Note: all meetings are open to the public. You’re welcome to send tips or suggestions to [email protected].
The Week’s Quick Links
- African American Cultural Society Celebration
- The Arts: Galleries, Theaters, Performing Arts
- Flagler County Commission
- Palm Coast City Council
- Flagler County Schools
- Bunnell City Commission
- Tourist Development Council
- Flagler County Historical Society
- In Tallahassee
- Last Week’s Edition
African American Cultural Society Celebration
Palm Coast’s African American Cultural Society is celebrating its 20th anniversary, and doing so in grand style. The celebration held a series of events last week, including a Family Day at Palm Coast’s Town Center and a gala dinner and dance at the cultural coeity building on U.S. 1. The celebration culminates this week with an address by former UN Ambassador Andrew Young, on Oct. 23 at 2 p.m. at Matanzas High’s Pirate Theater. For tickets to any of the events, or additional information, call the society at (386) 447-7030.
Click On:
The Arts This Week: Galleries, Theaters, Performing Arts
Hollingsworth Gallery’s “7 Cameras,” a photography exhibit featuring the works of seven artists, continues through the end of the month. The artists: href=”http://www.stevenbensonphotographer.com/”>Steven Benson, Dan Biferie, Nik Clements, Jennifer Kaczmarek, Mercedez McCartney, A.J. Neste and Mark Townsend. Read a review of the show. The gallery is located at City Marketplace behind Walmart, 160 Cypress Point Pkwy., Suites 209B & 210B (upstairs northeast corner). Call 386/871-9546 or 386/237-9988.
The Flagler County Art League‘s new show, “The Animal Kingdom,” continues through the end of the month. The show features works in various media themed around animals, with miniature art and photography along with featured retrospectives of the works of Ernie Baudhuin and the drawings of Anna Lokshina. The Flagler County Art League is also located at City Marketplace behind Walmart, 160 Cypress Point Pkwy. Call 386/986-4668 for details.
Flagler Beach’s Gallery of Local Art (GOLA), is featuring the works of Jan Obendorfer. A note from GOLA: “Jan is a local girl, native to the Daytona Beach area, who grew up just two blocks from the beach. Her love for art first became apparent while studying under Nina Masters at Seabreeze High School, and continued to grow while taking classes at Daytona State College, which was DBJC at that time! Before Jan graduated from college, Eastern airlines offered her a glamorous career as a flight attendant, and for 15 years, Jan traveled around the world serving coffee. While living and working in several areas of the eastern part of the United States, Jan’s art had to take the back burner to an even greater adventure, raising a family. Jan’s three grown children are now living in three different states pursuing their own adventurous lives. Jan & her wonderful husband, Charles stay very busy feeding their travel bug in the summers by visiting family.”
Click On:
- Dares From the Familiar From 7 Photographers at Hollingsworth Gallery’s Latest Show
- Hollingsworth Gallery Website
- Flagler County Art league Website
- Gallery of Local Arts Website
The Flagler County Commission meets Monday at 5 p.m. in the main chamber of the Government Services Building in Bunnell. On tap: possible action on a $67,000, 3-year contract with a web design and hosting service–for the Tourist Development Council. The item is on the commission’s consent agenda–the portion of the agenda that doesn’t get discussed, but gets approved wholesale, unless a commissioner pulls the item for discussion. The contract was bid out; eight firms responded. The award, by county staff’s tabulation, is going to the third-lowest bidder (the first two lowest having not met requirements of the bid). None of the companies were local. They hailed from Kansas, Missouri, Orlando, Sarasota, Georgia, St. Petersburg and New York.
The Palm Coast City Council meets on Tuesday, Oct. 18, at 9 a.m. at the Palm Coast Community Center on Palm Coast Parkway. The council will discuss and likely take action on not-necessarily-sexy items: building a $317,000 maintenance building and pavilion at the Indian Trails Sports Complex, approving a half-million dollar contract with Bellomo-Herbert & Co. to design and permit the Long Creek Nature Preserve, approving the city’s new parks fee structure (minus its contentious and unresolved fees on youth leagues that use athletic fields), and other items the council has discussed already.
