Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me.
Ed P says
Dale L,
Can we debate foreign policy, our open border crisis, current economic conditions and each candidate’s solution? Conservative policies vs progressive policies?
If Harris changed her views on several policies but not her core values, tell me how that is really possible. Values must change or she is lying.
I concede and defer to your assessment that EVERYONE lies.
Yes everyone. Both Trump and Harris…. So we do we vote for no one??
Sherry says
Aren’t all conmen charismatic to their weak minded prey? Isn’t being charming part of the playbook of the snake oil salesman?
The criminally corrupt conman does not solve problems for “anyone” but himself and his cohorts. Oh, he may be a slick talker, but trump is only out for himself, and “childless women” hater, JD Vance, is his perfect counterpart.
Laurel says
Trump stated on Truth Social that if elected President he will go after lawyers, donors and election officials (of course only those who did not vote for him) and imprison them. He will be the deciding factor on who cheats and who doesn’t, who goes to prison, and who will be set free. Sounds like the United States of America to you? If you donated to someone other than him, you get persecuted? Mobster Boss.
“The 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again,” he wrote. – NBC News.
This guy is nuts! I’m sorry folks, but this guy should be Baker Acted. Are you all going to tell me, that if he loses, it will only be because half the country cheats? Again, where is the proof from the last election? There isn’t any! Over 60 lawsuits proved this. You damn well know it, or are you all in that far of a state of denial? This guy is flat out crackers! I don’t need any talk show hosts to tell me this, it is blatant, and it is obvious.
What in the hell are y’all thinking?
jackson says
Again, I’d like to point out that the November election includes positions in both chambers of Congress – the House and the Senate. donald trump seems to be the only republican candidate running for office raising concerns about rigged elections. None of the other candidates — not even his own VP candidate — are whining about rigged elections. Some states, counties and municipalities are taking him seriously enough to take steps to purge voter rolls to create the illusion of honest elections, but they’re not doing it for any of the republican candidates. Just one. The only one who happens to be a convicted felon running for office to stay out of prison.
Sherry says
During the debate, fact checkers have found that trump lied over 30 times while Kamala Harris lied once. Some of trump’s lies were ridiculous and egregious! That is precisely why trump was “fact checked” by the moderators. Fact checkers also found trump told well over 30,000 lies while in office. Unethical trumpsters merely sweep all those “character” issues under the rug by saying things like all politicians lie. . . implying that trump is the same as everyone else. They do not want to discuss trump’s status as a convicted felon. . . caused by his “criminal” lying. They also don’t want to talk about his multiple “Guilty” verdicts, sexual assaults, and impeachments.
Character Matters! Ethics Matter! Integrity Matters! Facts Matter! Truth Matters! Honor Matters! Justice Matters! Accountability Matters!