May 8 Update: Palm Coast’s Arbor Day 2013 and 5K Root Run/Walk and 1 Mile Flutter Foam Fun Run/Walk, now scheduled for Saturday, May 18, will be held at Central Park in Town Center after all. It had been rescheduled to Waterfront Park last week, to the displeasure of many. The QR Code Project Launch at Waterfront Park, originally scheduled for May 18, is being postponed until July 20 due to the change of date for Arbor Day 2013.
Arbor Day will be the full event originally planned – featuring a tree give-away (in exchange for donation of canned food or pet food), butterfly release, “green” exhibits/vendors, fun activities for children including character visits and rock-climbing wall, a QR Code nature adventure with videos made by local high school students, games and entertainment, and the runs/walks.
Arbor Day 2013 will be 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Central Park in Town Center, 975 Central Ave., Palm Coast. The park is located off State Road 100, just north of Flagler-Palm Coast High School. Admission and parking are free.
Earlier stories and updates are below.
Update: Because of heavy rain, Arbor Day, originally scheduled for May 4, was postponed until Saturday May 18, and moved from Town Center to Waterfront Park. Flagler Beach’s First Friday has also been cancelled. But Flagler Beach’s Relay for Life is still a go.
Palm Coast Is Declared Tree City for 8th Year In a Row
May 2–Palm Coast is celebrating Arbor Day 2013 on Saturday, May 4, with a day-long event featuring a tree give-away, butterfly release (at 11 a.m.), food drive, walk and run, exhibits and activities for children including a petting zoo, character visits and rock-climbing wall, all starting at 9 a.m. at Town Center. Admission and parking are free.
On Wednesday, Palm Coast announced that for the eighth straight year, it’s been been named a Tree City USA by the National Arbor Day Foundation in recognition of Palm Coast’s urban forestry program.
The city also received the Tree City USA Growth Award for the seventh time.
This year’s Arbor Day, a nationally celebrated observance that encourages tree planting and tree care, is themed around “Feed a Mouth, Get a Tree, Grow a Community.” So people can exchange canned food or pet food items for a free three-gallon native hardwood tree. Flagler Schools’ Service Learning and Innovative Teaching Expo, returning again this year, will showcase projects done by students and teachers, puppet shows, and hands-on-demonstrations and games designed for various science, technology engineering and math competitions.
The 5K Root Run or Walk begins at 8 a.m. with a 1 Mile Flutter Foam Fun Run/Walk at 8:45 a.m. New this year is a foam lane at the Finish Line. Register online here.
The Tree City USA program, sponsored by the Arbor Day Foundation in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters, provides direction, technical assistance, public attention, and national recognition for urban and community forestry programs in thousands of towns and cities that more than 135 million Americans call home.
“Palm Coast is proud of its beautiful trees and tree canopies, parks and trails, environmental education programs, and overall commitment to environmental stewardship, so we are honored to again be named a Tree City USA and receive the Tree City USA Growth Award,” Carol Bennett, Palm Coast urban forester, said. “This Saturday we will have our annual Arbor Day event, and it’s the perfect time to celebrate Palm Coast’s re-certification as a Tree City USA.”
Palm Coast was recognized as a Tree City USA for promoting environmental improvement and higher levels of tree care for citizens by enforcing a specific tree care ordinance, offering a comprehensive community forestry program, establishing a Green Team and sponsoring an Annual Arbor Day observance. The City was also named a Tree City USA Growth community based on its planning and management of wildlife resources, public relations, community education and its partnerships with the Flagler County Schools and the Florida Division of Forestry.
palmcoastpioneers says
1972 – ‘…an Approach to a New City: Palm Coast…’ by Dr. J. Norman Young and Dr. Stanley Dea.
pps. : 138 & 139
M. Tree Preservation
Studies: Vegetation on the site was mapped and categorized into nine ecological plant zones: march, Marsh Edge, Beach Scrub, Beach Hardwood, Upland Depressions, Bottom land Hardwood, Cypress, Upland Hardwood, and Pinelands. The two basic determinants for the function of the various associations are elevation ( as related to drainage) and edaphic conditions.
Solution: Palm Coast has been planned to save as much of the existing wooded areas as possible. Road grades have been set to reduce the amount of grading and clearing required. Roads are staked out and specimen trees are tagged fro saving before any clearing work begins. Commitment has been made to save a minimum of 50 trees per acre. Where trees must be removed, or where they unavoidably die in place, replanting will begin as soon as possible. A graduate professional forester who is a member of the staff will manage this program.
N. Species Preservation
Studies Plans are underway to conduct a detailed stud of the nature and number of existing flora and fauna in Palm
Page 139
Coast. The study will investigate such ecological parameters as ecological succession, diversity index, limiting growth factors, patterns of movement, etc. Of importance also will be the evaluation of methods and techniques to enhance natural properties of the land for those species which are most ideally suited for the environment of wildlife preserves, refuges, and botanical gardens to be established in the Project.
O Preservation of Natural Areas
Studies: A master plan was developed to determine the open space requirements , and all other land use requirement, of the population that will ultimately live in Palm Coast. A species study is presently underway so that the open spaces requirements of indigenous flora and fauna may be met ( See Section N above).
Solution. The establishment of over 15,000 acres of open space within the development which will meet the needs of all species living, or projected to live, within the planning area. The preservation of large tracts of open area in their natural state will be assured in order to retain the existing features which now dominate in these areas
Joe Joe says
Congrats to the city. I for one love how the city takes care of the landscaping around PC.
Magnolia says
Is there any truth to the rumor that the city is about to cut down over 300 trees to widen Palm Coast Parkway? If so, can the trees be saved?
Seems a bit hypocritical doesn’t it?
ivory says
Okay so they take care of the landscape, by ripping up the middle of Belle Terre each year and wasting loads of money constantly replacing grass, trees and plants. And the sprinkler system they put in to water all these plants replace yearly, are so turned around, they mostly water the road.
Milton says
Change is inevitable, such as cutting down trees for roads or wasting money on sprinklers. It’s amazing that people have to hop on the internet just to make negative comments. Get out of your house, go enjoy life a little! We live at the beach for crying out loud. Stop being that guy/gal who spews nothing but negative comments. Ivory, do you really know that they spend money each year on an entire sprinkler system? Are you the city employee who cuts that check every year? Are you the landscape co. that does the install? My guess is you’re neither – so, just stop w/your untruths. Big deal, the heads of the sprinklers need replacing and the road gets a bit wet – does that ruin your entire day each and every day? Go find something that brings joy to your life, instead of pushing out a bunch-O-junk on the internet. If you don’t like what the city of PC does…move. Go find that magical place where sprinkler heads never need-a-fixin’, grass grows perfectly down to each and every blade and water stay where it’s intended and not a drop lands where it shouldn’t. Just be happy, it’s not hard.
Congrats to you Joe Joe for seeing it the right way, I applaud you. Bravo!
Wendy M says
While I adore Waterfront Park, it seems that having an event of this nature (the rescheduled Arbor Day thing) will create monster headaches for parking.
Kudos to the city for all the beautiful landscaping. I know it costs more, but what it adds to the beauty of the city is immeasurable. That and the preservation of natural areas around the canal networks make this city way above average in aesthetics and ambiance.
Flagler Beach Resident says
Relay for Life has been postponed until May 17.
fla native says
I traded some canned goods for a nice White Ash tree already planted and looking good. Thank you Palm Coast.