Update: Nicholas Alo was arrested Thursday night in Palm Coast’s W Section on the charges listed below, plus a charge of probation violation, Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney said.
It was a scene out of A Clockwork Orange as a brother and sister, cruising Flagler Beach with others, last week allegedly ganged up on a 15-year-old boy, repeatedly beating and kicking him while taking video of the beating, running over a woman who jumped in to the boy’s aid and to prevent the group from leaving, then driving off, leaving both the boy and the woman injured.
Gabriella Hope Alo, 18, and her brother Nicholas Dean Alo, 21, face several felony charges as a result, including aggravated battery with bodily harm, child abuse, leaving the scene of a crash with injury, tampering with a witness and contributing to the delinquency of a minor for Gabriella, and child abuse, tampering and contributing to the delinquency of a minor for Nicholas.
Gabriella was booked at the Flagler County jail on five charges on Jan. 13, where she remains on $18,500 bond. Nicholas’s whereabouts are unknown. He is on probation on a Volusia County sentencing for child abuse, in a case that began as a pair of charges for molestation of a minor. A plea reduced the charges. His probation runs through September.
The incident took place late the evening of Jan. 11 at Wickline Park at 800 South Daytona Avenue in Flagler Beach.
According to a Flagler Beach police investigative report, itself based on interviews with the victims and their parents, with witnesses, on surveillance video footage from Wickline park and on data from license plate readers, the Alo siblings were driving around in a Chevy Impala with the victim and others, intent on a beating. The victim said there’d been an argument over a vaping cartridge. A witness said the siblings set out wanting to beat up the victim.
When they got to Wickline, everyone got out. Surveillance video captured what followed: One of the siblings threw a drink at the 15-year-old victim’s face, then three of the people who were in the car started pummeling the victim, who was not fighting back. (One of the boys in the car did not engage in the fight, and walked around. He would later tell police he had refused to take part in the beating and cried when the siblings pressured him to engage.) The victim was “obviously in pain as he was hunched over, looking at the ground,” the report states. Gabriella approached with her phone, taking video, then “steps back and kicks [him] in the head twice, causing his head to snap back each time.”
The group left the victim, got in the car and drove off, but only for a few minutes. They drove back. The boy who had not taken part in the beating told police that the siblings had decided to return to the park and administer another beating on the 15 year old. They allegedly did so just after 11:40 p.m., finding the boy speaking with someone at the park.
It was then that Kaitlin Dahme, 29, got involved. She had been in a car with her mother, Lisa Jo Dahme, 51, who was dropping off Kaitlin at her apartment near Wickline Park. Kaitlin noticed a fight going on, with one victim getting beaten, and saw the Chevy Impala, a car that looked identical to her brother’s. She rushed over, thinking maybe it was her brother who was in trouble (it was not, the car was identical, but not her brother’s). She began yelling at the suspects in an attempt to break up the fight. They ran back to the car.
Kaitlin stood behind the car to keep it from driving off, so law enforcement would have time to get to the scene. Surveillance video footage again caught the scene: The Chevy went into reverse, with “the rear trunk area of the vehicle being raised, indicating that the vehicle[‘s] accelerator had been applied significantly while in reverse and the vehicle appeared to be moving at a high rate of speed,” the arrest report states. “As the suspect vehicle was turning[,] the passenger side of the vehicle struck Kaitlin, knocking her to the ground quickly causing the front passenger side tire to run over Kaitlin’s legs, causing significant injury.
“The vehicle’s brake lights illuminated with the vehicle coming to an abrupt stop. At this time Kaitlin’s legs are still under the front hood area of the vehicle trapping her underneath the vehicle. The driver’s door opens for a moment and then closes. The suspect vehicle then accelerates at a high rate of speed causing the front passenger side of the vehicle to lift up and then suddenly drop, indicating that the vehicle[‘s] front passenger side tire ran over Kaitlin’s legs again.”
Kaitlin’s mother is then seen running over “frantically,” with her phone out, calling emergency services.
