The proposal drew unanimous approval from the five-member commission and near-unanimous approval from the public in attendance, including two former city commissioners and a former sheriff’s office sergeant, all three Black, all of whom either grew up in or still live in South Bunnell.
Gas Prices Drop Ahead of July 4, Continuing 2-Week Streak, But Don’t Whoop Yet
It’s painful, but not not as painful as two weeks ago: The price of a gallon of regular gas dropped below $4.70 at most gas stations along guzzlers’ alley on State Road 100 in Palm Coast early this week, continuing a two-week downward streak since prices came within 10 cents of the $5 mark in Flagler, and briefly crossed the mark in nearly half the states.
Probation Revoked, Jamie Nejame Gets a Year in Jail for Violating Order After Shooting at Neighbors’ House
Jamie Nejame, 73, a former candidate for office in Flagler Beach multiple times, was sentenced this morning to a year in jail for brazenly violating his probation just weeks after he was sentenced to probation on remarkably lenient terms, despite firing at least four shots at his neighbors’ house, where children were present.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, June 28, 2022
The Palm Coast Council talks budget, Kids Summer Performer Series at the public library, National Columnists’ Day, why Thomas Friedman is unbearable.
Attorney General and NRA Use New Decision to Challenge Under-21 Gun Restrictions
As they battle over a 2018 Florida law that raised the minimum age from 18 to 21 to buy rifles and other long guns, attorneys for the state and the National Rifle Association are trying to use a new U.S. Supreme Court ruling to bolster their arguments.
Octavia E. Butler, Sci-Fi Pioneer, and Her New Vision for Humanity
Octavia Butler was the first science fiction writer to be awarded a MacArthur Genius Grant. A pioneering writer in a genre long dominated by white men, her work explored power structures, shifting definitions of humanity and alternative societies.
Flagler County Seeks Volunteers for Meals on Wheels and Supplemental Food Programs
Flagler County Senior Services is looking for a few good men and women volunteers to assist with the Bread of the Mighty Food Bank’s Commodity Supplemental Food Program and Meals on Wheels.
Gerald McCaskell, 51, a Repeat Felon, Accused of Stabbing A Man in a Street Fight in South Bunnell
Gerald McCaskell of Bunnell, who has spent 14 years of the last 32 years in prison, was back at the Flagler County jail Saturday, on $100,000 bond, following an accusation that he stabbed and gravely injured a 54-year-old Palm Coast man with a serrated blade during a street fight that evening.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, June 27, 2022
Connor Segledi trial for alleged elderly abuse, the Bunnell City Commission considers a video-surveillance system on city streets, the national debt in 1956, “good guys with a gun.”
Supreme Court Brandishes Second Amendment Rights to New Heights
For most of the history of the court, Second Amendment rights have been seen as distinct, more dangerous and thus more open to regulation. Now, the majority of justices has invoked a major change, with implications for many rights and regulations in American society.
Republicans, DeSantis Among Them, Appear Willing to Lynch Democracy
The House hearings on the violent near-coup at the Capitol is the most exciting television since “Game of Thrones,” though with less sex and fewer beheadings. Since eight years of decent progress on social justice under Obama, it’s becoming clear something has gone very wrong with Republican brain-wiring.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Sunday, June 26, 2022
KidZ Jamboree at Holland Park, Grace Community Food Pantry, Fritz Kreisler, David Foster Wallace on the great literary phallocrats.
‘A Revolutionary Ruling – and Not Just for Abortion’: A Supreme Court Scholar Explains the Impact
What does this ruling mean? Why is there now no right to abortion, when Roe recognized it? Is a fetus now a person? What effect will the ruling have on other issues?
Flagler Leadership Academy’s 3rd Class Graduates 16 from Eight Local Governments
Sixteen students – representing the Flagler County Board of County Commissioners, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, the Flagler County Tax Collector’s Office, Flagler County Supervisor of Elections, and Flagler Schools, as well as the cities of Bunnell, Flagler Beach, and Palm Coast – were presented diplomas for completing this leadership development program.
DeSantis Vetoes Travis Hutson Bill That Would Have Allowed Business to Sue Cities and Counties
While the veto of the business measure (SB 620) drew praise from local-government and environmental groups, DeSantis left open the door for lawmakers to consider similar, but more targeted, legislation in the future.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Saturday, June 25, 2022
Flagler Beach farmers’ market, Grace Community Food Pantry, The leper colony of Carville, La., Joan Didion plays it as it lays.
Summer High: 5 Books on the Joys and Challenges of LGBTQ Teen and Young Adult Life
In recognition of LGBT Pride Month, Jonathan Alexander – an English professor with a scholarly interest in the interplay between sexuality and literature, and the children’s and young adult fiction section editor for the Los Angeles Review of Books, presents his “must-reads” for this summer.
ELO Meets FYO as Band’s Strange Magic Electrifies Flagler Auditorium With Flagler Youth Orchestra Saturday
The tribute band Ticket to the Moon, which formed in 2019 and took its name from an ELO song title, performs in a Saturday concert at Flagler Auditorium, bringing the band’s music to life with the aid of four teens — a string quartet from the Flagler Youth Orchestra.