The Flagler County School Board holds two meetings Tuesday, Oct. 18: a workshop at 4 p.m., and its regular meeting at 6 p.m.. At the 4 p.m. workshop, the board, which can’t seem to leave well enough alone, will once again take on the matter of school uniforms, even though the district’s own research has shown that dress-code violations are a minor matter in schools. This time the initiative is John Fischer, the board’s newest member–and possibly its swing vote in favor of uniforms. The district has a dress code, of course, but this would be stricter. The board will also consider adopting a stricter wellness plan. The Carver Youth Advisory Council will be recognized at 6 p.m., during the board’s traditional “spotlight” segment.
Click On:
- Uniforms in Flagler Schools? Data Show Dress-Code Violations To Be a Negligible Issue
- Alachua School Uniforms: A Good Fit?
- Bill Maxwell Supports School Uniforms
The city commission isn’t holding a business meeting, but it will have a workshop on Monday, Oct. 17, at 6 p.m., to discuss its water treatment plant.
The council holds its monthly meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at 9 a.m. at the Government Services Building in Bunnell. On the agenda: a curious end-run from the City of Palm Coast, which is requesting $5,000 from the TDC to subsidize the half-marathon in January organized by Dean Reinke. Reinke is a controversial figure in the field with a trail of checkered deals behind him. The TDC has refused to award money to Reinke on three occasions in the past year, including, most recently, a $10,000 request last July. Palm Coast may be figuring that if Reinke’s reputation doesn’t sit well with the council, maybe the city’s pinch-hitting for him might do the trick. Unfortunately, little additional background is available at the moment, the TDC material on the meeting, usually posted the previous week, having not yet made it onto the TDC website. Stay tuned.
Click On:
- Despite Evidence, Palm Coast Hooks Up With Marathon Promoter With Troubled History
- More Trouble for Palm Coast Marathon Promoter Dean Reinke: Sued in Federal Court
- Citing Deception, Council Rejects Reinke’s $10,000 Request for Palm Coast Half-Marathon
Flagler County Historical Society

The Flagler County Historical Society (FCHS) will hold its quarterly meeting on Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, 55 Town Center Blvd., Palm Coast. PCHS member Jim Massfeller will present a power-point program on the current restorations underway of an original section of the King’s Highway in northern Flagler County. Cost for the dinner which includes gratituity is $20. Meeting notices will be mailed to FCHS members today (Saturday, 8 Oct 2011).
The American Association of Univeristy Women (AAUW) and the Flagler County Historical Society (FCHS) will hold a luncheon to honor Pioneer Women of Flagler County at the old Bunnell City Hall, 200 S Church Street on Saturday, November 12, 2011 at 12:00 noon. Cost will be $20 per person with the proceeds to be divided between the two organizations for their respective Scholarship Funds. “I know not the state of the AAUW Scholarship Fund,” historical society archivist Sisco Deen writes, “however the FCHS Scholarship Fund has a balance of $9,000 after the award of a $1,000 scholarship to Krista Roy this year. Krista is attending the University of Central Florida.” Photo of Krista, her Mom and FCHS president Mary Ann Clark is below.
Luncheon tickets must be paid for in advanced. If you are not a FCHS member, tickets can be obtained through the AAUW which may be contacted by calling (386) 585-5564. FCHS members will be mailed invitations near the end of October and will be able to purchase their tickets by mail which will be given to them at the door.

The Legislature returns this week, with redistricting and budget meetings, as well as hearings on actual bills in a few committees. Few of the most controversial issues are ready to be discussed, and committees are still in the period where they’re hearing a lot of presentations from the agencies they oversee.
Gov. Rick Scott and the Cabinet, meanwhile, will be leaving town. They meet Tuesday at Cape Canaveral.
SUNDAY, OCT. 16, 2011
FASANO ON POLITICAL CONNECTIONS: State Sen. Mike Fasano, R-New Port Richey, is the guest on Bay News 9’s Political Connections on Sunday with Al Ruechel and Adam Smith. The main topic will be property insurance rates, particularly in sinkhole areas. Ruechel and Smith will also look back at President Obama’s visit this week to Florida and the recent Republican presidential debate and ask how important it is to vote along party lines. (Sunday, 11 a.m., Bay News 9 in the Tampa Bay area.)
INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS: Gov. Rick Scott will attend and address the World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems. (Sunday, 5:30 p.m., Orange County Convention Center, 9800 International Dr., Orlando.)
MONDAY, OCT. 17, 2011
MEDICAID COSTS TALLIED: The Social Services Estimating Conference will revise estimates of Medicaid expenditures, a key issue in the state budget. (Monday, 9 a.m., 117 Knott Building, the Capitol.)
