An 11-year-old boy, a student at Bunnell Elementary School, on Friday became the fourth student in less than two weeks arrested in Flagler County on a felony charge of making a threat, and the second from Bunnell Elementary.
In the latest case, the student was singing a rap song last Wednesday as he was walking into the school’s computer lab. His teacher pulled him aside and explained to him that singing that particular song was not appropriate at school.
The incident would have likely ended there had the student complied. Instead, the student used some of his class time to search for and look at guns on the internet, and discuss guns with other students. He was removed from the classroom and “not allowed to come back until the following day,” the report states.
The school’s IT department eventually found the images and sites the student had visited. They amounted to the equivalent of four pages of handgun and ammunition searches, according to the sheriff’s office.
Again, the incident might have ended there only with the intervention and counseling of school staff–as is the case with the majority of disciplinary incidents. But the next day, when another teacher came by to pick up the student from class, the 11 year old allegedly held his iPad at the teacher and said: “I am going to shoot you up.” He continued to do so, adding gun noises, as the pair walked out of class.
By Friday, the teacher told a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy that she was “in fear and nervous” about coming to school because other staff members were not necessarily aware of what had taken place.
As was the case with the three previous incidents, two of which involved elementary-age students and one of which involved an 18-year-old student at Matanzas High School, the Bunnell juvenile was arrested and processed at the county jail, turned over to the Department of Juvenile Justice, then back to his parents, pending an appearance in juvenile court before Circuit Judge Chris France.
The first arrest in the latest rash of threats took place on Jan. 26, or 13 days ago. The arrests have exasperated Sheriff Rick Staly, who has repeatedly urged parents to take a more active, serious role in their children’s online activities and their misjudgments about jokes involving weapons. “By now, everyone should realize that if you make a threat in a school you are going to be arrested,” he said today in a release. “Parents – while we don’t like making these arrests we will make an arrest if there is probable cause. So please, talk to your kids about the seriousness of making a threat before we have to get involved! Thank you to the teacher that came forward and reported this. Remember, if you see something, say something.”

Michael Cocchiola says
I fully understand the seriousness of the situation and the teacher’s fear. But to rush these kids into the criminal justice systems as possible felons? Surely there’s another option.
I believe we’re potentially creating future criminals and not dealing responsibly with the root causes of this behavior.
Agkistrodon says
Congratulations, you have taught these children they can say and do anything and call it “art”. Then again listen to most of that “rap” art and you hear misogyny, violence, and racial epithets that I have been taught trigger some folks, when some other folks say it, but call each other that same word as if it were a term of endearment……….and then some wonder when the “pen” their own lyrics where they get it from, I’ll tell you, just look how they have made idols of the likes of JayZ, SnoopDogg, CardiB, and the rest if them that often spout, violence and the n word. Go figure eh?
Trailer Bob says
Some humans shouldn’t have children, as they are incapable of being mature mentors.
Mark says
Disgusting to think a child knows the difference or seriousness of the matter. And so you will punish the child for what the parent fails to teach or do? And if the parents cant afford the proper repersentation the child will end up with a recordn. Only human trash would think this ok to do to children
wow says
Well when he’s a grown up he can attack the American Capitol and threaten to shoot people and nothing will happen. We do have our priorities.
The Geode says
Nothing will happen? Either you haven’t been watching the news, convenient ignorant, or passive-aggressively “race-baiting”. Most likely all the above…
Born and Raised Here says
When did things turn around where students are in charge. What with these teachers. I would grab that little punk and thrown his but out in the streets, and tell him not till he wants to appreciate his teacher and the education he’s getting.
Ohrin says
It’s OK for you people on here to have an opinion or what not, but just know, these journalists print stuff that is false, the truth will be revealed and the liars should be dealt with in that same manner as you do these kids, but with severe consequences, i know all about the special privileges. If that were the case with this kid pointing his iPad at the teacher, then why didn’t the teacher that he was walking with address him, I know you teachers stick together like police do.
Steve says
Well first off he was arrested. Agree with it or not. The evidence is there. Obviously the FCSO doesnt want to arrest but is Libel to take all threats as serious. As far as Teachers to stick together who wouldnt with several threats over a few weeks at multiple Schools. I dont agree in this instance that misinformation is being passed by the Journalists. The last part of your statement I didn’t understand
Brian says
Several references to the parentS involvement in these situations. Unfortunately, as statistics will bear out, there aren’t parentS around to be involved. It is usually a single parent (mother) or no parent (grandmother) who is charged with raising these future thugs.
tired of excuses says
Single parents have been raising kids for years and not all kids do this.Times have changed but not for the better. The teachers from old school, wouldn’t have coddled their students.They would have earned their respect in class.
ASF says
These kids are screaming for help in the way that troubled kids do. Either no one is willing to listen or the help is not available to be had. Either way, we are failing these kids.