Since his arrest in 2017 on second-degree felony charges after he was accused of fondling the 12-year-old daughter of his then-girlfriend, Bryan Patrick Loveland of Palm Coast has been engaged in a cat-and-mouse game that he’d been largely winning against detectives, prosecutors and the court: he’d managed to stay out of prison.
That changed today when Circuit Judge Terence Perkins sentenced him to four years followed by two years in probation. Loveland had testified, often tearfully, about his depression, his drinking, his brother’s suicide in November, his own attempted suicide and getting baker Acted in June 2021 as he spoke from a remote link at the Flagler County jail, where he’s been incarcerated since the end of June. But the judge didn’t buy it, going instead with Assistant State Attorney Melissa Clark’s latest assessment of the 42 year old.
“Mr. Loveland is incredibly manipulative,” Clark told the judge. “He literally tried to weasel his way out of his violation by having his wife doctor a court document in the hopes that it would trick me and trick you, so that we would dismiss his violation. To me that is not somebody that can be placed on supervision. I don’t think there’s any possible thing you could fashion that can guarantee that Mr. Loveland is going to abide by your court orders because frankly, if he doesn’t agree with them, he’s not going to do them. He’s just not. And he’s going to lie about it, and do anything he can to weasel his way out of any conditions you place on him. I think the only appropriate sentence is prison. I advocated from that for that very early on.”
Back in 2017, after initially facing two second-degree felony charges over his abuse of the 12-year-old, the State Attorney’s Office filed one of the two charges against him. An injunction was in effect, forbidding him from contacting the victim or her mother. He violated it while on bond and was rearrested, then pleaded in 2018 to five years on probation–to a reduced charge of felony child abuse. The reduced charge enabled him to avoid getting branded a sex offender.
He then violated his probation when he was in New Jersey. His former girlfriend begged the court to give him a break. “I can not sit here and watch Bryan be punished for things that were a direct result of my sometimes vindictive actions, in an unknown hormonal Imbalance while not yet knowing I was pregnant,” she wrote. “I have already contacted prosecutor Melissa Clark in reference to some of the charges, clarifying some of the Incorrect and misinformation I had originally provided her. Particularly the incident of him possibly being alone with my at the time, underage daughters.” The girls she was referring to, 9 and 17, are not connected to the original 2017 case. “He was in fact not alone with them. I later found out that my 23yr old son was home during the 4 hours Bryan was there.” She called him “whole heartedly a wonderful person.”
He was sentenced to a year in jail on charges of violating his pre-trial release conditions and violating an injunction, a year-long sentence starting last June 29. But that was separate from the probation violation charge he was being sentenced on today. This morning he testified that he attempted to kill himself not long before the sentence started.
At today’s hearing, he testified that he’d had a drug and alcohol problem for years, and was in desperate need of treatment–with a treatment option lined up, assuming he was not imprisoned. His attorney, Britney Soles, argued the point, lobbing him the sort of questions that would elicit servile responses:
“How does it make you feel knowing that you may have an opportunity to be in the Phoenix House?” his attorney asked.
“It excites me. After my experience with my brother especially,” Loveland said. “My main focus is getting help. On my prior violations, I appreciated everything that my attorneys had done for me, but I asked both of them if they can assist me with getting into treatment. I knew that I had problems and that I needed help. Unfortunately they persuaded me to just allow them to get put back on probation.”
“So you think the Phoenix House would give you that tool to be in a better mental health state to make better choices?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Loveland said. “They focus on mental health, as well as substance abuse.”
But Clark had outlined the number of times Loveland had violated conditions of various lenient judgments. She had shown a document from a treatment facility that contradicted his claims about drinking or drugs. And she had played phone conversations recorded at the jail between him and his girlfriend (the calls are always recorded) and showed the document they had doctored to deceive the court about the timing of one of his conditions.
To keep Loveland from prison, the judge would have had to justify a “downward departure” from the required sentencing guidelines. He said there was no such justification. Perkins cited “a pervasive and extensive manipulation by the defendant of the court system in direct violation of existing court orders. And again, both a tampering with a witness–that is, the victim–violation of pre trial orders, and violations of the court’s injunctions. I just find that an incarcerated sentence followed by that additional probation would be necessary. If Mr. Loveland wants the mental health treatment or obviously the substance abuse treatment, that would be something he can take up with probation.”
Perkins sentenced him to four years on the charge of tampering with evidence or a witness. He will get some credit for time served.
A.j says
Will he serve the full term?
Geezer says
He’d never succeed as an actor.
Jimbo99 says
Uggghhhh, what a mess & horrible existence this must be to live life like this every day on planet Hell (Earth). There’s no shortage of a line of parasites with careers getting paid quite well to have that much control & influence in a day to day existence. The rest of us don’t deserve anyone involved in this. For hobbies, couldn’t they find something else to do. Maybe get a ball or guitar, ride a bike, anything to keep them preoccupied from this level of messing up.
Skibum says
This sex offender felon’s girlfriend should be outraged that he had been fondling her young daughter, yet, as in many such cases, she instead takes his side and is complicit in a scheme to falsify court documents to help him stay out of prison – where he would be free to continue to commit sex offenses on young children. As disgusting as both of their behavior is, sadly it is not that unusual. Sometimes it is extremely difficult for children to convince a parent that another family member sexually abused them. When I was in law enforcement in WA State, I was involved in a case where a guy had repeatedly sexually abused his girlfriend’s infant son. Even after being convicted and sentenced to several years in prison, she continued to visit him regularly in prison and tried to get the judge to allow him to release to her home because she wanted to marry him when he got out of prison. The judge firmly told her he would never allow him to live in the home where her victim son was living because of the potential for the abuser to further sexually abuse the boy. So, as sick and surprising as it may sound to many people, she gave her young son up for adoption so she could live with the man who raped her boy! And they did get married when he got out. Talk about sick people. This girlfriend reminds me of that case, and how sick and twisted other parents can sometimes be when they are actually intentionally or unintentionally involved in the abuse of young children in the home and take the side of the adult who is perpetrating ongoing sexual abuse to the horror of innocent children. I’m so glad the judge put him where he belongs, but I fear the girlfriend’s horrible judgment and lack of parental care and safety of the children in her custody may put them in danger of being preyed upon in the future. It is an unfortunate reality that some “parents” only have kids because they have the proper plumbing but no other parental tools or desire to get that important responsibility done properly.
Michelle Loveland says
I actually am the ex gf, who later became the wife. The way this article was written, it confuses a lot. My children were not the ones he was accused of molesting. He was accused of molesting his former wife’s daughter. I was unaware of any of this when I met him. You may ask why I then married him after finding out. Unless you have ever been with a master manipulator and a downright narcissist, you will never understand the power they can have over you. I tried for what seemed like lifetime. Although I have removed myself from the marriage, I still struggle with it sometimes. Day by day is how I take it, knowing I’m better off without him. I’m an empath so of course I truly hope he gets the help he needs but I believe it goes far beyond treatment for alcoholism and depression.
Me Too says
Ms Loveland,
I am a victim of sexual abuse by my stepfather and I applaud you for getting yourself and your children away from this person. I do understand what a narcissist can and will do to manipulate and get what they want. I hope your children are ok.
You did the right thing. Thank God for your children because my mother didn’t.
Brian says
He needs more than 4 years for damaging a child like this!!!