PUTNAM GOES BACK TO SCHOOL: Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam will join students and teachers at Mill Creek Elementary School in St. Augustine on Monday to learn more about how they are improving the nutritional value of school lunches. Putnam will meet with Elizabeth Binninger, Director of Food and Nutrition for the St. John’s County School District and eat lunch with Mill Creek students. (Monday, 11 a.m., Mill Creek Elementary, 3750 International Golf Parkway, St. Augustine.)
HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE ON HOUSE REDISTRICTING: After two hearings summarizing public input from hearings held around the state this summer, committee members begin to consider how to draw the state’s House districts. (Monday, 1:15 p.m., 404 House Office Building)
HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE ON SENATE REDISTRICTING: After two hearings summarizing public input from hearings held around the state this summer, committee members begin to consider how to draw the state’s Senate districts. (Monday, 1:15 p.m., 17 House Office Building)
SENATE COMMERCE AND TOURISM: Senate Commerce and Tourism will hear presentations from Enterprise Florida President and CEO Gray Swoope and its new role under recently passed legislation and reorganization of the state’s economic development arm. Members will also be briefed on efforts to commercialize public research. (Monday, 1:30 p.m., 401 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT: The Senate Transportation Committee hears from state highway safety officials on red light camera enforcement, and a controversial law allowing tickets that has some drivers and lawmakers seeing red. The panel will take public testimony after reviewing technological aspects of the camera-ticketing operations. (Monday, 1:30 p.m., 37 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
COMMITTEE TO VET “VET” BILL: The Senate Regulated Industries Committee will take a look at SB 228, a proposal by Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, to set rules for veterinary immunization clinics. The panel will then hear a presentation on Florida Lottery games and compulsive gambling rehab programs for college athletes and military veterans. (Monday, 2 p.m., 110 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
JOINT LEGISLATIVE AUDITING: The Joint Legislative Auditing Committee gets an update on entities it took action against this year for failing to file financial reports. The panel will also hear from the Governor’s Office of Inspector General, the Department of Financial Services and the Department of Economic Opportunity. The panel also discusses recommendations for Transparency Florida, the state portal for putting information online. (Monday, 3:45 p.m., 309 Capitol.)
HOUSE SUBCOMMITTEE ON CONGRESSIONAL REDISTRICTING: After two hearings summarizing public input from hearings held around the state this summer, committee members begin to consider how to draw the state’s Congressional districts. (Monday, 3:45 p.m., 404 House Office Building)
TUESDAY, OCT. 18, 2011
SPACE (COAST) A FINAL FRONTIER: The Senate Military Affairs, Space and Domestic Security Committee takes a look at bill to expand Community Redevelopment Act eligibility to former military bases. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Larcenia Bullard, has already been approved by the Senate Community Affairs Committee and is expected to be fast tracked. The panel will also hear interim reports, including a study looking at ways to steer student veterans to science, math and technology degrees. (Tuesday, 8:30 a.m., 37 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
CABINET TO RENDEZ-VOUS ON SPACE COAST: The governor and Cabinet are on the road this week, meeting at Cape Canaveral to highlight the region’s economic potential following the era of the space shuttle. They’ll get a presentation on state efforts to fill the black hole brought on by the end of the shuttle program. The new Department of Economic Opportunity is slated to give a briefing on Kennedy Center redevelopment efforts while Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll briefs the Cabinet on Space Florida. The panel also considers approval of more than $29 million in housing bonds and gets a 2012 legislative preview by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. (Tuesday, 9 a.m., Kennedy Space Center, Debus Center, State Road 405, Cape Canaveral.)
UTILITY REGULATION ALL THE BUZZ: The House Energy & Utilities Subcommittee will take part in discussions about the regulation of investor-owned, municipal and rural electric utilities. (Tuesday, 9 a.m., 212 Knott Building, the Capitol.)
HOUSE CRIM JUSTICE LOOKS AT DRUGS: The House Criminal Justice Subcommittee takes up a handful of bills including a trio of measures relating to drug abuse and rehabilitation. One (HB 177), calls for the Department of Corrections to create a re-entry program for nonviolent offenders. Another bill (HB 183) would require pre-trial drug treatment assistance for some misdemeanor offenses. A third measure (HB 125) provides protections from prosecution for persons who assist to prevent drug overdoses or drug users who turn themselves in to emergency health care providers during an apparent overdose. Also before the committee is a bill (HB 189) filed this past week that requires people who pirate audio recordings to pay restitution to the original artists or owners of the master recording. (Tuesday, 9 a.m., 404 House Office Building, The Capitol.)