The siblings drove off to State Road 100, where an LPR recorded them leaving the city, then onto I-95 as they drove to Jacksonville. According to one of the boys in the car with them, who spoke with authorities, Gabriella told everyone, “we have to go to Jacksonville to get away.” She told everyone to turn off their phones and remove the phones’ sim cards, to prevent tracking. They went to an extended-stay motel where the siblings stay when they’re not at their parents’ Wellstone Drive home in palm Coast–Wood Springs Suite, on I-295.
The boy who was with them, who had not taken part in the fight, called his father from Jacksonville to come and collect him. A fourth boy who was in the car, known as “Kyren,” has not been identified, and is still at large. Kailin Dahme, a well-known bartender at Tortugas, the restaurant in Flagler Beach, was taken to AdventHealth Palm Coast to be treated for her injuries.
Gabriella Alo’s public defender on Tuesday made a motion in court to allow her client to be released from jail, as she is unable to post bond. That bond hearing is set for Feb. 6.
Get well soon Kaitlin! Youre a hero! says
Hope Kaitlin Dahme recovers quickly. She tried to help a child in need and did not deserve what these animals did. Lisa Dahme then had to witness her daughter being ran over not once but twice. Sick bastards. Neither sister nor brother should be allowed amongst society. Both have proven to be scum. Their parents should be proud of what their spawns have grown to become smh. The public defender has some serious balls asking for Gabriella to be released from jail, she doesnt deserve a bond nor release after what she did, she deserves a prison sentence period. She knows where her scumbrother is also and the longer he is on the loose the longer both their sentences should be. The courts always want to make examples out of petty stuff so how about making an example out of these siblings? Hit and run with bodily injury sounds like oops it was an accident rather than what it actually was so add on vehicular assault to those charges since she intentionally used the car as a weapon that caused bodily injury. Again, Prison is where these siblings belong!
Wendy F. says
I agree 100%. She should not be let out!
Disgusted in Flagler County says
I was going to say exactly what you said but you said it perfectly! And I really would like to know where these individuals’ parents are?????
Bobbi says
She needs to stay in jail! Along with her brother!
ASF says
No doubt both siblings will be tried as adults (albeitk separtely, if their lawyers have any sense.) Both will be shocked at how things will “change” for them as far as the judicial system works for adults, as opposed to juveniles, is concerned.
The Unvarnished Truth says
“Tried as adults”??? They are 18 and 21. Do people ever read past the “headlines” before offering an opinion, anymore? sheesh…
ASF says
I suspect these young people may have been in trouble before AS juveniles. If they are expecting the justice system to work the same way for them as adults as it did when they were considered juveniles by the state, they are in for a serious wake-up call. This happens all the time.
Jimbo99 says
Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Kaitlin Dahme & no permanent handicap from the altercation. As for Gabriella, she needs to stay in jail, the rest of us don’t need her out there amongst the rest of us. She can count it as credit for time served. Hopefully they just give them the max penalties for all involved. The one that didn’t get involved, should’ve refused to get into the car to leave.
For future & similar events, stay clear of felons fleeing in a vehicle. Take a photo of the license plate from a safer angle if that’s what is going to happen. Or memorize the plate number. 911 call to report all information.
KLS says
She needs to stay in jail for sure.
Eileen Araujo says
Lock them up and throw away the key…worse than animals…if you don’t nest time (and yes there will be a next time) it will be worse. To the woman who tried to help….bravo to you, brave soul.
DMFinFlorida says
Three teardrop tats under her right eye … and the lawyer wants them to release her from custody?! The tattoos have various meanings depending on which source you read, but none of them is good. Mostly prison and gang related. Yeah, leave her locked up, and the brother, too. Now there is a gene pool that should have been chlorinated 21 years ago. I commend Kaitlin for her attempt to help (I probably would have done the same). Best wishes to her for a full recovery, and maybe we should all think twice before intervening with thugs.
Flagler Live – any update on the condition of the original victim?
Doug says
Mommy and Daddy should be proud of the delinquents they have raised. After a good stay in prison, deport them back to New York and try to save our once sacred beach town.
Me says
Who raised these two juvenile delinquent’s? They sure did a lousy job.
People Crazy says
Gabriella can be frequently found sleeping in random parts of Holland Park. I always assumed she was homeless. Bad attitude, always standoffish. This isn’t much of a surprise.