See the update here.
A woman shot and killed a man at 705 North Bacher Street in Bunnell this evening around 7:30 p.m. The man died of a gunshot wound to the head.
The woman, who may have been the victim’s girlfriend, reportedly told authorities that the shooting was accidental, and that she did not know that the gun was loaded. “There is an initial claim of an accidental shooting,” a sheriff’s spokesperson confirmed.
Flagler County Fire Flight, the emergency helicopter, was initially placed on standby and numerous fire rescue units sent in, then cancelled when the man died. The identities of the shooter and the victim are not known.
The property at 705 North Bacher has been owned by James and Angelina New since the mid-1990s. Angelina New is the sister of former Bunnell City Commissioner Jimmy Flynt. Neither appears to have been involved.
“It looks like two of their friends were staying there,” Tom Foster, Bunnell’s acting city manager, said this evening. Foster was the Bunnell police chief until he was named acting manager several weeks ago.
The victim, he said, is “a white male, 56, he’s deceased from what looks like an apparent gunshot so we are working it as a homicide right now,” Foster said. “We have a person of interest being interviewed right now.” That interview was taking place at the Flagler County Sheriff’s investigation unit. The State Attorney’s major cases unit was also involved, Foster said. But it’s a Bunnell Police Department case.
“What I can tell you is there’s no threat to the community,” Foster said, noting that the shooting “might have been a boyfriend girlfriend” incident.
A crime scene investigation unit was heading for the property in late evening.
An accidental shooting does not necessarily exonerate the shooter. The last such shooting in Flagler County, resulting in the death of the victim, took place in Palm Coast six years ago, when William Merrill shot and killed his wife with a single gunshot from an AK-47 to the chest. Merrill claimed he was not aware the weapon was loaded, but had pointed its laser beam at his wife–as she was bathing their infant daughter–and pulled the trigger. He was charged with manslaughter and sentenced to 25 years in prison.
MS Auggie says
Adults are supposed to know, how to handle a gun, even unloaded, slightly unbelievable, to me. They are the farthest things from toys or to be handled with negligence.
Coyote says
Rule #1 for gun ownership – ALL guns are LOADED !!
Rule #2 – Never, never forget Rule #1
Trailer Bob says
You do not point and shoot someone, than say you didn’t know the fun was loaded. Maybe if you are 6 years old…but…just saying.
Ken says
So sad that this happens so often one should never point a gun at another person unless your ready to use it period. First thing one should do upon picking us any gun, rifle ect is to check if it loaded so your in total control of your weapon. Accidents happen but these are preventable if you handle a weapon with respect and safety. Can’t say if she deserves to go to jail or not since I can’t verify her statement of it was an accident. That will be up to the police in their investigation process. If it’s truly and accident then she should not be prosecuted because she will be living with the fact she killed someone who she cared about.
OMG says
Investigators asked her if she was startled when he yelled “bang.” She said no. She was asked if she intentionally pulled the trigger. She said yes. She also told the investigators that she was familiar with the firearm and that she “knew better.” That sounds like murder to me!!!!