CRIM JUSTICE HEARS BILL TO LET DJJ PAY FOR FUNERALS WHEN DETAINEES DIE: The House Criminal Justice Subcommittee also holds the first hearing on a bill (HB 173) that would definitively give the Department of Juvenile Justice the authority to pay funeral expenses in some cases if a child dies in the agency’s custody. The bill follows the death this past summer of Eric Perez in a juvenile lock-up in Palm Beach County, and the initial refusal of the state’s chief financial officer, Jeff Atwater, to pay for his funeral expenses. The Miami Herald reported in July on an email to DJJ from the CFO’s chief of auditing, Mark Merry, that said DJJ didn’t have statutory authority to make such payments, even though the agency had a policy in the past of doing so. Perez, 18, died July 10 at a West Palm Beach detention center. His burial expenses were $7,600. Eventually, the state paid Perez’ family $5,000 toward the funeral expenses, DJJ spokesman C.J. Drake said Friday. But the bill, sponsored by Rep. Ray Pilon, R-Sarasota and Rep. John Patrick Julien, D-North Miami Beach, would make it clear that the agency’s policy is legal, Drake said. Payment of such expenses would only be allowed under the bill when the youth’s parents or guardians are indigent and when there’s no other source of funding available. (Tuesday, 9 a.m., 404 House Office Building, The Capitol.)
ERA ADVOCATED: Senate Democratic Leader Nan Rich, D-Weston, and Rep. Lori Berman, D-Delray Beach, will hold a press availability Tuesday on their legislation (HCR 8003, SCR 286) that would make Florida ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Later Tuesday, there will be a rally on the Old Capitol steps. (Availability: Tuesday, 9 a.m., 228 Senate Office Building, The Capitol. Rally: 5 p.m., Old Capitol.)
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION CONSIDERS VPK STANDARDS: The State Board of Education will consider whether to adopt new, rigorous standards for voluntary pre-kindergarten programs. The board will also hear a proposal to change competency requirements for teacher certification exams and weigh approval of new bachelor’s degree at state colleges. Commissioner Gerard Robinson will also update the board on the schools on “intervene” status. (Tuesday, 9 a.m., Miami Edison Senior High School, 6161 NW 5th Court, Miami, Florida.)
PSC WADES INTO WATER AND WASTEWATER: The Florida Public Service Commission will consider several issues, including two water and wastewater cases from Polk County. (Tuesday, 9:30 a.m., Betty Easley Conference Center, 4075 Esplanade Way, Tallahassee.)
CRISIS STABILIZATION BEDS, PSYCHOTROPIC DRUG UPDATE: The Senate Children, Families and Elder Affairs Committee will hear updates on the Department of Children and Families’ use of psychotropic drugs. The panel also hears interim reports on crisis stabilization units and the state’s forensic mental health system. (Tuesday, 10:45 a.m., 401 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
JUSTICE REFORM: Florida Tax Watch will brief the Senate Criminal Justice Committee on cost savings that can be attained through criminal and juvenile justice reform efforts. The panel will also review state law on drug free zone enforcement and vocational training programs for youthful offenders. (Tuesday 10:45 a.m., 37 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
ELECTRONIC FILING AND THE COURTS: The Senate Judiciary Committee will hear presentations on issues related to electronic filing of court documents, which has required since 2009. It will consider a Senate memorial (SM 240) by Sen. Greg Evers, R-Bakers, calling on the federal government to limit its power. (Tuesday, 10:45 a.m., 110 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
HOUSE CIVIL JUSTICE: The House Civil Justice Committee takes up HB 103 dealing with transfer of tax liability, HB 4047 related to judicial census commissions and HB 4049 related to veteran’s guardianship. (Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., 404 House Office Building, The Capitol.)
LOTTERY ADVERTISING DISCUSSED: The Lottery’s strategy to advertise and promote lottery games and its current marketing strategies will be discussed by the House Government Operations Subcommittee. (Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., 306 House Office Building, The Capitol.)
WHERE’S THE MAP?: The Senate Reapportionment Committee will consider statewide maps submitted by senators, civil rights groups and the public as it prepares to draw its own maps for new political boundaries. The committee will also look at scenarios for new boundaries in Northeast and central congressional and state Legislative districts. (Tuesday 2 p.m., 412 Knott Building, The Capitol.)