Flagler Beach Misses Deadline on $739,000 Tourism Grant. It had 18 Months to Apply. And an Extension.
The Flagler Beach City Commission learned Thursday evening that the city missed out on up to $739,000 in grant funds from the Flagler County Tourist Development Council–a grant that had been available since January 2021. The city was afforded an extension. It missed that deadline too.
Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade; Florida Ban on Abortions After 15 Weeks Starts July 1
The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that established abortion as a constitutional right. In Florida, abortions after 15 weeks of gestation will be illegal starting on July 1.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Friday, June 24, 2022
Florida on Fire, at the public library, the Summer BreakSpot, Free Meals for Kids and Teens, Monday through Friday, Ruth Westheimer is still kicking, Joan Didion on morality.
Biden Thinks a Federal Gas Tax ‘Holiday’ Will Help. Not Likely.
Several states have temporarily waived their state gasoline taxes to reduce the burden on consumers. Does it help? Not substantially, other than to let politicians who feel a need to show voters they are doing something appear as if they are.
Take the ‘Internet Speed Test’ Survey
Flagler County officials are encouraging residents to take an anonymous one-minute speed test and survey to help identify opportunities for expansion of broadband services in Florida. The survey can be completed on any device and from any location.
Stray F Word and 14 Seconds of TikTok End Flagler Teacher Abbey Cooke’s Storied 13-Year Career
The 3-1 vote to fire Abbey Cooke, for a dozen year a highly rated teacher and 2017 Teacher of the Year at Belle Terre Elementary, sent a chilling message to those who would challenge the board, or those who land on any board member’s hostile radar: the slightest misstep can and will be used against them.
Again Ticketed for Speeding, Flagler Commission Chairman Joe Mullins Again Begs for Favor
The ticket is not remarkable. What’s more notable about Joe Mullins is his pattern of seeking to get out of penalties, and of reaching out to public officials to do so or invoking their names either to get out of a ticket or in attempts to get out of being adjudicated and getting points on his license, with a promise that he’d never do it again. Then he does it again.
Fentanyl Seizures Up 275 Percent, with 12 Overdose Deaths in Flagler, Sheriff Tells Fox Audience
Sheriff Rick Staly told a pre-dawn national television audience early Wednesday morning that Flagler County has had 12 deaths from drug overdoses so far this year, and that seizures of fentanyl, by volume, are up 275 percent so far this year.
U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Limits on Concealed Carry Laws, Expands Gun Rights
The court ruled that New York’s concealed carry law violates the 14th Amendment of the Constitution — a major decision that expands the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. The opinion came at the same time Congress is considering new gun control legislation following two deadly mass shootings.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Thursday, June 23, 2022
Pride Night at Daytona Tortugas, Schoolhouse Rock Live, a City Repertory Theatre production, The Palm Coast Beautification Committee hears a history of Palm Coast, Anna Akhmatova, Bob Fosse’s birthday.
Understanding the Heat Dome: Why America Is Baking
A heat dome occurs when a persistent region of high pressure traps heat over an area. The heat dome can stretch over several states and linger for days to weeks, leaving the people, crops and animals below to suffer through stagnant, hot air that can feel like an oven.
Ex-Governor Candidate Andrew Gillum Arrested on Wire Fraud, Lying and Conspiracy Charges
A 21-count indictment, delivered by a grand jury this year and unsealed Wednesday, accused Gillum and a longtime adviser, Sharon Lettman-Hicks, of illegally soliciting and obtaining money from various entities “through false and fraudulent promises and representations that the funds would be used for a legitimate purpose.”
DSC Gets $10,000 Bank of America Grant for 1,200 At-Risk Students’ Meals
Daytona State College will use a $10,000 grant from Bank of America to provide more than 1,200 meals to low-income and under-represented students who might not otherwise have access to healthy food during the school day.
On Palm Drive Near the Future Gardens Development, Flagler Beach Awakens to Stormwater Responsibility
Residents along Palm Drive in Flagler Beach have worried about flooding from the very large future development of The Gardens, now Veranda Bay, nearby, but a city commissioner found that the city has neglected to maintain the stormwater system, which itself would go a long way to mitigating waterflow issues in the future.
Seven Florida Plastic Surgeons Challenge ‘Brazilian Butt Lift’ Restrictions
Seven plastic surgeons are asking an appeals court to block a new state emergency rule that placed additional restrictions on procedures known as “Brazilian butt lifts.”
Florida Park Drive Will Be Closed to Thru Traffic for at Least 4 Months for Major Utility Work
Starting Monday, June 27, Florida Park Drive will be closed to thru traffic for at least four months to accommodate a major utility reconstruction project. Local access will still be possible. But accessing either Holland Park or most of the neighborhoods along Florida Park Drive from Palm Coast Parkway will not be possible without a wide detour.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Schoolhouse Rock Live, a City Repertory Theatre production, presents two shows at the Flagler Auditorium, when Joe Louis knocked out James Braddock, sellout culture.
