The Flagler Beach Police Department is proud to announce that our annual “Toys for Tickets” safety campaign begins this Wednesday! Citizens who receive a written warning for a traffic infraction or a parking offense can volunteer to participate in a program that truly benefits the youth of our community. Citizen participation in this program is 100% voluntary.
Beginning on, Wednesday, November 22, 2023 and continuing through Sunday, December 31, 2023, Flagler Beach Police Department Officers, at their discretion, will be issuing “Toy Waivers” along with written warnings for non-criminal State traffic and/or City parking offenses. The “Toy Waiver” provides motorists with information on how to donate a new, unwrapped toy to the Police Department.
At the end of the campaign the Police Department will turn over all donated toys to our partner in this initiative; “Christmas Come True”.
“Christmas Come True” is a local non-profit organization, whose mission is “to add the “Merry” to everyone’s Christmas and to improve the average quality of life in the Flagler community, beginning by bringing comfort and joy to the lives of those who need it most.” Motorists who voluntarily choose to participate in the program will be instructed to drop off a new, unwrapped toy, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at our Departments front lobby, which is located at:
Flagler Beach Police Department
204 South Flagler Avenue
Flagler Beach, FL 32136
“Paying it forward during the winter holidays is important, and this campaign focuses on traffic/parking safety, while also embodying the spirit of the holidays.” stated Flagler Beach Police Chief Matt Doughney.
Chief Doughney concluded by stating, “This program had been very successful in the past and it has been very well received by our community. It’s our way of being vigilant, while “paying it forward” during the holiday season. The donated toys will undoubtedly help bring smiles to the faces of children in our community that truly need the kindness of others in order to make their holiday something special. We’re blessed to “protect and serve” in a truly generous community, with big hearts, and we’re wishing everyone a safe and joyous holiday season”.
For additional information regarding this year’s campaign, please contact Chief Doughney at (386) 517-2020.