The attorney representing Joseph Bova II, the man accused of murdering a convenience store attendant in an execution-style killing in Palm Coast three years ago, is again asking the court to declare Bova incompetent to stand trial. Bova was declared competent for trial 10 months ago, and has since been held without bond at the Flagler County jail as five pre-trial hearings since have been cancelled.
Bova is accused of killing Zuheili Roman Rosado at the Mobil Mart convenience store on State Road 100 in Palm Coast the night of Feb. 21, 2013. The 32-year-old single mother of six was alone behind the counter at the store when a man who covered his face with a black shirt walked in quickly, turned to his right and immediately aimed and shot several rounds. Seven months later Bova was arrested in Boca Raton, where he was living out of his car. Bova’s appearances in court since have all been a puzzle as he’s alluded to conspiracies, often refused to speak with his attorney and was for a period committed to a state hospital.
Ray Warren, the assistant public defender representing Bova, twice in April filed a “suggestion of mental incompetence to stand trial” on Bova’s behalf. Warren had learned at the end of March that Bova had begun refusing to take the medication necessary to maintain his competency, according to Warren’s filing. On April 8, a counselor at a Stewart-Marchman Behavioral facility, told jail officials that Bova was “decompensating,” a term describing a psychological condition when an individual loses the ability to function appropriately, sometimes exhibiting depression, anxiety, or delusions. The counselor recommended that Bova be returned to a state hospital to recover.
In his latest filings, Warren wrote that Bova “has exhibited inappropriate behavior in the presence of counsel and the court,” that he appears “disoriented as to time and place,” and has been unable to show understanding of the charges against him, or an ability to prepare for trial. In the past, Bova has refused to sign releases enabling his attorney to examine his medical records. In his last appearance before a judge, when J. David Walsh was still presiding over the case, Bova looked more numb than before, and under heavy medication.
The case has since shifted to Circuit Judge Matthew Foxman. Notices of taking depositions were filed earlier this year, as was a notice of cancellation of deposition. The next pre-trial hearing is scheduled for July 5 at 1:30 p.m. before Foxman.
gladfly says
Lawyers are ruining this country.
LongIslandHonker says
Cases like this case used to enrage me to the point where as a paramedic while transporting what I prejudged as vile murderous sociopathic vermin like this to a hospital after being shot or injured by police officers, some of whom they have killed usually after brutally raping & murdering innocent little girls or butchering little boys or even helpless senior citizens I would give great thought to helping the Good Lord send them to the ever present lake of fire while on my watch, it was always the thought that they could always be one of the very few men who were actually not the person who committed these evil deeds however strong the initial evidence presented itself. Regardless of my original mindset I am glad to say thanks to my belief that GOD would render the ultimate justice in his time I sleep well at night in knowing that I did the best I could in helping such men cheat death.
Anonymous says
In response to LongIslandHonker
God seems to be on vacation alot of the time
michael murphy says
Don’t buy his Lies, He Knew what he was doing when he Killed that poor Lady and left her Kids with no Mother.People Close the Stupid Loop Holes and hope this worthless POS gets put to Death.
Jacqui says
I knew Zuelilly, and her kids were part of the Youth Group I was a leader in. I keep praying for justice and closer for the family, and friends. More than that, I know this must be SO horrifying for the children to keep reliving every time this hits the news. I know situations like this test our faith, and the only comfort I have is knowing that no matter what shenanigans he may pull here on earth, in time, he will stand before God and be judged – and there is NO PLEA deals with God, no claiming mental illness, no standing on a defense of depression. God will judge him, and will impose a fiercer sentence than man could ever come up with. Keep her kids in prayer, and encouragement, because this has to be so very painful for them.
Katie Semore says
I am sorry for the hurt that her children and others who knew and loved the victim as well of this woman having lost her life. It was a horrific ordeal for everyone and I pray for all of them. However, if God is a just God, and I believe He is, would He not offer or grant a plea deal for those of His children who are truly so mentally ill that they do not understand right from wrong or the consequences of their actions? I am not offering an opinion to the mental health of this defendant as I have no idea of what it is.