WEDNESDAY, OCT. 19, 2011
HOUSE PANEL LOOKS AT CBCS: The House Health & Human Services Access Subcommittee will hear a presentation about community-based care in the child-welfare system. (Wednesday, 9 a.m., 12 House Office Building, the Capitol.)
TRESPASSING, GROWTH AND SPECIAL DISTRICTS: The Senate Community Affairs Committee takes up bills including SB 156 by Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, which provides tax assessment limitations on values increased because of improvements to wind resistance and renewable energy improvements. Another measure, SB 192 by Sen. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, sets out rules for the merger, dissolution and creation of special districts. (Wednesday, 9 a.m., 412 Knott Building, the Capitol.)
LEAGUE TO ANNOUNCE 2012 VOTING DRIVE: The League of Women Voters of Florida will unveil its strategy for boosting voter participation in the 2012 elections at an Orlando event. The league says it is teaming up with Microsoft and supervisors of elections from various Florida counties to make voting as accessible and convenient as possible. (Wednesday 11:30 a.m., Orange County Supervisor of Elections Office, 119 W. Kaley Ave, Orlando.)
STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT UPDATE: The Senate Environmental Preservation and Conservation Committee will hear and update from the Department of Environmental Protection to establish a statewide environmental resource permit, a move backers say will help cut red tape and delays in economic development endeavors. The panel will also consider a series of proposed bills including SB 7006, which provides some liability protections for landowners who open their tracts to hunting and other recreational uses. (Wednesday, 12:30 p.m., 110 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
JUVENILE JUSTICE EDUCATION: The Senate Education Pre-K-12 Committee hears an interim project on education programs delivery in the Department of Juvenile Justice. The panel also will hear presentations on education programs by Vicki Lopez Lukis, an authority on girls in the juvenile justice system and prisoner reentry in Florida and Michael Thompson, director of the Council of State Governments Justice Center. (Wednesday, 12:30 p.m., 301 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
HEALTH BUDGET SCALPEL SHARPENED: The House Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee will hear ideas about budget cuts at the Agency for Health Care Administration and the Department of Children and Families. (Wednesday, 1:30 p.m., 212 Knott Building, the Capitol.)
UNEMPLOYMENT COMP: The House Business and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee gets a presentation on unemployment compensation, and another from Enterprise Florida on International Trade. It also considers a contracting bill (HB 4033) and a measure (HB 4045) dealing with the beverage law. (Wednesday, 1:30 p.m., 102 House Office Building, The Capitol.)
HOUSE TRANSPORTATION AND HIGHWAY SAFETY: The committee hears several bills, including HB 33 dealing with the length of time between changes on red lights, and a number of mostly technical measures. (Wednesday, 1:35 p.m., 306 House Office Building, The Capitol.)
SWEARING IN CEREMONY FOR SEN. GIBSON: The Senate will welcome its newest member at a ceremony in the Senate chamber. The body will welcome Sen. Audrey Gibson, D-Jacksonville, who replaces fellow Democrat Tony Hill and will represent voters in Senate District 1. Gibson won a special election after Hill resigned his position to take a new job with the Mayor of Jacksonville. (Wednesday, 3 p.m., Senate Chamber, The Capitol.)
SCOTT’S AGENDA PRESENTED: The House Economic Affairs Committee on Wednesday hears from the Scott administration on the governor’s job creation and economic growth agenda. (Wednesday, 4:30 p.m., 102 House Office Building, The Capitol.)
GOVERNMENT EFFICIENCY TASK FORCE: The advisory panel takes up a series of issues including business regulation and licensing requirements. The panel will hear from staff on one-stop registration efforts and a report from Tarren Bragdon, president and CEO of Foundation for Government Accountability, a Naples-based group that describes itself as a free market think tank. (Wednesday, 6:15 p.m., 401 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
THURSDAY, OCT. 20, 2011
WATER PROPOSALS: The House Select Committee on Water Policy will meet to discuss a potential slate of recommendations to send to lawmakers in preparation for the 2012 session. Created in December by House Speaker Dean Cannon, the committee is considering recommendations on consumptive use permits and how to divvy out the increasingly precious resource. (Thursday, 8:45 a.m., 404 House Office Building, The Capitol.)