Endorsements Aren’t As Influential as You Think
So far, 94 percent of Trump’s favored candidates have won their Republican primaries. But most of the candidates Trump has chosen to endorse were already on track to win their respective races.
Volusia/Flagler YMCA HYDRO4 Swim Team Places 18th in U.S.
The Volusia Flagler Family YMCA’s HYDRO4 Swim Team has been recognized as a 2022 American Swimming Coaches Association (ASCA) Top 100 Age Group Team. The team placed 18th in the USA.
DeSantis Tells Boys State Participants Not to Indulge in ‘Phony Controversies’
Gov. Ron DeSantis let delegates to Florida’s Boys State convention in on what he sees as the secret of his success in office: He determined from the first to fully understand the extent and limits of his powers to enact his agenda, he said, and to take no notice of public opinion polls.
Predator Arrested at Sheriff’s Construction Site; 20 Year Old on Probation for Attempted Murder Also Arrested
59-year-old Terry Lee Jackson, an unregistered sexual predator, was working for a subcontractor at the construction site of the new Sheriff’s Operations Center. 20-year-old Korarise Daishon Hill was on probation for an attempted murder conviction when he was 15.
A Green Lion Deal Dims as Positions Harden in Acrimony, Accusations and a Deadline
Green Lion owner Tony Marlow called Palm Coast City officials “crooks” as a council segment on a proposed lease resulted in a take-it-or-leave it offer from the city, and a 10-day deadline, or else the city will terminate the lease and seek a new vendor for the space.
2 New Cell Towers, Including on Club House Drive, Clear Palm Coast Council Hurdle, But It’s Not Over
The Palm Coast City Council today in a pair of unanimous if somewhat guarded votes approved two lease agreements with Diamond Communications to build 150-foot cell towers at the eastern edge of Royal Palms Parkway and in the heart of Club House Drive in Palm Coast.
School District’s Half-Penny Sales Surtax Renewal, for Tech and Safety, Will Be on the November Ballot
The Flagler County Commission Monday evening approved on a 4-0 vote placing a referendum on the Nov. 8 ballot to renew for the third time the school district’s half-penny sales surtax. The vote was not a surprise, though it reflects a shift from Commissioner Joe Mullins, who earlier this month was signaling opposition to the tax.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The Palm Coast City Council considers cell towers, the School Board discusses communications and the half-penny sales tax renewal, Mary McCarthy, Mike Wallace Interviews Reinhold Niebuhr.
Wiccan Celebrations and the Permanence of Change
Summer solstice, a time when the northern hemisphere will experience the maximum hours of sunlight, takes place on June 21 – and will be celebrated by followers of Wicca, a form of contemporary Paganism, with a holiday known as Litha.
Lease Negotiations Between Green Lion Café and Palm Coast Crumble Again on Eve of Council Decision
A year into the negotiations, relations between the Palm Coast city administration and the Green Lion Cafe at the city-owned Palm Harbor Golf Club have again broken down over several additional changes on the even of a scheduled City Council vote on a proposed five-year agreement with the popular restaurant.
Pay Attention, Class: CRT’s ‘Schoolhouse Rock!’ Is In Session at Flagler Auditorium
“Schoolhouse Rock Live!” will be presented by City Repertory Theatre at 7 p.m. Wednesday June 22 and Thursday June 23 at Flagler Auditorium in Palm Coast. Proceeds will benefit both City Rep and the nonprofit auditorium. The play tells the story of the teacher Jan, who is nervous as her first day of school teaching is approaching. But her nerves are calmed when she turns on “Schoolhouse Rock!” and the characters come to life to help her prepare her lessons.
Gas Prices Fall Back Below $4.80 in Palm Coast as Oil Prices Continue to Drop
Prices remain high: $4.79 a gallon along guzzlers’ alley in Palm Coast–State Road 100’s Wawa, Shell, 7-11, Circle K and two RaceTracs, with Mobil the usual exception at 6 cents higher–and $4.85-a-gallon gas or higher at stations along Palm Coast Parkway. It still costs around $72 to $75 to fill up the average gas tank.
The Daily Cartoon and Live Briefing: Monday, June 20, 2022
The Flagler County Commission meets at 5 p.m. and will discuss the school board’s plan to renew its half-penny sales surtax, Miami under water, Vincent Canby on “Jaws.”
100 Million People in America Are Saddled With Health Care Debt
In the past five years, more than half of U.S. adults report they’ve gone into debt because of medical or dental bills. A quarter of adults with health care debt owe more than $5,000. And about 1 in 5 with any amount of debt said they don’t expect to ever pay it off.
Privacy Isn’t In the Constitution. But It’s Everywhere in Constitutional Law.
For half a century, the Supreme Court has recognized privacy as an outgrowth of protections for individual liberty. This implied right is the source of many of the nation’s most cherished, contentious and commonly used rights – including the right to have an abortion.