HOUSE FINANCE AND TAX COMMITTEE: The committee will get a preview of the governor’s jobs package that was unveiled this week in Orlando and elsewhere across the state. Scott’s plan calls for a mixture of tax breaks and other incentives, while boosting requirements for unemployment compensation recipients. Committee members will also get a briefing by the Department of Revenue on new property tax oversight and other tax administration for 2012. (Thursday, 10:30 a.m., 17 House Office Building, The Capitol.)
SUPREME COURT OPINIONS: The Florida Supreme Court releases its regular opinions. (11 a.m.)
MEASURING THE IMPACTS: The Revenue Estimating Conference will hold a so-called Impact Conference to discuss the costs of legislation. (Thursday, 1:30 p.m., 117 Knott Building, the Capitol.)
FINANCE AND TAX: The Senate F&T Committee gets briefed on interim projects including a review of the capital tax investment credit program, excise tax on other tobacco products and an update on property tax issues. (Thursday, 10:45 a.m., 301 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
SENATE BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEES MEET: A host of Senate budget subcommittees will convene to hear presentations. No substantive bills are scheduled to be heard but the panels will get updates on funding priorities for agencies and policy areas. Here’s what’s up in the subcommittees:
– HIGHER EDUCATION: The budget panel will hear presentations on the college accreditation process, the 2 + 2 baccalaureate program and adult education block tuition proposals. (Thursday, 8:30 a.m., 412 Knott Building, The Capitol)
-TRANSPORTATION, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: The committee will hear budget requests from the Department of State and the Department of Military Affairs while being briefed by state highway safety officials on the merger of the office of Motor Carrier Compliance. (Thursday, 8:30 a.m., 110 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
-CRIMINAL AND CIVIL JUSTICE: The committee will go through budget cutting exercises with a number of state public safety agencies including the Department of Corrections, the Department of Juvenile Justice, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Department of Legal Affairs. (Thursday, 10:45 a.m., 37 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
-EDUCATION PRE-K-12: The committee takes up charter school accountability, traditional school flexibility and gets an update on school enrollment from the latest estimating conference. (Thursday, 10:45 a.m., 412 Knott Building, The Capitol.)
– GENERAL GOVERNMENT: The General Government Budget Subcommittee will review cost savings proposals from a number of state agencies including the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Agriculture, the Office of Insurance Regulation, the Public Service Commission and the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. (Thursday, 10:45 a.m., 401 Senate Office Building, The Capitol.)
FULL BUDGET COMMITTEE: The Senate Budget Committee officially gets the bad news that previous economic estimates were too rosy and revenue collections for next 20 months will be off by about $1.5 million. Meanwhile, critical program costs continue to rise, which means the state will again face a budget gap. A House estimate made earlier in October suggests that budget writers may be about $2 billion short of funding critical programs and maintaining a reserve. One of those costs, health care, will be a separate topic of discussion as the panel is updated on options for health care across the state. (Thursday, 2 p.m., 412 Knott Building, The Capitol.)
FRIDAY, OCT. 21, 2011
ETHICS COMMISSION DELVES INTO DEPUY: The Florida Commission on Ethics will take up a series of cases, including a long-running controversy about former Leon County Commissioner Ed DePuy. (Friday, 8:30 a.m., Florida Department of Transportation auditorium, 605 Suwannee St., Tallahassee.)
FUTURE OF PUBLIC HOSPITALS PROBED: The Commission on Review of Taxpayer Funded Hospital Districts will continue discussing whether changes should be made in Florida’s public hospitals. (Friday, 10 a.m., Agency for Health Care Administration, 2727 Mahan Drive, Building 3, Tallahassee.)
SEPTEMBER UNEMPLOYMENT: The Agency for Workforce Innovation releases data on unemployment for September in Florida. In August, the state’s unemployment rate was 10.7 percent. (Friday, 10 a.m.)
–Tallahassee calendar Compiled by the News Service of Florida.
Nancy N. says
I’d like to invite anyone who wants to stop the school board from costing parents money and aggravation on pointless uniforms for no proven benefit to visit my website http://www.stopflagleruniforms.blogspot.com to learn the facts about the research behind uniform policies, and also join me at the board’s meetings on Tuesday to make sure your voice is heard. Don’t let your silence be taken as assent to this madness by the board!
palmcoaster says
TDC has to be fair and approve the $5,000 request from City of Palm Coast to support the Half Marathon Race. Last Jabuary that physical fitness event “was a success” with participants paying a fee to enter the race and in spite of the unusual cold and of Mr. Reinke organizer bad wrap around publicity.. Then I read Mr. Reinke advertising the event thru his network, like I never see TDC thru Peggy Hiser advertising anything around.
In the past TDC has approved as much as $150,000 to the Ginn Golf Tournament and $60,000 to the bikers event held at Thunder Gulch campsites (Seibel’s owned) both of these resorts have their representatives seating at the TDC Board …? Those two mentioned events only brought occupancy and revenue to the two resorts.
This Half Marathon running event, originally only requested $10,000 and was denied several times. Is TDC being bias here? They only support “some events with huge grants” and denied support for a physical fitness event that brought in 400 participants plus family and friends to Palm Coast ?
Lets hope this time fairness prevails with TDC Board and its chair, I still believe is Ms Holland and not only support with 5,000 but 10,000 the event. Many local and ignored athletes that win races within and all around other Counties, as well as local residents participate in this race and deserve to be supported as well, even they do not play Golf or ride Harley’s. Take in serious account that Physical Fitness promotes Good Health and no need of fancy alcoholic cocktail parties or a Sundancer sailing for it.
So far as I know the Palm Coast Hotels also fund TDC out of which over $800,000 grant go to the hands of Peggy Heiser Tourism VP for TDC/Chamber to …oh yeah…attract tourism…Can elaborate who really gets paid and for what?
palmcoaster says
@TDC and County ED …what about some fair support with this TDC 4% bed tax grants distribution for “Economic Development thru All Sports”
Jim Guines says
Nancy N. says
Oh but Jim…here’s the irony: our state’s correctional officers usually only carry mace to do their jobs. Our school resource officers apparently feel the need to be better armed to control kids than correctional officers need to be to control convicted felons.
Angela says
To Nancy N.
I checked your site regarding school uniforms and the one thing I noticed were the two studies you posted are extremely outdated. Additionally, after about 5-10 minutes of researching one can find there are plenty of more recent studies that advocate BOTH in support of and not in support of school uniforms.
Personally, I’m in support of them. Always have been, always will be.
Nancy N. says
Angela, I would love to see those studies because I can’t find any that actually definitively support the fact that uniforms have the effects that people claim they do.
If you are talking about the study done in the Long Beach USD, even the author of that study says that the study doesn’t prove that uniforms had any positive effects on the students or the schools since the study doesn’t prove a causal relationship between the uniforms and the statistical changes that were recorded, just that the uniforms happened at the same time as the statistical changes. The district instituted some other changes in their schools (19 in all) at the same time as the uniforms were brought in that are most likely the cause of the statistical changes that occurred, not the uniforms.
Liana G says
Angela, I too am in favor of school uniform. I recently did a group presentation on this and did find a lot of research supporting and opposing this policy.
For the past two years, I spent a lot of time in both middle and high school classrooms. Apart from the daisy duke shorts revealing butt cheeks and low cut body hugging tops spilling over excesses by well endowed young ladies, there were the short jersy type skirt and dresses that were constantly being pulled down by the self conscious few, and then there’s the pants on the ground that I have seen happen.
There was this one situation that I can still clearly remember. A young lady dressed in blue capris and a t-shirt asked to go to the bathroom; when she returned she was dressed in white jeansbut the same top. She then reached into her bag and took out a belt to wear which seemed to take forever. Meanwhile, it seemed like entire class was distracted watching her, some made comments. The teacher throughout the entire process was oblivious to the entire scene. I have a daughter in high school and two in middle school and they do not take extra clothes to school, unless required for some at school event – drama, chorous, etc.
Angela says
Like i said, I did a simple google search taking all of 5-10 minutes. I didn’t have a ton of time to dedicate to is seeing as this is my first opportunity to even respond to your post. Additionally, the one thing I’ve learned about statistics is that they can be manipulated to get any answer you’re looking for.
When I had the time to do research on uniforms (the last time this subject came up) I found plenty of research reflecting uniforms in a positive light, not a negative one.
Again, I am in favor of school uniforms. Always have been, always will be. Also, I’m not buying the argument that they’re more expensive causing parents to buy “2 wardrobes”. I know plenty of people who have children who attend schools that require they wear a uniform and never have they once experienced the need for two wardrobes. It’s a ploy used by people who aren’t in favor of uniforms to scare people thinking they’re going to have to spend more money.
@ Liana, I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets it. :o)